CSI Miami Therapy

Yeah, Doctor Patient relationship, everything VERY discreet. Ha! Maybe he'll go insane and lose his job. And if he IS in therapy... i wonder if Yelina knows? LOL

I hope so! Please update soon! I really want something major to happen!

Eric: WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LIKE ME?? *pulls out gun, puts to temple*
Cal: Ryan no! *tackles*

Ooo what will happen? Who was shot? WAS someone shot? Stay tuned kids...

JK. :lol:
Hey guys
Just dropping to let you know I won't be updating today. Stupid F'ing doctor's appointment...
But I probably will be tomorrow. Also, when I go back to school it'll be like a few updates a week. *sigh* Sorry!
See you all here tomorrow!
Yeah, I have this stupid ass cold. :( Anyways, to the good stuff!


Dr. J: Ok, all. the next game we're gonna play is called the Nice Game.

E: *snorts*

Dr. J:...we're going to go around and say one nice thing about each person. Pretty simple. Ok?

Everyone: *nods*

Dr. J: Well, Alexx, you can start.

A: Me? Ok. Well, Calleigh- you're beautiful, you're great with bullets, and honey I've never met anyone who can be cheery on a Monday.

C: *smiles*

A: Ryan...you're funny, you're sweet, and sensitive. And you're very reliable.

R: Thanks, Alexx.

E: *rolls eyes*

A: Eric...you're...a good CSI, a good cop, and a great friend.

E: Thanks Alexx.

A: Horatio- you're the meanest shot in Miami, you're a gaurdian angel to me, and you always seem to be there whenever anything goes wrong. Or whenever I just want to see you.

H: *smiles* Thank you, Alexx.

Dr. J: Alexx, that was wonderful. Calleigh, you're up.

C: Ok. Alexx, you're like a mother to us- you always know what to say to cheer me ip.

A: *smiles* Thank you, baby.

C: Ryan- you're real cute, very sweeat, and as Alexx said- reliable. I always know I can count on you.

R: Thanks, Cal. You too.

C: Eric...I would trust you with my life, Eric. You're such a great friend, and partner, as Alexx said.

E: Thanks Cal.

C: Horatio...oh boy. Horatio, you're the most honest, good natured, protective, sweet, trusting friend and boss I could ever ask for. You're always so strong for the rest of us...even with your own life to worry about.

H: Thank you Calleigh. It means a lot to me. *smiles*

Dr. J: Calleigh, that was great! Ryan, it's your turn.

R: Alright. Alexx- I know I can come to you for anything, or with anything, I need- like Cal said, you're like the mother of this team.

A: Thanks, Ryan.

R: Ok, Cal. You sure know your guns...you're always cheery, and can find something amazingly great in the worst of situations. You remind me that the world isn't such a bad place after all, which is hard to do with our jobs.

C: *smiles* Wow. Thanks Ryan.

R: Eric...you're... a good CSI, you... look, I know from everyone else you're a great friend. Eric, please- I really want to be your friend. And then- I bet I could come up with a million things to love about you!

E: *looks up*

R: Horatio- wow, I haven't known you for too long, but already I see how much of a hero you are, and you really are like an idol to me. From the day you hired me I knew I was going to love working for you. I know that as I grow into the team I'll see how much of a hero and a great, amazing guy you really are.

H: Thanks Wolfe. And you know, that's one of the reasons I hired you- that and the fact that you clean your gun constantly- you're the kind of man who knows what's right.

R: Wow. Thanks, Horatio.

Dr. J: Great job, Ryan. You really put that well. Eric- it's your turn.

E: Do I have to?

Dr. J: Eric...

Everyone: *encourages Eric*

C: Eric, it makes you realize how much you take people for granted, and the really good things in people. Honestly, I though this game stuff was childish and bogus until I tried it.

E: Fine. Alexx, I agree with everyone else. You're like the string that holds us together- and you're the most rational one. And, you're brilliant.

A: *smiles. Thanks, baby. It means a lot.

E: Ok, Calleigh- you're the only girl I know who can even handle a gun, let alone be an expert- and you make us guys look like sissys sometimes. You're really independant, and cheerful, as everyone else said.

C: Thanks, Eric.

E: Wolfe...if anyone...had to...replace Speedle...I'm glad it was someone like you.

R: *smiles* Really?

E:...sure, I guess.

R: Thanks, Eric. You have no idea how much it means.

E: And H- man I've never had a better boss. You know what's right like, in the face of any situation, and you're willing to put yourself in danger to help others. I always try to be like you H. You're like more than the ideal- I have to agree with Wolfe- you're a hero. You're the most incredible boss, and partner, I've ever had the pleasure to work with. You're always there for me, and I hope one day I'll be able to repay the favor.

H: Wow. Thank you, Eric.

Dr. J: Eric, I'm proud of you. Great job! Horatio, you're up.

H: Too bad you all know eachother so well, there's not much left to say. Alexx- I don't know how you do what you do but the way you do it is amazing, and I don't think I'll meet a better doctor or coroner or any medical professional as long as I live.

A: *smiles*

H: Ok, Cal- you're my bullet girl, always strong in any situation, and tough- I always can count on you the same way I'd count on someone like Eric in any situation.

C: Thanks, Horatio.

H: Mr. Wolfe- I knew from the moement I hired you, you were the one. you're smart, strong, kind, caring, and you have good morals. And, I like the fact that you're gun is clean enough to lick. And whilest everyone has already said it, I'll say it again- you're extremely reliable.

R: Wow. Thanks, H.

E: *chuckles*

H: Eric- what you said to me, right back at you. I've known you for so long and while I keep fiding out new things about you I always will trust you with my life, in any situation. You're my partner.

E: Thanks, H.

Dr. J: Great, Horatio. I hope you all see how when you think about it, each and every one of you is a unique and incredible person with wonderful qualities that really contribute to this group and make it what it is! You all are amazing people, and you all should be proud of who you are. The next game now...

Next session: CSI team, third game.

Well? Feedback please, since it took me forever to write this one, and I really would like to hear what you think! Thanks, and I hopefully will be back with more tomorrow (getting busy, I leave for Washington DC next Sat. and will be back the following Friday, so theres a week gone, and then the next Monday...ugg back to school.)
See you all tomorrow, and I look forward to reading the feedback! Thanks all!
Lilly :)
This was soooooooo interesting! Finally someone gets into their heads, I was waiting so long for this. I love it, I love the fact that my girl Alexx has a secret, one apparently that has something to do with Speed (I'm taking a shot in the dark about that.) And I love how everyone is finally getting it out in the open about Tim's dea- wait, he's not dead...His absence... that sounds sooooooooo much better.

Anyways, the group thing was a clever way to go about it. It simply amazes me how much Ryan is despised by Eric...not really, just thougth I would be nice and say something like that...

Lily, this is great! Can't wait to read more

Ahhhh...thanks, Anni. *gives hugs, then remembers RT thread and gives brownies too* Welcome to therapy!
See you all tomorrow. *goes to sleep*

Well, it's tomorrow. (huh...) So here's the third game. Get out the tissues (not really...) :D I used Speedisms for this one (funny quotes or situations regarding Speed) since I didn't want to make up any for the team. :)


Dr. J: This next game isn't going to be especially easy for all of you, and Ryan- you can't participate, but it's going to be worth it, and in the end it'll make you all happy.

E: *groans* It's about Speed, isn't it?

Dr. J: Yes.

E; *rolls eyes*

Dr. J: We're going to say one thing, one memory, funny, sweet, or even sad, but preferably a happy memory- about Tim. Something that you remember about him that was a really great thing. OK?

Everyone: *nods*

Dr. J: Ok, Alexx, you can start.

A: Do I always have to start? This whole time I've been the one starting each game, and I'd appreciate it is someone elase would start.

Dr. J: Ok. Anyone want to start?

C: I will. Ok, well remember Hurricane Anthony, everyone? Well after we had solved this case where a couple fleeing their home for shelter had murdered someone- well, the guy, at least- and we discovered this because of a man fleeing the Mob smashing into their car, and after I explained this to Speed and Eric in the break room, Speed was all bewildered, and it was so funny to see him laugh at the logic. He always would say something that just had to make me laugh.

E: Yeah, Speed was quite the comedian. I remember that, Cal. Another one- back a few years ago we were on a case where H stalled a court case he was set to testify on because we had new evidence that suggested the defendant might be innocent, and so we had to find the gun used in the murder. h had me throw this rock into the water from the brink to see how far the guy might have been able to throw the gun, and that was how far our search area would reach. Speed of course wouldn't go near the water, and when our search came up empty he called H, and asked him what we should do. And when Speed got off the phone he said in the funniest voice, "he said to throw another rock."

C: *smiles* He never even tried to be funny, but he was.

H: Speed was very concerned with justice, and having it served. He may have been funny- yeah, he was funny- but he was also very kind, sweet, and had his heart in the right place. On multiple occasions when we weren't able to get the guy, Speed would be real concerned- he's ask why we did this job when there were so many flaws- so many guys we couldn't get, or wouldn't and I always knew, this kid knows what's right. One time he met this kid who was really into forensics- he stole a latex glove from a crime scene for his collection- and while he was a theif he was also a witness. So Speed, he kind of took him in- let him watch lab work, let him stay in the lab, was real nice to this kid. And then after the kid went and killed himself, Speed was heartbroken- he didn't show it, but he refused to accept it was a suicide. He really made this kid's last few days the best though. I always admired Speed for that.

E: I remember that. Just a quick, funny one- we were investiagting a hotel murder, and Speed said, all sarcastic, "I love hotel rooms. Body fuids everywhere." And I didn't really laugh then, but it was so funny- he made coming to work fun.

A: Tim was only interested in helping people- that's why he did this, to help people. he didn't mean to...to...hurt anyone.

H (confused): He didn't, Alexx. He only wanted to help people.

Dr. J: *smiles* You know, I don't really know much about him, but now that I'm hearing about him, Tim Speedle sounds like such a wonderful person. I think you were all blessed to know someone like him.

E: *smiles* Yeah. We were.

R: I wish I could have met him- he sounds incredible.

C: He was, Ryan. *thinks* He was.

H: Yes, he was. I've been trying not to think about him...but he really was. He just wanted to help people-

A (interupting): That's why he did this! You guys don't understand.

H: Alexx, what do you mean?

A: *wipes eyes* That's why Tim decided to do this- he just wanted to help people more than he was already!

C: Alexx...I don't follow.

E: Me neither. You mean...he's...

A: Nevermind. I shouldn't have said anything.

R: But you have. What do you mean?

A: Nothing! I just miss him...that's all.

H: Alexx...if you have anything you want to say, this is the time to say it, while we're here and not working.

A:...no. Nothing. Sorry.

Dr. J: Well, I think that game went well. But Alexx- or anyone- if you want to talk about something, anything, this is the time and place, where you're surrounded by people who care about you and will be able to help you.


Dr. J:...no one?


Dr. J: Alright. Great job on that, guys, you should always try to remember Tim that way, and talk about him in a positive way- I wish I could have met someone so incredible- so remember you were blessed to know him, and think about him that was. Ok?

Everyone: *nods*

Dr. J: Ok. On to the next game...

Next session: CSI team, fourth game.

Well? Please give feedback, that wasn't an easy one either. :) Thanks everyone, and more soon! :D
and honey I've never met anyone who can be cheery on a Monday.

Oh God i SO agree!

A: Horatio- you're the meanest shot in Miami,


you're a gaurdian angel to me

To me too!

and you always seem to be there whenever anything goes wrong. Or whenever I just want to see you.

H: *smiles* Thank you, Alexx.


C: Horatio...oh boy. Horatio, you're the most honest, good natured, protective, sweet, trusting friend and boss I could ever ask for. You're always so strong for the rest of us...even with your own life to worry about.
*sobs harder* I *sobs* Love *sobs* this fic...

And then- I bet I could come up with a million things to love about you!

E: *looks up*

Awwww crap.

E: Wolfe...if anyone...had to...replace Speedle...I'm glad it was someone like you.

R: *smiles* Really?

E:...sure, I guess.

Crap! Oh! Wait! He said i guess! Ha!

H: Mr. Wolfe- I knew from the moement I hired you, you were the one. you're smart, strong, kind, caring, and you have good morals. And, I like the fact that you're gun is clean enough to lick. And whilest everyone has already said it, I'll say it again- you're extremely reliable.

HA! He still calls him Mr. Wolfe!!

Enough with the gun clening thing...

I would quote the whole Tim thing, but that'll take up too much space. It actually made me cry though! :( So many memories of Speed flodding back....

Thanks for the update Lil.
well ahven't replied for a while but I am LOVING this....oh Alexx....would you just tell them he's not dead...(cause we all know hes in witness protection!!!well thats my wishful thinking anyways!!) But yeah so cool-really getting insite to the characters...keep up the good work
IF ONLY IF ONLY, Horatio would run his hand through his hair in the next part! :lol: I can just see it...

Doc: You next Leiutenant.
Horatio: *sighs* *runs hand through hair*

*squee* :devil: ;)
Ok Lora, but only for you. :lol:


Dr. J: Well, our time is coming to an end, and I thought we'd play a different kind of game, different from what we've been doing so far.

E: Like what?

Dr. J: Like...a board game.



H: *looks confuzed* Um... aren't we a bit old for that?

E: *chuckles*

Dr. J: Eric, are we too old for games?

E: *scarcastic* No, H. No one is too old for games.

Dr. J: *rolls eyes* Horatio, games are a good way to relax, and sometimes interesting conversations arise out of silly games.

H: *runs hand though hair* Ok. What game.

R: You have that game Sorry?

Dr. J: I don't know, Ryan. Let me look.

C: *smirks* This is ridiculous.

R: *under breath* 100%. *aloud* We're CSIs, we don't play games.

Dr. J: *looking through game cabinet* Everyone playes games. Besides, I'm not asking you to, this time. I'm saying we're going to play a game.

R: *smirks, raises eyebrows* Oh, I see. *smirks again*

Dr. J; Ya know, Eric, lets play Scrabble again.

R: *raises eyebrows* Again?

E: *blushes* Uh...

R: *smiles*

A: Scrabble is a four player game. There are six of us.

Dr. J: Ok, Alexx. Lets get into teams. Horatio, you're with me, Calleigh with Alexx, Ryan with Eric.

E: *sighs*

Dr. J: Get next to your team member.

Everyone: *gets next to team member and sets up game, picks seven letters*

Dr. J: Great! Ryan, Eric, you guys can go first.

E & R: *whisper, mix around letters, put down BRANCH, add up points and record them on sheet of paper, take new letters*

Dr. J: Great. Alexx, Calleigh, you two can go next.

H: *shifts postition uncomfortably*

C & A: *shuffle letters aounr, whisper, put down AXE, add up points, record them on paper, take new letters*

Dr. J: Nice one, guys. Horatio, we could do this...*voice lowers to a whisper*

H: *nods*

Dr. J & H: *shuffle letters, put down EARS, add up and record points, take new letters*

Dr J: *glances at clock* One more round, guys. Our time is running out, and I want to say something at the end.

E & R: *shuffle letters, whisper, put down SCHOOL, add up points, record them, take new letters*

Dr. J: Don't bother taking any more letters, this is our last round.

C & A: *shuffle letters, whisper to each other, put down LEAVES, reocrd score*

Dr. J: *whispers to H*

H: *shakes head, puts down WHOLE, adds up and records points*

R: Who won?

Dr. J: It doesn't matter. *puts game away wth help from team*

C: That wasn't so bad.

Dr. J: It wasn't. Games aren't childish, they're a way to relax and have a good time. I think you should all try playing more games during your free time, whether it be with wit coworkers, your family, or friends. How does that sound to you?

Everyone: *nods*

Dr. J: Alright. We're out of time, but before you go I want to say a few things. First off, you all have done well this session. My hope is that you will remember this, and take your new friendships, new attitudes, and new outlooks to work with you. I will continue to see you in individual sessions and have decided to do a double group session, like this one, at the end of each week. This way, we can attack personal problems alone, things that don't concern the group, and talk about group problems within the group. I want to not only mend this team, with your help, I want to reconstruct it and make it stronger, as well as strengthening each and every oen of you individually. You're a wonderful group of people who should enjoy each other's company, discuss things taht are bothering you, and work together as a team. Try getting together outside of work more, and bonding. I have faith that with therapy, talking with each other, being kinder, individual purging of issues and problems and sharing issues and problems with each other should bring you closer, help you get over these speedbumps in your road, and make it a more enjoyable and smoother one. With that, I'll see you all next week.


Silence, a long pause

H: Wow. Thank you doctor. *stands up*

Everyone: *mumbled thanks yous, stand up*

Dr. J: See you all next week.

Everyone leaves, Dr. Jennings turns off the recorder, amkes some notes, and leaves as well.

Next session: Horatio.

Well? Please tell me how it went. More soon, I hope! With school starting in two weeks and me going off to Washington DC next Saturday, I'll only be able to update like once a week once March begins. :(
-Lilly :D

Lora, I hope you liked H running his hand through his hair. It is cute. :D He should do it more often.