CSI Miami Therapy

I can't wait Lilly! (Still hoping for some really funny RT kind of stuff to happen. Like Stetler having a session and the team dropping in. :devil: )

By the way, i'm a Pathologist now! 1000 posts!

So i...

• Establish cause of death.
• Estimate the time of death.
• Infer the type of weapon used.
• Distinguish homicide from suicide.
• Establish the identity of the deceased
• Determine the additive effect of trauma or pre-existing conditions.

Wow i'm weird.

You rest Lilly, i can wait for the part. :)
*jumps on Cainesugar* Yay you're back! *squeezes you* *gets off*

lol you can do your pathology job on me, Hunter, I'm a corpse. For a few hundred posts more anyway, until I hit Head of the Day Shift (or is it Swing Shift, I forget.)
Sure thing. Just lie on the table please. :) Nah your going to go Swing shift, then graveyard shift, then day shift. And if you somehow get 20 000 posts, your 'poster child for carpel tunnel syndrome'. :lol: Really, i'm not making it up. :lol:
How can anyone get to 20,000 posts? Isn't that like, obsessive? (Oh, then I guess I could :lol:)
Well time change's got me exhausted, plus I've got a Purim play my sister is in to attend tonight...and school on Monday. I will update sometime before Monday though. Thanks for keeping the thread alive, guys, you all rock and I missed you.
See you all around
Lilly :D
aww ok we'll be waiting eagerly. I'm anxious to know what's up with Alexx.

LOL Maybe I'd get on the table if Gris or Mac was doing the examining hehe. BTW Love your icon, Hunter. *gets mental of Grissom going "noooo how could you?" lol* *shuts up so she doesn't get too chatty here*
Nah, it's funny when you guys are chatty.
Well we flew to Philly, then drove down to Valley Forge, then to Gettysburg, then Annapolis, then DC. The whole trip was fantastic, and made me think of how much I'll miss my class after graduation. *sniff*
Here's Eric (Eric, right?) *checks* Yes, Eric.

Dr. Jennings sits in her swivel chair, wearing black pants, a white blouse and a black vest. She takes out her pen and paper, faces the second CSI patient of the third week, who wears jeans and a dress shirt, and turns on the recorder to begin the session.

Dr. Jennings: Hi Eric! How are you?

Eric: Fine.

Dr. J: You don’t sound fine.

E: I got called in to a 6 am crime scene. I’m a little tired.

Dr. J: That’s unfortunate. Sorry about that, Eric.


Dr. J: I wanted to ask you how the group session went, in your opinion.

E: Then ask.

Dr. J:…


Dr. J: Okay what is going on? Eric, I now you’re stubborn but today…what’s going on?

E: Nothing.

Dr. J: Well then how did the group session go, in your opinion?

E: Alexx is lying to us.

Dr. J: Besides that.

E: It was fine. Wolfe is so annoying though…he thinks that now he’s like my best friend or something just because of what happened.

Dr. J: And you're still not willing to be his friend?

E: We're just coworkers.

Dr. J: You seem to be friendly with Horatio, Calleigh and Alexx.


Dr. J: And you were with Speedle.

E: *flares nostrils*

Dr. J:...I'm sorry, Eric. But you see, we need to talk about this.

E: I got a call from dispatch and they said Speed was dead. That's all. I wasn't there, I didn't see it, I don't even know what happened to this day. So what is there to talk about? *clenches fists*

Dr. J: Your feelings.

E: *rolls eyes* So like a therapist.

Dr. J: Well, thanks, I am a therapist.

E: I don't feel anything about it except the fact that Wolfe should get his skinny, white ass outa my way and stop trying to take the place of Speed. Because he can't. No one can.

Dr. J: No one can take his place but Ryan can try. He can try to do the best job he can without searching for your affection...all he wants is to be part of the team.

E: Too bad.

Dr. J: I don't want to spend this whole session discussing why you don't like Ryan. You're here to mend this team, as well as fix personal issues and I can tell...anyone with half a brain could tell that you're angry, Eric. I really want to help you but to do that I need your help.


Dr. J: Eric...

E:...*crosses arms*

Dr. J: Please just be fair here, level with me-

E (interupting, angry, blows up): Well I don't consider it fair that the whole team is pissed off at me because I'm late when I have to take care of everyone! And then there's the whole Stetler thing...and my sister and the drugs and not to mention the fact that my f***ing job is on the line. I can't take the fact that everyone wants to 'help' me when no one gets the fact that they can't!

Dr. J: I understand that you're in a lot of pain, Eric...Eric, you need to take a deep breath.

E: I don't need to do anything. I shouldn't be here, ya know I could be with my family...or working...

Dr. J: Consider this your hour where you can just relax and forget everything and talk about what is bothering you the other 167 hours in the week.

E:...you can't help me.

Dr. J: Not if you're not willing to let me help you.

E: *eyes doctor*

Dr. J: *eyes Eric*

E: *takes deep breath* No. *gets up* I'll come to the group sessions but this crap is over. Waste of my time.

Dr. J: Eric, you can't just leave. We could play another game...

E: Don't you understand, you mad woman?

Dr. J: No. Help me understand, then I can help you.

E (yelling): You. Can't. Help. Me.

Dr. J: Eric, let me...

E: NO! Look, doc, the rest of the team might not mind you probing into their private lives but I have a family to take care of and a job to do, so if you don't mind, I am out of here.

Dr. J: I do mind. You still have...20 minutes.

E: Well then you have 20 minutes to relax, because I am so done with this. I can't take it anymore. *leaves, slams door*

[Note: At this time Dr. Jennings walks after Eric and the rest is slightly unaccurate information from Dr. Jennings' memory]

Dr. J: *gets up, follows Eric out, catches him in halls* Eric!

E: *turns around, rolls eyes* What.

Dr. J: Please, come back. You can just sit there, but I can't let you go like this...you're hurting and you need to talk to someone.

E (sarcastic): Yeah, sure.

Dr. J: Eric...

E: *walks out of halls*

Dr. J: *follows to parking lot*

E: Just leave me alone, doc. *gets into Hummer*

Dr. J: Eric, wait.

E: What.

Dr. J: *takes deep breath* I'll tell you how Tim Speedle died.

E (interested): Why would I want to know? I could ask H anyways.

Dr. J: You don't want to upset him, so you won't ask, but Eric, I figure out people's feelings for a living, I know that you want to know.

E: Well not from you!

Starts to rain

Dr. J: Eric, please! Let me help you. if you drive away now, you're refusing to help yourself, your team, your family...Eric, Speedle would have wanted you to be happy! He would have wanted you to get rid of all this crap that's weighing you down and be free and happy!

E:...*gets out of Hummer*

Dr. J: *takes Eric's hand*

E: *sighs* Sorry.

Dr. J: It's okay. *walks back into office, holding Eric's hand*

[Note: Recorded session resumes]

E: We're out of time.

Dr. J: Okay, then Eric, you have to promise me something.

E: What.

Dr. J: Ask Horatio how Speedle died.

E: It's Speed. I wouldn't do that to H.

Dr. J: Well then think on it. And Eric...

E: *stands up* What.

Dr. J: It's going to be okay.

E:...okay. *leaves*

Dr. Jennings makes some notes, turns off the recorder, and leaves, worried.

Next session: Calleigh.

Well? This is my last update until sometime later this week, if I can, during school. So, hope it's been good. Now we enter school, where I'll have tons of homework to do...and tons of time from procrastination. :D Thanks for maiing this wonderful, guys.
Poor eric. I thought it was kind of funny that she went to all the trouble of draggin him back into therapy and then they get back and they're out of time, lol. that is SO like one of my old therapists.

great update. :) can't wait for the next one!
Dr. J: Well then how did the group session go, in your opinion?

E: Alexx is lying to us.

It begins. (Dun dun dunnn...)

Dr. J: You don't want to upset him, so you won't ask, but Eric, I figure out people's feelings for a living, I know that you want to know.

E: Well not from you!

Starts to rain

Aw sweet no these sessions are moving to the outside...next step; inturupting Stetler... Heh heh heh...

Thanks for the update! *hugs Eric and doesn't let go for 20 minutes* :)
*shoves Hunter aside and latches onto Eric* my turn.

Awesome, as usual :) I'm sooo wanting you to do more Alexx lol

Do you think you'll be able to work in Eric's recent trauma somehow? Just curious.
*smiles* :) Don't have to shove. *gets out of the way* Go ahead, i've had my time. :) Just when Horatio comes, i'm the only one latching onto his arm....or i'm gonna get nasty... :devil:

:lol: Can't wait for the next part! I'm actually hoping for Alexx, there's been rumors she's been hiding something of Speed's death.... (OoooOooo...) *hugs Lilly*
*hugs back* The first day of school and teachers decide to swamp us with homework. Sorry for not getting on sooner. Alexx is coming up, but first I have to do Cal. (You know what I mean) And I can't do this today, sadly. Maybe, though, after I finish HW (If I'm still awake. Sorry people.)
:D Sorry again.
Okeedokee then. Here I am, post-American Idol (They had BETTER not cut Lakisha, Stephanie, Jordin or Melinda. Or Blake, Phil, Chris and Chris. And Brandon. :))

Dr. Jennings sits in her swivel chair with her pen and pad of paper, in a dark suit, across fom the third CSI of the third week, who wears dark jeans and a white blouse. She smiles. Dr. Jennings turns on the recorder and begins the session.

Dr. Jennings: Hi Calleigh. Nice to see you.

Calleigh: Same to you, doctor.

Dr. J: How did you think the group session went?

C: I'm concerned about Alexx. She's never kept anything from us, but now...I don't know.

Dr. J: Okay, I'm aware of Alexx. How about you, how did it go for you?

C: It was hard...with Speedle and all...but yes, it was nice. Work is a bit less stressful, and people seem less tense.

Dr. J: Good. With jobs like yours, stress and tense aren't good. It's great that the team seems more relaxed. *looks at files* I wanted to talk a little more about you. Maybe your family?

C: Um...

Dr. J: Please, Calleigh. It'll be good for you.

C: I know, it's just that, I mean look at what's happened to Horatio...with his father beating him and his rough childhood and Speedle's death, and his brother and his past catching up to him...I just can't complain with what I've been dealt.

Dr. J: You're not complaining! You're just working out issues and talking to me so that you never feel you need to complain or feel bad.

C: *sigh* I know, it just feels...weird.

Dr. J: Then do you want to start off with something else?

C: Well...what?

Dr. J: Is anything bothering you right now?

C: Um...

Dr. J:...

C: Yes. It's about...Horatio.

Dr. J: Okay.

C: I feel so bad about what he's gone through, as I said...it's so hard to even come close to what he does and how he deals with his load every day and he's just so incredible...I can't even he held up to him. No one can.

Dr. J: No one can, but all you can do is do your best. You shouldn't feel bad just because you haven't gone through as much as he has, you should only do your best and be there for him should he ever need you or anyone else.

C: It's hard because he's so tough, he doesn't let anyone in. It's like he can help out and console everyone else, but even when he needs it a million times more he can't accept it. And I feel...guilty.

Dr. J: But you can't change him, you can only keep offering your love and compassion and care. And you can stop feeling guilty because if he won't let you in...there's nothing you can do about that.

C: *sigh* I know...

Dr. J: Calleigh, all you can do is what you can do, you can't make him accept your care. And I figure eventually he'll see that.

C: I've just been trying to treat everyone great, after...Speedle.

Dr. J: What happened?

C: Um...before he died, I was mad because he borrowed something of mine and didn't replace it...I was so angry and I couldn't even tell him how much I cared about him before he died. *sighs* I never told him how much I cared about him.

Dr. J: I'm sure he knew, Calleigh.

C: But I never told him. I never said 'Speedle, I really care about you can am glad I get to work with you.'

Dr. J: Calleigh...

C: I KNOW he KNEW! I know, but I never told him! Just like I know that the team cares about me and I care about the team, we never say, 'hey, I love you. Thanks for being there for me.'

Dr. J:...maybe you should, Calleigh. Maybe you should all say 'I love you' more often.

C: We're out of time.

Dr. J: I know, Calleigh, But will you? Talk to the team, tell them how much you care about them.


Dr. J: Live each day like it's your last. And treat everyone like you'll never see them again.

C: *sniff* Okay.

Dr. J: Bye, Calleigh.

C: Bye. See you at the grup session. *leaves*

Dr. Jennings makes some notes and leaves as well.

Next session: Alexx.

Well? :D I wrote this al school, forgive the typos and shortness.
great update! i agree, there should be more lovin with the team. wouldn't that be great? i can just see Horatio leaving a crime scene and turning to like Eric or Calleigh "great work back there! i love you"

Can't wait for Alexx's session...I wanna know her secret!!!!