CSI Miami Therapy

Ok Lora, but only for you.

What do you mean...? *hand up* I'll just read the fic and i'll see....

Dr. J: Like...a board game.



H: *looks confuzed* Um... aren't we a bit old for that?

E: *chuckles*

Dr. J: Eric, are we too old for games?

E: *scarcastic* No, H. No one is too old for games.

Dr. J: *rolls eyes* Horatio, games are a good way to relax, and sometimes interesting conversations arise out of silly games.

H: *runs hand though hair* Ok. What game.

*screams* OMG HOTTNESS ALERT! THANK YOU LILLY! *hugs the crap out of Lilly* Oh boy better dreams for me tonight!

Dr. J: Ok, Alexx. Lets get into teams. Horatio, you're with me,

THE DOC HAS A CRUSH ON HORATIO! :lol: So what if i conclude with these answers to quickly, i just love pointing them out. :lol:

Next session: Horatio.

*throws hands up* YAAAYYY!! Lilly, you've made my day! Evening, whatever. :lol:

Lora, I hope you liked H running his hand through his hair. It is cute. He should do it more often.

Oh he DOES. In my head at least. But you are right Lil, he should!

LOVED IT, enjoy your sabbatical in D.C!
Hey all. Thanks for the support and the (funny) reviews. :lol:
I'll post H's session tomorrow. Sorry, real life sucks sometimes. And then SCHOOL! ARG. At least my first period is Teacher Assistant so I can hang out and go online for an hour a day, with school starting in March. (AG)
Be back tomorrow. Sorry! :D
Ooo tomorrow! *squee*

Well today is Monday, aka Family Day. So enjoy yourself everyone. These are the days i try to get farthest away from my family...
Well tomorrow...er...today has passed and I still don't have it. (ARG) Sorry people. Busy getting ready for Washington DC (whoop whoop!) I'll try to get it up later this week...so sorry. :(
See you all...sometime later this week!
Almost time for the new ep! (yay!)
1 hour 18 minutes! (squee!)
I know, I know, you all probably have left out of hatred (except you Lora...you stayed *huggles*) so here's Horatio to get you all back.

Dr. Jenning sits in her swivel chair in a light suit with her pen and pad of paper across from the first CSI patient of the third week. He figets, runs his hand through his hair, checks his watch repeatably and twiddles his fingers. he finally takes off his shades and sits them on the table. he wears a dark suit and royal blue dress shirt. Dr. Jennings turns on the recorder and begins the session.

Dr. Jennings: Hi Horatio! Nice to see you.

Horatio: Same to you, doctor.

Dr. J: How do you think the group session went?

H: Well I'm really worried about Alexx...but otherwise it was great. Eric and Ryan aren't at each other's throats as much, and the team all seem less stressed overall.

Dr. J: So you would definately like to continue with the group sessions?

H: Yeah, sure.

Dr. J: Ok, great! I feel it's a good time to get feelings out there, rebuild relationships, and get over major speedbumps in the way of your lives.

H:... *puts on sunglasses, checks watch*

Dr. J: *looks through file* Well last time we were discussing Speedle's death. I know it's hard, but I think you should tell me the rest of it. have you ever discussed his death with anyone.

H: *shakes head*

Dr. J: And you were the only one who saw the whole thing?

H: *nods*

Dr. J: Well it's time to get it out there, mister! You can't keep these feelings- all of them, not just regarding Speedle's death- bottled up! You'll explode! It's unheathly, and especailly when you deal in the business of daily stress and tragedy- it's good to have a clean slate to work with.

H: *nods*

Dr. J: So...

H: *sighs* Ok. Well Speed and I went into the jewelry shop, we thought the owner may have swapped jewels for fakes while they were being cleaned, since they had been used as ransom and were responsible for a death...and while I was talking to the owner Speed was looking off into the back. he was suspicous.

Dr. J: *makes notes*

H: He drew his gun- I should have grabbed mine immediately, I feel so stupid...

Dr. J: You shouldn't Horatio. If you had done the same thing and no one had gotten hurt you wouldn't be beating yourself up about it. there was nothing you could have done.

H: Speed...he had a hisotry with not cleaning his gun, I should have...anyways, um, he drew his gun, and I went over to him. The back door opened, and this guy came out shooting...Speed had a...a- a misfire, and he looked at his gun...he was shot in the chest. *leans forward, runs hand through hair* And I started shooting back, I hit that guy but another came out and started shooting back. I dived out of the way- I noticed Speed was coughing up blood, so the bullet must have penetrated his lung...*sighs* The other guy got away, and I ran over to him- Speed, I mean.

Dr. J: *makes notes*

H: He was coughing up a lot of blood- well, not really, but it was coming out of his mouth. I wiped it up, and tried to get him to breathe and relax...he kept saying he was sorry, and that...I couldn't fully understand him, and it was all so fast. He started, um...convusling...and he just...

Dr. J: *notes that Horatio looks 'detached,' 'lonely' and 'lost'*

H: He was just...gone. *puts head in hands*

Dr. J: *reaches out* I know that was hard, Horatio, but I want to say you did an amazing job. You should be proud of yourself.

H: *shakes head*

Dr. J: I know it's hard.

H (mumbling): No you don't.

Dr. J: I mean it's Ok to be upset. But it wasn't your fault, and you should know that Speed knew it wasn't your fault.

H: I let him down.

Dr. J: No you didn't. From what I know about you and him, I can only imagine the years he worked with you were the best of his life- you're an incredible person who does incredible things every day, Horatio, and you can't expect not to have mishaps.

H (sarcastic): Mishaps. Yeah.

Dr. J: You're a hero, Horatio. You and your whole team and every officer in this country are, you put your lives in danger to help and serve and protect us, who do not much in return. Don't think that I'm just saying this to comfort you- Speed was a hero too, he chose, you and your team choose to do this job, and Speedle, he knew what he was getting himself into. He died a hero's death, Horatio.


Dr. J: He was a hero, and should be remembered that way.


Dr. J:...

H:...you're right.

Dr. J: I know.

H: Sorry for...uh...

Dr. J: Don't be sorry for anything! That't why we're here, to solve these problems and get passed and come out fresh! I want all of you to be clean and purged and happy, and free of all these terrible problems that are weighing you down.

H:...* lifts head up, runs hand through hair, takes off sunnies, wiped face with napkin, puts on sunnies* Thanks. I guess I do too.

Dr. J: *looks at clock* Well our time is winding down and you've had a wonderful, yet rough session. You wanna call it a night?

H: *nods*

Dr. J: We'll continue individual sessions and group sessions.

H: *stands up, nods*

Dr. J: I'll see you at the group session, right?

H: *nods* I'll be there.

Dr. J: See you then. Have a great week, and I'm very proud of you, again. You did great.

H: Thanks. *walks to door*

Dr. J: Horatio.

H: Yes?

Dr. J: You said you were worried about Alexx?

H: Of course.

Dr. J: I think...she's hiding something...

H:...about Speed's death.

Dr. J: *nods, concerned* As a CSI, not as a patient, and as a person, not a therapist, professional to professional...

H:...you want me to look into it.

Dr. J: *stands up, nods* Yes. For the sake of Alexx and the whole team.

H: I'll tell you what I can.

Dr. J: *nods* See you at the group session.

H: *nods, leaves*

Dr. Jennings makes some notes, turns off the recorder, and leaves as well, with hope.

Next session: Eric.

Well? Please give me feedback! Hope it went well, and I'm looking forward to this story and what will happen with it...still not entirely sure where to go with it but we'll see! :D Thanks again!
-Lilly- :)
H: He was coughing up a lot of blood- well, not really, but it was coming out of his mouth. I wiped it up, and tried to get him to breathe and relax...he kept saying he was sorry, and that...I couldn't fully understand him, and it was all so fast. He started, um...convusling...and he just...

*starts to cry* :( Don't remind me!

Dr. J: *notes that Horatio looks 'detached,' 'lonely' and 'lost'*

WHAT?! *jumps on the Doc*

Dr. J: I know it's hard.

H (mumbling): No you don't.

NO YOU DON'T! *hugs Horatio*

Dr. J: No you didn't. From what I know about you and him, I can only imagine the years he worked with you were the best of his life- you're an incredible person who does incredible things every day, Horatio, and you can't expect not to have mishaps.

H (sarcastic): Mishaps. Yeah.


H:...* lifts head up, runs hand through hair, takes off sunnies, wiped face with napkin, puts on sunnies*

....A napkin?

Dr. J: I think...she's hiding something...

H:...about Speed's death.

*gasps* Ooo....

Thanks for the update Lil!

I actually hope to see Stetler come in for a session, but then the group session comes in and disturbs him. :devil: THEN we see the magic happen... *manical laughter*
:lol: Thanks guys...funny, Lora. Good idea.
Here's my official goodbye.

I leave for Washington DC with our graduating class tonight, at 11:30 (flight departure) from LAX, but I need to be at the airport at 8 and need to leave in an hour, so I'm going off-line now. When I do get back I won't be on as often, because I go back to school, but I'll squeeze in time for you guys.
I know I'm sooo obsessed...I'll miss you guys. I have really enjoyed the great company here, and writing this fic has been a joy, especially when I get to read your hilarious and sweet reviews. You guys rock.
I will make sure to come on as often as possible. Really, it's great to be here, and I'll try my hardest...but school is a drag and I have lots of HW, and next year high school will be worse... I will be on though, sometimes.
So, if anyone wants to know where the really annoying chatty person is- you know where I am. If anyone lives in DC, watch out- 52 14-year-olds are coming your way, and we're going to rock the place. :D Get ready, Washington.
So, bye. I'll miss you guys. :) Thanks for being amazing and providing a real haven from real-life. It's been really, really wonderful (even though it's annoyed the hell out of my parents). :lol:
-Lilly :)
*huggles everyone tight* <3
wow!!!...First time and I read all of the chapters!!...You are doing an amazing job Lilly!!!>..It's something different but very very good written !Have fun and enjoy your trip to Washington! :D
I have given up on it-I have been trying to think of something witty to say to review-but so you know I am loving it loving it loving it.......PLEASE update when you get back :D have fun in DC
[note: will go to sleep now. plane....tired....tell you all about it tomorrow. missed you guys]
I just read all of it and so far I love it! I can't wait to read more. :) Its really great to see them getting all of their feelings out since we all know that is never going to happen on the show. And poor H! He has the whole world on his shoulders...or at least Miami. Thats still a lot!

When I started reading this I kept picturing the therapist from the Sopranos...I'm not sure why...thats kind of odd. Anyway, thats a visual nonetheless. :)

Lilly, you are doing a wonderful job! I'm so glad someone thought of this, it's about time these people get some professional help. Keep up the great work and I'll definately be back to keep reading. You've got me hooked now.