CSI Miami Therapy

He wears sunglasses- his own protective mask- and a dark blue shirt and suit.
Oh i bet he's lookin' hot in that. ;) :devil:

H (furious): *stands up, rips off sunnies* Look, this is about Speed, my team, and how we need to get ourselves together. This has nothing to do with me, my family, my brother- NOTHING! Why don't you leave it alone?!
I TOLD YOU!! Shoot her H! Shoot her! She deserves it for bringing up Ray!! :devil: (I'm like both the little demon AND angel on his shoulders)

Dr. J: *calming voice* Horatio, sweetheart, sit down.
Sweeatheart? Sweetheart???

H:...*lets head hang, chokes up* Yes. Yes I do.
Buh...wha....THIS IS NOT NORMAL!

Lilly, what are you doing?

H: *muffled, hugs back* Oh God, I'm sorry. I should... *clears throat* I should go. Thank you.

And Hunter, I had him blow up just for you.

....You do realize that i'm filled with a passionate rage to revenge Horatio's embarresment? You're enjoying this aren't you?? Aren't you?!!?
Yes. I am. :devil:
I guess I'm torturing you. It's a little fun.
This sin't CSIM. It's CSI Miami Therapy, where all lines are crossed. Yes, I realize H is being emotionally. We never see H like this. But the shrink has all the power. H should be embaressed. He needs to discuss his feelings. :D :lol:Ok, not really. But in this he does.
OK now that you're mad don't stop reading. :D Please. :lol:
It would be cool is he shot her *thinks* :lol:
I think if you keep reading you'll like it. Speed- we're not done with him :devil:
And not in the way you think.
I'm off to wait for an hour and 40 minutes for the ep to come on. Sorry I had to torture you. *not really* Don't leave because of it. :lol:
LOL...'sweetheart' sounds a bit like Alexx to me. And yes we know lines are crossed, I doubt a real shrink would do that. But I love it just the same :)
LOL I've had a shrink they are like that...at least mine was. *looks at clock* 3 minutes! Have to go watch the ep (you've all seen it...but us on the west coast haven't.) I'll write Eric up tomorrow.
Hmm... I've got a bit of crit. Arg, my first post and I already seem like a bad guy XD Well... As for charater development, you might want to advance further rather then just stating the obvious. When you write, you should try and make the reader think :) Anyways, that's just my two cents. I like the rest :)
Yes. I am. :devil:

Since when have i done something like this to you?? What did I do to tick you off?

But the shrink has all the power. H should be embaressed.
Uh no she doesn't and no he shouldn't and couldn't and wouldn't! Lemme ask you a question, who, out of those 2, have a gun? Hmm....HORATIO! THE SHRINK DOES NOT HAVE ANY POWER!

I'm off to wait for an hour and 40 minutes for the ep to come on.
Already seen it. *cracks knuckles* Twice. (I'm beginning to sound like Horatio! :D )

Sorry I had to torture you. *not really*
Oh hardy har har.
Wasn't i nice to you?
Why do you have to do this?
I though you were my friend Lilly.
I know where you live Lilly.
That's it, i'm going to kill you.
Where do you live?
Los Angeles. But that's OK. If you're still cool with it, I'll still be you're friend.
I was mearly trying to come up with an excuse. I don't hate you. I'm not trying to torutre you. :D So if you still want to read, great, if not (is there a smiley for "boohooing?") :(
For everyone else who doesn't want me dead, Eric will come back to therapy tomorrow (hard considering he's got a round onject in his head- for those who haven't seen tonite's ep.

EDIT: I don't like double posting because it gets people in trouble. So I'll just edit Eric's session in.
Hunter, I hope you recieved my personal apology. :D And that I still see you around here.
Everyone else (like two other people, right?)- here's Eric.

Dr. Jennings sits in her swivel chair with a dark suit and her pen and pad of paper. Her second patient of the second week sits across from her in dark jeans and a white patterned shirt. He's uptight, angry, and anxious to leave. he hasn't smiled once. Dr. Jennings turns the recorder on, and begins the session.

Dr. Jennings: Hi Eric! Good to see you again!

Eric: Hi.

Dr. J: I was hoping this time we could talk more, but it's up to you. What do you want to do?

E: *glances at game shelf* I don't really want to do anything.

Dr. J: *follows Eric's gaze* We could play another game if you wanted to.

E: Nah. I'm like 30.

Dr. J: And I'm like way more than 30. But games are great for any age.

E: No. It's Ok.

Dr. J: Well do you want to talk?

E: Not really.

Dr. J: I was really hoping we could talk about Tim-

E (interupting): I wasn't there. I wouldn't know.

Dr. J: What do you mean?

E: *stands up, raises voice* I mean I wasn't there when he was shot. Everyone else was. I wasn't.

Dr. J: That must be hard for you.

E: Well, yeah! He was my best friend and I wasn't even there for him, and now with Wolfe, it's like he doesn't even care that Speed had to be killed for him to even get in here!

Dr. J: Do you ever think that Ryan's just trying to do his job?

E: He's being a show off about it. *sits down* He's not one of us, but he acts like he can come in and just be accepted by everyone. H was way too fast to recruit someone new.

Dr. J: I know it's hard to hear this, because I know how you feel about it, but you should give him a chance. It's not easy being the new guy, and as long as he does his job, you should be nice to him. Give him a bit of a chance, Ok?

E: Why? Everyone else is nice enough to him, so if I'm not why should it make such a difference?

Dr. J: Because he wants your acceptance. People yearn to be accepted, and if you just give him a chance, I'm sure that you'll see he's not all that bad.

E: Whatever. I'm just not all that into him, OK?

Dr. J: Ok, but can you try to at least be polite?

E: *sigh* Sure.

Dr. J: I promise if you give him a bit of a chance you'll see he's not as bad as you think.

E: You've known him for an hour, and you already think he's so great. Why?

Dr. J: I try to not judge people, and to think of everyone as being a great person when I first meet them. Then if I get to know better, well then it's different. It's an approach I think everyone should take- thinking of everyone as you would think of a family member. Maybe you should try it.

E: Why? So people can take advantage of it? As a cop, you learn to trust no one.

Dr. J: But as a person, you should be more open. Maybe you could try it with people who aren't your suspects?

E: Yeah but how do you tell the difference?

Dr. J: How do you?

E:...I don't see where you're going.

Dr. J: It's different with everyone. You need to be the judge of how you want to treat people. I'm just trying to be your guide.

E: I dont know.

Dr. J: You don't have to. it's just an idea that might help you with your relationships. And I strongly suggest you try it out with Ryan. Give him a chance.

E: I'm starting to wish we had played a game.

Dr. J: *laughs* We have a bit of time if you want to.

E: Nah. I'll just go.

Dr. J: You sure there's nothing else you want to talk about?

E: Yeah. Maybe next time...

Dr. J; Do you think maybe you could give Ryan a chance? I don't want you to immeditaely accept him, just give him a bit of a chance to prove himself...he really wants to do a good job.

E: Ok. Whatever.

Dr. J: Alright. See you next time Eric.

Eric leaves, Dr. Jennings notes that he loosened up a bit and might consider trying to be more open to people. Work on angst, relationships, trust, and Speedle's death. She turns off the recorder and leaves as well.

Next session: Calleigh.

Well? Please give feedback, and I'll write Calleigh's up soon because I swear I couldn't leave my computer screen if I tried. Hope I don't get hungry. :lol:
Hunter, I hope you recieved my personal apology. :D
Umm not sure if you know this, it was a joke... (Well, i WAS a little ticked off. Alot. Kinda. Yeah. :lol: )

E: Well, yeah! He was my best friend and I wasn't even there for him, and now with Wolfe, it's like he doesn't even care that Speed had to be killed for him to even get in here!
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! FINALLY! Someone has a point like me! *hugs Eric* It's ok baby...its ok...Speed's not dead...

E: He's being a show off about it. *sits down* He's not one of us, but he acts like he can come in and just be accepted by everyone. H was way too fast to recruit someone new.
*does the jig* Eric, you've jumped up WAY higher in my ranks! (Even though you were already 2nd..)

Give him a bit of a chance, Ok?
NO! NO! Don't give him a chance! The newbie anf replacement for Speed must learn how to fend for himself!

E: *sigh* Sure.

E: I'm starting to wish we had played a game.
Me too.

Good part Lil! Hope to see Calleigh whipe her gun out! Wait, nah, let's leavce THAT for Horatio! :lol:
I'm so bored. :D I just have to write so I can get lovely responses. Ah, JK. But seriously, I really want to hear feedback, so...give it. :lol:
Here's Calleigh (outfit inspired by the Wonder Boots :D)

Dr. Jennings sits in her swivel chair with her pen and pad of paper, in a gray suit; across from her, the third CSI patient of the second week. She wears black pants, a black button-up shirt, and black boots. She's smiling, and tapping her foot impatiently. Dr. Jennings turns on the recorder and begins the session.

Dr. Jennings: Hi Calleigh! Nice to see you again! How have you been?

Calleigh: Great. Good to see you again as well.

Dr. J: Well I thought maybe today we could talk about your dad, or Tim Spedle's death, or maybe just the lab. What do you want to talk about, though?

C: *laughs* None of those, to be frank.

Dr. J: OK. Well, what do you want to do then?

C: *sighs* Alright, alright. Either dad or Tim...

Dr. J: Whichever you wish! We just want to get through this all, but the order doesn't matter too much...although we should start small, it is hard to discuss these things.

C: *waves hand* It's fine. I guess I'll...just talk?

Dr. J: Just talk! I'll just listen.

C: Tim and I were close, I guess. And the thing that really hurts is that... Well... how close we were, I guess. And on the day he died...

Dr. J: *takes notes* It's Ok, Calleigh.

C: *angry tone* No, it's not, actually. It's not Ok.

Dr. J: I mean it's Ok for you to be sad.

C: It doesn't feel OK. I don't feel Ok. I feel terrible. I mean, on the day he died I was so mad at him...at first, because, he um... he neglected to take care of something he borrowed, and I didn't...I wasn't even especially nice to him the last time I saw him.

Dr. J: You couldn't have known...

C: *leaps up* But I could have just been nicer to him! People say you're supposed to treat each moment like it's your last, but I never was like that with Tim...it's easy for you waive it and say, "oh, Calleigh, it's Ok." You weren't there, you didn't know him!

Dr. J: No. I didn't know him. I bet he was an amazing person.

C: He was! He was and I took him for granted!

Dr. J: Calleigh, I know you're hurting, but you need to be able to forgive yourself. None of what happened was in any way your fault, there was nothing you could have done to prevent it, and you could have never known what was going to happen.

C: I bet you've never had someone you were that close to die! It's not easy.

Dr. J: I know it isn't, sweetheart.

C: Please... please don't 'sweetheart' me. I don't even...*chuckles* I don't even let Horatio call me that.

Dr. J: Ok. Calleigh. You're right, I don't know how much you're hurting, but I can imagine. I can imagine it must be really hard, and even though I really don't know exactly what it's like, I just want to be here for you if you want to talk to me. I'm really not trying to discredit your feelings, I just want to make it clear that I understand how you're hurting, and I'm here to help you 100%. We are going to get through this.

C: *takes deep breaths, sits down* I...I know, eventually, we...I will.

Dr. J: I realize that all of you miss Tim, and I think something good to do would be to have a group session...sometimes it helps to share your feelings with people you know really care about you. My feeling is it will help you all remember the good memories you have, and feel good, not because of what happened, but because you were blessed enough to know such a wonderful person. And it'll bring you closer as a team.

C: *sighs* What now?

Dr. J: You can talk to me more. I am here for you, I do care about you, I just feel that you know your team cares about you and that you all might be more comfortable with that.

C: It's Ok...after today, I think I want to hold off...maybe until that...group session. It's just I haven't talked to the team...we haven't talked about Tim...it's kind of a sore subject, so, we've ingonred it to be professional.

Dr. J: Well in here, I'm the professional, and you can all be whoever you want- just normal old people, if you like.

C: Alright. I guess I'll just go then. You'll tell us when this group session is?

Dr. J: I'll set it up. But keep coming to regular sessions. Next week, 10 pm.

C: *sighs, gets up, gathers belongings* Yeah...

Dr. J: Calleigh, if you need anything...

C: Yeah. I have your cell. *smiles a bit* I'll, um...see you next week.

Dr. J: Next week. *waves* Bye.

C: Bye.

Dr. Jennings makes some notes, turns off the recorder and notes to make plans for a group session to discuss Tim Speedle. She hopes to have individual sessions, as well as some group sessions, to help bring the group closer together and resolve the individual issues. She sighs, and leaves.

Next session: Alexx.

Whew. Well? This could have been really terrible or really good, so you know which one I'm hoping for... please please tell me about how it was. It makes it worth writing them :D
Tomorrow I'll write up Alexx's. :)
haha.......very good as usual.....Tim should burst through the doors or something at the last moment though..... Just playing around with ym favorite theory of Tim not actually being dead, just put in witness protection by the FBI :p
Here's Calleigh (outfit inspired by the Wonder Boots )

C: Please... please don't 'sweetheart' me. I don't even...*chuckles* I don't even let Horatio call me that.
Ooo! What was that chuckle about...? JK. :p

But when has H tried to call you sweetheart? A heh heh...c'mon. Just let him, Valantine's is coming up..

Right when Cal is about to leave it should go like this:

*Cal opens door to exit*
Doc: Oh! Wait, i have one more question.
Cal: Shoot.
Doc: ....where did you get those boots?

:lol: Good part Lilly!
Thanks, unfortunetely I won't be on the internet for a few days- my computer hates me, so I'm on a friend's now. I'll see you all like Saturday or something. Please don't get out the pitchforks and torches on me. See you all Saturday. :D
Don't worry, cainesugar.....I wont get pitchforks out and prod/burn the thread.....I'll protect the thread. After all I am Mo's Smut princess bodyguard haha :lol: