CSI Miami Therapy

Thanks everyone (at another friend's house...) my damn computer realy hates me. :) I'll be back on tomorrow or Sunday (if the Apple people pull through for me, Sat. If not, Sunday)
:D Thanks for protecting the thread. And not burning it. or holding parties in it. :) Be back in a few days.
:lol: Yes, I loved that little bit of comedy :) IT sucks that you won't be on though, I was looking forward to an update. Oh well, good job :)
You have an apple computer Lil? *whistles* Wow...so you mean you have one of the ones that have a giant back to it? I mean, it doesn't have a thin screen? It's all big and bulky? Wow. Just...wow. :lol: Hope you can get a new one soon!
*sigh* Me too. Not only do I have to wait for my computer to be fixed (and it is a new one, the flat screened one. It's actually 5 years old. But it's still newish and faster than my one year old PC) but I have to wait for Monday! But as promised, here, crouching in my friend's tiny apartment with a really old computer, is Alexx.

Dr. Jennings sits in her swivel chair, tapping her foot, waiting for the fourth CSI patient of the second week to arrive. She wears a gray suit and blue blouse, and twirls her pen in her hand. her pad of paper lays untouched, and the recorder off. The patient is late.
She arives smelling of garbage, sweat, grime and blood, and sits down. She wears a dark suit, and smiles a bit.

Alexx: Sorry I'm late doctor. I got called in to a crime scene, there were many about today.

Dr. Jennings: It's OK Alexx. Just in the future, try to see if anyone else could take over on the days you take off.

A: With all due respect, I can't control who kills who in this town, doctor.

Dr. J: I know, Alexx. But all I'm saying is therapy is impotant. I really want to e able to talk to you for the full amount of time. *looks through files* I was hoping we could talk a bit more about your daily stress, and your relationship with Tim Speedle-

A (interupting): Doctor, I thought I made it clear, I can't talk about him.

Dr. J: Sometimes, Alexx, it helps us to talk about people we love, in order to accept that they're gone and remember the good things about them.

A: No! I can't, I can't talk about him.

Dr. J: Ok. *makes notes, bewildered a bit* I know the two of you must have been very close-

A (interupting): Yes. *sniffles* We were. He was like abrother...even a son to me. *wipes eyes* But please don't, I can't talk about him.

Dr. J: *reaches out hand, pats shoulder* I know, Alexx. I know you miss him.

A: Please, um, can we talk about something...anything...else?

Dr. J: *looks through file* Yes, last time we discussed daily stress-relieving excercises, and I asked you to maybe try them out on your own, at work, or home, in traffic, or whenever you need a lift up. Have you been using them, and have they been working?

A: Um, yeah. Sometimes. But when I'm here in a nice quite doctor's office, it's easy. But at a noisy, bloody, dirty, miserable crime scene- well, it's not.

Dr. J: I know. It's not an easy thing to do, but you need to block out everything else. Practice- start in the lab, and then maybe while walking to the crime scene- build up.

A: Yeah. *sigh* At work, it's easy. But in the field- well, it's damn noisy out there.

Dr. J: *smiles* I know you can do it Alexx. You're smart, and you can block out all other noises and sights, and concentrate on breathing deeply, and feeling relaxed.

A: Ok. I'll try it out.

Dr. J: Well, Alexx, I do have another patient today, so I can't go over the time- and, well, you were late, so I can't make that time up.

A: I know.

Dr. J: However, I am in the middle or setting up a group session with the whole team, maybe at the end of this week, and I'll call you with the details. I'm hoping we'll have some more success as a whole there.

A: Ok. Yeah, that's a good idea.

Dr. J: So, I'll see you whenever that session is?

A: Yeah...

Dr. J; It'll be Ok in the end, Alexx. Maybe you'll talk about tim in the group session-

A: No, you don't get it. I can't talk about him. Why can't you just leave it alone?

Dr. J; Alexx, is there something you're not telling me?

A: Tim, he was...he is... not what you think he is.

Dr. J: I- um, Alexx...

A: I have to go. *gathers things, leaves*

Dr. J: *sigh*

Dr. Jennings notes Alexx is agitated and hiding something regarding Tim Speedle's death. She turns off the recorder, and waits for her next patient.

Next session: Ryan.

Well? What do you all think? Feedback, please :D The group session should be interesting...bickering, bickering. *snickers* See you all later with Ryan. Sorry about the week-long delay. :)
cainesugar said:
*sigh* Me too. Not only do I have to wait for my computer to be fixed (and it is a new one, the flat screened one. It's actually 5 years old. But it's still newish and faster than my one year old PC) but I have to wait for Monday! But as promised, here, crouching in my friend's tiny apartment with a really old computer, is Alexx.

Dr. Jennings sits in her swivel chair, tapping her foot, waiting for the fourth CSI patient of the second week to arrive. She wears a gray suit and blue blouse, and twirls her pen in her hand. her pad of paper lays untouched, and the recorder off. The patient is late.
She arives smelling of garbage, sweat, grime and blood, and sits down. She wears a dark suit, and smiles a bit.

Alexx: Sorry I'm late doctor. I got called in to a crime scene, there were many about today.

Dr. Jennings: It's OK Alexx. Just in the future, try to see if anyone else could take over on the days you take off.

A: With all due respect, I can't control who kills who in this town, doctor.

Dr. J: I know, Alexx. But all I'm saying is therapy is impotant. I really want to e able to talk to you for the full amount of time. *looks through files* I was hoping we could talk a bit more about your daily stress, and your relationship with Tim Speedle-

A (interupting): Doctor, I thought I made it clear, I can't talk about him.

Dr. J: Sometimes, Alexx, it helps us to talk about people we love, in order to accept that they're gone and remember the good things about them.

A: No! I can't, I can't talk about him.

Dr. J: Ok. *makes notes, bewildered a bit* I know the two of you must have been very close-

A (interupting): Yes. *sniffles* We were. He was like abrother...even a son to me. *wipes eyes* But please don't, I can't talk about him.

Dr. J: *reaches out hand, pats shoulder* I know, Alexx. I know you miss him.

A: Please, um, can we talk about something...anything...else?

Dr. J: *looks through file* Yes, last time we discussed daily stress-relieving excercises, and I asked you to maybe try them out on your own, at work, or home, in traffic, or whenever you need a lift up. Have you been using them, and have they been working?

A: Um, yeah. Sometimes. But when I'm here in a nice quite doctor's office, it's easy. But at a noisy, bloody, dirty, miserable crime scene- well, it's not.

Dr. J: I know. It's not an easy thing to do, but you need to block out everything else. Practice- start in the lab, and then maybe while walking to the crime scene- build up.

A: Yeah. *sigh* At work, it's easy. But in the field- well, it's damn noisy out there.

Dr. J: *smiles* I know you can do it Alexx. You're smart, and you can block out all other noises and sights, and concentrate on breathing deeply, and feeling relaxed.

A: Ok. I'll try it out.

Dr. J: Well, Alexx, I do have another patient today, so I can't go over the time- and, well, you were late, so I can't make that time up.

A: I know.

Dr. J: However, I am in the middle or setting up a group session with the whole team, maybe at the end of this week, and I'll call you with the details. I'm hoping we'll have some more success as a whole there.

A: Ok. Yeah, that's a good idea.

Dr. J: So, I'll see you whenever that session is?

A: Yeah...

Dr. J; It'll be Ok in the end, Alexx. Maybe you'll talk about tim in the group session-

A: No, you don't get it. I can't talk about him. Why can't you just leave it alone?

Dr. J; Alexx, is there something you're not telling me?

A: Tim, he was...he is... not what you think he is.

Dr. J: I- um, Alexx...

A: I have to go. *gathers things, leaves*

Dr. J: *sigh*

Dr. Jennings notes Alexx is agitated and hiding something regarding Tim Speedle's death. She turns off the recorder, and waits for her next patient.

Next session: Ryan.

Well? What do you all think? Feedback, please :D The group session should be interesting...bickering, bickering. *snickers* See you all later with Ryan. Sorry about the week-long delay. :)

argh let me post already! more soon!
MY COMPUTER IS FIXED! *does happy dance, twirls around in rain outside*
Alrighty- I really want to do the group so I'll get Ryan over with...not that he's anything to 'get over with.' :) Ryan's outfit inspired by the nuts in the Ryan thread.

Dr. Jenning sits in her swivel chair in a white jacket and dark pants, opposite a moody looking fifth patient of the CSIs of the second week. He's in jeans, a too-small, peeking blue t-shirt, and a white jacket that he's removed. Dr. Jennings takes out her pen and pad of paper, and turns on the recorder.

Dr. Jennings: Ryan! Nice to see you again.

Ryan: Uh huh.

Dr. J: Is something wrong?

R: Well, I asked Eric if he was Ok like you told me to...

Dr. J:...and...

R: *smirks* and what he said isn't appropriate to say here.

Dr. J: Ok, I think- and you did the right thing by confronting him, so don't worry- we need to try a different approach. Maybe you should try to lay low- possibly not work with Eric for awhile.

R: What's his problem anyway?

Dr. J: Well his best friend was killed and immediately, as if it was automatic, a new recruit joins. It's not easy for him to accept that.

R: But I didn't ask for Speed to be killed. I just volunteered to help the team and join.

Dr. J: See, you both have these different- both valid and understandable- views, and-

R (interupting): Understandable? The guy hates me and all I've done is try to do my job!

Dr. J: I know, but Ryan...close your eyes for a moment.

R: *rolls eyes, closes* Fine. Now what.

Dr. J: Think of your best friend in the whole world- the person you're closest to, besides family. Don't tell me who this person is, just think.

R: *nods*

Dr. J: Now put this person on...patrol, your old job, and remember yourself on that job. Now, imagine learning your best friend was just murdered and you weren't even there, while all the other patrol officers who knew him were.

R: *opens eyes* What? Eric wasn't there?

Dr. J: He's hurting, and even though he puts on a mean, tough face, he's really miserable. Try to see him for a good person, and give him the benefit of the doubt- he's worked with the team for so long and they've never had problems with him- so he has to have some good in him. He is a police officer- he protects people every day. How bad can someone as heroic as that be?


Dr. J: Ryan, I'm all with you here, I know you're a good guy who just wants to do a good job and help people, but Eric, and probably some other members of the team, see it differently, because Tim was they're colleague. He was a friend, almost family to them. You spend every day with someone, you get close to them. And while you're doing fine from your view, to them you're his replacement. And even though it's not a good thing...the new guy always takes the hard hits. You really have to earn your place among them, even though it's not fair.

R: *sigh* Yeah, I guess. *runs hands through hair* It's just not easy to deal with the pressure involved in the job and the crap I get from the job.

Dr. J: Ryan, you can do it. Just stick it out. We're going to have a long group session in a few days and I'll remember to bring this up.

R: *nods* A group session...I dunno, I mean, I kind of liked being alone.

Dr. J: But they're all mourning the loss of their friend, and we need to as a group come to terms, and you're part of the group now, so you need to be there. Those people are your family now, you need to get comfy.

R: Yeah...*smiles* That'll take a while.

Dr. J: *smiles* But as a group, it goes 10 times as fast.

R: *nods* *looks at clock and pager* I've been paged and we're almost done, so...

Dr. J: Go ahead. See you at the group session, Ryan.

R: *gets up* Yep. *leaves*

Dr. Jennings makes some notes and schedules the group session. She gathers her things and leaves.

Next session: CSI team.

Well? Waadaya think? Please give feedback, and look out for the group session- it's sure to be lloonngg. :) Be back with it later.

27 hours and 41 minutes until "Man Down" :D
MY COMPUTER IS FIXED! *does happy dance, twirls around in rain outside*

YAY!!! YOUR COMPUTER IS- its raining over there?

Dr. J:...and...

R: *smirks* and what he said isn't appropriate to say here.
Ha ha yaaahh! *punches air* Go Eric!

R (interupting): Understandable? The guy hates me and all I've done is try to do my job!
Boo. Hoo.

Next session: CSI team.
Okee dokee. Right now, we gots 6hrs 17 minutes...let's see how much time passes as I write...
Here ya go. I'll make it a two-three -parter, to go along with tonight's ep. :)

Dr. Jennings sits in her swivel chair in a dark suit opposite all five CSIs, all acting shy. Alexx wears a brown suit and green blouse, Calleigh dark pants and a white shirt, Ryan dark jeans and a purple t-shirt, Eric jeans and a white dress shirt, and Horatio a black suit, black striped dress shirt and sunglasses. Dr. Jennings gets out her pen and pad of paper, turns on the recorder, and prepares herself for a long night.

Dr. Jennings: Hi everyone! Welcome to our first group session.

Calleigh: Hi Dr. Jennings.

Alexx: Hi doctor.

Ryan: Hey.

Horatio: Hello doctor.

Eric: Hey.

R: *frowns*

Dr. J: Well, I am going to set some ground rules. First off, no yelling, no hitting- nothing childish. Second, we respect everyone's feelings and let everyone speak. Third- we try to change from this, and be a part of this change, with all of you. Ok?

Everyone: *nods*

Dr. J: Ok. I have a game that we're going to play- this is going to start out organized, and we're going to do this through little games, because games make it easier.

E: *smirks*

Dr. J: The first game- we say one thing that bothers us. This thing can be related to the lab or not, but it has to be something that really does bother you. Then, after each person says something, each other person gives advice on how to solve it, if solvable, and we move on. Got it?

Everyone: *nods*

Dr. J: Great! Alexx, you can go first.

A: *thinks* It bothers me that I see people who have been murdered every day.

Dr. J: Ok. Now, starting with Calleigh and going around, we say something to help solve- or in this case, console the issue.

C: Alexx, I know it's hard. It's hard for all of us. *puts hand on Alexx's shoulder* But, uh...I'm here for you.

R: Yeah, Alexx, I'm here for you too. 100%.

E: Alexx, it's hard, but we are helping people. If that makes it any better.

A: Thank you Eric. It does.

H: Alexx, sweetheart. I'm sorry, I didn't know about this, but if you need to talk to anyone- I'm here.

A: *smiles* Thank you guys. Really.

Dr. J: That was great. Alexx, I hope you see now that any time anything bothers you, your team is here to talk to. Calleigh?

C: Um...it bothers me that...Tim's gone.

Dr. J: Now Alexx...you're first this time.


Dr. J: Ok, Ryan you go ahead.

R: Cal, I know it's hard, but seriously, I am here if you need any comfort.

E: See, Wolfe, that's it. You remind us he's gone.

C: No he doesn't.

E: Sorry, he reminds me that Speed's gone. But I'm here for you too Calleigh. I feel the same way.

R: *glares*

E: *glares back*

H: Calleigh, if you need anything I'm here too. We all miss him...*glares at Eric* not because of you, Wolfe, but because he was our friend. *reaches hand out to Calleigh* But Cal, you hang in there.

C: *takes hand* Thanks, Horatio.

Dr. J: See how we can comfort each other? You all miss Tim, and while it's no one's fault that you miss him *looks at Eric* or that's he's gone, he is and you do. Ryan, you're up next.

R: It bothers me that Eric hates me when I'm just trying to do my job.

E: *rolls eyes*

A: He doesn't hate you, baby. He just misses Tim...um, and finds it hard to accept someone new.

C: Ryan, put yourself in Eric's place- in all of our places- and maybe you'll see where he's coming from, even though *looks at Eric* he doesn't have to be so obvious and rude about it.

E: No. Comment.

H: Mr. Wolfe, all I can say is keep doing your job. You're doing great. And *looks at Eric and Ryan* this business of fighting has to stay out of work. We can't interfere with our investigations and cases.

Dr. J: Eric, could you try something for me?

E: What.

Dr. J: Could you try to smile every time you're working with Ryan?


Dr. J: Because it'll make you happy. And then you two will have something to laugh about. Besides- when you're happy, it's hard to be mean to someone, unless you're just a rotton human being- and you're not.

E: Why will smiling make me happy?

Dr. J: Try it.

E: *fake smiles, then chukles*

Dr. J: See?

E: I laughed at myself.

Dr. J: You were happy! You laughed! Just try it, Eric.

R: *smiles*

E: Fine. *rolls eyes*

Dr. J: Alright, Horatio you're up.

H: I, um, can't I pass?

Dr. J: No. I know there are things bothering you- let one out.

H: It bothers me...that...my family- Stetler. He bothers me.

Everyone: *nods, smiles, laughs, agreement, jokes about what to do about Stetler, none appropriate*

E: Amen.

C: Oh yeah. Good thinking Horatio.

R: *smiles* All those asshole feds bother me.

H: Yeah.

E: Uh-huh. I agree with you, Wolfe. First time for everything.

Dr. J: Alright, guys, alright. I understand you don't like Rick Stetler.

H: How...how did you know his first name?

Dr. J: Uh...I'm not allowed to say.


Dr. J: Anyway, we got through that game Ok. Here's the next game...

Next session: CSI team, second game.

I didn't want to write on and on and on for one post. So this session (an extra long one) is divided by the games. There'll be like 3 or 4 games.
Please share what you think!

5 hrs 31 minutes *squee*
cainesugar said:
I didn't want to write on and on and on for one post. So this session (an extra long one) is divided by the games. There'll be like 3 or 4 games.
Please share what you think!
5 hrs 31 minutes *squee*

More soon!
Calleigh: Hi Dr. Jennings.

Alexx: Hi doctor.

Ryan: Hey.

Horatio: Hello doctor.

Eric: Hey.

R: *frowns*

I was expecting everyone to nod. :lol: At least H.

Dr. J: Well, I am going to set some ground rules. First off, no yelling, no hitting-
*eyes bug out* :eek: I was supposed to expect hitting?? Sa-weet!

Dr. J: Ok. I have a game that we're going to play- this is going to start out organized, and we're going to do this through little games, because games make it easier.
THEY'RE NOT CHILDREN! I'm expecting all of the guys to walk out right now.

Dr. J: The first game- we say one thing that bothers us.

Dr. J: Great! Alexx, you can go first.

A: *thinks* It bothers me that I see people who have been murdered every day.

Dr. J: Ok. Now, starting with Calleigh and going around, we say something to help solve- or in this case, console the issue.

C: Alexx, I know it's hard. It's hard for all of us. *puts hand on Alexx's shoulder* But, uh...I'm here for you.

R: Yeah, Alexx, I'm here for you too. 100%.

E: Alexx, it's hard, but we are helping people. If that makes it any better.

A: Thank you Eric. It does.

H: Alexx, sweetheart. I'm sorry, I didn't know about this, but if you need to talk to anyone- I'm here.

A: *smiles* Thank you guys. Really.
*jaw drops* *blink blink*

Horatio called sweetheart!!

H: Calleigh, if you need anything I'm here too. We all miss him...*glares at Eric* not because of you, Wolfe, but because he was our friend. *reaches hand out to Calleigh* But Cal, you hang in there.
Noo! No no no. Horatio, you're supposed to dislike Wolfe.

C: *takes hand* Thanks, Horatio.
OoooOoo...hand action....

R: It bothers me that Eric hates me when I'm just trying to do my job.

E: *rolls eyes*

A: He doesn't hate you, baby. He just misses Tim...um, and finds it hard to accept someone new.
Yeah! Go Eric! Keep rolling those eyes!

Alexx, face it, Eric hates him.

Dr. J: Alright, Horatio you're up.

H: I, um, can't I pass?

Dr. J: No. I know there are things bothering you- let one out.

H: It bothers me...that...my family- Stetler. He bothers me.

Everyone: *nods, smiles, laughs, agreement, jokes about what to do about Stetler, none appropriate*
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Ha! They were all unappropriate! LOL

C: Oh yeah. Good thinking Horatio.

R: *smiles* All those asshole feds bother me.

H: Yeah.
"Yeah."? More like "Hell yeah."! LOL

Dr. J: Alright, guys, alright. I understand you don't like Rick Stetler.

H: How...how did you know his first name?

Dr. J: Uh...I'm not allowed to say.

Ooooo how DID she know it!? Uh oh.. LOL

GREAT UPDATE LIL! THANKS! Hope H says more funn stuff. Same with Eric. :lol:
Hehe maybe Steteler is her patient and since she can't disclose patient info...
I bet Stetler has LOADS of issues. :)
Anyways, I'll update soon...stupid school meeting tonight but in between now and then...I hope. :)