CSI Miami Therapy

'Mad CSI Skillz' Oh boy. :lol: You guys are awesome, thanks.

'GR', or Greg Ramirez, will take the place of 'R', or Ramirez, for this update.

Horatio returned to the hospital and went straight to Ryan's room as he entered the building. He passed Delight on the way in, who informed him that she was about to call him: Ryan had woken up, and was asking to see him. Horatio nodded, and entered the room tothe same sight that had shocked him before. This time, Ryan was awake, and he smiled as Horatio came in and sat down on one of the guest chairs.

Ryan: Hey H.

Horatio: How are you doing?

R: *shrugs* Feel like crap, but...I don't know. Good, considering I was shot in the chest.

H: Well, that's good, that's good.



R: I'm, er...sorry, Horatio.

H: Why are you sorry?

R: That I was slow. That I couldn't have reacted myself.

H: You have nothing to apologize for, Ryan.

R: *smiles* I just...you were the one who put yourself in front of the gun for me. You tried to protect me.

H: Tried and failed.

R: But you were willing to...die for me.

H: I was. I am.

R: ...why?

H: *shrugs* I just am. I value the lives of the ones I love more than my own.

R: And it was...that easy to just protect me like that?

H: It's second nature to me. It's my job.

R: *smiles* You're amazing, you know.

H: You are too, Ryan.



R: Were you, um...were you shot? Your arm, it's in a sling...

H: *looks at arm* Oh, yeah. Near the shoulder, on my back.

R: You were shot while shielding me.

H: *nods* I was. But I failed. I got up, I grabbed the gun...and you were shot, I couldn't do anything...

R: Horatio, don't put yourself down. Don't blame yourself for this.

H: *sighs*

R: Most people would have worried about themselves, and I would have been shot anyway. You made a huge effort, sacraficing yourself, to save me.

H: *takes Ryan's hand* I'm glad you're going to be okay.

R: *laughs* So am I.

H: Do you want to talk to anyone back home? I can call them...

R: Now, I'd just like to rest. But you can call them.

H: You're not ready?

R: *nods* I don't know what to say.

H: It's okay. I'll call after I leave.

R: Thanks, H.

H: Anything.

R: Are we still looking for Speed?

H: We may have a lead. I believe the kid who shot you- Andrew Guadalupe- was hired by the people who blackmailed Speed. To scare us off.

R: *wide-eyed* No kidding?

H: *shakes head* We got him to admit to it a few hours.

R: You're working with LAPD?

H: For this case.

R: Awesome.

H: *cell phoen rings, answers* Caine.

Greg Ramirez: Horatio, I've been talking to John on the phone.

H: The man I was supposed to meet? Baylap?

GR: That's the one. I don't think it was him.

H: Who else knew of our meeting?

GR: I did, Woodley did, and some other of my CSIs. I asked John, and he said he hadn't told anyone.

H: We're at square one then.

GR: I guess so.

H: *thinking* Can I talk to Woodley again?

GR: Why, what's up?

H: I...I think I saw him talking to Andrew as we left the interrogation room. After the officer left- it was just the two of them.

GR: Woodley has been on my team for a few years, I trust him.

H: I don't.

GR: Well, I'm not going to have you interrogate my CSIs.

H: Greg, this is serious. I'm after a man for blackmail, possible attempted murder- multiple murders. Blowing up my lab attempted murder. People died in that explosion, and the fire that followed.


H: I believe strongly that the incident at my lab, the blackmailing, and the attempted murder of Ryan and I is all connected. And right now, we have Rick Stetler, back in Miami, and this Andrew kid, who got the info from someone who knew about our meeting.

GR: Well...

H: This is serious. It's bigger than you, and your lab. This is about my lab, my team, and innocent lives that were lost in the explosion. It's about an innocent man trapped here, about my friend sitting in a hospital bed with stitches in his chest and three IVs in his arm.


H: Let me talk to Woodley.

GR:...when do you want to speak with him?

H: As soon as possible.

GR:...I'll...call you.

H: You've done the right thing.

GR: *shakes head* I don't believe any of this.

H: Neither do I, frankly, and I'm trapped in the middle of it.

GR: Bye, Horatio. I'll call you.

H: Bye Greg, Thanks.

GR: Yeah, sure. *hangs up*

H: *sighs, hangs up*

R: Any leads, H?

H: Maybe.

R: Awesome. Very awesome.

H: Get some rest, Wolfe.

R: Aww, I thought you were calling me Ryan now?

H: *stands up, smirks* Ryan. Get some rest.

R: See ya, H.

H: *leaves*
Reading that update, then seeing that photo of Ryan. Wow.

"Awesome. Very awesome." ;)

I think Ryan summed it up lovely, don't you?
aw yay. he's ok!! and the part at the end was cute :D

H: Get some rest, Wolfe.
R: Aww, I thought you were calling me Ryan now?
H: *stands up, smirks* Ryan. Get some rest.
R: See ya, H.
H: *leaves*

that part just made me go "awww" and i love how H puts the lives of those he loves before his own. great job!!
Thank you guys! :D

Horatio arranged a meeting with Ronald Woodley the next day. He woke up early and got dressed. The hotel room seemed roomy and lonely without Ryan there. Horatio left quickly, and grabbed a coffee and some breakfast before driving down to the LAPD Crime Lab, where he was escorted into Woodley's office, and sat waiting for him. Finally, Woodley turned up after some twenty minutes and sat down across from Horatio. An officer stood in the corner of the office.

Woodley: Greg said you wanted to talk to me.

Horatio: *nods* You knew about the meeting Ryan and I had scheduled with Baylap.

W: *shrugs* The whole lab did. No one thought anything of it.

H: Really?

W: *nods* What's this all about?

H: Somehow, Andrew knew where we we going to be, and where we were from.

W: I'd assume whoever hired him told him that.

H: Woodley, after Ramirez and I left the interrogation room, you spoke with Andrew. And it wasn't to read him his rights.


H: What were the two of you talking about?

W: I didn't say anything to him.

H: I'm not stupid, Woodley.

W: *sighs* Caine, I could lose my job over this.

H: If you don't tell me, you're going to lose a lot more than your job.

W: What is your deal with this anyway?

H: I'm not after who hired Andrew in this, this is much bigger than that! This is about who blackmailed my colleage and ripped our team apart, who blew up my lab and killed tons of innocent people, who almost gave me brain damage in that explosion.


H: This is a huge deal. A group of people are organizing a new band of police officers, and plowing down anyone who stands in their way. If you're part of this, I need to know.

W: I didn't know they were going to hurt anyone.


W: Look around! This lab is nearly empty. Police officers in the area are slacking off, still getting paid, and the extra shifts are being covered by the ones who care about they do, and they don't get paid for it.


W: The LA police force is falling apart. This was supposed to help people, to fix the problem. More undercover agents, less patrol cops, and bringing in intelligent, well-trained, expert officers from around the world.

H: So it wasn't just Speedle? From Miami?

W: I...I don't know how they got them over here. I expect some of the officers didn't come willingly.

H: *sighs*

W: It was all so that we could fix LA. The new officers could train the slackers, fix what needed to be fixed...intergrate all of what they learned into our city. I didn't know anyone was going to get hurt.

H: *rubs temples* Who else was involved?

W: It's all being run by one guy who lives here, I think. I don't know his name, I've never seen him. I know he has a lot of retired LAPD officers, rich businessmen, and others on his side who organize the individual parts to it, and he oversees everything. I think the main guy who was supposed to get officers from Miami was named David K, I don't know whaat the K stands for.

H: *nods*

W: I'm in charge of bringing in all of the non-LA cops, and making sure they stay. Someone else organizes where they stay, what they do, ect, I don't know who and I don't know how many. It's all very secretive.

H: *nods* Go on.

W: I was asked by the head of the Miami branch-David- to scare you guys off. He told me you might come after the officer we brought over. I didn't mean for Andrew to shoot at you guys.

H: Well he said you did.

W: No! I told him to scare you guys off, and not to hurt anyone.

H: *shakes head* How do you know him?

W: I handled a case of his a year ago, theft. I became friendly with him after he was released, and knew that he...knew his guns well. I didn't want him to actually shoot you...

H: *sighs* Right, but didn't you realize-

W: I didn't, I guess I wasn't thinking straight.

H: *nods* What do you know about the lab explosion?

W: Erm, I know that David is involved with a bigger group in Miami. Miami is one of our main targets.

H: Targets?

W: Well, not targets. But it's a place we want to learn from. And, a place we know we won't get officers willingly. There's another officer, of some official in Miami who's not fond of your lab, and he agreed to help. He had his own thing going, where he insisted it would help get us more officers.

H: How, by killing us? Bringing our lab down?

W: Not killing you, but breaking you apart. Figured he could get some of you to transfer to LA, work with us if he did so. Something about getting you all fired, cases re-opened, and I don't know...he had his own methods.

H: *nods* Rick Stetler?

W: That might have been it.

H: Wow. It all fits, I guess.

W: I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt. Really.

H: You should have thought about that beforehand. You're a cop, you're supposed to be smart enough to know what's going too far.

W: *hangs head*

H: And this new brand of police thing, it's only a matter of time before more people get suspicious. I'm building a case against this, and I will make it my personal mission to put a stop to it.

W: Don't you see? It's for the greater good in the end!

H: *shakes head* Not the way it's going. Not by killing people and taking them away from the people they love through blackmail.

W: *sighs, stands up*

Officer: *hand-cuffs Woodley* You're under arrest for the attempted murder of Lieutenant Caine and CSI Wolfe. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law...
H just graduated from 'mad' CSI skillz to wicked CSI skillz!

stupid rick stetler. i think H should accidentally on purpose push him down an elevator shaft. *oops, my bad!*
ilh214 said:
H just graduated from 'mad' CSI skillz to wicked CSI skillz!

stupid rick stetler. i think H should accidentally on purpose push him down an elevator shaft. *oops, my bad!*

LOL or run him over with the Hummer. "I didn't see him there, honest!"
MacsGirlMel said:
Wow what a sig...is that from Nailed?
don't you mean icon? her sig is Speed in Dispo Day and her icon is Ryan in Nailed. i'm sorry but i had to correct you. it's a bad habit. :D and i hate it when people get Speed and Ryan confused. i'm not saying you did, but i just hate it that some people do. and they don't even look a like.

and great job on the story!!!