CSI Miami Therapy

:lol: Sorry for the confuzzlement, guys. My sig used to be Ryan in 'Nailed' and then I made the Speed banner, so I made the same pic I used for my Ryan sig into a Ryan icon, and that's what I have now. I'll probably switch them back later on though, and have a Speed icon. :lol:

I have to go to a friend's grandfather's funeral, but I'll try and update later today. Life suddenly got busy again. :lol:
Hey guys...I'll be going away for two weeks, but will be back on August 14th. See you then, and thanks for everything thus far in the ficland therapy. :D

A few days later, Horatio went to the hospital to pick Ryan up, since he was being discharged. He had been keeping himself busy studying Speed's credit card and cell phone records, and determined that he must live downtown from where he filled up on gas, bought his morning breakfast, ect. He was planning to speak with Woodley and try to wriggle information out of him.

He arrived at the hospital early to find Ryan in jeans and a t-shirt, in a wheelchair at the front desk. He was signing himself out. When Horatio walked in, the nurse steering his chair turned him to face Horatio, and he smiled.

Ryan: H, hey.

Horatio: Ryan, they told me you can go home.

R: Well, not home...

H: *smiles* Do they have you on any meds?

Nurse: He's on a plan, and he'll be able to explain it to you.

R: *winks* Oh, yeah, right. Any news on Speedle, H?

H: *takes wheelchair* Thank you nurse. *wheels Ryan to Hummer* Er, not much. I'm sure he lives downtown, and I'll be speaking with Woodley soon.

R: Good, good.

H: *reaches Hummer* Alright, You need me to help you into the seat?

R: *glares at Horatio* I'm a big boy, I can do it myself. *manuevers into Hummer*

H: Fine, prissy pants.

R: *smirks*

H: *loads wheelchair into trunk, gets into driver's seat*

R: Thanks for visiting me, Horatio.

H: Of course. You're my friend and partner, and you were injured.

R: Yeah, but you could have been finding Speed, and instead you were at my bedside. You're a true friend.

H: *smiles* Well, now we'll find Speed. What's this 'plan...'?

They ride back to the hotel, where Horatio calls the PD building Woodley's staying in until his hearing and has the police officer connect him with Woodley.

H: Woodley.

Woodley: *sneers* Caine. What do you want?

H: Where is Speed?

W: I don't know. I told you, I wasn't involve-

H: I'm not an idiot, I've already told you. Where is he? You'r ein charge of bringing in the foreign officers, you know where he is. Unless you've been lying to me.

W: No, I haven't. And even if I did know, why would I tell you?

H: I can make you a deal. Get you less time.


H: Come on, I already know the area. I'm going to find him anyway.

W: My boss will kill me. He will.

H: I can get you protection. I'm a police officer as you were, don't you think I have ways of keeping this secret?

W: It's not just...so simple. This organization won't stop for one person. It's not going down just because you pull Speed out of this.

H: I understand that. I know Speed's been working as an undercover agent until you can get this up and running. I know. I just want the address.

W: You didn't hear it from me, K?

H: I got it.

W: 1432 Alvera St.

H: That's not in Downtown.

W: Part of the street runs through downtown. Right through downtown.

H: *nods* Okay, okay. If he's not there...

W: It's an apartment, I believe he's in 1B, but I'm, not sure.

H: No, no, that's good.

W: Look, just...I'm sorry.

H: Don't be. You just helped is out. Your boss, his boss, and this whole deal is going down. Part of it’s thanks to you. We need Speed’s testimony in this.


H: Bye, Woodley. *hangs up*

R: So, what'd we get.

H: Location. I'll be back later. *gets up, leaves*

R: But...I want to come!

Horatio calls for backup, then rushes to the address given to him by Woodley. He reaches the apartment, gets out, and finds apartment # 1B. He knocks on the door.

H: Speed! I knwo you're in there, and I'm going to kick down this door in ten seconds if you don't open up.

Speed: *looks up from computer inside apartment*

H: Ten...nine...eight...

S: *gets up* Horatio...

H: Seven...six...five...

S: *looks at door, sighs*

H: Four...three...two...

S: *opens door*
oh thats just mean!! leaving us hanging like that. still loving the banter between H & Ryan. they are so cute.

no CMT for 2 weeks? *sigh* okay. :) bye lilly!
argghhhhhh you are more evil than the person I just said was evil lol waaaaahhhh come back come back! *launches self at you and grabs onto you* I won't let you leave! rofl
Wow i've been gone all week and just read all the updates! YAYYYYYYYY!!!! Thankyou lilly for saving my ryan:) I like the last update even though it would have been more awesome to have had horatio kick down the door lol
I am back! Woohoo, I loved camp, but missed this and you all. I came home, got on the computer and realized I forgot how to type. :lol: I'm SO busy, going to start high school in a WEEK, and have a lot of stuff to do to get ready, but I'll try and keep you all updated regularly. But for now, stuff has to be done. Thanks for everything guys! *group dogpile*
Woo! *jumps into dogpile* Lilly's back!! Cool yer starting high school next week! Have fun! (Even though its not fun when you get used to it :rolleyes: ) Can't wait for you to update.
LILLYS BACK!!! YAY!!!! dogpile?!? i'm so there :D we missed you! good luck with starting high school! i know its stressful and all so i'll try real hard not to pressure you but i'm not promising anything. :p
Yay your back Lilly!!! We've missed you (and the updates of course) :) Hope camp was great!! And don't worry i'm going to 10th grade and i was so nervous before about highschool but it was so much better than middle school and so much more fun!! (but don't forget about the story lol) :)