CSI Miami Therapy

Haha, this has been my pattern. I update, leave you hanging for forever, get busy... graduation is coming up, we're strugging in school to finish everything up, get ready for High School, a new school. I'm so sorry guys. When summer comes I'll hopefully be able to update more often, but I've got a lot to deal with now. Please bear with me once again, I'll try as hard as possible to update soon. Thanks for everything! :)
Update time! :D Sorry for the long delay, hope Speed's first therpay session is a good one. I was reading back and realized some things: I was a much worse writer (IMO) andthere were a bunch of people who read it then who don't now and who read it now but didn't then. Hope the people from before stop in once in a while. :) Anyway, on to Speed.

Dr. Jennings sits in her swivel chair in a suit with her pen and pad of paper across from a new CSI patient, who she's never met but has heard endlessly about. He looks uncomfortable, and wears dark jeans and a dark dress shirt. Dr. Jennings begins the session.

Dr. Jennings: Hi Tim, I've heard so much about you.

Speed: Um, hi doctor.

Dr. J: What would you like me to call you? Tim, Speed?

S: Whatever.

Dr. J: Tell me a bit about yourself.

S: There's not much to say, my name's Tim Speedle, I'm a CSI, I live here in Miami.

Dr. J: I'd like you to start by telling me what happened three years ago. These next few sessions, we'll go over what's been happening and just get to know each other.

S: Okay.

Dr. J: So what happened three years ago? We need to be honest here, this is not being recorded and is completely confidential.

S: The only reason I'm saying anything is because I completely trust Horatio and he trusts you. Otherwise I wouldn't even be here.

Dr. J: I understand.

S: Three years ago I was approached by a man who told me he had a case. He showed it to me, and I'm smart enough to know he had a pretty good case. He had enough to get me fired, and every case I've ever worked on re-opened. This would put killers back on the street, and I wouldn't be able to work with the lab anyway.

Dr. J: But he gave you another option?

S: Fake my death, move to LA, work undercover with gangs, after being hired by some of his friends in LA, and never speak to anyone in Miami again. I was assumed dead here, he worked out the details. I was able to keep my identity.

Dr. J: Wow. So you did it?

S: Yeah. He picked a time, found out where I'd be on the day he wanted to do it, and planted the shooters in this Jewelry Shop. Horatio and I went in, and they had me shot at. They gave me this drug that slowed my heartbeat almost to a stop, and I blacked out after falling on que, and grabbing at my chest, biting down, so that prop blood would make it look real.

Dr. J: What were you feeling through all of this?

S: It was completely unreal, like 'is this really happening? Am I really never going to see these people again?' They were like my family. I was tempted to tell them, to talk to them, but I wanted to keep the killers locked up and still work as a cop. I would have never been able to work as a cop again with the case this guy had!

Dr. J: So you went through with it?

S: They hired paramedics to drive my body to...somewhere they worked, and they told me later that all they did was make me look dead, and make sure the drug wasn't wearing off. Then I was on Alexx's table when I began to wake up, and I lay still until they managed to get her out. She was in on the whole thing, but Horatio was there and she couldn't lead him on, and had to get him out so he'd think she actually performed an autopsy without cutting into me for real. I never spoke to her about it, but I could tell she felt terrible.

Dr. J: You never thought to explain it all to her?

S:...no, I was still in such shock from it all myself. I couldn't believe it.

Dr. J: Maybe you should have sat down the whole team and explained it all to them. At least then they would know you were alive and maybe one day would come back. You could have kept in contact.

S: I was so worried and shocked and confused...I couldn't think straight. If it happened now I might have half the sense to do something else, to change something and make it right.

Dr. J: Well at least you realize that.

S: *sigh* I did mess up.

Dr. J: This wasn't your fault.

S: I know...basically then I left Miami and arrived in LA where they let me stay in an apartment they owned. That was it, basically, I saw what happened on TV and came back here because I just didn't care anymore, I wanted to see my family.

Dr. J: How are you going to get the man who approached you? What are your plans?

S: Most of what he did was pretty legal. He's so powerful I could never prosecute him. I just want to put this behind me and never have to deal with it again.

Dr. J: I understand but when it all comes to the forefront...you don't want this all to explode over you again.

S: Horatio and I are going to go after this guy when the time is right. Just...for now, you have to trust us.

Dr. J: Okay, but please tell me anything you can.

S: Alright, fair enough.

Dr. J: So what did he have on you? If you want to share?

S: *sigh* Well, I was a troublemaker as a kid. I did a lot of things I regret, and I did them for the pure fun or thrill of it. I never realized the consequences of my actions...and now they've come back to haunt me.

Dr. J: What kind of things?

S: I wasn't great in school, I got into fights, shoplifted a few times, was a smart ass to teachers...no one would have expected me to become a cop.

Dr. J: Anything he could have really gotten you with?

S: Yes. *hangs head* I stole some drugs and other stuff for a friend who sold them for money he needed to pay off a debt. I was arrested and cut loose a few days later, but it proved me a thief- immoral. And I tried to lie my way through it...I was young and really, really stupid.

Dr. J: You were young...everyone does stupid things.

S: But I'm paying for it.

Dr. J: Does Horatio know? Does anyone know?

S: I assume Horatio knows because he hired me. But no one else knows.

Dr. J: You can't keep this locked up...talk to Horatio about it.

S: Yeah, I should. Maybe he could help me, trump this case.

Dr. J: You can fight this. Tim, you're not a bad guy, I've only known you for a day now but you're a good CSI and a good cop...you gave up your job and friends and family and the people who love you to do the right thing. That more than anything proves it.

S: *smiles* Thanks.

Dr. J: We're going to have to end here but at the group session, we'll all discuss this. They deserve to know about what's happening, they lived without you for three years and they love you.

S: *sigh* Okay.

Dr. J: I'll see you at the group session. It was nice to meet you, and don't worry, this'll all work itself out.

S: I know, Nice to meet you too. *stands up, leaves*

Dr. J: *sigh*

Next session: Alexx.
i liked this part, it caught everything up with speed. he needs to tell horatio what all happened and who did it...so horatio can kill him. you know he's good for it!
Okay all, I'm working on a chapter now. A combination of writer's block, icon challenge, homework and sports has kept me busy, I have a feeling I'll only be updating about once-twice a week at least until school ends.
How come you're not out already? Everyone around here is, or will be out in like a few days. Though they do tend to go later here than where I grew up.
Trust me cainesugar you're not the only one that is busy with school and such. I still have a week left of school which sucks.
I'm bored of writing therapy, so I'll introduce our next part of this storyarc. :D Thanks for being patient, I graduate June 28th, long way off...

Speed and Horatio sit in their respective offices, working on paperwork. Speed's mind is restless, he can't focus. Rubbing his temples, he glances across the hall to where Horatio is seated, his head hanging low over his work, his hair touching the paper. His hand works furiously, scribbling notes to get caught up on paperwork. Speed signs off his latest case, and puts it aside. He has one more, but he stands up and walks over to Horatio , where he clears his throat.

Speed: Uh...H?

Horatio: *looks up* Speed. What is it?

S: Um... *hangs head* I need to talk to you about some...stuff.

H: *blinks, sets down pen* Alright. Talk.

S: Maybe we could, um, do it somewhere...else?

H: *looks consfused* Alright then. Let me just sign off this case. *scribbles*

S: Thank you, H.

H: *gets up* Anytime Come on. *pats Speed on the back, walks out of office*

S: *follows*

H: *sits down in interrogation room* What's bothering you, Speed?

S: Um... *sits down* Well, I'd like to talk to you about what exactly happened three years ago.

H: But I already know. You told me everything.

S: Not...everything.

H: Okay, well, tell me everything now.

S: Okay. You know that three years ago I was approached with a case that this guy had that would get me fired and my cases re-opened.

H: Yes, you told me.

S: Well, what he had on me...there was a lot. He had a case built up from things I'd done when I was young and foolish, things you don't know about. I want to tell you about those things, because I'm not who you think I am...and if you knew this, you might not want me to work for you.


S: So...um... *rubs neck* Yeah. There are a few things...more than a few...I've done. I regret them all, of course...I was young and foolish, though. And I know it's no excuse, but I grew up in a harsh household, my parents were always fighting, I hung out with the wrong crowds, and ended up doing a lot of terrible, terrible things.


S: Uhh...Horatio?

H:...I'm listening.

S: Okay. Well, I was a troublemaker in school, of course...talked back to teachers, ditched, didn't do homework, broke school rules, didn't get very god grades...it's a miracle I ever made it to where I am now.


S: So at first it was minor things: I got arrested for holding drugs for someone, and was let off pretty easy, then it was being high in the vicinity of a school, and it just built up until finally I shoplifted a ton of drugs from a drug store for my buddy to sell...he really needed it, and while I should have done something else, the money was very crucial and a matter of life-and-death...I just acted. I didn't think.


S: I was arrested and spent two days sitting in prison before my parents bailed me out and I transfered schools, got new friends, and ended up going to college. I shaped up. My record was wiped, and I put it behind me,


S: And I'm guessing...David...the guy who had me go undercover, I'm guessing he dug up my records, was really out to get me and did. He got me. *hangs head* I'm sorry you never knew about this, and that it hurt the lab in any way. I completely understand if you want me to, um...not work here anymore. If you want to fire me.


S: Please say something.

H: Speed...

S: You want me fired? I'll clear out my locker, don't even day it.

H: Speed...

S: Yeah, so. Niuce working with you.

H: *rubs chin* Speed, I don't care what you did. It's in the past. You're a good man, a good CSI, and a great friend, and I stand by you in this.

S: Really?

H: *nods* Let's begin planning on what to do about this...we need to somehow get this 'David' back fr this, so to speak. Speed, you have to tell me who it was.

S: *lets shoulders hang* I can't.

H: Why the hell not?

S: Because it's just too much! He has this case! It'll hurt the lab! Why can't we just forget about it?

H: Speed...he'll come back. Who is it?

S: I can't tell you. I'm sorry.

H:... *rubs chin*


H: Speed, the lab is already in danger with you being here. If we beat him in a case, it won't be.

S:... *hangs head*

H: Then I have no choice. Clear out your locker. Until you can tell me what happened so I can fix this mess, you aren't welcome back here. *gets up, leaves*

S: *sigh*
o_O holy crap...H?!?! why'd he go and do that for? speed totally didn't have to tell him all that stuff about himself and H tells him to get out? wtf? *sigh* although i like the new direction of your story...a little H/S maybe? hmmm??? okay so now i'm just fishing but oh well. can't blame a girl for trying :D

great job lilly! 15 days girl! youre almost there. i on the other hand got out for summer break over a month ago. :D
I read EVERY page of this fic today and totally loving it!!!!

I'm addicted to it now!!! Can't wait for more!!! You're an awesome writer :D!!

Forgot to add:Bad Horatio :p *shames with fingers*
Poor Speed he's just trying to protect the lab. :(
Wow! I'm so shocked right now but if Speed doesn't want that David guy to hurt the lab then I guess he did the right thing.