CSI Miami Therapy

Oh Speed was like Ray... I wonder how Horatio would react. And Yelina. (Ooo..) Short but sweet, thanks Lil. :D Loved it, as always. :)
Wow, I have NO Homework. It's a miracle. I have decided I love CST Testing- no HW. :D Thanks everyone!

A week later, Calleigh and Eric go to pick up Horatio at the hospital, while Speed and Ryan finish up paperwork. Most of the cases have been closed and the others are currently being re-investigated, and new cases are once again being taken. Most of the construction was already underway but Frank had ordered new equipment and the lab was being patched together again.

The crime scene had finally been closed, after being visited and processed many times, for it's size. The team was even more back-on-track than they had been a week ago, when things had seemed better, and about as good as it would get. Calleigh and Eric pull the Hummer up to the Miami Dade Memorial Hospital and walk inside, to find Horatio being checked out one last time, and given his medication for minor head trauma, which he would take home. He's been dressed casually, in jeans and a dress shirt.

Calleigh and Eric watch from the door as he sits on the bed, a nurse taking his vitals. He smiles at them, glad to be sitting up again. Calleigh and Eric smile. He stands up, wincing a bit, as the nurse walks to the corner of the room.

Nurse: Everythung seems normal, Lt. Caine. Just follow the schedule Dr. Johnson has set up for you, and you should be back at work in two weeks, and back in the field in four. Until then, bed rest.

Horatio: Thank you nurse. *walks over slowly to Calleigh and Eric* You two ready?

Calleigh: It's good to see you on your feet again, Horatio.

Eric: Glad you're okay, H.

H: Thank you. A few gang members, bullets and some bombs couldn't stop me, huh?

C: *laughs*

E: *smiles*

N: Alright Lt. Caine, here is your medication and schedule. *hands Horatio a small paper bag* Call us if anything comes up, and we'll schedule a check-up in a few weeks.

H: Thank you. *walks outside*

E & C: *follows*

Reception desk, Horatio signs out and walks outside, slowly, Calleigh and Eric behind him. They reach the Hummer.

H: It is good to see a car again. It is good to see sunlight again.

C: It's good to see you again.

H: *smiles* Of course.

E: *helps Horatio in backseat*

C: *walks around to Eric as he shuts the door* He's...cheery.

E: I hope he'l still be himself.

C: Eric we have to give him time. He might...not be the same again.

E: I know.

C: The same thing could have happened to any of us and we have to stand by him, no matter what he's like, he's still our Horatio. We still care about him, okay?

E: I know Calleigh.

H: *calls from backseat* Calleigh? Eric?

C: Coming. *gets in passanger side*

E: *gets in*

Miami Dade Crime Lab, spare interrogation room

Speed: *writing*

Ryan: *scribbling* Done. Closed another one, signed it off.

S: Oh yeah? You got enough, no compromises?

R: No evidence was damaged. But you know, every case was re-opened, most are easy to close if they weren't copmromised, like this one, but some...we'll have to re-invcestigate.

S: *points to pile of cases* Those are mine where there were compromises.

R: *stares*

S: That'll take a few months to sort through. Meanwhile, killers are calling their lawyers.

R: Killers...calling their lawyers...

S: You okay, Wolfe?

R: Mhm. Speed, I think I have an idea?

S: Really. *puts down pen* I'm in the modd for entertainment.

R: *frowns* Well what if killers who we've put away organized this somehow. To bust out. Get their cases comrpomised.

S: The case file room wasn't the target, from the crime scene.

R: Well, they didn't get the job all the way done. Maybe they just wanted to wreck the place. Kill us.

S: It's a good idea, but we'll have to finish all this before we can reall pursue it. Prevent more killers from getting out.

R: *sighs* I got you, I got you.

S: *scibbles*

R: *rests head on hand* Speed?

S: Uh huh?

R: What was it like when you joined?

S: When I joined?

R: Yeah.

S:...there were more lab techs, who have since gone off to pursue other things...but the same team, basically. H, Delko, Calleigh, Alexx.

R: You were the last to join?

S: Some of us joined at the same time. I never worked with any other CSIs here.

R: I see.

S: Why?

R: I don't know, it feels weird to be the newbie. I see you had people to share it with.

S: Wolfe?

R: Yeah.

S: Just relax, do your job, and be yourself. They'll like you for who you are.

R: How do you know?

S: Because I like you. And I'm a picky person when it comes to people.

R: *laughs*

S: You're a good kid, Wolfe.

R: Uh, Ryan, please.

S: Ryan.

R: *smiles*

S: Now get back to work, rookie.

R: *scribbles*

S: *looks at Ryan*

Next session: ?

We will hear from the doc again...I haven't left the therapy concept behind. :D
Thank you for bridging the gap between Speedle and Ryan...a lot of people don't include them both. They sacrifice Ryan for Speedle or vice versa, and you've made both sets of fans happy. Thank you...
The only other fic I know of that has both Ryan and Speed is Geni's long-running, amazingly fantastical RT. *raises arm* ONWARD!

Dr. Jennings calls up Ryan to set up some more sessions, to get back on track. She would call Horatio, but he was at home and she didn't want to disturb him.

Ryan: Ryan Wolfe.

Dr. Jennings: Ryan? It's Dr. Jennings.

R: Oh, hi doctor.

Dr. J: Ryan, I was hoping we could set up some more sessions, get back on track with what we were doing.

R: Okay, seperate and then at the end of every week a group session?

Dr. J: Yes.

R: Speed inluded?

Dr. J:...he's here?

R: I didn't tell you?

Dr. J: I would have remembered.

R: Well he's here. He's settled back in and is working again.

Dr. J: He hasn't been interupted.

R: Not yet. When we see you we'll tell you what he told us, why he faked his death and all that.

Dr. J: Okay. How about next Monday I see Horatio, then Calleigh...same order, Speed can be after Alexx I guess.

R: Sounds good. Same time?

Dr. J: Same time. How is it going at the lab? How's Horatio?

R: Hortio's good. Well, we're fixing up the lab and closing all of the re-opened cases. It's going good, we've begun to take new cases and there are only about thirty cases that had evidence compromised, and we've re-closed most of them.

Dr. J: Good. That's really good to hear, Ryan.

R: Everything seems to be going well again. Everyone's glad Speed's back.

Dr. J: Oh yeah? How do you like him?

R: I do. He's a nice guy, we've talked and I really like him. We've been put on closing the compromised cases, just him and me, so we get to talk a lot.

Dr. J: I'm glad, Ryan.

R: Me too.

Dr. J: Has, ah...Stetler been bothering you? Any of you? Speed?

R:...um, no. He hasn't, not that I know of.

Dr. J: Okay, great.

R: Should he be?

Dr. J: Uh...no. I'll talk to you about it when I see you.

RL Okay...is there anything I should know?

Dr. J: I will tell you Ryan...just not now.

R: Okay. I've got to go, Speed and I are going to investigate a 2005 case with compromised confessions, so we have to get new confessions.

Dr. J: Okay, see you next week, Ryan.

R: See you. *hangs up*

Dr. J: *hangs up*

Miami Dade Crime Lab

Speed: Ready Wolfe?

R: The guy still in prison?

S: He doesn't know the evidence was compromised, as far as I know. We just need him to confess again.

R: Let's go. *walks to Hummer*

S: *follows*

Ballistics Lab

Calleigh: *firing off shots*

Eric: *knocks on door*

C: *sets down gun, takes off ear-protectors, walks over* Hey Eric.

E: Hey Cal. What case you on?

C: Ryan's having me run a bullet from a 2002 case, one of the few they have left from the hundreds of cases they've sorted through. I'm proving it came from a gun we had on file, it was in one of the boxes where some papers were destroyed. One was from the gun I ran. And now... *types* I have to re-process it. We have a match, this bullet that killed our victim was fired from this gun, owned by our locked-up killer.

E: Wow, great job Cal. They almost done with those cases?

C: Last I checked they had eight left.

E: Seven. *puts arm on Calleigh's shoulder* You're amazing.

C: Same to you.

E: *stares at Calleigh*

C: *stares at Calleigh*

Printer beeps

C: *looks at printer* Sorry. *walks over*

E: *sigh* See ya, Cal. I've got to go, paperwork to be done. *leaves*

Next session: ?
:eek: Oh my, do I see a thing between Eric and Calleigh going on? Very subtle but noticable and I like it. :D And Dr. J isn't telling Ryan about Stetler. Hmm, something's fishy in the state of Florida again. I wonder what she has to tell him. :eek:

And it's good to see that Ryan and Speed have come to some sort of understanding. :D

Excellent chapter, keep 'em coming!
wow! i've missed a few updates. great scene between ryan and speed. i always thought they would have worked well together. yay for H getting out of the hospital! i would love to actually see him in jeans though lol. i think everyone would die of shock.

anyway, thanks lilly! :)
Damn printer. Just HAD to beep...

But go Eric! He's going to gain confidence, and his actions are going to get bolder. :D I love it! Thanks for the updates!
Just letting you all know I'm alive and well and will update soon. (You can call off the search party) Sorry, the SBC and RL and...other stuff has been taking up my time but I promise I will try and update soon. Thanks for sticking around even after I get busy guys. *huggles*
*puts down torch and smiles innocently* what angry mob..erm...i mean search party? :D its cool lilly...glad your still with us. :)

*sits and waits patiently*
Uber apologies for not updating. SBC and softball tryouts and this Jewish holiday- I had to go to temple- and HW has been keeping me very busy, and then yesterday and Wednesday I had a bad headache or I would have updated. But testing is over, just took my vocab final the other day and HW should be winding down so here's an update. :D

Dr. Jennings sits in her swivel chair in a white suit with her pen and pad of paper. Eric had just dropped off Horatio, as they begin their sessions anew. He was wearing a dark suit and looked good as new, with a small scar on his head; the only noticible difference. He also moved slower. She turned on the recorder and began the session.

Dr. Jennings: Hi, Horatio.

Horatio: Hi doctor.

Dr. J: You've been through a lot in the past few weeks. We have a lot to talk about.

H: Alright.

Dr. J: What do you want to start on? Telling me everything that happened?

H: Okay. I can't...remember everything, though.

Dr. J: Just what you can.

H: Okay...I was talking to you when we were shot at. I remember being hit, stumbling to the side to find someone to call paramedics, and then there were some explosions...something hit me and the next thing I know Eric's there. He was talking on my phone...to Speed.

Dr. J: I see. Speed's alive.

H: I saw him! He's re-hired and working with the lab again.

Dr. J: Wow, this is wonderful!

H: I need to get back in that case with him, find out who did this to him.

Dr. J: Did what?

H: I'll let him explain it. Anyway, Eric lifted this huge...beam off me. I couldn't breathe, and he lifted it up and I think I told him to go help...Alexx, it was.

Dr. J: She was trapped as well?

H: In the morgue, rubble trapped her in, but she was okay. And so he ran off...and then a paramedic was there and he took me up to the roof. We were flying out and I...I passed out, I don't know what happened. Then I kind of drifted in and out for a few days...the team visited me a few times. I don't remember all I said to them. But when I saw Speed...it was as if something that had been just within reach was finnaly here, and real. I've never felt better then when I saw him.

Dr. J: You really missed him.

H: He was my best friend. I loved him like a brother. We all did.

Dr. J: I'm so glad he's back and you're getting to sorting this out.

H: Yeah...

Dr. J: Anything else?

H: Eric and...Calleigh, it was, picked me up from the hospital. They took me home and I've just been resting the past few days.

Dr. J: Are you okay now?

H: I'm on medication, I need regular check-ups and some ribs are still healing...and I have to watch out for any signs of brain damage. But yes, I'm okay.

Dr. J: Horatio...brain damage?

H: Yes. I was hit in the head with a beam.

Dr. J: Horatio I'm so sorry...

H: It's okay. It's not your fault.

Dr. J: Do you have any idea who did this?

H: We're on the case. I'm focused on Speed's case, then I'll turn my attention to other things.

Dr. J: Any leads?

H: We think it may be a gang hit...they may have progressed but I've been at home and don't know of it yet

Dr. J: I see, okay. Keep me updated.

H: Of course.

Dr. J: Do you want to return to talking about your family? About Speed? Work?

H: I don't know. *shrugs* Why would I want to talk about Speed, he's back and that's all that matters.

Dr. J: I know but if there's anything you want to talk about...

H: *sighs* No.

Dr. J: Are you okay?

H: As okay as I could be.

Dr. J: I know there's a lot going on right now, but talking about what you're feeling can make it easier. You need to talk to me and your team. Especially Speed.

H: *shrugs*

Dr. J:...Horatio?

H: I just don't really feel like talking about Speed right now. Is there anything wrong with that? He's back, and everything else doesn't matter.

Dr. J: It'll help.


Dr. J:...do you want to end early? Maybe another week will give you more time to think...rest up.

H: Okay. I'll go call Eric...he needs to pick me up.

Dr. J: Horatio?

H: *stands* Yes?

Dr. J: Call me if you need anything, okay?

H: Sure. *walks out*

Dr. J: *sets down paper, sighs*

Next session: Eric
I want to see more of Speed!! :D :(

But MY poor Horatio! Oh dear i don't like seeing him like this! I just want to hug him and kiss him and....