CSI Miami Therapy

Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend (here in the US). Sorry for not updating sooner.

Dr. Jennings sits in her swivel chair with a pen and pad of paper, in a darker suit, across from the second CSI patient since the explosions at the lab. He wears jeans and a dress shirt, and looks happier than before, and smiles a bit. Dr. Jennings turns on the recorder and begins the session.

Dr. Jennings: Hey Eric. How are you?

Eric: I'm good, I'm good. You?

Dr. J: I'm fine thanks. How have you been?

E: Well, a lot has happened in the past few weeks.

Dr. J: Yes, care to share some of it?

E: Well, Speed came back.

Dr. J: I heard. How is that for you?

E: Amazing! I was so...upset about him having done this to us but he had a really good reason, he did it to protect us and his loyalty to serve and protect...if he had stayed, he would have put killers back on the streets. Well, not him, but whoever did this to him...

Dr. J: What did who did to him?

E: We don't know who yet, but someone gave him and offer, either his cases get re-opened, with a case this guy had built up on him, or he fakes his death and moves to LA to be an undercover investigator.

Dr. J: Wow. Why did they-

E: I don't know, Speed does and I'm not asking. All that matters is that he's here, and he's not leaving. I'm almost afraid that if we bring it up, he'll leave. It's so unreal, this whole thing.

Dr. J: I know, Eric.

E: It's like a dream. But at this point, I don't want to take up. I got my best friend back.

Dr. J: But at the price of Horatio. How's he been, he seemed different yesterday...detatched, a bit. Has he been okay?

E: He's a bit different, I think he's getting used to Speed being back. And he was hit hard in the head, he's bound to change a little bit.

Dr. J: How are you taking that?

E: He's my boss, he's my friend. Whatever he's like now, he's the same person. But really, it's hard to see him so...different. I'm just trying to be strong for him when he's been there for me. All of us.

Dr. J: It's not easy, is it?

E: No, but I'm getting along. I have my team there for me.

Dr. J: Eric, I'm so glad you feel that way. That's the most important thing, for you all to be there for each other.

E: I really want to be there for him. I want to almost make up what he's done for us by being there for him.

Dr. J: That's wonderful, Eric.

E: Yeah...

Dr. J: What else is going on? How's the rest of the team?

E: I'm a little more into Wolfe...he's been really strong through this, and I admire him for that. BEsides, Speed likes him and, well, Speed doesn't like everyone.

Dr. J: That's wonderful! It's good for you and Ryan; I hope you two become closer all the time.

E: And Cal...she's been awesome. Really there for me, mostly. She inspires me to be strong and to be a leader. I'm...I really appreciate what she's been doing.

Dr. J: Do you think maybe you and Calleigh are, or could ever be, any more than friends?

E: No! Never...no way, me and Calleigh?

Dr. J: *looks at Eric*

E:...maybe. I don't know, I...I'm still kind of confused about us.

Dr. J: It's okay, you have plenty of time to work that out. I'm just glad everything seems to be going better for the team, you guys seem closer and it's my hope that it'll just continue to get better.

E: Me too. This has been wonderful.

Dr. J: What about Alexx? How have you two been?

E: We don't talk too much...but she's like our mother, I really care about her. She's been wonderful through this, for telling us about Speed...I'm really glad to have her here.

Dr. J: You two should talk more, it's important to be close with everyone you can, because this is your family right now.

E: Yeah.

Dr. J: Alright, well our time is running out but I'm so glad that everything has been working out, and I really hope it continues to improve. I'll see you at the group session.

E: Okay. *stands,* Bye Dr. Jennings, thank you for everything.

Dr. J: You're very welcome.

E: *leaves*

Dr. J: *makes some notes*

Next session: Calleigh.
aww...he stumbled all over is words when she brought up calleigh. i don't even ship them but thats cute lol.

stetler needs to be brought down. and the doc is the only one who can make that happen! she needs to get on with it!

great update! thanks lilly :)
Thanks everyone! We'll bring back up that issue. :lol:

Dr. Jennings sits in her swivel chair in a dark skirt-suit, with her pen and pad of paper, across from the third CSI since the shootings at the crime lab. She wears black slacks and a black blouse. She's smiling and looks relaxed.

Dr. Jennings: Hey Calleigh, how's it going?

Calleigh: Things have been great, doctor.

Dr. J: It's good to hear that. Would you like to tell me what's happened since I last talked to you?

C: Well, of course the shooting.

Dr. J: Where were you when the shots rang out? What happened?

C: I was coming back from working in the field. I was in the lobby when the alarms went off and I ushured people out before leaving with Ryan, he had been with me.

Dr. J: Were you injured at all?

C: No, we got out okay. They had been shooting away from us, and the explosions were on the other end of the building. There was a small fire near us but we got out before it did any damage.

Dr. J: Okay, that's good.

C: And then we found out Horatio, Eric and Alexx were still inside and we just had to wait. That was all we could do. It was odd, being behind the police line.

Dr. J: You couldn't do anything about it and that hurt you, because you weren't used to that.

C: I know, it was frustrating!

Dr. J: How long did you have to wait?

C: It seemed like hours. I heard that they found Horatio, then someone told me he was dead...I was so worried, but I found out few minutes later from Eric, who was brought out, that he was still alive. Ryan and I left to go see Horatio at the hospital, and Alexx came out.

Dr. J: Wow. But you found out everyone was alright?

C: Yeah, later, at the hospital. Alexx and Eric came to meet us after we waited to see Horatio, then finally saw him.

Dr. J: What was that like.

C: *sighs* HArd. To see him injured, it made everything seem so real...he's our leader, our stronghold, and we had lost him. I didn't know what to do.

Dr. J: What did you do?

C: I tried to be strong for him. We all did, because he's been there for us.

Dr. J: How did that go?

C: It was hard to see him like that...but I was just so glad he was alive. We almost lost him.

Dr. J: Yeah, that must have been scary.

C: It was. *sigh* And then...then Speed showed up.

Dr. J:...

C: He...we were best friends, sort of. Very close. In fact at the end, before he left, I began to have feelings for him.

Dr. J: So it must have been hard when you thought he died.

C: I was devastated. I tried to get through, but some nights I lay awake, just wishing I would have done something. Been nicer to him that last day.

Dr. J: But there would have been nothing you could do.

C: Yeah, but you know...they say you live each day like it's your last. Anyway as time went on I got along, each day was hard but it got easier. And then he comes back right ion the middle of this, when I felt I was about to lose someone else. It was as if everything I had felt towards him just dissapeared...I was glad to see him but I didn't love him like I had before.

Dr. J: The feelings were just gone?

C: He had hurt us! Of course I love him, was glad to see him, and missed him but I wasn't in love with him any more.

Dr. J:...

C: So he explained to us he had been blackmailed and decided to keep killers locked up and left to LA to work as an undercover investigator. I felt the anger dissapear...he had done it to protect victims, to keep killer locked up and for us.

Dr. J: You weren't angry anymore?

C: No. I just wanted him back.

Dr. J: Okay, that's good.

C: And then...Ryan. He's grown so much throughout all of this and I feel...I feel a bit attracted to him. He's mature, he really proved himself throughout this.

Dr. J: Wait...Ryan?

C: Yeah. He's been amazing, and I really feel he's part of the team now. I mean, SPeed even likes him.

Dr. J: So you're into Ryan now?

C: Yes, I used to be into Eric...but Ryan's just been wonderful. And Eric, he has too, but I feel closer to him friend-wise now, and closer to Ryan...in a different way.

Dr. J: Wow, so things have been going great.

C: Amazing. Horatio's been released, I'm back on cases...Speed's back, Ryan's amazing. This is great. *looks at clock*

Dr. J: *looks toward clock* Oh darn we're out of time. Calleigh, I'm so glad everything's great, things seem to be good with everyone.

C: I know. *sigh* I just hope David- I mean, whoever blackmailed Speed doesn't come back.

Dr. J: David?

C: Nevermind.

Dr. J: Hopefully not. Okay, see you at the group session.

C: *stands* Thanks. *leaves*

Dr. J: *scribbles notes*

Next session: Speed
Calleigh has feelings for Ryan! *giddy dance around the computer* Thanks for making my day! *skipping through the house*
^^ Remember when Speed was talking about who forced him to leave? He gave him the name 'David.' It was just because I remembered it. :lol: Nothing major.

Thanks everyone. This weekend's hectic, I have to conduct a few interviews, make an instrunemnt for science and have tons of math HW. I'll have a chapter up ASAP.

Also, I'm just giving everyone a chance with their preferred ship, but no real relationships will take place, sorry to say. There'll be time for ship fics after we're all good and done with therapy.