CSI Miami Therapy

Wolfe is awesome, Lora. *sighs* *sticks tongue out* :p Thanks everyone.

Three days later, the team has sorted out the cases. All the newly re-opened cases have been closed again, the killers are back in prison, and the lab is under construction. People have come back to work, Speed has been uninterrupted, and the team has been re-joining themselves together.

They've began to take new cases, and seem happy and full again. They come to work dressed nice, hug each other more often, and smile all the time. Horatio is still in the hospital but doing better and has minimal head trauma. Speed has been re-hired as a CSI by Eric, and works mainly in Trace but in the field as well. Life seems to have returned to normal again.

Speed's Motel Room, 5am

Speed: *rolls out of bed, stretches, walks to bathroom*

Knock on the door is heard

S: *turns to door* Who's there?

Motel Manager: Your pay is due! You owe me thirty bucks!

S: *groans* I get my paycheck tomorrow, can you wait a day?

MM: I need to eat too!

S: I'll get it to you tonight, okay?

MM: You gonna rent this place out or something?

S: I'll get it to you tonight, buddy. Let me shower now.

MM: *grumbles, walks away*

S: *showers, dresses for work*

Miami Dade Memorial Hospital

Horatio: *opens eyes*

Dr. William Johnson: Hey, Lt. Caine, yo're awake.

H: *nods* When can I go home, doctor?

Dr. WJ: Soon, soon. You have a few days left to recover, for tests and such. Then you can go home and you'll be back to work within a few weeks.

H: Weeks?

Dr. WJ: Yes, I'm afraid. You suffered bullet wounds, loss of blood, and head trauma, while not too serious, we just want to make sure.

H: *sighs* Alright.

Speed rides to Dade Memorial before work, parks, and walks in. He asks around, then walks over to Horatio's room.

Dr. WJ: *comes to door* Speedle? You can come in now.

S: *walks in*

H: *turns head*

S: *sits down next to Horatio* Hi, H.


S: I'm glad you're going to be okay.


S: I just want to say I'm so sorry. I love you guys, and I never wanted to hurt you. While my explanation doesn't make up for what I did, I hope it'll do something.

H: Speed.

S: Yeah, H?

H: *takes Speed's hand* I love you too, buddy.

S: *smiles*

Next session: ?
Awwww!!! so cute!!! *hugs Speed and H* like you said, MacsGilrMel, they both need some love :D and if any of you are Speed fans please check out my Speed fanfic called "A love like no other" i know some of you have read it, but this is my first fanfic and i want some opinions please :D
S: Yeah, H?

H: *takes Speed's hand* I love you too, buddy.

*thinks gay moment*


*gives self mental slap across the face*

:lol: ANYWAYS, thanks for the update Gen- Lil. :lol: Now i have 2 main fics whirling around in my head. But i hope to see more of Stetler stupid little plan, so i can crush it. :devil: He messed with my Horatio.... :mad:
:lol: Lora. A lot has happened, Stef, maybe one day we'll get back to actual therapy. I'm thinking of carrying this arc to the summer and then maybe change it up, do regular therapy sessions based on each week's episode and what happened and throw in new plots whenever I get bored. :lol:

Sorry for the delay, I've been sick, have this stupid infection and my knee's messed up and I have testing and I'm attempting to get better for my three softball games this weekend. *whew* Here's a short one.

At Miami Dade Memorial, Speed explains to Horatio what happened to drive him to leave for Los Angeles. Again, he does not reveal whp approached him, only what happened. Horatio listens the whole time, and as Speed ends his story, he opens his eyes again.

Speed: But H, I'm staying here. I'm stayng in Miami.

Horatio: Speed, thank you. Thank you.

S: Well I want to stay, anyway.

H: No, I mean thank you for protecting us. You're the bravest, most loyal, amazing person I know.

S: Thanks, H. I'm sorry for putting you all through that.

H: Next time anything happens, come to me. I can help you.

S: There was nothing you could do.

H: Maybe, maybe not.

S: I'm just glad you're going to be okay.

H: I'm glad you're back, Speed.



S: Um, I've got to...get to work. Eric re-hired me.

H: Wonderful. Have you contacted your parents?

S: Thay moved awhile ago, H. I checked. You knew that.

H: I...don't remember everything, Speed.

S:...I'm sorry.

H: It's okay.

S: Thay moved to Iowa and got on with their life. I wouldn't want to tear up old wounds again, unless I have to.

H: They're missing you.

S: They moved on, H. I'm going to let them get on.

H: Okay, Speed. I trust your decision.

S: Thank you. *gets up* Thank you, H.

H: Good man, Speed.

S: Good man, H. *leaves*

H: *closes eyes*

Next session: ?
wonderful update! *sigh* i love them. :D but you already knew that didn't you? lol

love the idea for the sessions based on episodes. thats just brilliant. *hugs* i hope you get to feelings better lilly!
Awwwww!! so cute!! and Speed is so sweet!!! oh and guys i've written a series of Speed love stories, check them out if you want, and please review if you do!! thanks!! Great Job with the story Cainesugar.
Gah, sorry everyone. Had my hands full with internet connection problems (fixed) CST Testing (almost...a fourth of the way done) and a banner challenge (I admire everyone who runs them so much more now). I will update soon though! *kicks RL out of the way*
*dashes in* Short update to bring life back to this old, ragged thread. I'd love to see Ryan kick's Stetler's butt. :p

Ryan, Calleigh, Eric and Alexx go back to the lab, and Ryan and Calleigh sit down to do old paperwork and close the now re-opened, compromised cases that they can, as well as making calls and attempting to get the lab back up and running. Eric and Alexx process the scene, and are joined by Speed, as he shows up fom the hospital.

Speed: *walks over to crime scene* This is big.

Eric: *collects casings* Almost the whole second floor, our floor.

S: They were really aiming for us, weren't they.

E: Yeah.

S: *opens kit* Horatio seems...better.

E: Oh yeah?

S: Yeah.

E: He happy to see you?

S: Dazed. He's loaded up on painkilers, he's so different.

E: *nods* He was miserable with you gone, Speed. He didn't show it, but he was a wreck.

S: *nods* I know, Eric.

E: We all were.

S: I'm sorry. *collects casings with Eric*

E: What did you do in LA? *gets out camera, snaps pictures*

S: I worked with gangs, joining them and bringing them down.

E: Like Ray.

S: Sort of.

E: Was it nice there?

S: I swear half your life is spent in a traffic jam.

E: *laughs*

S: It was really hot, really messy, and really amazing. But nothing like Miami.

E: *smiles* Home is here.

S: Yeah.

E: *snaps pictures*

S: *collects casings*

E: *looks at Speed*

Interrogation room, Ryan and Calleigh sitting across from each other writing, with boxes piled up around them

Ryan: *scribbles notes* Case from 2005, Tracy Roth, 32, found shot at a bank, with her money. We caught the killer on confession, a Billy Branding. We got him on the gun, with GSR on his hands and a written confession.

Calleigh: Anything compromised?

R: *sigh* No. *scribbles* And it is once again, closed. *packs away case, moves on to new box* This is terrible.

C: I know. Some evdidence would be compromised, and put killers back on the streets. This case is from 1997, how are we going to get these guys convicted now?

R: Without the scene and proper evidence...I don't know.

C: Killers, back on the streets...I hope the jerks who did this get what's coming to them.

R: They will, Calleigh. They almost killed H. The bastards.

C: *puts down pen* I'm going to get some water, assuming the break room's still intact.

R: Basically, two interrogation rooms, the morgue, and the DNA lab were damaged.

C: Who's on top of repairs?

R: Frank.

C: He's making the calls?

R: Yup.

C: And...the labs...

R: We'll be able to use nearby labs.

C: This is messed up.

R: Tell me about it. *scribbles*

C: *leaves*

Next session: ?