CSI Miami Therapy

:lol: I try to kep it un-shippy, but I'll give some moments for each ship. But I'm not going to have a relationship, at least not at this point.

I'll have an update up later this weekened, but it's a busy one for me.
I've been reading this. It's fantastic. The idea of the team and especially H in therapy made me click and wanting to read it, but the story is great. I hope Stetler gets what he's got coming in the end though.
I'll give you some H/S, Stef. ;)

Eric sits in Horatio's room after the rest of the team leave, holding Horatio's hand. He feels nervous, and keeps turning around to look at the door.

Horatio: Eric what's wrong?

Eric: *turns to Horatio* Besides the fact that you're in a hospital bed?

H: *smiles*

E: I'm worried about you, H.

H: I'll be alright, Eric.

E: H...do you remember...what was going on before you were injured?

H: Weren't we in...therapy or something?

E: Yeah.

H: And I had been looking into...an old case.

E: About Speed, right?

H: *opens eyes* I didn't tell you, did I?

E: No, I figured it out.

H: *rests back* I'm sorry, but I think he may be...alive.

E: *tears well up* H...we all know.

H: What? How?

E: H...Alexx told us all. You found out from her, and then you began to look into it without telling us about it. We all know he's alive.

H: Oh...well, I didn't figure out where he was. But I think Stetler has something to do with it.

E: H, we know where he is. Or was.

H: What do you mean?

E: Alexx told us that too...he was in LA.

H: Was...where is he now?

E: Um, he's-

Door opens

E: *turns around*

Nurse: He needs his rest, and I need to take his vitals. I'll have to ask you to leave.

H: Eric-

E: *stands up, releases Horatio's hand* Yeah, H? *sniffles*

H: You take care of the team for me. You're in charge.

E: Thank you, H. I will. *walks to door, looks back at H*

H: *smiles, weakly waves*

E: *smiles, leaves*

H: *closes eyes*


Calleigh: *lets go of Ryan* Come on, we need to figure out how to fix this.

Ryan: Yeah.

Alexx: *walks over* Not all of the lab was destoryed, we need to assess the damage and see what we can do and what needs to be fixed.

Speed: *walks over* I'm staying at a motel on Troost, a few miles South of here.

R: How long are you going to stay?

S: I need to work a few things out, I don't know.

A: *hugs Speed* You stay as long as possible, you hear? We still want to know what's going on.

S: *sigh* Okay. I say we go to the lab, assess the damage, do some planning on what we need to do, make sure any evidence hasn't been too badly contaminated, and process the scene.

E: *walks over* H says I'm in charge. I like Speed's idea, we need to close up any of the now re-opened cases we can and solve the rest of the easier ones as well. Then, we set to work on re-construction, re-hiring, and taking new cases.

C: Sounds good. Speed, if anyone recognizes you...we don't even know what kind of mess you're in at this point.

S: Let's get some lunch first and I'll explain it all to you guys. I really want to see Horatio though...

E: Tomorrow. He's been through enough today.

S: Okay.

C: We ready?

The team walk out, arms locked, together again.

Next session: ?
i like it how Speed was taking charge after all the damage that he has done and probably wants to make things better:)
awww the little eric and H scene was sad. i like how they're all working together now...just like old times (+ ryan) crackin cases and bringin down the man!! (where did that come from?)

*jumps up and down at the thought of H/S!!!* woo!

great update! youre awesome lilly!!
Thanks guys, they'll be together soon enough. ;)

Speed, Alexx, Eric, Calleigh and Ryan walked outside, the Miami sun beating down on their heads. Eric and Alexx took one Hummer, Calleigh and Ryan took one, and Speed followed them on his motorcycle as they rode off to a small cafe near the lab. People were still in distress, and newscasters were stillreporting on the story.


Eric: *climbs out of parked Hummer* This place is...nice.

Alexx: *slams door* Let's get a table, Eric.

They walk inside

Calleigh: *parks Hummer* Let's go, Eric and Alexx are already here. *gets out*

Ryan: Why couldn't I drive this time?

C: You're still the newvie, Ryan. Suck it up. *walks inside*

R: *sighs, follows*

Speed: *parks motocycle, gets off* Hey guys, wait up.

C: *walks over to Speed, takes his arm* Tim, I missed you so much.

S: *smiles*

E: *comes out* Let's sit out here.

A: *walks up to Eric* It's warmer out here anyway. *sits down at table*

Everyone sits down

Waiter: Hi officers, what can I get for you?

E: I'll have iced tea.

A: Me too.

C: Coffee.

S: *turns to Calleigh* Cal, it's midday.

C: I know, Tim. *nudges*

S: I'll have Coke.

R: Iced tea as well, thanks.

W: Alright I have three iced teas, a coke and coffee. I'll be right back.

C: Thank you.

E: Okay Speed, talk.

S: You sure you don't want to wait for the dr-

Everyone: No!

S: K, k. *leans back* Um, three years ago, I was approached by...someone who we'll call, um, David.

E: So his real name isn't David?

S: No. But until I sort everything out, we'll call him David. Anyway David approached me with a built up case against me. It was a good case he had going, he had managed to dig up enough to prove me negligent and a liar.

C: Your gun?

S: A lot of things. So with this case, David would be able to re-open all of my cases I'd ever handled, get me fired, and put the lab under a microscope.

E: That bitch, it's Stetler, right?

S: For now it's David. Maybe it is Stetler, maybe it isn't. Anyway, look what that would do to the lab! He made me an offer. He said that if I faked my death and became an undercover officer who worked with bringing down gangs in Los Angeles.

A: But why did you have to fake your death?

S: It was his conditons. I guess he wanted to...bring down the lab any way he could. But I thought that it would be better to leave hundreds of killers locked up, instead of putting them back on the streets. And I thought that you guys might be strong enough to go on without me.

C: We couldn't Tim. We love you.

S: *nods* I know, Cal. I love you guys too.

R: So why were you able to come back?

S: I'm getting there. So I came home from work a few days ago, back in LA, and saw the news, what had happened here. I had been keeping up with you guys, I wanted to make sure you were alright all the time. So anyway I saw what happened, and I...was already fed up. I bought a plane ticket and here I am.

R: How did you fake your death?

S: They organized it all. I had packs of blood under my shirt and they hired the 'shooters', so I had to grab at my chest and bite down when they fired the shot and...they drugged me, I don't remember what happened exactly.

A: Wait...didn't David get mad when you came here?

S: Yeah. But I don't care. He can blackmail me all he wants, these cases are already being re-opened because of what happened at the lab, I might as well stay.

C: You're really here to stay?

S: I am. I love you guys.

R: Aww, group hug!


E: Not cool, Wolfe.

S: Ah, whatever. *hugs everyone*

Everyone: *hugs Speed*

S: I love you guys. And I'm here to stay.

Everyone: *hugs tighter*

S: I'm here to stay.

Next session: ?
YAY he's staying! 'R: Aww, group hug!'-- my favorite line EVER! :D and the name david...very clever. lol

okay, now we know everything thats happened and all that good stuff....now take him to H!!!!

great update :) thanks