CSI Miami Therapy

I already knew you were evil, this just proves it lol. Post more soon or I'll forget the sharp objects and just break out the rocket launcher lol
LILLY! :mad: that was mean! (just playin, youre great!) horatio?!? shot?!? yep, that could only happen in ff. lol grrr more...soon.

and i would definately read a stetler fic, evil or otherwise. you write, i read. deal? i'll give you a cookie...
*screams; glass breaks and dogs start howling* OMG!! LILLY, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?

*curls up into little ball*

Wait, no. The CSI's need my help! *grabs gun and ammo, jumps into Hummer*
I didn't say he had been shot. :p Guess you'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out if he was or not. Thanks guys!
Aww Stef *takes cookie* Thanks. *hugs everyone*
Okay I'm in a race here so sorry for typos. And for the double post.

Continuation, 1 second later.

Dr. Jennings: Horatio? Horatio, where are you?

H:...*line goes dead*

Dr. Jennings hangs up and turns on the news then calls police and informs them of what happened. She watches the news eagerly until a few hours later a story comes on about a shooting at the Miami Dade Crime Lab.

News Reporter: Today, only a few hours ago, as many as four masked men ambushed the Miami Dade Crime Lab, where three police officers were killed and a small fire obliterated much of the lab.

Dr. J: *waits eagerly*

NR: Their names have not been released, but we do know that fourteen others were injured, including three officers, two civilians, and lab technicians, as well as head of the Crime Lab...

Dr. J: *stares at screen*

NR: ...Lieutenant Horatio Caine. We are unsure of his status at the moment. According to witnesses-

Dr. Jenning shuts off the television angrily, and picks up the phone.

Dr. J: Rick?

Stetler: Yes doctor? Do you have the tapes?

Dr. J: Rick did you have anything to do with the shooting?

S: There was a shooting?

Dr. J: At the crime lab, yes, and I think you knew that.

S: I'm a federal offical, I don't involve myself with shootings doctor. I'm not a murderer.

Dr. J: Well you want to ruin someone's life, why not just try and kill him?

S: Look, this is absurd. Don't call me again, I call you.

Dr. J: Just tell me if you-

S: *hangs up*

Dr. J: *sigh* *picks up phone, calls*

Outside Miami Dade Crime Lab

Ryan: Hello?

Dr. J: Ryan?

R: Doctor, did you hear what happened?

Dr. J: Yes, are you okay?

R: I'm fine, but I know that Horatio was injured and I don't know what happened to Eric and Alexx. Eric wouldn't leave, he ran back into the mess to look for Horatio. There was a small fire, I don't know where he is by now.

Dr. J: Will you keep me posted? And how's Calleigh?

R: She's fine.

Dr. J: Alright. *sigh* Tell me everything you hear.

R: Okay, thanks doctor.

Dr. J: Thanks Ryan.

R:...does this mean no session?

Dr. J:...no. Bye. *hangs up*

R: *fist pump*

Next session: ?

Sorry it's so short, and another cliffhanger, but I have to see if I'm gonna take this one far or not. We shall see.
LOL at Ryan at the end. I don't think it's a really big cliffie; big cliffies make me want to hurt someone lol. More soon!
awww eric went back in to find H. go eric! and i like the ryan part at the end. cuteness. great update lilly. :)
*cheers for Eric* Thanks guys. Here's a short one.

In downtown Los Angeles, in an old apartment, Tim Speedle comes home from a long day of work. He jiggles the door handle, walks in, and tosses some papers down on his desk. He's about to go shower when he notices the TV is on. He begind to turn it off, but stops.

News Reporter: Today in Miami, Florida, the Miami Dade Crime Lab was fired at by unknown shooters and destroyed by fire and bullets. The shooters fled the scene, but we know that so far, the head of the Crime Lab and thirteen others were injured, and three were killed.


NR: They're still missing three Crime Scene Investigators and four civilians, the names are listed below:

'Civilians: Jose Varquez, Marie Pennings, John Snows, Yolanda Hardeans
Crime Scene Investigators: Eric Delko, Alexx Woods, Horatio Caine.' flashes across the screen.

S: *reaches for phone*

NR: We have no news on their condition.

S: *sigh*

NR: We have confirmation, however, that this was a gang hit. No news on which gang. I’m Rhonda-

Speed turns off the TV

S: *grabs cell*

Miami Dade Crime Lab, inside

Horatio's cell phone rings, Eric looks up from where he's digging through rubble, trapped in the building by the fire. He runs over to it and answers it, glad to have found a way to get help.

Eric: Eric Delko, we need rescue at the Mami Crime Lab.

S: Eric?

E:...who is this?

S: It's...Speed.


S: I'm so sorry Eric, are you okay?

E: Speed...look, I can't talk, I need rescue here.

S: What happened to you? Are you hurt?

E: No, but I can't find H and I'm pretty sure-

S: Horatio's injured. They said it on the news. They can't get in, the fire's caused the entrance to collapse but they're trying.

E: Speed...*digs around* why?

S: I...can't explain it now. You need to find Horatio, he could be dying.

E: Thanks for telling me.

S: Yeah.

E: *digs through rubble, walks down hall* I...missed you so much, Speed. We all did.

S: I know. I'm really, really sorry Eric.

E: You really hurt us.

S:...I know.

E: I'm just glad you're alive.

Eric looks off and sees Horatio trapped under a fallen beam.

E: H! H!

S: You find him?

E: Yes. Hold on. *pockets cell phone*

Eric reaches Horatio, who's been hit on the head and has a red blood stained shirt. He'd been shot and crushed by the beam.

E: H! Hang in there. *takes pulse, grabs cell* Speed, you need to get rescue in...the roof, they can get in from the roof, we're on the fourth floor.

S: Is he okay?

E: He's...alive. For now. Speed, get help.

S: Eric...I'm sorry. Again.

E: I love you, buddy.


E: Therapy...ah. Now get help. *hangs up, pockets cell* Horatio... *tries to lift beam*

H: *cough* Eric...

E: H, hang in there, rescue is on the way.

H: Eric, Speed...

E: He's alive, H. I talked to him *lifts* Hang in there so you can see him.

H: *nods* Is everyone else okay?


H: What about...Alexx? She was still...in the morgue...

E: I don't know. *lifts beam, pushes off to side, pants*

H: *winces*

E: I'm here, H.

H: Eric...go find Alexx...

E: I'm staying here.

H: Go.

E:...rescus is on the way. Stay strong, H. *gets up, runs off*

H: *closes eyes*

Next session: ?
speed!! its about damn time. poor H...all hurt and alone. update soon or i'll throw soft plushy animals at you...

*note to self: come up with more frightening threats.*
*raises hand* I volunteer to stay with Horatio! *puts hand down* Wait, I'm not in it...boo! :) Keep up the good work! I can't wait to see more!
*screams* MY HORATIO!! *sobs rack body* :( :(


Lilly....you better update....

Thanks for the update. :lol:
Well I know you guys don't really hate me. *pushes to front of line*

I'll leave this cliffhanger until tomorrow, getting my thoughts together. Thanks so much! :D
Are you kidding? You're in RT! I loathe you! :mad: And i love you. :D *hugs* (Aww...)

Why run the race when you can go straight to the finish? *knocks down eveyone in line* And screw the spongebath, i'll just carry him to MY bath! *busts out massage oil* :devil: ;)