CSI Miami Therapy

i loved the Calleigh and Ryan thing....where she puts her head on his shoulder!!! I'm sorry i had to mention it..it made me squee because I'm a CaRWasher so any fan fic that has any Ryan Calleigh stuff like that just makes me jittery and excited!!! and poor H!!!!! and i can't wait to see what happens when Speed comes back!!! nice job!!!!!
Thanks, welcome to therapy.
RL sucks, as always. I write all updates during the week at school, and that computer crashed, Hopefully it'll be back up and running next week, and I'll update this weekend. Sorry to keep you all waiting! :D *hugs*
*pops in to let everyone know she's not dead*

Okay, just my luck, my internet at home died ad I can only get on at school, where I don't have much time to update. I'm so sorry guys, I owe you a million updates. :lol: The second it works again I'll update, a nice and long one for ya. *hugs for everyone*
i was about to send out a search party. i miss therapy lol. but totally understandable. :) hopefully it works soon!
wow took me a couple of hours to catch up on this fic!
it great! a lot of drama and suspense! love it!<3;)
and everytime i read i think of the Sopranos therapist!
*jumps in* At a friend's house, till my 'nets back up. :( Stupid internet connection! STUPID SQUIRELLS! Well I owe you all an update, here ya go.

As he rides through the familiar streets of Miami, Speed’s cell phone rings. He pulls over, and picks it up.

Speed: Hello?

R Stetler: Speedle.

S:…what do you want?

RS: You, back in LA, back to work.

S: It’s called a break.

RS: You wouldn’t be taking a break if you were still a CSI.


RS: So…you shouldn’t be as an undercover investigator.

S: I’m visiting a sick friend.

RS: As in Horatio Caine?


RS: He thinks you’re dead. Let’s keep it that way.

S: Why? So I can go on living a life of secrecy, with my best friends and family thinking I’m six feet under?

RS: So you can maintain your position.

S: Of what? *laughs*

RS: You’re lucky I let you continue in the crime profession.

S: Let me? I didn’t absolutely have to take your offer.

RS: Oh yeah. You were REALLY going to let me ruin your record. Or, excuse me…not hide what you did to ruin your own record.

S: *snorts* What, I forgot to clean my freaking gun a few times? Negligence, Stetler?

RS: As a CSI, negligence could cost you.

S: But get me fired?

RS: You took the offer, Speedle.

S: You hardly gave me a choice!

RS: You just said, negligence was nothing!

S: Oh yeah, you were going to ‘mention’ I was a negligent CSI and get on with it? I didn’t have to, but what would happen if I didn’t? You wouldn’t let that happen. And lose a valuable opportunity to gain an undercover investigator AND attempt at breaking the team apart?


S: Like you could. They got on, they’re strong as ever.

RS: I’m smarter than you give me credit for, Speedle.

S: Well that’s a good thing for you.

RS: You have no idea. Horatio and his team are losing it. Falling apart. They can partially thank you for that.

S: That shooting had nothing to do with me.

RS: Did it?

S: I’m going to save you the trouble of hanging up.

RS: I have more on you than you know. Things you probably don’t want to know about. Remember in high school while on a class trip you were discovered with a pocketknife on an airplane?

S:…I’m hanging up.

RS: Or when in middle school when you shoplifted $100 worth of pharmaceuticals?

S: I was 13!

RS: Go back to LA, Speedle.

S: First off, no f***ing way. Second, my name’s Speed. *hangs up, throws phone on ground, drives off*

At the hospital, Calleigh leans on Ryan as she strokes Horatio’s hand. Horatio’s breathing machines and IV beep incessantly, but she ignores it, intent on stroking his hand as he lays, his chest slowly rising and falling in rhythm. Ryan sighs and runs his hands through Calleigh’s hair, as if to pet her. His face is solemn, feeling at loss of a mentor and friend. He silently prays. Horatio’s eyelids flutter, and Calleigh sits up, but he doesn’t move again. She and Ryan leave a few minutes later.

In the Lobby, they meet up with Alexx and Eric.

Alexx: How was he?

Eric: Wolfe got to see him before me?

Ryan: *frowns*

Calleigh: He looked so…lifeless. Besides possible…brain damage, he’s going to recover though.

E: We know.

A: Imagine Horatio with brain damage…he’s always been the strongest of all of us, the one who couldn’t be affected by anything. The one who held us up when we couldn’t handle something.

E: We owe him, major.

C: Alright. If he gets better, first off, we appreciate him a lot more. Second, we ask him if there’s anything we can do for him, frequently. Maybe he needs us sometimes but can’t bring himself to ask for help.

R: We all feel that way sometimes.

E: Yeah but he’s always there for everyone else, it’d be nice for us to be there for him for once, like Cal said.

C: And now this whole deal with Speed…he must be cracking under the pressure.

A: Not to mention stress.

E: He’s been looking into Speed’s death a lot lately. I don’t think I’m supposed to know and I haven’t said anything but I’m worried about him.

C: Well if Speed is alive…

E: There has to be a reason!

A: Maybe he’s suspicious?

R: Well this guy, Speedle-

E: Speed, Wolfe. Not ‘this guy’.

R: Sorry Delko. Well Speed sounds amazing, why would he fake his death if he wanted to leave?

E: We don’t know, idiot.

R: *glares* My point exactly. Maybe he’s looking in to why he left.

A: Maybe.

C: Do we know where he is?

A: Los Angeles, last time I heard anything. Working as an undercover investigator with fierce LA gangs, some connected to Miami crimes.

C: Maybe that’s why he left. I mean, not the way he did it, but why he left to begin with. He wanted to do something else.

E: But why put us through that? He’s better than that. He wouldn’t do this unless he was forced to for someone’s safety.

R: Or he was blackmailed.

E: Speed’s like an angel, no one could dig up anything on him.

C: You’d be surprised at what people have done that can haunt them later.

E: Well I think he did it to protect someone. Speed’s that kind of guy.

A: I don’t know what to think. When he was pretending to be dead on my table, he never said anything. Not even goodbye. Then I was told to leave him outside and I came back to see if this was for real and he was gone.

C: Maybe he didn’t want to say goodbye.

R: Maybe he was hinting at something.

Everyone: What?

R: That he was coming back.

Next session: Whenever I get my 'net back. :lol:
stetler is such an ass! bringing up stuff from when he was 13?? oh that is so his style lol. more soon!!! wake horatio up!

great update :) thanks lilly!
Thanks everyone. We haven’t heard from the doc in a while, so here she is.

In Miami Dade Memorial, Horatio Caine opened his eyes. He immediately noticed pain, throbbing pain in his head and stabbing pains shooting through the rest of his body. He felt weak, as though he couldn’t move a muscle even if he wanted to. Next, he noticed his surroundings- a small room, bare, with a window and one bed. He was hooked up to various machines that probably kept him alive, or at least helped to.

His head throbbed even more when he thought, but he tried to remember what had led him here. The last thing he could remember was…

He thought back, but everything seemed mixed together- memories of therapy sessions, different victims, interrogations, and then the death of a friend and colleague. Speedle. Speed, right? He’d died. And the team had been miserable…the team. Where were they?

And then it seemed to wash over him, the fact that they were all in group therapy sessions and they’d been ambushed at the lab by…who? Horatio couldn’t remember seeing anyone there, but he remembered shots being fired, talking on his cell phone, seeing Eric…and explosions, as if ripping his brain apart and scattering his memories. He remembered talking to men connected to Speed’s death, remembered what they said, and how Speed was still alive. Maybe the whole team was.

All he wanted now was to see them again, be reminded they were real, and here. He wanted to reach out to them, feel them again and be Horatio Caine again. But for now, all he could do was close his eyes and give in to the overwhelming pain again, one of his first times admitting defeat.

Speed rode through the crowded streets of Miami, feeling the hot sun beat down on his head and perspiration form on his face. He turned into the parking lot for the Miami Dade Memorial Hospital.

Meanwhile, Ryan calls Dr. Jennings from the lobby.

Dr. Jennings: Hello?

Ryan: Hey, Dr. J, it’s me, Ryan. The CSI.

Dr. J: I know, Ryan. What’s happening?

R: Well, he should recover, unless he has brain damage. And it’s a possibility.

Dr. J: Brain…damage?

R: Yeah.

Dr. J: Wow. Just…wow.

R: I know.

Dr. J: How is everyone holding up?

R: Not well.

Dr. J: Do you want me to come over there?

R: I think we’ll be okay.

Dr. J: No one else was injured?

R: Nope.

Dr. J: All right. Okay.

R: What do we do now?

Dr. J:…I don’t know.

R: Stetler’s gonna show up any minute to take over the lab.

Dr. J: He can do that?

R: He’s always trying. And with H in the hospital…it won’t be hard. He is IAB.

Dr. J: I think I might be able to…stall him.

R: How would you do that? And how would it help?

Dr. J: Well, when Horatio wakes up he can direct order to someone, right?

R: Yeah.

Dr. J: He could wake up soon, right?

R: Yeah. Where are you going with this?

Dr. J: I’ll take care of Stetler for a while.


Dr. J: Bye Ryan.

R: Still no sessions planned?

Dr. J: No. *sigh* Not until we get this straightened up.

R: Okay. Awesome. Thanks. *hangs up*

Dr. Jennings dials another number.

Stetler: Hello?

Dr. J: Rick, it’s me.

S: Dr. Jennings?

Dr. J: Yes.

S: Oh. What do you want now?

Dr. J: *takes deep breath* Um, I wanted to *grimaces* apologize.

S: Okay. Wonderful. Can I go, or do you have any more accusations?

Dr. J: I wanted to *groans* ask you out to…dinner.

S: Me?

Dr. J: Um…yes.

S: I’m flattered. However, I have plans tonight.

Dr. J: Anything to do with the CSIs?

S: Horatio’s out of the way. Maybe.

Dr. J: Well, I have information that could…um, lead you to be able to fire Horatio, so that he’d never have to come back.

S: Hm. Well, how can I trust you?

Dr. J: I’m legally obligated to not lie to my patients.

S: Yeah, when is our next session?

Dr. J: Tonight, meet me at the sushi place on Fulton.

S:…okay. I’ll see you there.

Dr. J: Dress up nice.

S: *rolls eyes*

Next session: Stetler.
Thanks guys. :D

Dr. Jennings sat in a chair at a two person table, shifting from side to side. She wore a dress and sweater. She was worried Stetler wouldn't show up, but five minutes later, as she was about to call Ryan, he came in, wearing a gray suit. He sat down.

Stetler: Doctor.

Dr. Jennings: Rick.

S: Please don't take up too much of my time, I have a lab to overthrow.

Dr. J: It's dinner, Rick.

S: Whatever. What kind of information do you have?

Dr. J: OH LOOK a waiter. I'm thirsty.

Waiter: Hello, what can I get for you two this evening?

S: *rolls eyes*

Dr. J: I'll have sparkling water, please.

W: No problem. And for you, sir?

S: Water, thanks.

W: Alright I'll be right back with your drinks. *leaves*

S: Okay doctor, tell me.

Dr. J: Well...I um, have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back. *leaves*

S: *sigh, rests head on hand*

W: Lady trouble?

S: Go away.

W: *sets down drinks*

Ten minutes later

Dr. J: *sits down* Alright I'm back.

S: You took like ten minutes!

Dr. J: I'm a woman.

S: *rolls eyes* Please, tell me-

Dr. J: Oh, my drink's here. *drinks*

S: Of course it is. It's been ten. Minutes

Dr. J: *drinks* It's really good.

S: It's the same everywhere! It's sparkling water!

Dr. J: Ah, well.

S: Doctor, I don't have al day-

W: You ready to order?

Dr. J: Yes, thank you. I'll have #7, 12 and 19.

W: For you, sir?

S: I'm not hungry.

Dr. J: Get something, Rick, the food's good here.

S: Fine. What she's having.

W: So we have two #7's, 12's and 19's. Anything else?

S: We're fine.

W: Okay. *leaves*

S: Tell me now or Im leaving.

Dr. J: Rick...I don't know, I feel guilty.

S: For being on the CSIs' side? I would too.

Dr. J: No...just...for buying into all this. I'm going to lose my job because of this two-way business. With you, and the CSIs...it's all so messed up now. *takes Stetler's hand* Tell me...did you have anything to do with the shooting.

S: I'm leaving. You asshole, I'm leaving.

Dr. J: Wait! *grabs Stetler* Tell me, Rick. *looks innocent*

S:...yes. I did. Not what you think, though. *wiggles free*

Dr. J: Rick!

S: *leaves*

Dr. J: *sigh*

Next session: ?

Sorry it's so short. :D