CSI Miami Therapy

Stetler is an ass! grrr...but now I totally see the beauty of her forgetting to turn on the tape recorder when Alexx confessed about Speed. :)

Thanks for the update! Great job.
Thanks! Oh, so you did catch that? Good. Stetler is an ass, isn't he? No homework, I'm so lucky, so here's H.

Dr. Jennings sits in her swivel chair later that day with her pen and pad of paper, in a dark suit. She sits across from the first CSI patient of the fourth week, who is dressed in all black and figits. She goes to turn the recorder on, thinks better of it, and sits back down to begin the session.

Horatio: Aren't you going to turn on the recorder?

Dr. Jennings:...no. We are going to discuss some confidential things today, as far as I know.

H: Like what?

Dr. J: Speedle's death.

H:...ok. I found out some things.

Dr. J: Like what?

H: Well, like I have said, he was involved with the feds...he met with some officials prior to his...dissappearence...and I'm guessing he wasn't grabbing a beer.

Dr. J: You think he really was working undercover?

H: Planning to, at least. I never would have guessed it but now I see that his resistance to clean his gun set up a good plan for them, it gave him an excuse to not be able to shoot back. Now I'm wondering who the guy who shot at him really was.

Dr. J: Probably someone they hired, I'd guess.

H: Yeah, and he could give us information, though it'll be tough...the feds hire only the best fr stuff like this. When my brother went undercover...

Dr. J: Swithcing to therapist again, tell me about your brother.

H: Do I have to?

Dr. J: You're still my patient.

H: He was a cop like me, and faked his death. I learned he had been a dirty cop, with the drugs he dealed with, and had a child and mistriss unknown to his wife and son, and his wife is my colleage.

Dr. J: Must ahve been rough keeping the from her.

H: I had to pretend Suzie and Madison were mine, until I learned that Madison had leukemia, and needed a bone marrow transplant. Then I had to tell Yelina and you can tell that didn't go over well, telling your sister and law that her husband had cheated on her with a tweaker and had a child.

Dr. J: Horatio, you take so much upon yourself; you were in no way responsible for your brother.

H: But it seemed he had left me with all the tough stuff to deal with, but I dealed with it because he had died and I was just straightening things out for him. And then I found out that he was still alive, and everything changed. He had left his familu, his son and wife-

Dr. J (interupting): And you.

H:...right. He left us to clean up his mess, and to miss and mourn him. And then I sent them all to Brazil to keep them safe and he...he died for real. I was there.

Dr. J: Horatio...that's terrible.

H: The worst part was the fact that...I loved Yelina.

Dr. J:...

H: It was wrong to love my dead brother's wife, but then he was alive. But then they all left...

Dr. J:...


Dr. J: I'm so sorry, Horatio.

H: *sigh* Let's get back to Speedle, shall we?

Dr. J:...okay. Horatio, you need to forget all of this. Your brother would want you to be happy.

H:...I know. Anyway, I think Speed went undercover with the same group, in the same way my brother did. I just don't know why he faked his death instead of just leaving.

Dr. J: Maybe he wanted to get away from something?

H: But why with the feds?

Dr. J: Maybe he made a deal?

H: Maybe they blackmailed him...

Dr. J: If you really want to know, you'll question the man who shot at Speedle, he was most likely in on it.

H: I need to question Stetler.

Dr. J: Why?

H: He no doubt knows. He's sticking his nose in everything, something like this would pop out to him. He probably set it all up.

Dr. J: If Speedle didn't like Stetler why would he work with him?

H:...I'm going with blackmail. Or threat. It's Stetler's style.

Dr. J: our session is up, Horatio, but after you know something please contact me.

H: I don't want to get you involved.

Dr. J: I already am.

H:...okay. All off the record, though. Got it?

Dr. J: Deal. *stands, shakes hand*

H: *stands* I'll be at the group session.

Dr. J: Call me about Speedle.

H: I will. *leaves*

Dr. Jennings makes some notes, and sits in her chair for a while. She ponders on what to do, because she's on both sides at ths point, and she doesn't know who to stick with. She leaves and prepares for a fitful sleep.

Next session: Calleigh.
another update! yay! you're wonderful. :) I liked the doc's silence after H said everything about his brother, I'm guessing she was thinking the same thing I was "damn, this man needed to be in therapy a LONG time ago"
Now I'm kind of torn, on one hand I really dislike this therapist, almost as much as I dislike Stetler. But she could also really help the team beat Stettie at his own game...hmmm, she has all this power...she must use it for good and not evil! But I think she's leaning toward good since she didn't record H's session. :)
Hehe I'm at school and so far no homework, I might be able to update tonight. Thanks for all the support guys, it's great to read your reviews. Otherwise, why would I write it? :D
Expect an update tonight or tomorrow, since I still have softball and soccer. :)
Oh..Horatio talked about his brother. :( So many memories for him.. *hugs Horatio*

*murders Stetler*

Thanks for the updates Lilly! I hope for the next session to come soon! :D
So sorry for the delay...been exhausted from three softball games in a row. Ugh. I'm catcher.

Dr. Jennings is sitting in her home office when she recieves a call. It's from a CSI Patient. She stops, turns off the phone recorder, and picks it up.

Dr. Jennings: Hello?

Horatio: Dr. Jennings?

Dr. J: Yes, is this Horatio?

H: Yes. I've spoken to the shooter.

Dr. J: What?

H: The...is this being recorded?

Dr. J: No.

H: You sure?

Dr. J: Yes. The reocrder is off.

H: The guy who shot Speed.

Dr. J: Ok...

H: I recorded the conversation between myself and him.

Dr. J: Can I hear it?

H: Yes, hold on.

Recorder beeps

Horatio: Mr...Alexander Martinez?

Martinez: Uh-huh. Why you go calling me out here?

H: I need to speak to you about the officer you shot three years ago.

M: Damn, was it that long ago?

H: Mr. Matinez...

M: What about it?

H: Who hired you to fake the shot?

M: Dude I dunno what the hell you talking about, but I shot that guy.

H: Then why aren't you in prison?

M: Ask the feds.

H: See, I would, but I'm talking to you here.

M: *narrows eyes* I ain't sayin' nothin.

H: You faked the shot, you were hired by a federal, I just want to know which one.

M: You trippin'.

H: Cut the street talk, the feds aren't stupid enough to hire someone who really speaks like that and I know it.

M: You need a hearing aid or somethin'? *stands* I don't work for the feds!

H: What do you take me for? An idiot? You shot a man, admitted to it, and the feds bailed you out. You shot a police officer. Why would they let you go if that was true?

M:...how should I know?

H: Alexander, reason with me here. Who hired you?

M: This guy.

H: What guy?!

M: I don't know! He approached me after I went to clean up my divorce case with my wife...it was near here.

H: What did he look like?

M: Tall...he says he wants me to fake shoot this guy so he has to get me to work at some stupid ass jewelry shop, then he gave me a gun loaded with blanks and I did it. I remember you were there.

H (annoyed): He never gave you a name?

M: No...I'm sorry, that's all I know. Am I under arrest?

H: No, but someone else is. Don't go far.

Recorder beeps, tape ends.

H: I still can't be sure, but I think Stetler hired Martinez. I don't know why, he's a retired criminal and they usually hire only the best for a job like this.

Dr. J: *sighs* I don't know, maybe they wanted it to look authentic.

H: Maybe.

Dr. J: Horatio, why do you trust me with this?

H: Should I not?

Dr. J: No, I just want to know why?

H: I guess...I believe you can keep this secret. And I don't know who to turn to.

Dr. J:...Horatio, I'm sorry.

H: For what?

Dr. J: For...


Dr. J: I have to go, I have another call.

H: Don't be sorry if you didn't do anything wrong.

Dr. J:...okay. *hangs up* *cries*

Phone rings.

Dr. J: *sniffles* Hello?

Stetler: There was nothing good on the tapes. Just a bunch of whining from the CSIs. Why can't you get anything better off them?

Dr. J (frustrated): Like what, Rick?

S: Like...that they're on drugs! Or they killed someone! Or they're working in some dirty work! Something I can get them with!

Dr. J: I can't make them admit to something they didn't do!

S: They are bad cops. They're humiliating. They're the reason I have to come to therapy! I'm so agitated and it's all because of them!

Dr. J: Don't blame them for your problems.

S: You know what? You're a crab today.

Dr. J: You know what? Don't call me at home, Rick. *hangs up* *sighs* *cries*

Next session: Calleigh.
Oh what a dumbass Stetler. "somthing i can get them with." You know what, go to hell. A thousand times over. :mad: I really wanna kill that guy.

Thanks for the update Lilly! :D :lol:
Yeah let's all help kill him LOL. But I'm glad the doc's not totally on his side anymore...at least I think. Anyway, I'm anxious for more.
okay, the doc is back on my good side. stetler needs to fall down an elevator shaft or something.

great update! thanks :)
I like the elevator shaft idea. :lol: I have homework to finish, but I'll try to get Calleigh's session up tonight or tomorrow morning at school, if LAUSD feels like having their internet work. :D
Los Angeles Unified School District. It's the district my school is part of. :D And they supply tha internet connection, which is slllloooowww. :D I'll try and update tonight, the 'net is shaky right now and I keep losing my posts.
Sorry for the doubele post here. I'm having a huge HW week, and I'm so so sorry guys, but I'm having trouble getting an update in between all this work. Tomorrow morning I'll rush to TA class and try and get Cal up. Sorry for making you guys wait, RL sucks sometimes. Thanks, as always.