CSI Miami Therapy

Teacher's assistant. I usually just come on here.
You all must hate me, but the HW has been crazy all week, even though I thought it would ilighten up. I also have a test tomorrow. I should have an update up tomorrow and for sure one this weekend, and I'm so sorry again for the huge delay. I owe you guys. ;)
So sorry again for the delay, but I didn't fail my tests this way. :D If theres anyome left, here ya go.

Dr. Jennings sits in her swivel chair with a pen and pad of paper in a suit, tired from a fitful sleep, across from the second CSI patient of the fourth week, who wears all black. She looks worried and drained. Dr. Jennings begins the session.

Dr. Jennings: hi Calleigh.

Calleigh: Hi doctor.

Dr. J: How have you been?

C: *sigh* Confused...dazed...lost. Sad.

Dr. J: I really want to talk to you about Tim Speedle. I figure the two of you were very close.

C: More than close...we were like brother and sister. I always could rely on him, he was funny and smart and handsome and an amazing friend and coworker, and when he died I tried to be strong for the team, but...those few months were long, sad, dreary ones.

Dr. J: What did you feel when you find he was alive?

C: I'm still unsure, but...dazed. It's like it hasn't really set in, I spent all that time trying to accept he was gone and now...it's hard.

Dr. J: It is, Calleigh.

C: But...I feel a bit confused as to why he left us. If he wanted to transfer, who not just tell us and transfer?

Dr. J: We'll find out soon enough.

C: I feel a bit betrayed, he put us through all that, but it's still just...amazing, I mean, he might be alive, I might be able to see him again!

Dr. J: What do you think you would do when you saw him?

C: *sigh* Hug him and never let go. To realize I didn't lose him, he's still here...oh gosh I missed him so much.

Dr. J: Calleigh I know this is hard for you. It's hard for the whole team.

C: *nods*

Dr. J: But I think you all need to talk about it as a team, to discuss your feelings and grow closer and get out what it is you're feeling.

C: *rolls eyes* It's not that easy.

Dr. J: What do you mean?

C: Horatio and Eric and Ryan, they'll be strong, and Alexx knew along...I'll be the emotional wreck and I don't want to be weak like that. The team needs me.

Dr. J: Calleigh right now you need to worry about yourself.

C: How can I when everyone else is worrying about me? Why can't I worry about them, help them for once?

Dr. J: Calleigh just because people worry about you doesn't mean you're weak or ANYTHING for that matter. It just means they love you.

C: I love them as well. More than they realize.

Dr. J: Why don't you tell them this then?

C: I don't...know.

Dr. J: We went over this, you all need to say 'I love you' more often. Or 'thanks for being an amazing friend.' If you had done this with Tim you wouldn't have felt all that guilt. Any of your coworkers could die any day, you could, especially with your jobs. Treat every day like your last.

C: *sighs* You're so right. I know.

Dr. J: You have homework. Hug everyone on the team today and tell them you care about them. Gosh I feel like we've done this already Calleigh!

C: We have.

Dr. J: And every day, give everyone you know a compliment and treat them like you'll never see them again. Minus the tearful goodbyes.

C: *giggles* Okay.

Dr. J: You going to be alright?

C: *sigh* I think so. And I have my team, right?

Dr. J: Right. And don't worry, you'll see Tim soon enough.

C: Gosh I hope so.

Dr. J: I'll see you at the group session, Calleigh.

C: Bye doctor. Thanks for being there for me. For us.

Dr. J: *sigh* Don't thank me.

C: *smiles, leaves*

Dr. Jennings makes some notes and leaves as well.

Next session: Eric.

I'll try to get another up by the end of the weekend. So so sorry again guys.*writes out IOUs and gives out free hugs*
Dr. J: You have homework. Hug everyone on the team today

i love it! the world definately needs more hugs. better yet, they need to have a big group hug. how cute would that be?? *sigh* now I need a hug lol.

great update Lilly :) congrats on passing all your tests! i just had a week of midterms...i'm crossing my fingers for the same result.

now i'm off to find someone to hug.
Yep it does *turns cainesugar's hug into group dogpile* More soon! *wants Stetler's butt kicked. hard.*
*drags self out of dogpile* That was fun but now I need to update.

Dr. Jennings sits in her office, glancing at the phone ever so often. She's unable to do paperwork, so she sighs and picks up the phone.

Horatio: Caine.

Dr. Jennings: Horatio? It's doctor Jennings.

H: Is this being recorded?

Dr. J: No.

H: What's going on?

Dr. J: I, uh...I need to tell you something.

H: What is it?

Dr. J: *swallows* Um, I...I think that you need to get Tim Speedle out here.

H:...why? We don't evn know how to reach him.

Dr. J: But when you do, the team needs to see him. I might be your 'sidekick' for this whole deal but I'm also the team's therapist.

H: You're not my sidekick. I'm just informing you of what's going on because you're a professional and I believe you can help us.

Dr. J: How? I'm a therapist not a criminalist.

H: It's a hunch.

Dr. J: Guessing you rely on those.

H: I have to in my business sometimes.

Dr. J: *sigh* Did you find out anything?

H: Flight records, a one-way plane ticket to LA was purchased two days before Speed was shot, coach, and it was for a day after he was shot. He met with federals several times before his 'death'.

Dr. J: He really might be alive then?

H: The plane ticket was purchased by a... Leonor Leavitz.

Dr. J: I guess you'd better have a chat with him.

H: Already done.

Recorder beeps.

H: Mr. Leavitz, you purchased a one-way plane ticket to Los Angeles International Airport three years ago. When did you get back from LA?

Leavitz: I came back a week afterwards Lieutenant. I don't understand, I took a vacation, what's wrong with that?

H: What's wrong with that is that you lied to me, you weren't on that flight. You purchased it for a price, for a large sum, for a federal. Who was it?

L: Lieutenant, I took a vacation.

H: How much did they give you?

L: They didn't give me anything.

H: Don't lie to me. Just tell me who and I'll let you go, you're not in trouble here, but if you keep giving me lies, you will be.

L: I never saw him. I'm a tourist, I have a blog, and one day someone left me a comment telling me he would pay me big time if I did him a favor. I responded, he called me, we worked it out.

H: This was three years ago, right?

L: Yeah.

H: What's your blogsite?

L: You said I'm not under arrest. Get a warrent.

H: Mr. Leavitz, you are stepping into territory you don't want to go into. By refusing me your blogsite, you're promoting suspicion.

L:...gimme a pen.

H: Thank you.

Recorder beeps, tape ends.

Dr. J: Have you checked out the blogsite?

H: Our A/V specialist is digging through old entries.

Dr. J: Ok, tell me what happens, alright?

H: Ok.

Dr. J: Bye.

H: Bye. *hangs up*

Next session: Eric.
the doc is H's sidekick. thats freakin great lol. and the blog thing, thats original. i like that. i wish she would just tell him that stetler is after them!!!! so H can procede to push him down that elevator shaft.

great update Lilly! btw, thanks for the hug :D
Oh god. I just wrote this fantastic update and the computer deleted it and wouldn't post it. *sobs* I'll update it again later. *deflates*
stupid computers. stupid technology...wait a min. nvm lol. patiently waiting. :)

*sits and hums jeopardy tune*
Okay. I really, really hope it works this time. *cries* And I was thinking how great it was. :lol:

Dr. Jennings sits in her swivel chair with her pen and pad of paper, in a suit, across from the third CSI patient of the fourth week. He wersa khaki pants and a dress shirt. She begins the session.

Dr. Jennings: hie Eric.

Eric: Hi doctor.

Dr. J: How have you been feeling since you learned of Tim Speedle's state?

E: Confused, I guess.

Dr. J: Uh huh...

E: I mean, he was our friend. If he wanted to leave he could tell us, he didn't have to put us through that misery.

Dr. J: We don't yet know exactly what happened.

E: I know. But we were so close, best friends, and I...I never thought he didn't like what he did. I never knew he was unhappy.

Dr. J: I don't think anyone did, Eric.

E: Yeah.

Dr. J: If you saw him, what do you think you would do?
E: I would...I don't know.

Dr. J: Would you be mad?

E: I don't know. I mean I missed him so much. I wasn't there when he died, so I get a call over dispatch that says Speed's dead. And I go home and cry.

Dr. J: It was really hard on you.

E: Yeah. I was miserable, I didn't know how to just come back and do my job anymore. I didn't know what I was supposed to do anymore.

Dr. J: Things get distorted when something tragic happens.

E: I felt so alone.

Dr. J: See, you all felt alone, the whole tem, but don't you see now that you all had each other there for you?

E: Yes. We just...were afraid. At least I was.

Dr. J: It's okay to be hurting and tell people about it. It's healthy to do those sort of things, especially with people you love and care about.

E: I know.

Dr. J: Do you want to see him?

E: Would it be okay if I said no? Or that I wasn't sure?

Dr. J: Of course.

E: I just wouldn't trust myself...I wouldn't know what I'd do, and I'm afraid to know what I'd do.

Dr. J: It's very brave of you to admit this, Eric. I'm proud of you.

E: Thanks.

Dr. J: I'm really hoping that if something like this happens again, you will trust your feelings to the team and share what you're feeling so that you can all be sad and happy together. It will bring you closer and help numb the pain, because you'll know you're surrounded be people who love you and care aboout you.

E: I know.

Dr. J: Eric, I know we have a few minutes left, so is there anything else you want to say?

E: Is it...okay...to be mad at him?

Dr. J: You don't have to keep asking, of course it is. But remember to learn why he did this so you're not made at him for something he might not have done.

E: I just...he hurt all of us so much. I came close to quitting at times. I wasn't sure of wht was happening.

Dr. J: I'm proud of you sticking it through, Eric. You're strong.

E: Thanks. Bye, see you at the group session.

Dr. J: See you then.

E: *leaves*

Dr. Jennings makes some notes and leaves as well.

Next session: Alexx.

Sorry it was so short... :D
poor eric :( he needs a hug lol. i'm all for joining the stetler beating mob. as long as it can end with him getting pushed down an elevator shaft :lol:
Wow. All of the CSI's are so much more open easier now. *whistles* And Eric crying? Oh... *huggles Eric* :(

Thanks for the update Lil. :)
YAY, another update. I'm all up for the mob. And the elevator shaft idea. But now I'm thinking of writing a Stetler fic. BTW, sorry for a cliffhanger and a short post.

Dr. Jennings sits in the old bar, waiting for her 'friend' to show up. She has a bag full of empty tape boxes. Her hands are shaking, and she orders a beer to calm her nerves. Her friend shows up and sits next to her.

Stetler: The tapes, ma'dam.

Dr. Jennings: Uh, here Rick. *hands over bag*

S: *looks inside* These are empty.

Dr. J: I...uh...lost the tapes.

S: No you didn't. Don't lie to me.

Dr. J: Rick...listen...

S: What? Don't tell me. You've...fallen in love with the CSIs...no, wait...you're covering for them...or they're blackmailing you...or they paid you to do this. Which one?

Dr. J: Listen, I don't work for you anymore. Case closed. And in fact, I'm not going to be your therapist anymore.

S: What, and you'll just give the CSIs free sessions? Or will you dump em. You can't afford to give them free sessions, I know it.

Dr. J:...

S: You need my money.

Dr. J: I'm not going to give in to this, Rick.

S: Yeah, I think you are. You love the CSIs now, and the only way you can keep treating them is through me. Hows this sound: you give me the tapes and you get the cash.

Dr. J:...

S: *grabs doctor* Say yes damn you!

Dr. J: *pushes Stetler away* I... okay.

S: That's m'girl. *kisses*

Dr. J: *resists*

S: *lets go* Have a nice day, doctor. I need those tapes tomorrow. At our session. *winks*

Dr. J: *sigh*

S: *leaves*

Dr. J: *grabs cell phone*

Miami Crime Lab

Horatio: Thanks Valera. *picks up cell phone* Hello?


Dr. J: Horatio?

H: Yeah?

Dr. J: I...Stetler's...

Miami Crime Lab

Shots ring out, glass crashes down

Dr. J: Horatio? Horatio?

Horatio's cell phone clatters to the floor.

Next session: ?