CSI Miami Therapy

Aww *hugs*

Speed sits in his apartment, on the bed, watching his phone sitting on the desk. It rings, and he jumps up to answer it, but slams it down angrily when a telemarketer is heard on the other line.

In Miami, Eric runs down the debris-covered floor, tripping every so often of a chunk of concrete of a slick piece of glass. He turns down the backway stairs, climbing over a fallen piece of the stairwell. He reaches the morgue and finds fallen chunks of glass, metal and concrete from the story above blocking the entrance and spilling out into the hall.

Eric: Alexx! Are you in there Alexx?

Inside, Alexx rumages through drawers looking for something to call someone with. She runs to the giant baracade and can hear Eric on the other side.

Alexx: Eric, I can't get out. There's no way out, they're all blocked off. And...what if the shooter's are still here?

E: Are you alone in there?

A: I...think so.

E: Well I have a gun if anyone's out here. Alexx, rescue is on the way, are you going to be okay in there?

A: I'm...fine. Just worried.

E: Ok, it'll all be ok Alexx.

A: Eric...how did this happen?

E: *sigh* I don't know...Alexx, I talked to Speed.

A: What?

E: He's alive.

A: He's...okay? Where is he?

E: I assume LA. But Alexx, Horatio's injured I have to go back to him, rescue's coming.

A: Thanks Eric.

E: *runs*

Back in Los Angeles, Speed turns on the TV again. At the same time, Dr. Jennings turns on her TV.

News Reporter: We've been updated on the shootings in Miami. The building has collapsed in some places, due to the fire and possible explosives, and we've gotten word that three people are still in the building, all CSIs, Eric Delko, Alexx Woods and Horatio Caine. Horatio has been confirmed injured, no word on the other two.

Speed: *sigh*


Dr. Jennings: Horatio...

At the crime lab, paramedics come in the building from the roof and get a helicopter to fly in. They then go down to the fourth floor, where they find Horatio. They load him onto a gurney and two take him back up while two others search the building.

Paramedic1: Do we know what floor the morgue is on?

Paramedic2: Um...farthest one down I suppose.

P1: Well one should be down there.

Eric rounds a corner and bumps into the two paramedics.

E: How...did you guys get in?

P1: Are you Eric Delko?

E: Yes.

P2: The roof. You need to come with us.

E: Alexx...she's trapped into the morgue.

P1: We'll get her out, you need to come with us.

E: Is...Horatio alright?

P1: Redhead?

E: *narrows eyes* Yes.

P2: He's been taken to the hospital, but he's alive.

P1: Come on, let's get to the roof, the main entrance is blocked as well. *walks*

E: *follows*

In Los Angeles, Speed goes online and buys a one-way plane ticket to Miami, set to leave the next day.

Next session: ?
Alright just stopping in to say that this week has been hectic- I have a test every day. I'll try and update ASAP but RL sucks like that...sorry guys! :D *group hug* Thanks for sticking through my terrible RL mometns and bearing with me.
Okay *ditches studying* here we go.

Speed sits on his bed in his tiny apartment, staring around at his cleared out room. All that's left is what's unremovable. A suitcase stands upright next to him, the same one he left Miami with. He sighs. He's not sure he'll be coming back anytime soon.

He walks outside to where his motocycle is parked. He hasn't ridden it in a few days, after his last drug bust, and it's dusty. He wipes it down, loads his case into the back, and runs back up to the room to jam the lock. Then, he gets on his motorcycle, his ticket in his pocket, and rides away, towards the Los Angeles International Airport.

At the airport, in the large item shipping, he signs his morotcycle, so that it'll be sent to Miami along with him. He takes his bag to baggage check, stands on security line for a few hours, and finally, at 8pm, boards the plane. He goes to sleep, ready to wake up home.

Miami Dade Crime Lab

Horatio Caine is loaded onto a helicopter, where he's flown out to the Miami Dade Memorial ER. Calleigh and Ryan drive to the hospital, where they make some calls in the waiting room.

Ryan: *on cell phone* Dr. Jennings, he's in the ER now, I'll keep you posted.

Dr. Jennings: How are Alexx and Eric?

R: They got them out of the building, they seem fine but they're being examined anyway.

Dr. J: What...happened, Ryan? How did this get so huge?

R: I don't know...and now we think Speedle's alive...when did this get so complicated?

Dr. J: Hang in there Ryan.

R: You too. *hangs up*

Calleigh: Horatio's stabalized, he's in critical. We can see him now.

R: Who's the doctor? I want to speak to the doctor.

C: Dr. Johnson, he's in Horatio's room now. Come on. *walks to Horatio's room*

R: *sigh* *follows*

Miami Dade Crime Lab

Eric (sitting on gurney, being looked at by paramedics): I'm fine.

Paramedic1: You've been grazed by a bullet on your arm you know.

E: What? *looks* Oh.

P1: You've been bruised up as well.

E: I'm fine.

P1: I'm just going to patch you up and give you an antibiotic for bruising and to prevent infection. *wraps bandage*

E: *sigh*

Paramedic leads Alexx out of the lab, sits her down and examines her.

Alexx: I'm okay, I just want to see Horatio. Where is he?

Paramedic2: he's been flown by helicopter to Miami Dade Memorial, where your friends are, you can join them once I check you out.

A: Is he okay?

P2: I don't know. Okay, you have a few minor bruises and scratches, just get some rest.

A: Okay. *runs over to Eric*

E: Alexx, *hugs* I don't get this. Everything's escalated into this whole mess...and now Speed's alive...I don't know what to do anymore.

A: I know, baby. It's all going to be okay.

E: Let's go. I'll drive.

Speed's plane touches down in Miami, Florida.

Next session: ?

:D More ASAP!
Great chapter Lilly. :) I really enjoyed the description of Speed's apartment, what he was feeling before he left, and his actions on the way to the airport. Also, it was great how he referred to Miami has 'home'. I'm glad he feels he still has a place there after being gone so long. The poor guy must miss the place where he spent many years with friends and his familiar surroundings. Lovely slow bit to continue into the drama of the situation. :) Great work! I'm anxious to find out what happens with the team so hopefully you'll have another chapter soon!
*sigh* you always leave us hanging! but i guess thats why i keep coming back. ;) i wonder how ryan and speed are going to interact...that will probably be ackward. somewhere down the line here i want, no demand, a team group hug. :D

great update lilly! keep em comin. and goodluck with the rest of your tests.
Geni! You've dug yourself out of the deep RT hole and found yourself here in therapy! Pull up a seat.
Thanks for the reviews guys.

Speed steps off the plane, and immediately feels a wave of memories wash over him. Next, he realizes it's roasting, even at 4am. He takes off his jacket, claims his baggage and picks up his motocycle. He rides to the nearest motel where he lays down to sleep for the remainder of the night.

At the hospital, Calleigh and Ryan meet up with Dr. William Johnson outside Horatio's room.

Dr. William Johnson: Hi, I'm Dr. Johnson. You're...

Calleigh: Calleigh and Ryan, we're Horatio's coworkers.

Dr. WJ: What about his family?

Ryan: We...are his family.

Dr. WJ:...okay. Well, he's been shot in the abdomen, but it missed his organs and merely drew blood, we removed it and he seems okay with that. He was hit on the head by a beam and may have brain damage.

C:...memory loss?

Dr. WJ: It's possible. His body was crushed, his ribs cracked and his organs were bruised. We've patched him up and the only thing we're really concerned about at this point is brain damage, other than that he should make a full recovery in a few weeks.

R: And if he has brain damage?

Dr. WJ: Depends on what it is. Physical damage, death of brain cells, memory loss, brain leakage.

C: Will it kill him?

Dr. WJ: It could.

R: Can we see him?

Dr. WJ: Yes. Come in.

Miami Dade Crime Lab

Eric and Alexx get into the Hummer and drive to the hospital, where they're instructed to sit in the waiting room, since Calleigh and Ryan were already with him.

Eric: Alexx...what if he dies?

Alexx: I...don't know Eric.

E: It'll be like Speed all over again...I can't take that again, Alexx.

A: None of us can. It'll rip the team apart.

E: *sigh* I feel terrible.

A: Me too Eric. It'll all be okay. *leans against Eric's shouler*

E: *puts arm around Alexx's other shoulder*

A: *cries*

Next session: ?
Sorry Lilly, i've been reading your fic, i just haven't been posting reviews, sorry. :(

Oh my Gosh, Horatio's in critical. *hears code blues* *gaspage* Horatio might...might die! *wails, hugs people blindly* :(

And Speedy's coming back! *angelic music starts to play* Oh yay! With his beatiful yellow bike! :D But Horatio will wake up, all healed thanks to his special healing powers as the spawn of God. Maybe his brother Jesus will drop in. :D

Thanks for the updates Lil!! :D (save Horatio!)
Ryan: We...are his family.
okay, everyone on the count of 3...1,2,3 "AAAWWWWWW!"

man lilly you put poor H through the ringer, but i'm sure he'll be otay. :) memory loss could be very interesting...

thanks! can't wait for more
Hey guys, just letting you know I won't be able to update until Saturday because of softball. Thanks for the reviews, and for sticking with me through a hectic week! Glad I could get in a few updates. Let the suspense build!
Let the suspense build!
Good excuse for "I'm too lazy i'll do it next week." JK! :lol: But we better get an update...and i better be the nurse giving his a freaking spongebath... *starts to giggle uncontrolably* ;) :devil:
Very funny Lora. Thanks everyone.

Speed opens his eyes to light streaming in his window. He forgot that he wasn't in LA, where he didn't face the sun rising, and he got up, squinting. He closed the blinds, which fell askew, and sat down on the bed. The clock read 9: 13 but his watch read 8: 13. He hadn't slept in this much since Sunday mornings when he used to work at the Crime Lab. In LA, he was up early for work every day.

He contemplated shaving, but decided against it, and got dressed. He wasn't sure of what was happening with the team, but he felt jittery and nervous. He had come 2,740 miles and spent most of his savings, and now he was ready to fly right back. He couldn't face the team he had deserted three years ago, and put through that much pain.

He pulled on a pair of old, wrinkled jeans and a dark dress shirt and ran some water through his messy hair. He looked in the mirror, and almost didn't recognize himself. He almost looked like Speed again.

Miami Dade Memorial

Calleigh: *opens door*

Ryan: *walks in* Oh...

C:...my gosh.

Horatio lays on a hospital bed in a thin gown. He has tubes running in his nose, an IV in his arm, and his head is bandaged. His chest slowly rises and falls, and he looks pale.

Dr. William Johnson: He's better off than he looks. He no longer needs help breathing, and his vitals are close to normal again. We're only worried about head trauma and brain damage, as I said before.

C: Can he hear us?

Dr. WJ: I like to think so.

R: Can we...have a moment?

Dr. WJ: Of course. Just tell me when you leave, and don't touch anything...but you guys know that.

C: Thank you doctor.

Dr. WJ: My pleasure. *leaves quietly*

C: *sits in a chair near Horatio*

R: *stands in corner*

C: *takes Horatio's hand, squeezes lightly* Hi handsome.

R: *comes over and sits*

C: We miss you.

R: Come on Horatio. You can fight this.

C: *rests head on Ryan's shoulder*

R: *puts arm around Calleigh*

C: *sighs* *holds Horatio's hand*

Waiting Room

Alexx: *asleep against Eric*

Eric: *sigh*

Dr. WJ: Hi are you here to see Horatio Caine?

E: Yes. *shakes Alexx awake*

A: Hm?

Dr. WJ: Right now we have two other vistors with him, but I can let you in when they're finished.

E: How is he, doctor?

Dr. WJ: As I told Calleigh and Ryan, he was shot in the abdomen, and luckily it missed his organs, but he lost some blood. We removed and we're pretty sure that wound will be okay. However, he was hit on the head by a falling beam and may have brain damage.

E: Brain...damage...

A: Like...

Dr. WJ: Head trauma can cause personality changes, memory loss, other health problems later on, and he could die from it at any moment as far as we know. Later on we'll be able to tell if his brain sustained any trauma, but for now, we haven't a clue.

E: He could...go at any time?

Dr. WJ: As far as we know.

A: Can we please go in with Calleigh and Ryan?

Dr. WJ:...as long as you don't tell anyone I let you.

A: Thank you doctor.

E: Thanks.

Dr. WJ: He's this way. *walks*

E: *gets up, follows*

A: *follows squeezing Eric's hand*


Speed gets some breakfast across the street, then gets on his motorcycle and heads off towards Miami Dade Memorial, not sure what to expect, but sure he's probably not ready to face it.

In her office, Doctor Jennings paces, checking the internet for updates on the case regularly. She learns that Horatio was the only CSI injured, and that they haven't released the details of his injuries. She sighs and makes the decision to tell Horatio what's been happening if he pulls through.

Next session: ?

Thanks guys! Sorry I couldn't get it up until today, and that it's so short. :D
omg poor H! :( can't wait to see what happens when speed shows up! oh, and its about time doc decided to fess up.

great update lilly. :)