CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caution!

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Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

I loved 90210. Dylan was sooo HOT!! God, I feel old just thinking about how long ago that show was on the air. :lol:

Someone please please upload the promo....we're dying over here.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

you see a short glimpse of Ryan' profile in the Promo commercial. i paused it and didn't like what i saw....all his facts were messed up!!! like his eye color and his hair color and his address is "unknown". i mean if he worked for the lab...they have to know his address. and his birthyear is way off. it says it was '81. but that can't be right!!! that would have made him 22 when he joined the lab. at 22 he would still be in college!!!
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Tons of people graduate from college at or before 22. And is it canon that he went to college? He could've become a cop straight after high school and taken criminology classes during his time off to become a CSI.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

ok yeah i guess. but what about the part with his hair color being listed as BLONDE!!?!? now that is not right. hey wait a minute...what if it's somebody who looks similar to Ryan and cahnged thier name to try to frame him? and maybe his hair was blonde and dyed it to look like Ryan's?

just throwing some ideas on the table....
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Are you sure its supposed to be Ryan's? You know how they like to rearrange the commercials. Or maybe they just randomly threw a bunch of crap on the peice of paper not expecting someone would actually pause it to read it :p... silly girl, you! We can't help that were ate up, huh?

Oh Dylan...Yum! *has the theme song stuck in my head now* :D
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

mjszud said:
Are you sure its supposed to be Ryan's? You know how they like to rearrange the commercials. Or maybe they just randomly threw a bunch of crap on the peice of paper not expecting someone would actually pause it to read it :p... silly girl, you! We can't help that were ate up, huh?

No i can't!!! I've been waiting forever to finally find out Ryan's birthday and address and stuff!!! i guess i have to wait a whole month :( i mean i know Eric's address and Alexx's. and now finally a chance to get Ryan's and it says "unkown" !!
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Why do you need his address? It's not like you can visit him. Besides, at this point he's probably staying at the Y. Easier commute to his new job at McDonald's.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Hey I work at Mickey D's and it sucks, and I hope Ryan's birthday ain't wrong, kinda c razy the inkfo is messed up, but it happens all the time.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Togo looks really young, anyway. He can pull it off. But damn, Calleigh is nearly 10 years older than him.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

well i'm obsessed ok? i know i can't visit him but i'm just so obsessed that i NEED to know. i'm realy like overly obsessed!! i even write down quotes, what they are weraing and stuff like that during EVERY ep.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

midnight_tiptoes said:
Togo looks really young, anyway. He can pull it off. But damn, Calleigh is nearly 10 years older than him.

She'll have regressed to age 25 by the time anybody gets around to playing with her personal information again. And H will be off on a Club 18-30 holiday.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut


Where can we see the promo at??? :( I checked all over the web and no one hooked it up on you tube yet. :(

Someone helppppppppppppppppppp!!!! :rolleyes: Hook us up with the promo over on you tube, Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Yup nothing on youtube yet...how do you get clips on youtube? Why can't someone who has DVR or TiVo just post this short clip? Plz anyone help us out here, its killing us!!
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

ndiva05 said:
Why can't someone who has DVR or TiVo just post this short clip?
Probably because it is copyrighted and only CBS or the producers of the show have the right to post it there.
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