CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caution!

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Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

The one freakin' time that I decide I absolutely will not watch Mondays repeat 'cus, well, I thought it sucked & I miss the one thing Ive waiting all freakin' summer long to see!! *does Ralph Furley immitation* DAMN!
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

i hate that scene they showed with fake ugh ugh i mean jake and calleigh
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Florry86 said:
I would be the first one to appreciate Ally :lol:.
please....post it on youtube :D!!!!!
yes please.post it on youtube!!!!!!!
i want to se other cake's moments!!!!!!!!
:cool: :cool: :cool:
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

please post it!!!!!!! i need to watch it at least another 10 times before i can write something about it that makes sense.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Bare with the people who haven't been able to watch it yet! <- ME! :) 10 times not enough? ^^ Damn it must be good!
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

I'm really dying to see it. It does look like a good promo. I'd like to see at least some screencaps. This really sucks when you don't live in the US...
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Did I hear it right, did Calleigh Duquesne actually take a vacation? & them being short a CSI w/ Ryan gone? Like she'd really have time for a vacation? Must of been a slow summer for them! I'll bet they'll air it during CSI on Thursday, they always do but Im gonna have to agree & say that yeah, their commercials are ALWAYS misleading so i wont read anything into it. Broken sunglasses?.... sounds like its supposed to mean that the news will 'shatter his world' kinda thing. Im sure the only thing true to the commercial will be Valera actually saying that Kyle is his son. Well, that & Cal w/ Jake, but that was pretty obvious at the end of S5. I want pictures, wheres the pictures? & was there no mention of Natalia in the first epi?
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Natalia is in the first ep...doing her thing. We will see her learn to shoot a gun in ep #4 at the gun range that Ryan will be working at. Her instructor's name is Rich and she does flirt with him quite often. ;)
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

mjszud said:
I want pictures, wheres the pictures? & was there no mention of Natalia in the first epi?

I'm upset with the lack of pictures as well. There are already promos for CSI and CSI NY, but I haven't seen promos for Miami. It's so frustating because it seems it's on purpose, and we're all dying to see something new :(
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Please somebody, anybody who has the ability to post the video here or on youtube it will be greatly appreciated by those who did not see the preview....as you can tell i'm dying to see it!!!
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

OMG!! PLease post it on youtube, we need to see it...hell i want to see it 10x too!!! lol I love Jake and Calleigh!!javascript:void(0)
:p :p
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

OMG - I just watched it 2x. It looks great......I hope it is not a big disappointment like the finale was. I hope it is as good as it looks. Hopefully someone can get it on youtube for everyone to see. 1 month seems so far away.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

I think the person who puts it up first will be praised to heaven by those outside of America. Anyway I'll see it when I see it. Sure I want the season to start but I can still wait a lil bit longer :)

I personally didn't find the finale a disappointment, granted it wasn't finale material but the epi itself was okay.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

where did you all see this? is it up at youtube?

please someone let me know!! :lol:
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

I saw mine on my DVR today. I taped Miami last night. I don't think I can put anything on youtube....I probably don't have the right kind of equipment or I would.
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