CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caution!

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Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

I really don't have a problem with it - Maybe because I'm a bit biased, ( :p ) but if they do it in a believable way, I think it could work out pretty well.

What bugs me is the writers are probably so caught up in getting high ratings that they'll do anything, including trying every possible storyline out there made for Fan Fiction. :rolleyes: However, I want to see where they're going with it. :lol:
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

I realize that this would be a little out there for some of the fans, but I would love it if Eric has the ability to see dead people after being shot in the head. He could have these conversation with dead people. Everyone will think he is talking to himself or going nuts. I would love to see Eric deal with having the ability and how to tell people without them thinking he has lost it. It could be kind of funny.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

That could indeed prove interesting...CSI: Miami turns to Ghost Whisperer for storyline. *shrugs* sounds good to me.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Oh,geez,next spoiler will be that Marisol is still alive.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Hormiga said:
Oh,geez,next spoiler will be that Marisol is still alive.

If they'd pull one like that I'd stop watching...

Not really as long as there is hope for H/Y I'm game!
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Multipul episodes? *Squeeeee*!!!!! I am soooo looking forward to season 6!
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Oh boy...ok, regarding the whole 'Rory coming back thing', if it happens to turn out to be true, I'm torn on how I feel about it. On the one hand, it's Rory back on Miami. On the other hand, how on earth are they going to handle this? To pull another, "He's not really dead, he was just undercover!" storyline would just be too much for me to take...it was barely believable the first time they pulled that little trick out of their hats. The 'evil twin/long lost twin' is another soap opera storyline, and seriously I'd feel embarrassed for everyone involved if they went that route. The 'totally unrelated look alike' is also quite soapish, but...if handled well, could work I suppose. The key phrase in that sentence is 'if handled well', and quite frankly I lost faith in the writers of this show long ago. I don't know...I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it's handled, if these spoilers turn out to be true, that is.

Hormiga said:
Oh,geez,next spoiler will be that Marisol is still alive.

lol...don't give them any ideas! ;)
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Jenn, I totally agree with you. I have been considering how they can possibly bring Rory back (as Speed or another character) in a believable, non-contrived, non-ridiculous way. At the moment, I'm at a complete loss. The credibility of the show is always being stretched, but this is too much - unless they really surprise us with some stroke of genius. Not likely I imagine.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Now, Ausiello has been wrong before (like him saying Crossing Jordan was slated for funding for renewal :rolleyes:) so he might not be right, but to bring Speed back for multiple episodes beggars the imagination. I hope it's done in flashbacks or as voices in Eric's head after his injury. Anything else just pushes plausibility out a window.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

I'm estatic that he has been slated to return for some eps in s6, however, I do have to say, I have to echo what others have said before me. It does seem a bit contrived that it could be Speed, I was hoping more of it being his younger brother( I vaguely remember that being in his bio) that had come to Miami. Not to knock Rory's supposed return, cause let's face it, it's Rory Cochrane, but I just hope that this can be done with a shred of plausibility. Of course, we are talking Miami here, so anything's up for grabs;) .

I say, bring on S6 in all it's daytime soap opera glory!
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

speedfanatic05 said:
I say, bring on S6 in all it's daytime soap opera glory!

*hold up glass of champagne* here here!

Any other spoilers for CSI: Miami? New girlfriend for Eric? What happens to Frank?
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

*loses to the temptation not to look at spoilers* Wait a minutes, speed is coming back :eek:

I don't know what to think of this. My mind is still reeling.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Now that my burst of initial excitedness is calmed, lol...

^^ Y'know, besides the fact that there's a slim chance it'll be believable - because frankly if they were going to do this, it should have been two seasons ago - I'm a bit optimistic that the writers have even considered it. I mean, continuity is one thing, but to appeal to a certain range of fans (Speed fans) is really great. I do understand though that not everyone is going to like it. This has been long over-due so it's making things a bit unrealistic to begin with.

And like I said earlier, the 'coming back from being undercover' is a bit clichéd to death on television, I'm still wondering if they might do something completely different.

So I'd say 60 percent of me hopes it'll be a great storyline - speaking as a Speed fan - and 40 percent of me is thinking the writers are still a bit on their whacky tabacky. I don't know, I'm still biased about the whole thing and I want to see what happens but...Ergh. These are the writers we're talking about.

And like Jenn said, even if the spoilers are semi-acurate, it's going to take some long planning to pull it off and not anger both the new fans of the show and the original fans of the show. I'd rather see the quality go up than spiral downward further. And I don't want to sound like a nerd, but I'm really pulling for this one, lol.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Speed drooling aside, I have to agree with you Speedcochrane. In my opinion, Miami has been spiraling since s3 , with the exception of some pretty good eps, but to do the whole Speed returns thing now...after the very visual death and so much time passing, begs to be questioned. Don't get me wrong, I love the character, and really wished that they didn't go the route they did, but I mean, come on... they already played that card and not really well if you want the truth.

I'm still hoping beyond hope that it's his brother, and that we will still have a speedle in the midst. I love the show ,even with it's wacky plotlines, but this , although, my dream come true, is really stretching it. But when it all matters, it's getting the fans really ready for the show in the fall and bringing in those almighty numbers.

I still say , bring it on! ;)
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

I think the producers' logic is "Since this show was named the most watched televison show, we can take the risk of having outrageous plotlines."

My two cents.
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