CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caution!

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Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

I can't wait for this second episode with a Speed story. All us Speed fans have been waiting for years for this! They finally listened! WOO! I'm waiting for tv.com or imdb.com to come out with anything pertaining to this episode. If Rory's name is in the credits, I think I'll fall to the floor and have a heart attack, and then every time I hear his name I'll go into epileptic fits until that episode airs. A few years ago when I e-mailed Cory, I asked him about the whole Speedle thing, and he told me that they did have a way to bring him back, so they'd had an idea in case it were to ever happen. If they do bring him back, I very highly doubt he will be back as a regular, but he has mentioned before that he would love to come back and guest star.

On another note, I would love to see Speed's reaction to Ryan. I could imagine him talking to Calleigh or Delko and having them tell him how much his replacement screwed up and where he is now, I just just see Speedle laughing.

As with the rest of you, I'm excited that it's even a Speedle story. The fact that he's actually going to be recognized is a good way to stir up all those emotions we didn't get to see from Calleigh, Eric, H, and Alexx in the beginning of season 4. Season five went out in an interesting way, and I think this is the perfect way to start off the next season. I give the writers brownie points for thinking this one up. And if it doesn't happen. I can guarentee you I will stop watching the show. I was bordering on it already, and if this goes terribly wrong, forget it.

Another thing I was thinking of is how is this going to affect Calleigh and Delko's relationship? I wonder if maybe it will bring them closer and I'm really wondering what Eric will do about it. Seeing as he had his heart stomped on by the beautiful southern belle, I think something like this would force him to cling onto ever last peice of hope he had for seeing his friend, and if that hope is being clung onto, he might as well cling onto the hope of a relationship with Calleigh as well. Or maybe my logic is just really bad I donno, either way, this is going to affect both of them in some way, shape, or form. And I wonder if they will tell Hortio?

I'm pumped about season six so far, and the best thing about this storyline? NO HORATIO! YAY!
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

no offense to all the speedle fans out there, cause I like him too but I would never want to bring him back from the dead. A flashback sure but My god we SAW him die, we saw Alexx giving him an autopsie etc. So that makes it impossible and very UNBELIEVABLE if they'd bring him back.. Than I'd strongly start to think if CSI Miami is still worth watching cause you can go a bit too far :p
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut



Oh my gosh. I have promised myself to be as spoiler-free as possible this season so I wouldn't let down so much as I was last season, because if I hadn't know about the little 'H almost dies' thing I would have thought the s5 finale was decent, and not a crash-and-burn bust. But then in my fic thread someone told me it was like these spoilers...so I had to check it out.

Well, here are my two cents: I've always wanted them to bring Speedle back, really. Lately I've gotten over his death a bit more, through serious FF therapy :lol: but anyway, now the possibility he's back... wow!

I am a bit confused, but here's what I got from it: Delko keeps seeing Speed. Maybe he's wrong, maybe it is Speed. If he's wrong, I'm still happy because it means a few things: Speed has not been forgotten by the team, the writers, and the show, and, we get more closure. Kind of like 'he wasn't just snatched away never to be seen again, see, here he is.'

If he's right, and Speed is alive, I am once again 100% devoted to CSI: Miami. It is once again my favorite show. I don't care how they do it, but to have him back would be AWESOME. Not only because Rory rocks, but to see how it affects the team. Horatio's been a mess since Speed died- how will he take it? And Eric, his best friend? Ryan, the 'replacement'- will be once again the newbie who people don't want to be around as much, especially because he was fired? Calleigh? Omigosh this has so much potential. I don't want to read much more because I don't want to be let down...but wow. S6 should rock.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

If Speed came back, I would be really happy. Im sure this would make thousands of people happy. I just hope they don't make Ryan look all left out(If he's back on the team). Ryan will always be my favorite but bringing Speed back would be very awesome :)
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

I was on IMDB earlier to look up the possibility of Rory either being on as a guest star on Miami. I noticed something peculiar but it's probably me thinking too much into this. IMDB has Rory listed as being in 50 episodes on Miami. Lost Son was the 48th episode and with cross jurisdictions that would be 49.

However about Speed. I hope that it's well written and not have it end up that Speed died in front of Horatio's clone in order to spy on the Panamanians for the Chinese government while actually working for Columbian cartels.

If it's written as the sighing was as result of Delko's head injury that would be ok with me. Because as hallucination probably is normal after being shot in the head. However if its a hallucination I hope they also mention Marisol that'd make it be a bit more natural.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

I really liked Speed too, but I would be very wary of reading too much into this, as the writers do tend to enjoy playing with us. I think the writers maybe mentioning Speed as a reference to Eric's psychological state after being shot, and also as a means of seeing some reaction from the rest of the team concerning Speed. If I was a really big Speed fan (who likes the thought of him still being alive - I know some don't like this idea due to the credibility factor), I would be trying very hard not to get my hopes up for fear of them being completely dashed.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

^ Agreed with Kit, I wouldn't bet on them actually trying to convince their audience of yet another 'faked' death. However, I wouldn't mind a flashback. (And to us Speed fans, that essentially means he's back, dead or not. We're not picky. :lol:)

Besides, like Swan said, the writers do like to torment and play around with us a bit but I have no problem with it. It's about time this forum started sparking some actual conversation aside from the hundreds of "squees" and "omgz he's so frikin' hottttt" :p

The last time we had a spoiler regarding Speed, it was completely dashed and Marisol was brought back into things re Delko's memory lapses. However, I'm just glad the writers are thinking of delving a bit into the past and bring up some more team reactions - Especially Eric, who needed something a little deeper than 'toothing' and random bursts of anger. Though the psychology in that was a definite pointer towards his best friend's death, I don't think it really gave the fans much satisfaction.

Agreed with Calihan, if it were that his 'vision' of Speed everywhere was the result of his brain injury, it would bring out some interesting development for Eric. (Even if he's frankly had enough as of late)

I'm sure that if the writers went the irresponsible and insanely idiotic route of actually bringing him back to life, I'd laugh and switch the channel or at least see how they'd pull themselves out of that one. ;)
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Rory was in 50 eps. When you count the eps you have to count Cross Jurisdictions too. So of the series he was in the first 49 eps but counting the crossover ep with LV, he was in 50.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

i don't care if he comes back from the dead or not! just as long as he's mentioned and not for like two second like in Killer Date. i mean actually talked about. about how funny he was and the good times!!! and they better not drop the Speed story. if they do i'd be so mad!!!
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

It's about time this forum started sparking some actual conversation aside from the hundreds of "squees" and "omgz he's so frikin' hottttt"

buttt he izzz zomg!!! :p *squee*

I like the idea of this tying in with Delko's brain injury. It sets up some pretty awesome possible scenarios: Adam being awesome and grieving for his best friend all over again (and Marisol, even though I never liked her anyway), Speed, back, either alive or in a flashback (not picky here, as Geni said) and a serious one-on-one Horatio/Delko convo. I miss Horatio's words of wisdom, whether it be to someone who was connected with a case and related to a victim, or a team member, whatever. It's something else he left behind with his labcoats in Speed's coffin (ooh, THAT'S where they are! :lol:)

Finally we have some decent spoilers, with potential. If they pull an Ann Donahue on us I think I might stop watching, though. This ROCKS, I haven't been so excited for Miami since 'Man Down', or when I thought Horatio was really going to have a near-death experience. Please, TPTB, don't screw us Speed fans over. It's been three years here. We need SOMETHING.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

i know!! i just watched Lost Son and i'm still traumatized by it even though i've seen it hundreds of times. i cry every single time. i just can't bear to watch him "die" and not cry my eyes out. then i come here and i become happy because of the possilbe Speed story!!!! i hope they don't do what donahue did with the "Horatio almost dies" thing.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

I can no long put myself through the tortue or watching Lost Son, 2 and 1/2 times was enough. I couldn't even watch it through to the end the last time I watched it :lol:

I don't think this storyline will lead into a ressurection of Speeds character. I know Rory is never goin' to go back.... well I'm 98% certain he won't :p but I, like alot of you are happy that he hasn't been totally fogotten. Speedle still has a huge fanbase, 3 years after his departure and TPTB would be stupid not to know that.

So if Season 6 can bring emotions to the surface from Eric Calleigh Horatio and or Alexx with regards to Tim it can only be a good thing for the audience. Esp the Die Hards :p Even if it is just for one episode ;)

Or if the impossible was to happen and Speedle did come back, would Natalia try and get her claws in him :lol:
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Honestly I think the 'sighting' will probably be a man who resembles Speed & it's just a way to highlight Eric's emotions when it came to losing him. Adam said in his interview that one of the things he hadn't liked was that the writer's didn't involve him enough in Speed's death. Maybe they are just granting him his wish for a better speed/eric story. I'm sure out of everyones excitement for a Speed return it's just being read into too much.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

CSIFiles spoilers for S6E2

In the second episode of CSI: Miami's sixth season, the team investigates the death of a young girl found in a burnt SUV, and Delko sees a familiar face on the beach.

According to CSI Files sources, the episode starts as dawn arrives in Miami. On a secluded beach, Brandon Ferris and Jessica Taylor, both 19 years old, are all over each other in his SUV. They pull away from the passionate kisses and watch the sun rise over the ocean, drifting off to sleep. Brandon wakes up to find himself surrounded by smoke. He attempts to wake Jessica up as flames consume the car, but she doesn't stir. Unable to open his door, Brandon pounds on the glass, screaming for help.

Horatio and Frank survey the scene as fire and rescue put out the last of the flames surrounding the blackened SUV. EMTs cover Jessica's lifeless body with a tarp. Frank is able to find her identification in her purse. Horatio laments that such a young woman had to die. Brandon, it turns out, has survived but is in the hospital.

Calleigh and Delko find a fingerprint on the brake cylinder of the SUV and match it to Anthony Hillman. The 24-year-old is in the system for grand theft auto. Horatio questions him about the murder of Jessica Taylor. Hillman seems shocked that she is dead and tells Horatio that she was his girlfriend. Horatio suggests that Hillman found out that Jessica was cheating on him with Ferris and cut the brake line of the SUV to get back at them. Whether they got into a crash or the car caught fire, they would pay. Hillman denies this and explains that he worked on Ferris's car as a favor to Jessica. Horatio tells him not to leave town.

Alexx's autopsy reveals that Jessica Taylor had been poisoned by carbon monoxide before the fire engulfed the SUV. Delko and Natalia go to the scene and recover an exhaust pipe. If they can find out who tampered with the pipe, they can find their killer. The evidence leads the CSIs to a credit and loan company. They discover that Jessica was deep in debt. This case has gotten more complicated.

Meanwhile, Ryan goes to speak to Alexx. She apologizes for not returning his phone call. When Alexx asks him why he came, Ryan tells her that he is looking for a job as an ME's Investigator. While Ryan searches for a job, Delko must search for answers. He admits to Calleigh that he saw something on the beach. He is reluctant to tell her at first, but he eventually confesses that it was a person: Tim Speedle.

Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.

"Bang, Bang, Your Debt!" is expected to air October 1, 2007.
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