CSI:Miami Season 5 *Spoiler Lab* Proceed With Caution!!

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^The promos itself are not the problem - but where those are located - is the problem and may violate copyright laws.
DaWacko said:
^The promos itself are not the problem - but where those are located - is the problem and may violate copyright laws.

Yes...what Ducky just said is correct. When linking to promos of Miami episode, please use only those sanctioned by CBS--example: linking directly to cbs.com or to a YouTube link that is put up by CBS itself.
athlov said:
Well, I watched the preview. I think what Valera said was that it was all he fault. I think she said that because Nick hit her or something. Then when Eric found out, he fought with Nick about it.

Thus after Nick got killed and people started asking questions, Valera must have felt like she shouldn't have said anything about it; that maybe she caused someone to kill him.

That's just my take on it. ;)

o wow.. XDD .. i seriously never thought about it that way.. im like completely obsessed with the eric/natalia pairing that i didn't even think of that... what u said would make SO much sense.. awesome.. CANT WAIT FOR THIS EP!!!! XD
Juma said:
interesting promo! ( I don't think it's a problem posting it here, Liten's done that forever and no one has complained. )
I slow motioned it, and at some point you can see Natalia in the car looking back through her rear mirror. wonder what that's all about.

Also, slowing it, made Valera's comment seem totally out of context, like she was talking about something else. But maybe that's just me.

Valera is wearing a smoking hot red top, and Natalia's is dark green. VERY NICE JOB WARDROBE DEPT!! thank you.

Eric's fight in the lab with NIck will come back and bite him for sure.

( channeling my inner 4 year old)

rele?.. then there may be a chance of an eric/natalia moment!! XDD .. i wish i could slo-mo it.. >.<
I really hope Eric doesn't get pinned for this murder. He still has to be on the show so he can hook up with Calleigh. I'm hoping they'll be a sort of love triangle between Calleigh, Eric and Ryan. :D As for Jake, I hope he gets sacked as well as charged for Nick's murder. I absolutely hate him. If he goes near Calleigh, I'll blow my top. He's like the man version of a slut. Maybe he'll die. :)
Choco_Sushi_Nut, if there's something you need to add to a previous reply, please use the 'edit' function as opposed to double posting. The 'edit' function is available for 24 hours after making a post.

ryancaleighRluv...a reminder from the Guidelines for this thread:

~ With regard to discussing various 'ships', unless it pertains to the episode directly, please post shipping speculation in the relevant thread in 'Shipper Central'.

The Guidelines are posted on the first page of the thread.

Thanks. :)
Just wanted to add that the moment when H walks out of Nat's holing cell ( or wahtever they're called) when he talks on the phone!!!!!! squeeeeeeeeeeeee!
I know some people get a but annoyed with H's oneliners, but I absolutely love this one!

*calms down now*
good call about the copyright thing. I hadn't thought of that. :)


Horatio's one liners can be a little over the top sometimes but some of them are priceless.
I highly doubt Eric gets pinned for the murder but I wouldn't mind seeing Jake get busted for it!! He is soooo immature and you just know by the promo that he is enjoying watching H and his team squirm. He reminds me of Stetler!!
^But then they can be the pair we love to hate. I'm intrigued by the Jake character, but I really, really don't want to see him with Calleigh. It's obvious that anything between them would just end badly, and I don't want that when we are just starting to get our happy Cal back. The poor girl needs something good to happen to her after a ton of crap over the past couple of years, and Jake is not it!
Don't know if these have been posted here or not but thought I'd post them. They're promo pics from IA. Pics courtesy of DC board/Modern Day Gallery.

From looking at the pcitures does anyone else think that Nick has way too nice an apartment for someone who 1) just go out of prison ans 2) cleans up crime scenes for a living? Me thinks something else is going with him!!
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