CSI:Miami Season 5 *Spoiler Lab* Proceed With Caution!!

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I can't see why Eric would go hunting for Nick either. He's too smart for that.


Mistakes with connections to the victim always makes Horatio look bad. Poor old man.
Well, I watched the preview. I think what Valera said was that it was all he fault. I think she said that because Nick hit her or something. Then when Eric found out, he fought with Nick about it.

Thus after Nick got killed and people started asking questions, Valera must have felt like she shouldn't have said anything about it; that maybe she caused someone to kill him.

That's just my take on it. ;)
You can't blame the girl for feeling bad about it and blaming herself.

Freaking retard- I hate Nick. Aw Eric, what a man...
athlov said:
Well, I watched the preview. I think what Valera said was that it was all he fault. I think she said that because Nick hit her or something. Then when Eric found out, he fought with Nick about it.

Thus after Nick got killed and people started asking questions, Valera must have felt like she shouldn't have said anything about it; that maybe she caused someone to kill him.

That's just my take on it. ;)

Okay, I can kinda maybe see that, but I still don't think Eric would hunt Nick down. If he bumped into him at a crime scene or something, then all bets are off :devil:. I don't even particularly like Natalia but I can't wait to see Eric kick Nick's ass, even moreso if he put his hands on Valera.
Oh definately can't wait to see Eric in action!! Nick is a jerk anyway (especially since he hits women) and deserves what he gets(although no one in real life deserves to die). Now that you said it, Athlov I could see where Valera would think it is her fault since her possibly saying something gets Eric into trouble....Is it just me or is Eric a magnet for trouble? It seems like no matter how nice he tries to be he manages to get into trouble...ie the episode Extreme!
Speedslady said:
As for Rick not being in the episode I've been thinking about this, Rick wouldn't have missed a chance at putting the screws to Horatio or anyone in the lab for that matter. So it got me to thinking about Rick traveling and spent a lot of time in New York. Makes me wonder where Rick is, Brazil? Back in New York?

Yay! Someone else with the same theory! I'm firmly convinced that any time Stetler isn't onscreen when he should be, he's off digging up dirt on H. This is mostly because I want major payoff when said dirt comes to light, but still. It maintains my sanity.
That's a high % of new episodes showcasing Natalia, isn't it? And unlike Ryan's debut, very little has been due to her skills as a CSI. I think this is why I find her very irritating. Surely Eva La Rue can't be happy with the terribly lightweight nature of her character.
Okay, I can kinda maybe see that, but I still don't think Eric would hunt Nick down. If he bumped into him at a crime scene or something, then all bets are off :devil:. I don't even particularly like Natalia but I can't wait to see Eric kick Nick's ass, even moreso if he put his hands on Valera.

At first glance, it looked like they were fighting in the lab, but I may have to go back and watch it again. I doubt Eric would actually hunt him down, too. I'll bet you anything Nick said something to start the fight, though. He's the type to start something like that.
*This line edited by mod due to possible copyright infringement.* This is where I got the info for "Man Down" Anyway, episode 516 is called "Broken Home" and it looks like Eric is physically doing fine because he is back on the job. Don't know about his emotional state though. Thought I would share that wilth everyone!

Eric is toom much of a nice guy....so I could see him going after Nick especially if he hit Valera even if they were in the lab.
Good to see that about Delko, I'm really starting to appriciate his character, at the end of season three I was hoping it was him who killed himself in the lab. Now I think he's one of the best characters on the show.
I'm glad to hear that about Eric, and I'd have to agree Eric would definatly take a swing at Nick if he hit Valera.

The writers better to a fantastic job with this episode because if they mess this up and make it stupid I'm going to be ticked! With a capital T!!

I'm right there with you Painted Shadow. He's more dangerous when he's off screen then when he is on screen.
liten said:
Yay!! Can't wait for this!!!!

[url removed in this quote by Ducky]

I think it would be better to link to promo on CBSs site and not version that has been snagged to your website.
I'm sure Geni and Thumps will look into this but as far as I can think... it's illegal.
interesting promo! ( I don't think it's a problem posting it here, Liten's done that forever and no one has complained. )
I slow motioned it, and at some point you can see Natalia in the car looking back through her rear mirror. wonder what that's all about.

Also, slowing it, made Valera's comment seem totally out of context, like she was talking about something else. But maybe that's just me.

Valera is wearing a smoking hot red top, and Natalia's is dark green. VERY NICE JOB WARDROBE DEPT!! thank you.

Eric's fight in the lab with NIck will come back and bite him for sure.

( channeling my inner 4 year old)
Juma said:
interesting promo! ( I don't think it's a problem posting it here, Liten's done that forever and no one has complained. )

Well CBS has copyright to all material they publish on their website and what I've worked with mywebsites, you need permission. It's just like if you take a clip from CSI episode and put it your website or YouTube.

But yeah, I'm sure Geni and Thumpsy will look into this and explain how it really is. I'm not sure sure about these things because in Misc it's rare to deal with this stuff.
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