CSI:Miami Season 5 *Spoiler Lab* Proceed With Caution!!

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Carolyn, as this thread is just for spoilers, may we request that you post this kind of info in the relevant episode thread, in this case Death Eminent. Thanks. :)
Courtesy of The Futon Critic. Of course. I don't think this one got posted yet, did it?

Going, Going, Gone (I think)
Monday, Nov. 20 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) CSI: MIAMI -- A young woman is murdered after being auctioned off as a charity event date. Also, Calleigh's (Emily Proctor) ex-boyfriend, an undercover cop, is on the scene when she is shot in the line of duty.
Calleigh? Shot? Eeh! Scary/exciting! I feel like this is a plotline I've been waiting on for a long time. We don't need the ex-boyfriend part, though. He can go away. The team will take care of her. Hey! Jake! I said scram! Sigh...
AHHHHHHH!!! :eek: NO WAY! OMG OMG OMG OMG *takes deep breath* I can't believe this! WOW. Angst Whore heart is loving this, CaRWash heart is hating this!
wait... calleigh gets shot? holy crap...

mind you, they said that she would get shot in season two in an episode that was never made titled 'officer down'... that never happened...

BUT OMFG YAY! CHARACTER ANGST! i mean... of course i'm not an angst whore... ;)
drkate said:
BUT OMFG YAY! CHARACTER ANGST! I mean... of course i'm not an angst whore... ;)
*cough* Yeah. *cough* Sure. *cough* Neither am I. *cough*

SQUEEEEE! She gets shot! I think I'm going to have a little Angst Party. :lol:
Man, she's my fav characterever, she's getting shot (and Jake's there!), and I'm celebrating... Someone might call me weird. :p
Oh these talks about Calleigh getting shot reminds me about season 2. Oh those good ol' times ;)
I wish they woudln't spoil THIS much! I prefer to specualte on why the BF is there and they fall off the couch when C is shot!!!!!

I hope Going Going Gone doesn't mean Calleigh is gonna die or something.
I lovehate the suspense.
Nahhh, she won't die.... If you take a close look at the promo pics for the episode, you'll see the bullet hole in her clothes (right over her heart *lol*). So I suppose she's wearing kevlar under it. I also had this weird image in my head yesterday that Calleigh's got titanium breast implants or something..... you know.... because you really can't see a kevlar vest..... *cough* ....it's Miami! Anything goes! ;)
oh, i'm glad she's not really badly injured! but that would still hurt alot...

and if she's wearing kevlar then... why cant we see it? this is odd...

but omg yay! character angst! i still cant get over it! *falls off chair with excitement*
Sorry if i budge in, but what's up with Yelina and Ray jr? I mean, I'm all up for decentering the show from H and more towards the whole team but still, at least mentionning them would be nice. Does anyone know anyhing about it?
Well, at the moment, we still assume that Yelina and Ray Jnr are in Miami, and are due to feature again later on in Season 5. We have no specific spoilers yet though. Sofia Milos is involved in another show until December.

I agree, mentioning them would be nice. :)

....and YAY for the return of Jake! :D
Painted_Shadow said
Also, Calleigh's (Emily Proctor) ex-boyfriend, an undercover cop, is on the scene when she is shot in the line of duty.

YAY! I like her ex-boyfriend. *hugs the writers*

But...Gee she 'gets shot in the line of duty'. I don't think we have to worry about her 'dying'. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Leela said
If you take a close look at the promo pics for the episode, you'll see the bullet hole in her clothes (right over her heart *lol*).

....*kicks the writers* .... SO sounds like a good episode. :lol:
Pfieuw, glad she isn't badly hurt. On the other hand, a bit more couldn't hurt my angst whore heart. I was at least hoping for a hospital scene.
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