Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect
Calm, cool and collected is always good.
- Although being hyper and completely nuts is sometimes a healthy thing right?
And yes, Speed pulling seniority. He always seems to do that, but that's because it's my fic and I can do what I want.
...I seem to be slightly biased in this thread. :lol:
And I'm glad you love the story!
Waiting By The Palm Trees
Access road
Delko: *gets out of Hummer* Black SUV.
Speed: *points* Dead guy.
Delko: Glove up.
Speed: Already ahead of you.
Delko: *opens SUV door* Well, this seems pretty cut and dry.
Coroner: Gunshot wound to the head, instantly fatal. I found something in his pocket.
Speed: *grabs paper* It's a liscence plate number.
Delko: Yours?
Speed: Yeah.
Coroner: His ID says Ken Fuentes.
Patrol cop: *walks over* I ran the registration. It belongs to Fuentes here. He just got out of prison three months ago.
Delko: So he's a felon.
Patrol Cop: Yeah apparently he came up to California last month.
Delko: What? What do you mean came up here?
Patrol Cop: He served in Florida for a drug charge.
Speed: *looks around inside vehicle*
Delko: You see something?
Speed: It's what I don't see.
Delko: What do you mean?
Speed: This guy was hired by Valdez to run us off the road, and there's no money?
Delko: Maybe the drugs were his payment.
Speed: It couldn't have been because then the cops wouldn't find it on us.
Delko: So he has no cash, and no drugs. Maybe his partner took the money.
Speed: Well when we find him, we can ask him.
Delko: This guy just doesn't quit. How many times is he going to try and get you?
Speed: He wasn't trying to get me, he was trying to get money and drugs. He probably didn't care who he had to kill to get it.
Truck drives up
Delko: Uh...Speed?
Speed: What?
Delko: You have a gun?
Speed: No.
Delko: *get out gun*
Window rolls down, someone shoots at the vehicle. Speed ducks, Delko shoots gun, truck drives away
Delko: *runs over* Are you okay?
Speed: *frowns* I hate California.
Delko: Well California seems to hate cops.
Cop car drives off in pursuit of the truck
Speed: That was the second guy.
Delko: Do they ever give up?
Speed: If I get shot at one more time...
Delko: Alright calm down, we have a scene to process.
Speed: No, you have a scene to process. I'm going to go see Valdez.
Delko: Why?
Speed: Keep processing. *gets in Hummer, drives off*
Delko: ...I'll...Be here then.
Speed: *walks into interview room*
Valdez: *laughs* I was sure those guys would have killed you by now.
Speed: *rolls up sleeves* Yeah me too. It's a shame criminals happen to be stupid.
Valdez: I heard one of my guys was killed. I guess you can never be too careful who you pick.
Speed: Yeah and your second guy got away.
Valdez: Well maybe he's the smarter one.
Speed: Where's he going?
Valdez: I'm not going to tell you that man.
Speed: Really. *pushes table into Valdez*
Valdez: Hey man! That's police brutality!
Speed: Where's he going!
Valdez: How should I know!
Speed: *pushes table*
Valdez: ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! He's going to your place!
Speed: *let's go of table* Why?
Valdez: His instructions were to take either one of you out so he's going to finish the job. That's plan B.
Speed: Plan B?
Valdez: I guess the drug plant didn't work. He's going to kill your pretty wife.
Speed: Why can't you leave us alone?
Valdez: Your dad caused a lot of trouble up in New York. Louis wanted to get you back for leaking to the cops and I wanted money.
Speed: I didn't leak anything.
Valdez: That's not my problem anymore.
Speed: You hired a hit on an innocent woman so guess what, it is your problem.
Valdez: Why aren't you running to her rescue?
Speed: Believe me, she can take care of herself. You should see her after a double shift at the lab.
Valdez: Speaking of that lab, it was surprisingly easy to get those drugs.
Speed: Good for you.
Valdez: I learned from the best. Granted, it was in a different country but uh...She was still the best.
Speed: What are you talking about?
Valdez: Who do you think let me in the lab?
Speed: You tell me.
Valdez: I'm finished talking.
Speed: Fine. See you around. *leaves*
Katie's house
Speed: *runs in* Katie? Katie!
Katie: *walks downstairs* Hey, you're back.
Speed: Did a guy drive over here?
Katie: Yeah he's upstairs.
Speed: What?
Katie: He put a nasty bullet hole in the wall though. I worked long and hard for this house.
Speed: I bought the house.
Katie: Well I shot him.
Speed: Is he dead?
Katie: Yeah. The cops are on the way here, apparently they were pursuing him.
Speed: *hugs Katie*
Katie: Um ow. You didn't think I'd move back here and not buy a gun did you?
Speed: *lets go*
Katie: See? I'm not that pathetic.
Speed: I didn't say you were.
Baby starts to cry
Katie: *walks into kitchen* We really need to get better locks on the doors.
Speed: *sigh*