CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

Thanks for the reviews! :D


Condo, 9am next day

Dominick: *runs in*

Speed: *looks back*

Scott: *walks over* Hey.

Speed: What's this about a work thing?

Scott: Oh it shouldn't take long. I'll be here in Miami.

Speed: Right.

Dominick: *sits in chair*

Speed: ...He's rather well-behaved this morning.

Scott: Yeah I think I figured out what Lori's been doing. You make him wonder, just for a minute, if Dad's a little psychotic.

Speed: *looks at Scott*

Scott: He hasn't cussed at me once in the last 24 hours.

Speed: *smirks*

Scott: I should be back to pick him up in a couple of hours.

Speed: Alright.

Scott: *nods, places hands on hips*

Speed: ...Is there something else?

Scott: I uh...I just wanted to thank you. For putting me on a plane and bringing me back. If you and Tom hadn't shown up when you did...I wouldn't be here.

Speed: I know.

Scott: I don't think you understand.

Speed: No I understand perfectly. I found the note.

Scott: *stares at Speed*

Speed: I don't doubt for a minute that you had every intention of checking out. But you didn't. Instead you fought to get your life back and that's what matters.

Scott: *lowers head*

Speed: Get going.

Scott: *nods, walks away*

Speed: *shuts door*

APL Financial, 48th floor

Scott: *steps off elevator*

Matthew: *writing*

Lisa: *smacks Matthew*

Matthew: Ow. What?

Lisa: Check it out. Mister Finch is here.

Matthew: *looks toward reception*

Lisa: Weird, right? I thought he left.

Matthew: *looks down at paper* He still owns the company.

Lisa: I heard he hires escorts and shoots up heroin. You know, that money could be going to us instead of being wast-

Matthew: Exactly, you heard it. That doesn't automatically make it true.

Lisa: There has to be some truth to it.

Matthew: If I had a nickel for every rumor I picked up in a magazine, I'd be a millionaire.

Lisa: You're sure quick to defend him.

Matthew: I'm not defending him, I'm trying to cut down on the watercooler gossip going on around here. *writing*

Lisa: *leans on table, stares at Matthew*

Matthew: *lifts eyes*

Lisa: You have his eyes.

Matthew: You need to go back to work.

Lisa: The girls and I have been doing research on all the bachelors throughout the floor for our Valentine's Party.

Matthew: ...Valentine's Day was last month.

Lisa: Matthew Whitfield, age 31. Mother is Elaine Whitfield, father is...MIA.

Matthew: Wow. I'm sure there are a lot of people around here without a father or a mother. It doesn't mean they're related to the boss.

Lisa: Your mother used to be a maid for Henry and Doris Finch.

Matthew: *opens mouth* ...*closes mouth*

Lisa: HA.

Matthew: Alright it's a coincidence.

Lisa: *punches Matthew's arm* You're totally the boss' brother. Oh MAN you could be a millionaire when he croaks.

Matthew: *lifts brow* Like I said, you need to go back to work.

Lisa: Hey if I marry you, can I have some of the money?

Matthew: *frowns*


Scott: *shuts door* What do we have?

Bob: *presses remote button*

Wall lifts; Tia is seen in next room

Scott: *nods*

Bob: I spotted her when she entered the building so I took the liberty of turning on the hidden cameras. *presses button*

Screen flips on; video plays

Scott: *stares at screen*

Bob: You look good, by the way.

Scott: Thanks. Are those photos legit?

Bob: Yeah. Unfortuately.

Scott: So she's Secret Agent Tia.

Bob: I've called the FBI.

Scott: *looks at Bob*

Bob: They're on their way.

Scott: They want her too, huh.

Bob: You bet.

Scott: I want to speak with her.

Bob: *looks at watch* You've got about 5 minutes.

Scott: Shut this thing off. *walks away*

Bob: *nods, grabs remote*

Large office

Tia: *looks down at nails*

Scott: *steps in, shuts door*

Tia: *lifts eyes*

Scott: Good morning.

Tia: You're not supposed to be here. I'm dealing with Robert.

Scott: You've out-stayed your welcome.

Tia: If you're thinking about calling the police, don't bother. I've got plenty more dirt on you to fill a barrel.

Scott: I've got nothing to hide.

Tia: Your wife's on a little vacation if I'm not mistaken. With your daughter. And her biological father.

Scott: Tia, sit down.

Tia: Am I lying or am I telling the truth?

Scott: *leans against wall, crosses arms* The FBI are on their way up.

Tia: *smile fades*

Scott: Your lawyer may have been able to get you around the IRS but I assure you, this is a whole new problem for you.

Knock on door is heard

Scott: *opens door* I'll...pray for you or...something. *walks away*

Tia: *stares at door*

FBI guys walk in

Okay, aside from her threat of spilling the beans ( or not) about Stephanie, that ass is going up the river- in which case, I'm a very happy reader. Good riddance, I sure hope this is THE very last time we see or hear from her... Don't let the door hit on the way out..; :guffaw:

Oh aww... Dom's paying attention now... how very awesome...:D I guess he'll never know if Daddy's psychotic or not...

Awesome...AWESOME update!
Ah HAHAHAH! Tia got her ass knocked the F@&K Out! lol! he just thinks she knows the dirt on Scott! half of it isn't even true ! or is it ! Well at any rate i'm glad Bob called the Feds on her Ass! good riddance Bitch!

And why do I get this weird felling the Mr. Dom is just sitting idly by and has some kind of evil 3 year old master plan against Scott brewing in his head and is about ready to unleash it on him soon! You know that kids to smart for his own good! they should really have him tested i'm sure hes a gifted child! Lol! That or someone swoped their child for a look alike midget and hes really a 40 year old man disguised as a 3 year old! Lol!

Great update Geni!

P.S. Anni i love you Avitar of Speed ! Also wondering when we're getting and update. come talk to me on Yahoo! I miss you !
Go Bob for calling the FBI! That's awesome that she's finally getting what's coming to her! :D Good riddance!

Also, go Bob for calling Scott in too, so he can face her.

*hugs Lori too* Scotty'll be okay. Or, at least that's what I keep hoping.

Hooray for Scott taming Dom. That's good too. :D

Awesome updates! :D
Thanks for the reviews. :D


Houston, Texas - Park, 1pm

Steph: *climbs onto tree branch* Come on, Tommy!

Tom: *climbs* Ugh.

Steph: *sits on branch, looks around* You can see the whole park from here!

Tom: Yeah, I can almost see my lunch from here. *places hand on chest*

Steph: Tommy you gotta get out more.

Tom: What the hell have we been doing this whole time? *climbs over, sits* Alright, here I am.

Steph: You lost.

Tom: I'm old.

Steph: *smiles* You're not old. You've just got more stuff in your head, that's all.

Tom: Come on, I've got some wrinkles.

Steph: One more adventure is another wrinkle.

Tom: Oh, well that makes me feel better. I've sure had a hell of a lot of adventures.

Steph: I CAN SEE MOMMA! *leans over, waves* MOMMA!

Tom: Woah. *grabs Steph* Remember when we talked about gravity?

Steph: *flaps arms* MOMMA!


Lori: *looks up* Jesus Christ, Tom! Get her down from there!

Up in tree

Tom: *salutes* Alright kiddo, time for a snack before we head back out on the road.

Steph: Aw do we have to?

Tom: Yes. *looks around* Why don't you uh...tell me how I can get down from this here tree.

Steph: That's easy. It's like monkeybars. *jumps*

Tom: AH!

Steph: *grabs onto branch, jumps down*

Tom: *covers face*


Steph: *wipes knees*

Lori: Look what you did to your jeans.

Tom: *falls down, hits ground*

Lori: *looks at Tom*

Tom: *coughs*

Steph: *giggles*

Lori: You two are going to get yourselves killed.

Tom: Ah come on, Lori. I had her.

Lori: You barely had yourself.

Tom: Yeah but we've always known I'm inherently bad at taking care of myself. I'm fine with kids. Now get down here and relax. *grabs Lori's legs, yanks her down*

Lori: *screams, falls onto Tom*

Steph: *smiling*

Lori: *slaps Tom* You're such a child.

Tom: *smiles, brushes hair from Lori's face* When in Rome...

Lori: Kick their asses back to the Hummerhome?

Tom: You were a lot more fun when we first met.

Lori: Steph, go.

Steph: *grabs sandwich from basket, walks away*

Lori: No more trees.

Tom: *rolls Lori over* How about rocky cliffs?

Lori: If you take my child to a rocky cliff, I'm gonna throw you over the edge.

Tom: Ouch. Not a lot of love coming out of someone so beautiful.

Lori: You probably think you're very charming.

Tom: Oh I know I am. Otherwise how in the hell did I ever nab you?

Lori: You never had me, Tom. *pushes Tom, sits up*

Tom: *looks down at grass*

Lori: *stands, walks away*

Tom: *sigh*

Inside Hummerhome, road, 7pm

Steph: *opens Travel Scrabble* Come on Tommy, play.

Tom: *walks over, sits* Alright, get ready for me to kick your ass.

Steph: *smiles*

30 minutes later

Tom: *staring at board*

Steph: Tommy, I thought you were supposed to be smart.

Tom: What do you mean?

Steph: *points to board* In. On. No. See. Or.

Tom: Those are words.

Steph: You can't do nothin' with 'em.

Tom: Sure you can. You can put an E and and S over here and make ores.

Steph: *places tiles on board*

Tom: ...Organic.

Steph: Your turn.

Tom: *scratches head*

Steph: Tommy, stop letting me win.

Tom: I'm not.

Steph: Yes you are. Play serious.

Tom: I really don't have any good letters.

Lori: *turns key* Alright guys, it's time for bed.

Steph: Aw already?

Tom: *looks at watch*

Lori: Yep.

Steph: Can't I have some cocoa? I wanna watch the stars before I go to sleep.

Tom: Yeah, come on, can't we?

Lori: *smirks* Alright. We'll camp outside for a bit.

Steph: YAY! *stands, runs*

Outside, campground, 1 hour later

Steph: *drops head*

Lori: *smirks, covers Steph with blanket*

Tom: *looks up at sky* You know, this is actually turning out to be a pretty cool trip.

Lori: Yeah?

Tom: I got to see the world's largest elastic band. What could be better?

Lori: *smiles*

Tom: *wraps arm around Lori* You're cold.

Lori: It's a breezy night.

Tom: Maybe we should go back inside.

Lori: Yeah. *stands*

Tom: *walks around chair, picks up Steph*

Steph: *wraps arms around Tom*

Inside Hummerhome

Lori: *shuts door*

Tom: *places hand on Lori's shoulder, steps past*

Lori: *looks back*

Tom: *walks into bathroom, shuts door*

Lori: *frowns*


Lori: *knocks on door*

Tom: *opens door* What.

Lori: I need to brush my teeth.

Tom: You can't wait 20 minutes?

Lori: What the hell are you going to be doing for 20 minutes?

Tom: Showering.

Lori: You're very backwards.

Tom: The lock's broken and the kid's asleep. Makes perfect sense to me.

Lori: That's fine. I'm not a child and I've seen you naked. *pushes Tom, walks in* Shower away.

Tom: That doesn't mean you still get to.

Lori: *grabs toothpaste* Just shower.

Tom: *pulls off shirt*

Lori: *looks into mirror*

Tootpaste squirts all over counter

Tom: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *lowers eyes* Lost my grip.

Tom: Maybe I should finish getting undressed behind the curtain. I wouldn't want you to spill the mouthwash next.

Lori: *frowns*

:shifty: Okay...so now they're bonding a bit too much. I'm all for connecting but they're treading on past soil. *sigh* no one can ever really let go of the past, these two are not any different. I just hope that they can maintain some decency...

Meanwhile, Steph's awesome...:lol:

Awesome update
Oh know Tom is about to do what we like to call in out home the Naked Man Dance ! Lol! I don't think Lori realizes just how Hot Tom really is! I think shes about to find out though! That shower may come in handy after all! I think Tom needs to make sure its a cold shower though! lol!

great update Geni!
Thanks for the reviews! :)


Hummerhome, bedroom, 11:30pm

Tom: *rolls over*

Steph: *pokes Tom*

Tom: *opens eyes*

Steph: I heard a noise outside.

Tom: It's nature, Stephie.

Steph: *grabs Tom's arm* Go make it safe, Tommy.

Tom: *sigh* Alright. *stands* Stay here.

Steph: *nods*

Outside, behind Hummerhome

Tom: *lifts flashlight*

Bear lifts head

Tom: Oh...shit.

Bear stares at Tom

Tom: *steps back*

Bear turns around, walks away

Tom: *covers forehead*

Inside Hummerhome

Tom: *runs in, shuts door*

Lori: What are you two doing up?

Tom: *turns around* Uh...Steph heard a noise.

Steph: *nods*

Tom: It was just an animal.

Lori: Is it gone?

Tom: Yeah.

Steph: *smiles* Tommy scared it away.

Lori: Really? Tommy looks like he's about to piss himself.

Tom: *frowns* Steph, go to bed.

Steph: *walks away*

Lori: *smiles* What was it, a racoon?

Tom: More like a black bear.

Lori: *smile fades* Was it big?

Tom: I'll leave that to your imagination.

Lori: ...It was a baby, wasn't it.

Tom: Where there are baby bears, there are mommy bears. I think caution in the place of my manpride probably saved my ass.

Lori: *smiles*

Tom: Fine, you go out there and find out. But don't come crying to me when you're being mauled up against tree.

Lori: *steps closer* You poor baby. *strokes Tom's cheek*

Tom: *grabs Lori's arm* It's not funny, Lori.

Lori: *laughs* Camping's not your thing, huh.

Tom: I hope this thing is bullet proof.

Lori: I'll tell you what. I'll stay up all night with a shotgun so you can get some rest.

Tom: *frowns* Ha-freakin'-ha.

Lori: *winks, walks away*

Tom: *rolls eyes*

Miami Lab, 9am

Speed: *staring through microscope*

Anni: *runs in* How would you feel about 'theme' days?

Speed: ...That sounds like Katie. But feels like Anni. *lifts eyes*

Anni: *smiles* Katie and I got to talking in the carpool this morning. We think a theme day would boost morale around here.

Speed: This is a government building.

Anni: It won't be anything exotic like naked Tuesdays. Although Katie was really on board with that.

Speed: Of course.

Anni: I'm thinking maybe a whacky tie day or crazy hair day.

Speed: Crazy hair is a fire hazard.

Anni: How about ugly shirt day?

Speed: You've been talking to Eric I see.

Anni: Come on, it'll be fun.

Speed: We're not here to have fun.

Anni: You once fooled around with Katie in the supply closet.

Speed: That's different. It wasn't very fun.

Anni: You fooled around with Calleigh in ballistics. And with Jess in the back of the Hummer. Oh and Carly b-

Speed: Alright I get it.

Anni: Come to think of it...we never had any fun around the lab.

Speed: We were serious.

Anni: *blinks*

Speed: *looks down at folder, writes*

Anni: ...Until I ripped out your heart?

Speed: *shrugs* At least it wasn't shot at this time.

Anni: *walks around table, sits* We mutually split up.

Speed: Just like we mutually left me to take care of Brook while you went out to roll around the bed with a younger man.

Anni: *stares at Speed*

Speed: Forget it, I don't want to fight.

Anni: No it's okay. You're still sore about it. I understand.

Speed: *shakes head* It was uncalled for, I'm sorry. Tom's a good guy. And I'm not exactly perfect myself.

Anni: *nods*

Speed: ...You think there's a chance Brook could...live with me?

Anni: *lifts eyes*

Speed: *looks at Anni*

Anni: On a permenant basis?

Speed: Yeah, maybe.

Anni: *nods slowly* I'll speak with Tom about it when he gets back.

Speed: With all due respect, Tom doesn't have a say.

Anni: Maybe not but I still want his opinion.

Speed: How about mine?

Anni: *rubs eyes* Why don't we talk about it over dinner tonight.

Speed: *nods*

Anni: *places hand on Speed's arm* Later.

Speed: Yeah.

Anni: *walks away*

It seems as if things are a- changin'. Lori and Tom are closer than ever, Anni and Speed are going out for dinner...What is this coming to? ACK! Why can't they stay faithful? Well...Lori's got one foot out of her marriage, so it's easy for her...BUT Dammit, TOM! :guffaw: You can tell I have a really bad aversion to Tom and Lori hooking up...

*Sigh...* So is life...

Excellent update!
Why do i feel as though this dinner is not going to turn out the way its suppose to and someone will end up being the dessert! Speed please control yourself! Think about Katie you love her! Really you do ! Anni is married remember and not to you anymore! Agh! this is not good at all!

Note to Tom when in the wilderness always remember that Yes bears do shit in the woods so always be alert! lol!

P.S. To Tom Leave Lori alone and get your ass back to your wife before you Husband-in-law steals her away from you again! Hes about to have her for dessert and maybe dinner also!

Great Update Geni!
Thanks for the reviews! :D


Restaurant, 7pm

Katie: Wow this is a nice place. Who's paying?

Anni: *leans over, whispers* I thought you were coming alone.

Speed: Yeah right.

Katie: These napkins are nifty. OH I'm going to make mine into a swan.

Speed: *opens menu*

Katie: Hey Tim, can I borrow your napkin?

Speed: *hands over napkin*

Katie: *twists napkins*

Speed: Where are the kids?

Anni: Babysitter. I was under the impression that children weren't invited. *looks at Katie*

Katie: What are you talking about? I love kids.

Speed: *sigh*

Anni: How would you juggle Brook with work?

Speed: The same way you do, the same way I've always juggled kids and work.

Katie: Sending them to Colombia?

Speed: *looks at Anni* I can do it.

Katie: Do what?

Anni: He wants to take Brook.

Katie: WHAT?

Speed: Not 'take' her. Help raise her but under my roof.

Katie: That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard. You could barely keep the first 3 kids under our roof ALIVE.

Anni: *sips wine*

Speed: That's not going to happen, Anni. Katie and I took care of Steph and Dom when we thought their parents had died and we were prepared to raise them.

Katie: Whoa whoa whoa. Hold on. I have to help take care of YOUR kid?

Speed: No one's asking you to take care of her.

Katie: Except she'll be living in my home. We'll never work the same shifts again.

Speed: We're not supposed to work the same shifts now.

Katie: No. I'm not allowing this. You and Anni had your chance and you both blew it. Tom's already fine with her, let them keep her.

Speed: I thought you said you liked her.

Katie: For a couple of days. Not forever.

Speed: No one said she was staying forever.

Katie: I don't see what's so bad with the current arrangements.

Speed: There's nothing wrong with them, I just...

Katie: Want to irritate me.

Speed: Seeing Scott go through all that crap to get his kids back made me think about how...I don't even have a drug problem and I only get to see my child when it's convenient for Anni. *looks at Anni* You have Tayla. I want Brook.

Anni: *stares at Speed*

Katie: Wow what ever happened to sticking to your guns? First you didn't want Brook to know you were her father so she wouldn't grow up confused and hating you, then you wanted to see her more and now you want to keep her. This is why you've had 6 children, Tim.

Speed: A lot's happened since then.

Katie: Yeah, you take care of Lori's kids for a couple of months and now you want to be father of the year. You're supposed to hit this parenthood phase in your 30s, not when you're near retirement.

Speed: I'm not near retirement.

Katie: Oh so now he's not even retiring anymore. See how children ruin lives?

Anni: We could work out a schedule.

Speed: Schedule?

Anni: Yeah. Maybe she spends the week with me and lives with you on the weekends.

Speed: *nods slowly* That might be workable.

Katie: Wait, you're only giving him 2 days?

Speed: *looks at Katie* I thought you didn't want her living with us.

Katie: No but 2 days is a little cheap if you ask me.

Anni: It doesn't have to be permenant. Maybe to adjust Brook to it, then we can work out extra days. When she's in school, maybe she can stay with you during the summer.

Speed: *nods*

Katie: And ruin my summer?

Speed: *sigh* Katie.

Katie: Here, have some wine. *places glass on table*

Speed: *stares at Katie* I don't drink.

Katie: Why not?

Speed: I'm an alcoh-

Katie: *plugs ears* LA LA LA NOT LISTENING!

Speed: *looks at Anni* I apologize for her behaviour.

Anni: Me too.

Speed: *smirks*

Anni: I don't think I'll ever understand your relationship with her.

Speed: Me neither.

Anni: *smiles*

Katie: Hey what are we smiling about?

Speed: We're having an adult conversation.

Katie: Oh cool, we have those sometimes. Makes me feel like a grown-up.

Speed: If you ladies will excuse me, I have to use the john. *kisses Katie's cheek, stands*

Katie: *smiles*

Speed: *walks away*

Katie: Hey let's spike his water.

Anni: No.

Katie: There has to be something fun to do around here.

Anni: How about eating and sitting quietly.

Katie: Come on, Anni. You used to be cool.

Anni: You used to have a brain. It's amazing what 20 years can do to a person.

Katie: We're still hot though.

Anni: *lifts glass* I'll drink to that.

Hummerhome, 11pm

Tom: *opens fridge, grabs bread*

Lori: *walks over, scratches head* Hey, you're up. I was just about to get a sandwich.

Tom: You're in luck. *throws bread onto counter*

Lori: Great, I'll take PB&J.

Tom: This isn't a restaurant.

Lori: I'm also not a taxi service but we're here, aren't we?

Tom: *tilts head*

Lori: *jumps up, sits on counter*

Tom: *glances over* I need the work space.

Lori: You'll be fine.

Tom: *looks down at bread*

Lori: Don't get stingy on the peanut butter. Oh and use the crunchy one.

Tom: *opens peanut butter*

Lori: You're not putting enough on the knife.

Tom: *slaps peanut butter onto bread*

Lori: Make sure you put jam on both sides.

Tom: *looks at Lori* Do you order Scott around like this?

Lori: Yes.

Tom: And he just...takes it.

Lori: *lifts brow* Yes. He's a good husband.

Tom: *looks down at bread* A stupid one.

Lori: You telling me you don't do anything for Anni?

Tom: I do plenty for Anni. But I'm not her own personal slave either. *lifts head* I find it fascinating that the former CEO of a global corporation takes flack from some a person who was still playing with barbies when he was starting highschool.

Lori: When he was starting highschool, I was being beaten and exploited by Colombian drug lords.

Tom: *stares blankly* ...Yeah, exactly.

Lori: I want the bread cut diagonally.

Tom: *grabs knife*

Lori: You're not holding it right.

Tom: *sigh* Lori, for Christ's sake.

Lori: *smiles*

Tom: You're making me a sandwich.

Lori: Fine. *slides bread over*

Tom: You might want to get off the counter.

Lori: Nah, I like it up here. *digs hand into peanut butter*

Tom: What the hell are y-

Lori: *slaps peanut button on Tom's face*

Tom: *blinks*

Lori: It's a nice look for you.

Tom: I'm gonna kill you.

Lori: Oh relax, it's not like-

Tom: *grabs Lori*

Lori: *screams*

Tom: *throws Lori onto couch*

Lori: *looks up at Tom* Someone's cranky.

Tom: I'm going to smell like peanut butter for the next week.

Lori: What's wrong with being extra tasty?

Tom: *smirks* Hilarious.

Lori: *leans up, licks Tom's cheek*

Tom: Ugh. *wipes cheek* That's disgusting.

Lori: What? I'm hungry.

Tom: I don't want to be your human sandwich. *sits up* Go get yours from the counter.

Lori: *sits up, climbs over Tom*

Tom: *leans back against couch*

Lori: *takes sandwich, sits*

Tom: Get off my lap.

Lori: There's peanut butter on the couch.

Tom: There isn't on the other side.

Lori: *lifts sandwich* Want some?

Tom: No I think I've lost my appetite.

Lori: *picks at sandwich*

Tom: Would you just eat it?

Lori: I can't eat when someone's angry with me.

Tom: I'm not angry, I'm irritated.

Lori: That's the same thing.

Tom: See this is why I'm glad I married Anni. We don't have these idiotic arguments.

Lori: *looks at Tom* You wanted to marry me?

Tom: That's not what I said.

Lori: But you implied you wanted to be with me at one point.

Tom: No. I made a general statement. But it's a moot point anyway seeing as you've always been with Scott. I never had you, remember?

Lori: But it's true, right?

Tom: Lori, you used me. Continually. I'm surprised Scott still wants you.

Lori: *frowns*

Tom: *lifts Lori, places her on couch* Enjoy the snack. Goodnight. *stands, walks away*

Lori: *stands, follows* Wait, I don't want to go to bed feeling guilty.

Tom: That's not my problem.

Lori: *grabs Tom's arm* I'm sorry.

Tom: *looks at Lori*

Lori: I know you really did care about me and you're right, I used you. But didn't Anni use you to get back at Speed?

Tom: That's different.

Lori: How.

Tom: She's not a psychotic, kniving trollop. *walks into room, shuts door*

Lori: *stares at door*

Well, I suppose that Katie doesn't want Brook around. Sorry to say, Katie, I think that's a done deal. Speed;s all but signed on for daughter duty. I happen to think that it's a great idea that they begin to share custody. It will make Brook a well rounded girl. She'll still have Tom *which btw, he's going to be TREMENDOUSLY upset*. Can't wait for that to come about.

Hmm...looks as if things are a bit tetchy with Lori and Tom. I can see why, but that sill doesn't mean that he's boorish. He's going to apologize and they can get back to their flirty banter or whatever it is that they do. :guffaw: I really like them as friends more so than lovers...lol.

Awesome update!
Well I Guess Katie can eith er get over it or under it as far as Brooks concerned! That Speed's child and if he want to have her around I guess she can love it or get the hell on!

Lori is walkin a fine line between the smooth and crunchy! She needs too back the hell on off before things get out of controll! And they are slowly heading that way!

Great update Geni!
Thanks for the reviews! Hee. :D


Hummerhome, bedroom, 3:45am

Tom: *steps in, shuts door*

Lori: *lifts head*

Tom: I just wanted to...apologize. I didn't mean what I said.

Lori: Yes you did.

Tom: *lifts brow* Are you crying?

Lori: I'm human. Contrary to what I claim.

Tom: *walks over, sits* ...You and I...we had a complicated relationship.

Lori: No kidding.

Tom: I shouldn't have let what we had go on so long. It just made things worse.

Lori: I didn't have to use you either.

Tom: No but...maybe there was a part of you that felt something?

Lori: Oh there was.

Tom: *nods*

Lori: But it was probably too late.

Tom: Yeah. *reaches over, wipes Lori's cheek*

Lori: We weren't good for each other.

Tom: That's an understatement.

Lori: *lowers head*

Tom: Why don't I drive in the morning so you can get some rest.

Lori: *smirks* That would be lovely. Thank you. *wraps arms around Tom*

Tom: *wraps arm around Lori*

Lori: Love you.

Tom: *kisses Lori's cheek* Love you too, sweetie.

Lori: *hugs tighter*

Tom: ...Uh, Lori. Can I go now?

Lori: No.

Tom: *smirks* Unfortunately, we both need sleep and Steph is going to be up in a few hours.

Lori: Then sleep here.

Tom: That's not a good idea.

Lori: *pulls Tom down onto bed*

Tom: Oof.

Lori: I just need someone to be here.

Tom: *nods*

Lori: *rolls over, turns out light*

Tom: *lies head on pillow, stares at Lori*

Bedroom, 11am

Steph: *opens door, peeks in* ...*runs over to bed* MOMMA!

Lori: ACK! *sits up* What! What's wrong!

Steph: Nothin'.

Lori: *looks at watch* Holy crap. How long have you been up?

Steph: Since 8. I made myself some cereal and watched the people outside fighting over a tent.

Lori: *slaps Tom* Get up.

Tom: *lifts head* What?

Steph: *waves* Hi Tommy.

Tom: Hey. You're up bright and *looks up watch* late. Wow, we slept in.

Lori: Steph, go get dressed.

Steph: Okay. *turns around, runs away*

Tom: *rubs face*

Lori: *opens closet, takes off shirt*

Tom: *crawls over, places hands on Lori's shoulders* Let's not do that again.

Lori: It's not like Steph's going to tell your wife.

Tom: It's not Anni I'm worried about.

Lori: *smirks, grabs sweater* Scott won't kill you. He's a pacifist.

Tom: He's a Republican.

Lori: *looks back* Tom, nothing happened. Besides, since when do you feel guilty about anything we do?

Tom: Since I turned my life around and married an amazing woman. Since I now have a family and I don't want to lose it.

Lori: You shouldn't feel guilty if you haven't done anything wrong.

Tom: *sits beside Lori* Maybe I've thought about doing something.

Lori: *looks at Tom* During this trip?

Tom: *stares at Lori*

Lori: *leans closer*

Tom: *leans back*

Lori: *kisses Tom*

Tom: *stands, backs up*

Lori: *stands, steps closer*

Tom: Lori...

Lori: *lies head on Tom's chest*

Tom: You're not worth it, Lori. You aren't. *grabs Lori's arms* I'm going to start up the engine. *opens door, walks away*

Lori: *sigh*

Front of Hummerhome

Tom: *turns key*

Steph: *walks over, sits* I wanna be your co-pilot

Tom: Is that right?

Steph: Yup. *puts on seatbelt*

Tom: *smiles* I think you'd be a perfect co-pilot.

Steph: *opens map* Where are we goin'?

Tom: Well our next stop is California.

Steph: *looks at map* The...big one.

Tom: Yep. That's the plan.

Steph: *gasp* Can we go to Disneyland?

Tom: Uh...we'll see.

Steph: *smiles, swings feet*

Tom: *turns wheel*

Steph: Daddy was gonna take me to Disney World for my birthday but he forgot 'cause he was on drugs.

Tom: *looks at Steph*

Steph: *stares out window*

Tom: Then we'll do it.

Steph: *looks at Tom*

Tom: We'll go.

Steph: *smiles* Really?

Tom: Yeah.

Lori: *walks over, sits on couch* Where are we going?


Lori: Ugh. Children.

Tom: And lots of Disney fun.

Lori: Heat.

Tom: Rides.

Lori: Puke.

Tom: Quality time with your daughter.

Lori: *leans back on couch, crosses arms*

Gables Estates, house, backyard, 1pm

Speed: *steps through gate*

Scott: *smashing wood*

Speed: *walks over*

Scott: *drops axe onto ground, looks back*

Speed: Blowing off steam?

Scott: Spring cleaning.

Speed: Where's Dominick?

Scott: Napping.

Speed: You sure? There are toys and bedsheets on the front lawn.

Scott: *sigh* Damnit. *walks away*

Upstairs, bedroom

Scott: *looks around*

Dominick: *lifts head, drops wallpaper*

Scott: *staring at Dominick*

Dominick: *stares at Scott*

Speed: *walks over*

Dominick: *runs over to Speed, hides behind him*

Scott: *staring blankly*

Speed: You alright?

Scott: ...He ripped the wallpaper off the wall.

Speed: He's your first born son.

Scott: He broke a window.

Speed: The fruit of your loins.

Scott: Coronary.

Speed: Jail time.

Scott: *rubs eyes*

Speed: *places hand on Scott's shoulder*

Scott: Don't touch me.

Speed: *lifts hand*

WHOA...Slowly...step away...from Scotty...:guffaw: He's a bit ...on edge. I think it would be a good idea for Speed to take Dominick for a few hours...perhaps for the rest of Lori's trip. Just to guard against a potential case of infantcide.

Hmm...Lori and Tom. I get that they are like BFF's but seriously, we know that they can't be in closed quarters without getting itchy and their bounds are constantly being redrawn. I'm glad Tom possessed some will power and left her alone- they can be friends without trying to jump each other's bones. Just a slight suggestion, limit their alone time...that will go a loooong way to keeping them out of trouble.

Awesome update!