CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

I've really got nothing to say about these two, other than that they are insane, and they better hope like hell Steph can hold her water.

I liked the conversation between Anni and Speed. It was cute and clever at the same time, but then again, anything is cute and clever when you can keep your hands to yourself * glares at Tom and Lori*. I still say that Anni should have her fun too...

Awesome update!
Thanks for the reviews!


New York, street, 9am next day

Anni: *steps out of cab, looks around*

Scott: *walks around cab, looks down at phone*

Anni: Wow there are so many cabs. *spins* And people. *looks up* And

Scott: We need to head down Vesey street.

Anni: Hold on. *takes out camera, snaps pictures*

Scott: *places hand on Anni's back* This way.

Anni: *turns around, snaps pictures* Are all these businessmen actually
working here?

Scott: Yeah.

Anni: They're so cute.

Scott: *smirks*

Anni: It's like an ant hill of the corporate world.

Scott: That's...a good way to put it.

Anni: *points* Hey what's that building?

Scott: St. John's University.

Anni: *snaps pictures* What's that one?

Scott: Embassy Hotel.

Anni: *points* What's that one?

Scott: American Express building. We're heading that way.

Anni: Ooh it's pretty. HEY A SUBWAY!

Scott: *smiles* I don't think I could have talked you out of coming.

Anni: Not at all. This place is just so alive! *snaps pictures*

Scott: *opens door*

Anni: What's this place?

Scott: Financial Center.

Anni: *steps in* Didn't you have a building here?

Scott: Yeah, about 5 blocks from here. *steps in*

Anni: So who's this Valdez guy?

Scott: I think he was my first boss.

Anni: You think?

Scott: Yeah.

Anni: Hey can we take the subway?

Scott: We don't really need to.

Anni: Maybe we can take a tour of the city for something. OH! I've always
wanted to see Central Park.

Scott: *smiles* Alright.

Anni: *looks at Scott* Really?

Scott: Yeah.

Anni: It took me 3 hours to convince Tom to let me come here and even then,
all we did was have lunch.

Scott: *presses elevator button*

Anni: What does this guy want with you anyway?

Scott: I'll have to find out.

Anni: Doesn't he work for a rival company?

Scott: Yeah, our biggest competitor.

Anni: Interesting. Maybe he wants to steal you away from APL.

Scott: *steps into elevator*

Anni: *steps in* Would you consider it?

Scott: Leaving APL? I don't know about that. I have a deep appreciation
for the people I worked with there.

Anni: They seem to be doing alright without you.

Scott: I'm sure they are.

Anni: Maybe a change of scenery would help your professional life. At least
consider what this guy has to offer.

Scott: *nods*

Doors open

Scott: *steps off elevator*

Anni: *looks around* Posh place.

Scott: *steps up to counter*

Woman: *lifts head* What can I do for you?

Scott: I received a message from Paul Valdez, he said he wanted to speak with

Woman: Your name?

Scott: Scott Finch.

Woman: *looks down at computer* He'll be right out. Have a seat.

Scott: *nods* Thank you.

Waiting room

Anni: *sits*

Scott: I appreciate you being here, Anni.

Anni: *smiles*

Scott: *stares at Anni*

Paul: *walks over* Scott?

Scott: *lifts head, stands*

Anni: *stands*

Paul: *extends hand* Paul Valdez.

Scott: *grabs Paul's hand*

Paul: It's nice to see you again. You look good. *looks at Anni* Is this your

Anni: *blinks* What?

Scott: *smiles* She's not my lawyer. A friend. Anni Grey.

Paul: *grabs Anni's hand* It's nice to meet you.

Anni: Scott's told me nothing about you.

Paul: *laughs* Well we didn't know one another for very long, unfortunately.
But hopefully that'll change. *looks at Scott* Why don't you both follow me to
my office. Can my staff bring you anything?

Anni: I wouldn't mind a glass of water.

Paul: Not a problem. This way. *walks away*

Large office

Paul: *sits in chair* How have you been, Scott?

Scott: It's a long story.

Paul: I'd be interested in hearing it sometime. *smiles* What do you say we
get down to business.

Scott: Sure.

Paul: Robert informed me that you've stepped away from APL.

Scott: As a active member. I still partially own the company.

Paul: *leans back in chair, laughs*

Scott: *tilts head*

Paul: Your father did say you had a lot of promise. I guess he was right.

Scott: Maybe. What exactly is the reason I'm here?

Paul: I'd like to offer you a consulting position, strictly as a private

Scott: ...That's quite an offer. Especially considering my...reputation in
the media.

Paul: I don't much care for television.

Scott: You realize it's bad form to help the competition.

Paul: Robert's prepared to purchase sole ownership of APL.

Scott: *stares at Paul*

Anni: *looks at Scott*

Scott: That's interesting.

Paul: It's a lot to think about. I do hope you'll call me if and when you
make a decision.

Scott: Of course.

Hotel, 8pm

Anni: *walks in, smiles* I had a lovely time.

Scott: *shuts door*

Anni: *turns around* The park is beautiful this time of year.

Scott: ...Do you think he's trying to push me out?

Anni: Who?

Scott: Bob.

Anni: You're still thinking about that.

Scott: It's been digging at me all evening.

Anni: *walks over* I don't think he would do anything without your say-so.
From what you've told me, he seems like a very good friend.

Scott: He is. *scratches head* For the most part.

Anni: Right, his...relationship with Lori. I've been there.

Scott: *lifts eyes*

Anni: *lowers head* She must be something.

Scott: ...She's just a person.

Anni: *lifts eyes*

Scott: Maybe one I should let go.

Anni: Why would you say that?

Scott: I'm a fraud.

Anni: *lifts brow* In what sense?

Scott: I was never that strong, confident...heroic guy she fell in love with. She was looking for someone to save her and I just happened to be the least threatening guy in her vicinity. She's probably realized that by now, it's why her eyes are always on someone else.

Anni: You know...I think I sort of know how you feel.

Scott: *looks at Anni*

Anni: Playing second fiddle isn't very fun.

Scott: *sits on bed* How did you deal with that when you were married to Speed?

Anni: *sits* Well we aren't together, are we.

Scott: You stayed with him for a long time. Probably longer than I've been with Lori.

Anni: When I got sick, I needed him. It's selfish to say but he had a better health plan.

Scott: So if you hadn't been sick, you would have left him.

Anni: I think so.

Scott: Maybe it's the only reason Lori and I stayed with each other. It wasn't devotion, it was mutual selfishness. She's used to the money and...well I sure as hell don't want to live out my days alone.

Anni: Scott, everyone can see that you love her.

Scott: Is it worth it if her motives aren't completely genuine?

Anni: I probably shouldn't even be defending her considering my husband's *rolls eyes* admiration of her but maybe you're assuming a lot.

Scott: She took Tom on a road trip. She could have asked me. There are plenty of ways I could have bonded with Dominick, even with the whole family there. Sometimes I feel like she should have just bloody married the guy instead. *looks at Anni* No offense.

Anni: None taken. I've been thinking the same thing lately. They're like a couple of teenagers when they're in the same room.

Scott: *nods*

Anni: At least Tim tried to hide it.

Scott: We should start a club.

Anni: *smirks*

Scott: Of course we'd be the only two members...

Anni: That works. More alcohol and sandwiches for us.

Scott: *smiles*

Anni: *stares at Scott*

Scott: *looks down at watch* We have an early flight.

Anni: Right. Time for the old folks to hit the hay.

Scott: *lifts head* Oh I didn't...I didn't mean that you were-

Anni: It's alright.

Scott: I find you quite youthful, actually. And classy.

Anni: Really?

Scott: Definitely. It's really been a relief spending time with someone who doesn't need to go on drunken tirades and perform a naked dance to show everyone she has a zest for life.

Anni: *laughs*

Scott: *smirks*

Anni: *smiling* I'll take it.

Scott: *nods, stands*

Anni: *lifts head*

Scott: Sleep well.

Anni: Back at you. *stands, walks over to second bed*

Scott: *lowers lights*

Anni: *pulls covers down*

Scott: *lies down on bed*

Anni: ...You're going to sleep in your clothes?

Scott: *looks over* Yes.

Anni: It's not generally inappropriate to be comfortable, Scott.

Scott: Oh that's not really the reason.

Anni: What, you're too good for me to see you shirtless?

Scott: *sits up* It's nothing personal, Anni. I promise.

Anni: *nods slowly*

Scott: I have some...injuries, that's all.

Anni: It's okay, I don't mind. Besides, it's dark in here anyway. *smiles*

Scott: *nods*

Anni: *lies down in bed*

Scott: *looks around, unbuttons shirt*

Anni: *lifts eyes*

Scott: *tosses shirt onto bed, lies down*

Anni: *stares at Scott*

Scott: *looks at Anni*

Anni: *closes eyes*

Scott: *looks up at ceiling*

I kinda like that they are friends, and they have something in common. It's too bad that they couldn't have found each other before all this. Who knows, they could've been good for each other. As it is, they'll be good friends, which I'm okay with. Good friends go to bat for each other and when the shittake hits the fan when Lori and Tom get back, I'm sure that Scott and Anni will have each other's back.

I love that they're so understanding of each other...That's just awesome!

Awesome update!
Thanks for the review! :D


New York, hotel, 3am

Anni: *looks over* ...Scott?

Scott: *staring at ceiling* Yeah.

Anni: You sound tired.

Scott: I am tired.

Anni: *sits up, swings legs over bed* Do you need some company?

Scott: *smiles* You've been plenty company up to this point.

Anni: *stands, walks over to bed*

Scott: *looks at Anni*

Anni: I haven't slept a wink either. *sits on bed* I hope you don't take this the wrong way but...can I see these 'injuries'?

Scott: *stares at Anni*

Anni: Alright, I'm sorry. Inappropriate, I know.

Scott: *sits up*

Anni: *looks at Scott's chest*

Scott: May as well get it out of your system.

Anni: *lifts eyes*

Scott: *smirks*

Anni: *lowers eyes* This was all Texas.

Scott: Pretty much.

Anni: *places hand on Scott's chest* Wow. Talk about torture.

Scott: Could have been worse.

Anni: I don't know how you got through the day.

Scott: It helps to pass out after a while.

Anni: *nods*

Scott: It's all over with anyway.

Anni: Right.

Scott: *lowers head*

Anni: *pulls hand away* Sorry.

Scott: *lifts eyes*

Anni: *stares at Scott*

Scott: *leans over, kisses Anni*

Anni: *grabs Scott's hair, climbs into his lap*

Scott: *lifts Anni's shirt*

Anni: *tosses shirt, pushes Scott onto bed*

Miami, condo, 8:30am

Speed: *opens door*

Lori: *walks in* Scott and Dom weren't home, are they here?

Speed: Dominick's upstairs.

Steph: *runs in*

Lori: *looks around* Where's Scott?

Speed: New York.

Lori: *looks at Speed* He can't go to New York. He's not allowed. It's a trigger.

Speed: He took Anni with him.

Lori: What? Why?

Speed: She's been helping him out with Dominick.

Lori: *frowns* He was supposed to be handling Dom on his own.

Speed: Cut him some slack, Lori. Nobody wants to spend 2 weeks alone with that boy.

Lori: When's he getting home?

Speed: Sometime today probably.

Lori: *pulls out cellphone, dials*

Speed: What are you calling him for? He's probably fine.

Lori: Yeah right.

New York, hotel

Cellphone rings

Scott: *eyes closed*

Anni: *looks over at nightstand*

Cellphone is ringing

Anni: *picks up phone, looks at it* ...*elbows Scott*

Scott: *opens eyes, grabs phone*

Anni: *lies head back on pillow*

Scott: *flips open phone* Yeah.

Lori: Where are you?

Scott: New York.

Lori: You're supposed to be in Miami. I thought you said you couldn't go back for a while.

Scott: I felt ready.

Lori: You're not ready. This is way too soon f-

Scott: *snaps phone shut*

Anni: *staring at wall* That was Lori.

Scott: Yeah.

Anni: She sounded angry.

Scott: What else is new?

Anni: *rolls over* ...We missed our flight.

Scott: Mhm.

Anni: *fiddles with sheets* Maybe we can pick a late flight.

Scott: You don't want to go home.

Anni: Do you?

Scott: ...No.

Anni: *sigh* Me neither.

Miami, condo

Lori: He hung up on me. That was rude.

Speed: It's 8 in the morning.

Lori: I'm gonna kick his ass when he gets home.

Speed: No you're not.

Lori: He knows he's not supposed to be there.

Speed: He's a big boy.

Lori: The last time I didn't keep tabs on him, I lost him.

Speed: Anni's with him.

Lori: He has about 90 pounds on Anni. You think if she wanted to stop him, she really could?

Speed: Just wait for him to get home.

Lori: *sigh* Yeah. I'm worried about him, that's all.

Speed: *wraps arm around Lori* Why don't you come have some breakfast.

Lori: Is Mom home?

Speed: No, she had to work.

Lori: Good.

Speed: *smirks*

If only she knew ... Hahahaha, I should be more governing with my emotions, but I just can't help myself. Finally...>FINALLY Anni gets some Scott play, and here's a shocker, it's sweet! Little does Lori know that not only have they played the piano together, but Anni's been taking care of Scotty better than she ever has. I love that there's such an understanding between them. It just works really well.

I'm sure there will be some guilt, but psha...it's so worth it.

Awesome update!@
Okay, I really need to stop disappearing, because every time I do, everything goes to hell.

So, Scott and Anni... got to admit, I had a feeling that would eventually happen. And Lori and Tom is always inevitable. They really should just divorce and remarry each other... :lol:

Thank God for Speed coming in and rescuing Scotty from Dom. I hope that kid settles down some time...

Fantastic updates! :D
OK I crawled in here to read this update! I have some kind of Nast ass flu so if I'm AWOL thats the problem! I can't hardly get out of the bed! Ugh! this sucks!

So Scott and Anni have finally took it to the next level! Yeah! I can't wait to see what Lori and Tom are gonna have to say about this! Not to mention Speed! I'm sure its gonna come as quit the surprise to all of them!

Great Update Geni!
Thanks for the reviews! :D

Short one for now. :)


Miami, condo, 6pm

Lori: *staring out window* Finally.

Speed: *looks over* He's here?

Lori: Yeah. *walks over to door, opens it*

Scott: *steps up* Hey.

Lori: What took you so long? Was I disturbing all your fun?

Scott: I wasn't there to have fun.

Lori: *grabs Scott's arm, lifts his sleeve*

Scott: *pulls arm away* I went to see an old colleague, I showed Anni around the city and then I went to bed. We both slept in, missed our flight and took the next available one.

Lori: *tilts head* You're lying to me about something.

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Speed: Guys, let's come on inside and have some dinner.

Scott: *steps past Lori*

Lori: *shuts door, turns around* You got laid.

Scott: *looks at Lori*

Speed: *looks at Scott*

Lori: *stares at Scott*

Scott: If this is how you're going to behave all night, I can go home.

Lori: You didn't deny it.

Scott: I don't answer to you.

Lori: Well that's fine because I got laid too. HA.

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: Not like it's all that surprising. Oh hey, have you thought about one of those open marriage dealies?

Scott: *crosses arms*

Lori: ...Are you mad?

Scott: No.

Lori: You look mad.

Scott: I'm thinking.

Lori: ...About the ways to dismember me?

Scott: Let's have a meal, Lori. *pulls out chair, sits*

Lori: *sits*

Scott: *dumps pasta onto plate*

Speed: *sits*

Lori: ...We suck at being married.

Scott: *lifts eyes* Maybe it's because we're separated.

Lori: That's your fault.

Scott: Yeah, everything's my fault.

Lori: What's that supposed to mean?

Scott: *sips water*

Lori: Hey. *slams hand on table* I'm talking to you, Finch!

Scott: Stop acting like a 5-year old.

Lori: *jumps across table, shoves Scott onto floor*

Speed: *stands*

Lori: *punches Scott in the face*

Speed: *grabs Lori* Enough.


Scott: *wipes lip, stands*


Scott: *takes napkin from overturned table, wipes hand*

Speed: Lori, go upstairs.

Lori: *shoves Speed, walks away*

Scott: *looks at stairs*

Speed: You should go.

Scott: Baby girl throws a tantrum and suddenly I'm the monster?

Speed: No one said you were a monster.

Scott: I'm sorry about your table. Maybe Lori can buy you a new one with my money. *walks away, slams door*

OO ookay.... It seems like there's a problem...A BIG problem. But I'm not so sure why. Two wrongs don't make a right, but didn't Lori sleep with Tom? Why the heck is she so friggin upset? She's mad because Scotty finally did something that was fun to him? Hmm...that's a bit hypocritical... Ah well...I think that they need some time apart before they end up killing each other.

I think he should go and talk to Anni, he's going to need it.

Awesome update!
OOOhh ! Its getting volatile now! I guess the truth has come to light! Well maybe its for the best! Everybody can get divorced and be with who they want to be with!

Poor Speed he always seems to get caust in the middle of everything! I'm sure hes figured out who Scott slept with! Hmm! wonder how that makes him feel now! He just gets smacked anyway he turns when it comes to his ex-wives!

Great update Geni
Thanks for the reviews. :)


Gables Estates, house, two months later

Lori: *folding towels*

Anni: He's still not talking to you?

Lori: Nope. I can't decide whether it's because he's mad at me or because he genuinely wants to give both of us some space.

Anni: It's probably the latter.

Lori: Has he spoken to you?

Anni: *stares at Lori* A few times.

Lori: *shakes head* I shouldn't have said the things I said to him. I don't wish he'd died.

Anni: I'm sure he understands that what you said was in the heat of the moment.

Lori: Has he said anything about me?

Anni: No, I don't think so.

Scott: *walks in*

Lori: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *glances at Anni, walks upstairs*

Anni: *smirks*

Lori: Maybe I should talk to him.

Anni: ...That might be a good idea.

Upstairs, bedroom

Steph: *places doll in dollhouse* Liddy Marshall's having a birthday party tomorrow, can I go?

Scott: Have you asked your mother?

Steph: She said no. *lifts head* But all my other friends are going.

Scott: Where does this Liddy live?

Steph: Um...*taps chin* Biscayne?

Scott: *nods*

Lori: *leaning against door frame* Why don't your father and I discuss it.

Scott: *lifts eyes*

Steph: *smiles* YAY.

Lori: Go get ready for gymnastics.

Steph: *stands, runs*

Scott: *stands*

Lori: She wanted dance lessons but I couldn't find a studio with an opening.

Scott: *crosses arms*

Lori: ...I don't want her going to that girl's party. Her mother's a closet alcoholic.

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: Well I'm glad we discussed this.

Scott: *steps closer, walks past*

Lori: *grabs Scott's arm*

Scott: *looks at Lori*

Lori: I'm sorry...for what I said to you. I was just blowing off steam, I didn't mean to upset you.

Scott: *kisses Lori's forehead, walks away*

Lori: *lifts brow*


Anni: *places towel onto basket*

Lori: *walks over*

Anni: How'd it go?

Lori: ...I have no idea.

Anni: *scratches head* Want me to talk to him?

Lori: Why?

Anni: *shrugs* We get along.

Lori: Scott gets along with everyone. Ugh, you don't know what it's like to be on his bad side. It's like losing the Super Bowl.

Anni: It seems to me that if Scott really doesn't like someone, he lets them know. So far, it looks like he doesn't want to start a fight with you so he just doesn't let it get that far.

Lori: We don't fight every time we speak.

Anni: I'll go talk to him. *walks away*

Lori: *sigh*

Guest house

Anni: *knocks on door*

Scott: *opens door, smiles* Hi.

Anni: Lori's going crazy.

Scott: Going?

Anni: Stop that. She wants to work things out with you but you need to be a little more receptive.

Scott: I don't want what happened last time to happen again. If you don't stick the detonator on the bomb, it doesn't go off.

Anni: But if you leave it sitting there for eons, it might become unstable and blow up anyway. You need to talk to her.

Scott: *sigh*

Anni: *places hand on Scott's chest* She's not asking for much and neither am I.

Scott: *nods*

Anni: Thank you.

Scott: *places hand on Anni's cheek*

Anni: *turns head away* Not here.

Scott: Right. *lowers hand*

Anni: Maybe I'll stop by later.

Scott: Sure.

Anni: *walks away*

Scott: *stares at Anni*


Lori: *lifts eyes* And?

Anni: *walks over* He's prepared to have a conversation.

Lori: What'd you say to him?

Anni: I compared you to a bomb.

Lori: Nice.

Anni: Don't you have to take Steph to a school play tonight?

Lori: Yeah.

Anni: Is Scott going?

Lori: Probably not. I heard him on the phone this morning talking about a meeting or something.

Anni: *nods*

Lori: I should get Steph dressed. *walks away*

Guest House, 6pm

Anni: *steps in*

Scott: *looks over* Hey.

Anni: *sits on couch* You should go to Steph's school thing.

Scott: I don't really feel like talking to the other parents. The last time I was there, one of them asked if I had some tar on me.

Anni: It's been a few months, I'm sure the heat's died down a bit.

Scott: Another one asked me for 10 grand to pay off a credit card debt.

Anni: *places hand on Scott's arm*

Scott: I know Steph would like me to be there but...*sigh*

Anni: It's okay.

Scott: No it's not. I don't want her growing up thinking I was never there for her. I mean, this is the stuff right now that counts.

Anni: She's a pretty smart kid. I'm sure she understands that you have some things to take care of and that you'll be back to 100% in no time.

Scott: ...What if I can't do it?

Anni: *smiles* You can. *lifts arm, runs hand through Scott's hair*

Scott: *closes eyes*

Anni: You're a good man.

Scott: *lies head on Anni's shoulder*

Anni: *wraps arm around Scott*

Scott: *sigh*

I like that Anni's being there for both Lori and Scott, although I think she'd rather be in Scott's prescence :D. Anni's just being Anni and hopefully, it doesn't backfire on her. She loves that Scott's paying so much attention to her, but I think she realizes that Scott's hopelessly devoteed to Lori. She's going to have her fun while she can, and keep Scotty as a great friend when this is all over * just dont end it too fast,'kay?*

Aweosme update!
Thanks for the review! :D


Gables Estates, house, 9pm

Tom: *walks in* Anni! *looks around* Anni! *steps into kitchen*

Scott: *turns around*

Tom: AH! Jesus.

Scott: Scott.

Tom: Where's my wife?

Scott: Ladies' room.

Tom: Great well she hasn't been home all day. I was wondering if I was going to be able to speak with her sometime this decade.

Scott: *drinks beer, leans against counter*

Tom: I thought you didn't live here.

Scott: It's my house.

Tom: Is that your beer too or is Lori okay with you taking things from her refrigerator?

Scott: My refrigerator.

Tom: *stares at Scott*

Scott: Beer?

Tom: No thanks.

Anni: *walks over, smiles* Hey you're here.

Tom: Yeah. Ready to go home?

Anni: Are we in a hurry?

Tom: No. *wraps arm around Anni* I guess not. Maybe I could use a beer afterall.

Scott: *tosses beer*

Tom: *catches bottle* When's Lori getting back?

Scott: She should be here shortly.

Tom: What's your status with her, anyway?

Scott: Complicated.

Tom: I don't see why you two can't just get along. You love her, she loves you, piece of cake from where I'm standing. I mean, you went on a drug binge; so what? She's done ten times worse.

Anni: Tom.

Tom: It's true. Just because Scott used to be Mister Perfect, it doesn't mean their whole relationship has to go to shit. *looks at Scott* You're both making it harder than it has to be.

Scott: We've both changed.

Tom: You haven't changed one bit, Scott. You were a drug addict before you even met her.

Scott: *frowns*

Anni: *looks at Scott*

Tom: I know the type, I see it all the time. You went through some tough things and decided to spend more weekends partying with your friends. Then the next week maybe someone put some coke on the table and everyone took a hit and after that it was every night but because it was a social thing, it wasn't wrong or addictive.

Scott: *stares at Tom*

Tom: Then you come into work one day without pants and your boss decides you're too much of an asset to straight-out fire so he sends you to Miami to get help. Am I getting warmer?

Scott: No.

Tom: Sure I am. So why don't you do us all a favor and stop being a drama queen and take care of your family.

Scott: *grabs Tom, shoves him against counter*

Tom: *blinks*

Scott: *stares at Tom*

Tom: What are you going to do? Hit me? Go ahead, if it makes you feel better.

Scott: *staring at Tom*

Anni: Boys...

Scott: *lets go, steps back*

Tom: *stands straight*

Scott: ...I apologize.

Anni: Tom, go wait in the car.

Tom: *walks away*

Anni: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *sigh*

Anni: *places hand on Scott's arm* Tell me what you're feeling.

Scott: *shakes head*

Anni: You need to calm down.

Scott: *nods*

Anni: Have a seat.

Scott: *grabs chair, sits*

Anni: *sits*

Scott: *lies head on arms*

Anni: *places hand on Scott's back*

Lori: *walks in* Why's Tom in my driveway?

Anni: We were just about to take off.

Lori: What's wrong with Scott? *walks over*

Anni: He and Tom had a disagreement.

Lori: Is Tom okay?

Scott: *lifts head*

Lori: *sits* Steph's play went off without a hitch. She's outside showing her dress to Tom.

Anni: *looks at watch* It's getting late, I need to get home.

Lori: Sure. Thanks for helping out today.

Anni: Anytime, sweetie. *stands*

Scott: *rubs forehead*

Anni: Call me if you need anything. *walks away*

Steph: *runs upstairs*

Lori: You want to stay here tonight?

Scott: *stands*

Lori: *lifts eyes*

Scott: I don't think so.

Lori: It's alright. *stands* I don't mind.

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: ...What's up?

Scott: I'm sorry.

Lori: For what?

Scott: Letting you down.

Lori: *steps closer, wraps arms around Scott*

Scott: *hugs Lori*

Lori: Love you.

Scott: *kisses Lori's forehead* Love you too.

Aww! Well I just wonder how long this will last! Probably until she catches Scott and Anni together in a compromising position! Or maybe when Tom does! lol! I wish these 4 would get their act together and get on with their lives and quit sneaking around already!

Great update Geni!
I kinda like that Anni's becoming more of a friend to Scott*even though them messing around is kinda quirky too, but I'm not complaining ;) * I see the messing around coming to a close mutually, but I see their friendship lasting forever. You gotta love these four, they keep it interesting:D

Awesome update!

ps ( sorry about not reviewing last night...I was a goner after 2am :)