CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

I agree with Anni Maybe Speed should just take Dom with him to prevent a homicide and the arrival of Grand pa to proses the scene. Hey Speed wanted to have a kid at the house so their ya go!

Now Lori and Tom their a different story all together. You can't stop the inevitable from happening! From the looks of it the inevitable might be just around the corner!

Great Update Geni
Oh, boy. Good thing Speed went to go check up on Scott... this doesn't look like it's going to end well.

The same could be said for Tom and Lori's road trip... I really don't think either of their marriages might survive this. And possibly not even their friendship...

Speed wanting to see more of Brook is so awesome. I'm glad Anni's agreeing to it. :D

Fantastic updates! :D
Thanks for the reviews! :adore:

Short one for now. :p


Gables Estates, house, den

Scott: *rubs forehead*

Speed: You need to calm down.

Scott: I-I can't do this. I can't leave him for 2 minutes.

Speed: Like most kids.

Scott: You don't understand. I can't even sleep. He's awake 24/7. I'm going insane.

Speed: *nods*

Scott: *looks across room*

Speed: *stares at Scott*

Scott: *staring at wall, tilts head*

Speed: *lifts brow* Scott?

Scott: *blinks* Yeah.

Speed: ...Are you okay?

Scott: I'm fine.

Speed: You pretty much just said you weren't.

Scott: I'm fine, you can go.

Speed: *staring at Scott*

Scott: *looks at chair*

Speed: What are you looking at?

Scott: Nothing.

Speed: I think Dominick should come with me for a little while.

Scott: *looks at Speed*

Speed: You need a break.

Scott: Lori doesn't take breaks.

Speed: Yes she does. That's why there are babysitters, daycare and grandparents. I don't think she expects you to run yourself into the ground over this.

Scott: He's just one child. If I can't handle him for 2 weeks, how am I supposed to handle him for the next 16 years? I-I mean, I created him, I should be able to live with him.

Speed: Just let me take him for a couple of days so you can get some rest. Then I'll bring him right back.

Scott: *runs hands through hair*

Speed: Dom!

Dominick: *runs downstairs*

Speed: Get your shoes on.

Dominick: Why?

Speed: Sleepover.

Dominick: YAY! *runs over to hallway, grabs shoes*

Speed: *places hand on Scott's back* Chill out for a while, everything's going to be fine.

Scott: *nods*

Speed: *stands, walks away*

Scott: *staring at floor*

Well I'm Glad Speed has come to Scott's rescue, but something tells me Scotts in trouble! Speed may want to rethink leaving him alone! I hope he doesn't do something stupid, and I hope Lori took all the drugs out of the house also!

Great update Geni!
All those who feel as if Scotty needs an extended break, raise your hands...* raises both... emphatically*. Seriously, Dom needs to stay away like...for a while. Scotty needs a hug...a very BIG hug...Send in Anni! :guffaw: She's the queen of hugs and sincerity!

Awesome update!
Thanks for the reviews. :)


Gables Estates, house, 9pm

Scott: *looks at wall*

Images appear on wall

Scott: *lowers eyes*

Images dance on carpet

Scott: *holds head* Ugh. *lifts eyes, squints* No, not you again.

Henry: It's me, son.

Scott: *looks down at floor* This isn't real. You're not real.

Henry: Of course I'm not. But out of all the hallucinations on the planet, your brain chose me.

Scott: *covers ears*

Henry: I'm truly honored.

Scott: I'm having some sort of mental breakdown, that's all. I just need to check myself into a hospital or something.

Henry: Unless what you're experiencing is the result of all those drugs. The combination of uppers and downers couldn't have been healthy for your cerebro.

Scott: *frowns*

Henry: Or maybe it was the electrocutions in Texas, those had to hurt.

Scott: *rubs forehead*

Henry: It's not so bad. At least you've gotten to see some neat colors.

Scott: I just want to have a normal life.

Henry: You're Scott Finch. Normal's never been part of the equation. The only normal part of your life is managing to cheat death at every turn and even then, you'd rather take it instead of the incessant torture from facing life.

Scott: I don't want to die.

Henry: Take it from me. It's a lot better than what's out there.

Scott: *lifts eyes* You're not even real.

Henry: You're already a piss-poor excuse for a husband and father, you may as well crack open the gun safe and get it over with.

Scott: Speak for yourself.

Henry: I wasn't a bad father. You were a bad son. I might have been proud of you someday but all you ever did was disappoint me. For your 16th birthday, I gave you a box of condoms and you didn't get laid until you were 27.

Scott: I did what you wanted. I had money and a reputation before I turned 30.

Henry: You could have had it all at 25.

Scott: Things didn't go as planned.

Henry: No. You started out with promise and ended up broken and pathetic. What did I used to tell you when your were a child?

Scott: Real men build their ladders out of other men.

Henry: Exactly. There's no room in this world for compassion and caring because you'll only end up destroying yourself. Everyone out there, no matter what they say, are in it for themselves.

Scott: Why did it always have to be that way with you? Why were you always so stuck in your thinking that everyone out there was as greedy as you?

Henry: Human nature demands it. It's how we stay alive.

Scott: I don't agree.

Henry: You never did. It's why you're losing everything, including your mind.

Scott: I still have a lot to fight for. To live for.

Henry: *laughs* What, your wife? She's twice as damaged as you are and she doesn't even want you. You turned out to be a disappointment to a drug addicted whore, now that's some talent right there.

Scott: Even if things between Lori and I don't work out, I still have my children.

Henry: Sure. One of them's a nightmare and the other probably isn't even yours. It's hopeless, Scott. You should have listened to me when you had the chance.

Scott: I would rather be caring and alone than heartless with all the money and reputation in the world.

Henry: Then you're destined to fail.

Scott: *stares at Henry*

Anni: *steps in* Scott?

Scott: *looks at Anni*

Anni: Tim sent me over. I hope I didn't wake you or anything.

Scott: *looks at wall* ...No, I was awake.

Anni: *walks over, sits* How are you doing?

Scott: *looks at Anni* I wish I had an answer for that.

Anni: Want a cup of coffee?

Scott: *smiles* I'd love one.

Anni: *nods*

We cannot get rid of Henry, no matter how hard we try. Even though he's dead and gone, he's still causing havoc for Scotty. Of course, all that malarky that *dead* Henry was spouting is just that- malarky. I sincerly hope that despite all of Scott's marbles that are running loose, he doesn't believe a word his deceased father is talking about. I'm glad to see Anni came by, maybe she can lure him back from the edge?

Very interesting chapter- but nonetheless... excellent!
Thanks for the review! :D Hee.


Disneyland, hotel, 9am

Steph: Momma, I wanna go on the rides again!

Lori: *opens suitcase* Steph, it's time to head back on the road.

Steph: But I didn't get to see Donald Duck yet.

Lori: You saw everything else.

Steph: Do we have to leave?

Lori: *sits on bed* C'mere.

Steph: *jumps onto bed*

Lori: *wraps arm around Steph* How many hours did we spend in the park yesterday?

Steph: Um...8.

Lori: That's right. And you know how old Tom is. He can't be out in the heat for longer than that.

Steph: *smiles* Tommy's not old, Momma.

Lori: *smirks* He's older than Daddy.

Steph: *wide-eyed* He is?

Lori: You didn't know?

Steph: Daddy looks more tired than Tommy.

Lori: *nods*

Steph: *lifts head* Momma, do you still love Daddy?

Lori: ...Of course I do.

Steph: But Tommy sleeps in your bed with you.

Lori: *sigh* Steph, that doesn't mean anything.

Steph: How come it doesn't mean anything with Tommy but it does with Daddy?

Lori: ...It's complicated.

Steph: How come Daddy doesn't have anyone else in his bed?

Lori: *frowns* Go get dressed.

Steph: *sighs, jumps off bed*

Lori: *crosses arms*

Tom: *walks over* Hey, checkout's soon.

Lori: *lifts eyes*

Tom: ...What.

Lori: Steph thinks we love each other.

Tom: Well you did make a move on me the other day.

Lori: I know. It was a mistake. I have an impulse problem.

Tom: That's what they're calling it these days, huh.

Lori: *frowns*

Miami, condo, 11am

Speed: *opens newspaper*

Dominick: *climbs into chair, sits*

Speed: *lifts eyes*

Dominick: *stares at table*

Katie: *walks over, sits*

Dominick: *staring at table*

Speed: ...He's awfully calm.

Katie: Yeah, I gave him a shot of brandy.

Speed: *looks at Katie* You what?

Katie: He was taking apart the toilet, Tim.

Speed: So you got him drunk.

Katie: He's not drunk. It happens to be a family recipe for overactive kids.

Speed: *looks at Dominick*

Dominick: *picks up spoon, stares at it*

Speed: *places hand on Dominick's forehead*

Katie: He's fine. And almost adorable when he's not kicking and screaming.

Doorbell is heard

Katie: I'll get it. *stands, walks away*

Speed: *snaps fingers*

Dominick: *staring blankly*


Scott: Hi.

Katie: *smiles* Hey, ready for round 2 already?

Scott: *steps in* Where is he?

Katie: Oooh you shaved. There's hope for you yet.


Scott: *walks over*

Dominick: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *kneels* Hey buddy.

Dominick: Hi.

Scott: *tilts head*

Katie: *sits*

Scott: Why does my child smell like alcohol?

Speed: Katie seemed to think it was a good idea to give him a shot of brandy. I apologize on behalf of her idiocy.

Scott: *runs hand through Dominick's hair*

Dominick: *yawns*

Scott: I'm not sure I entirely approve of your child-rearing methods, Katie.

Katie: He'll be fine.

Scott: *stands, picks up Dominick*

Dominick: *wraps arms around Scott's neck*

Scott: Thanks for watching him...I think.

Speed: *nods*

Inside truck, road

Anni: *looks into backseat* ...Is he okay?

Scott: Yeah.

Anni: *leans back into seat* Let's get some paint and re-do that room before Lori gets home.

Scott: You read my mind.

Oh God Lord! Katie how could you turn Dom into a Jr. alcoholic Ugh! I can't believe you did that! have you lost your mind! Speed! can't you like do something with her! Maybe Cuff her to the bed again! I thought she was see someone !

Lori your daughter is a little more perceptive than you think! I'm looking for her to spill her guts to Scott & Anni about the sleeping arrangements on this trip of your! Tisk Tisk Tisk! You need to restrain your self in front of the child!
I think...Steph's going to be the perceptive little girl and probably keep things under wraps- HOWEVER, she is young, so I wouldn't put it past her to slip and say something. Interesting developments..

There's something so wrong with Katie... So very wrong...And Speed still tolerates her? It's awonder she hasn't spiked...wait...SHE DID! Katie's the one who needs a babysitter...

Anni's going to be so great for Scotty! She can help him face things...she's really good about that...

Awesome update!
Thanks for the reviews! :)


Gables Estates, house, bedroom, 2pm

Anni: Alright. You're taller than me so you can do the high parts of the wall.

Scott: Sounds fair.

Anni: *rolls paint onto wall*

Scott: Lori's still going to know something happened in here.

Anni: *smiles* At least it'll be clean.

Scott: *lifts roller onto wall*


Anni: You almost finished that side?

Scott: Yeah. Hey, thanks for doing this. I appreciate the help.

Anni: No problem.

Scott: Are you sure Speed's okay with watching Dom for another night?

Anni: He loves kids.

Scott: I feel wrong about asking him to take over. Lori's expecting me to bond with Dominick.

Anni: *walks over* You can't force it. How long did it take her to bond with Steph?

Scott: About 3 years.

Anni: Then you have nothing to worry about.

Scott: I should have some sort of connection with him.

Anni: He'll come around. If not now, then in his 20s when he'll actually need your advice. Y'know, girls and cars. That kind of thing.

Scott: *nods*

Anni: Boys at this age are more attached to mommy.

Scott: Right.

Anni: How are you and Steph doing?

Scott: She seems more interested in spending time with Tom.

Anni: *shrugs* He's always been there.

Scott: Exactly. That should have been me.

Anni: It still can be, Scott. You're getting everything worked out.

Scott: Yeah, not quickly enough apparently.

Anni: It's a process.

Scott: *nods*

Anni: Just let me get under you here. *slides over*

Scott: *steps back*

Anni: *kneels, paints wall*

Scott: *places roller on wall*

Anni: Ack!

Scott: *looks down* Oh, sorry did I get you?

Anni: *stands, smirks* It's alright. You can't expect to do the work without getting a little dirty.

Scott: *wipes Anni's cheek*

Anni: *stares at Scott*

Scott: ...This stuff really just smudges.

Anni: *smiles*

Scott: *stares at Anni*

Anni: *smile fades*

Scott: We should uh...finish up.

Anni: Yeah. That's a good idea.

Hummerhome, 11pm

Tom: *spins Steph*

Steph: *giggling*

Lori: *walks out of bathroom* Hey. It's bedtime.

Steph: But Momma, we're dancin'.

Lori: *looks at Tom*

Tom: Did I ever tell you about my ballet days in Brooklyn?

Lori: *smirks*

Steph: Momma, can I take dancin' lessons?

Lori: We'll see. Pirouette to bed.

Steph: *twirls away*

Tom: Want some coffee?

Lori: Oh no no, I don't fall for the 'coffee' line. It's misleading, passive-aggressive and insulting.

Tom: ...Okay. I'll have some then.

Lori: *takes coffee pot*

Tom: I can't have some?

Lori: How hot is it?

Tom: It's been sitting out for quite a wh-

Lori: *pours coffee over Tom's head*

Tom: *blinks*

Lori: *slams pot onto counter* That's for calling me a trollop.

Tom: ....I apologized.

Lori: Well now you really won't do it again.

Tom: *grabs towel, wipes face* I know you're a millionaire and everything but the clothes I'm wearing are all I have and you ruined them.

Lori: You have others.

Tom: *unbuttons shirt*

Lori: *smirks*

Tom: You're an asshole. *unzips jeans*

Lori: *tilts head* Yes I am.

Tom: *throws jeans into bathroom* Now I get to spend all night cleaning up your mess.

Lori: Yes you do.

Tom: Are you enjoying this?

Lori: *smiles* Very much so.

Tom: *rolls eyes, walks past*

Lori: *looks back*

Inside bathroom

Tom: *grabs shower nozzle, sprays jeans*

Lori: *steps over, shuts door*

Tom: Get out or I'll spray you.

Lori: Just want to witness the misery, that's all.

Tom: *turns around, lifts nozzle*

Lori: *screams, falls over*

Tom: *smiles* I feel better.

Lori: *kicks Tom*

Tom: AH! *falls into tub*

Lori: *grabs nozzle, sprays in Tom's face*

Tom: *coughing* You bitch! *reaches up, grabs Lori by the hair*

Lori: *smirks* You fight like a girl.

Tom: *punches Lori in the face*

Lori: *falls against door*

Water sprays everywhere

Lori: *stands*

Tom: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *jumps into tub, grabs Tom's hair*

Tom: AH! Now who's fighting like a girl!

Lori: *scratches Tom across the face*

Tom: OW!

Lori: *jumps onto Tom's back, shoves him into wall*

Tom: Oof! *elbows Lori in the side*

Lori: *falls backwards, trips Tom*

Tom: *falls into tub*

Lori: *wraps hose around Tom's neck*

Tom: *winces, bites Lori's arm*

Lori: HEY! No biting!

Tom: No strangulation!

Lori: We should have set the ground rules first!

Tom: Great, just let me pull out my whiteboard!

Lori: *knees Tom in the gut*

Tom: AGH! *twists Lori's wrist*

Lori: *screams*

Tom: We're even.

Lori: No we're not. Let go of me.

Tom: Stop kicking me.

Lori: Stop biting me.

Tom: You tell me to bite you all the time, you didn't think it would happen at least once?

Lori: I get to bite you back. Then we're even.

Tom: I don't want to be bitten.

Lori: It's only fair.

Tom: No it's not. You strangled me with a shower hose.

Lori: Wasn't even that tight. You're such a baby.

Tom: I'm being the baby? I didn't pour hot coffee all over you.

Lori: It wasn't hot, it was luke warm.

Tom: Stop being a bitch.






Tom: *frowns* Okay you're no longer making sense.

Lori: One bite.

Tom: No.

Lori: Just a tiny one. You can pick the place.

Tom: No.

Lori: Okay then let go of my wrist.

Tom: I don't think so.

Lori: Why not?

Tom: You're going to bite me the second I let go.

Lori: You don't know that.

Tom: Yes I do.

Lori: Just pick a spot. I won't bite that hard.

Tom: Yes you will.

Lori: What, you can dish it out but you can't take it? You're not much of a man if that's the case.

Tom: Oh so you're the expert on manhood.

Lori: At least I never took ballet.

Tom: It improves flexibility and stamina. Very essential tools for men.

Lori: And what did those little pink tights improve? Because I can guarantee you, self-image wasn't one of 'em.

Tom: HEY. My tights were green.

Lori: Camouflage or lime?

Tom: Neither. It was more of a pea color.

Lori: ...You were a dancing pea.

Tom: This is why I don't tell you anything.

Lori: I think the problem is that you do tell me everything. Now if you don't pick something for me to sink my teeth into, I'm gonna pick for myself and it won't be pleasant.

Tom: How about my elbow.

Lori: That's a stupid place.

Tom: Why?

Lori: It won't hurt enough.

Tom: I barely touched you.

Lori: Yeah but you punched me in the face and that still hurts a little.

Tom: *rolls eyes* Get over it.

Lori: Then you get over the coffee thing.

Tom: Fine. *lets go*

Lori: *lunges up, shoves Tom into tub*

Tom: *frowns* We're supposed to be calling a truce.

Lori: Truces are for the weak.

Tom: Actually, they end wars and stop carnage. It takes a lot of courage to call a truce.

Lori: Alright, fine. Truce.

Tom: We'll have to shake on it.

Lori: Let's bite on it.

Tom: *frowns* You're not going to bite me so forget it.

Lori: Yes I am.

Tom: I'm going to kick your ass if your teeth get anywhere near my skin.

Lori: I thought we were calling a truce.

Tom: With a handshake. *lifts hand*

Lori: *bites Tom's thumb*

Tom: OW!

Lori: *smiles* It's a done deal.

Tom: *grabs Lori's hand, bites it*

Lori: AH! Truce over! Truce over! *bites Tom's arm*

Tom: OW! *bites Lori's chin*

Lori: *bites Tom's cheek*

Tom: *bites Lori's lip*

Lori: *yanks shower curtain across tub*

OO I do not like the road that was just taken...*GAH..>SIGH...BOOO HISS* and anything else I can think of. Those two...*UGH* This is why they don't need to spend time with each other. I hope Tom gets A HUGE case of guilt. *glares at Lori* Nothing to say...in the least bit.

On the flip side, it's nice that Anni's HELPING Scott... I say, if Tom jumps bones, so should Anni. I know it could be seen as taking advantage of Scott...but really...who gives a rat's ass. Tom's gettin' it on with Lori...Anni shouldn't have to miss out...
* As you can tell, I'm really against the whole Lori/Tom thing*

Awesome update though!
Ah! And the inevitable has arrived! With a biting match no less! Something tells me their gonna be hickeys abound after all is said and done and someones gonna have some splainin to do to a little girl!

Hmm! body painting is a lot of fun! Especially if you use the florescent stuff and a black lite then turn off the lights and take pics, Lol! Kinky!

Lets get it on!

Great update Geni!
Thanks for the reviews! :adore:


Hummerhome, bathroom, 8am

Steph: *knocks on door* Momma! I gotta go!

Lori: *lifts head* ...Occupied!

Tom: *opens eyes*

Lori: Do you know where the outdoor bathrooms are?

Steph: Ya huh.

Lori: Go use them but hurry back.

Steph: Okay! *runs away*

Lori: *drops head onto Tom's chest* We are horrible, horrible people.

Tom: Well at least we're already in the shower. Time to cleanse the deceit.

Lori: And then we are driving straight home. No stops.

Tom: Agreed.

Hummerhome, 2pm

Steph: *looks around*

Tom: *turns wheel*

Lori: *reading book*

Steph: ...How come-

Lori: No questions for the remainder of the trip.

Steph: None?

Lori: That's a question. Go sit in your room. With your seatbelt on.

Steph: *sigh* Okay. *jumps off couch, walks away*

Lori: *walks over to front area, sits in passenger seat*

Tom: We let it get out of hand.

Lori: Yes we did. A 6-year old is more mature than we are. *looks at Tom* What happened to that family you didn't want to screw up?

Tom: What happened to the marriage you wanted to fix?

Lori: *leans back on seat* Ugh, this trip sucked.

Tom: You weren't complaining last night.

Lori: *slaps Tom* Last night didn't happen so would you shut up?

Tom: *looks back out window*

Lori: *rubs eyes* Okay, we need to figure out how to silence Stephanie.

Tom: ...She didn't exactly see anything.

Lori: She's not stupid, Tom. She knows about the birds and the bees.

Tom: What's she going to tell Scott that he doesn't already know? Besides, it's not like you've damaged the sanctity of your marriage. You were sleeping around in crack houses for Christ's sake.

Lori: What about your marriage? Anni trusted you.

Tom: Yes she did.

Lori: Does that bother you?

Tom: Yeah, it does. But Anni's made it clear that we have an open marriage.

Lori: ...What the hell is an open marriage?

Tom: Kind of what you and Scott have but...mutually agreed upon.

Lori: She lets you sleep around.

Tom: No. The rule only extends to the Hummerhome. At least that's the way I understand it.

Lori: So she's done God knows what during the last few road trips.

Tom: I don't think she went crazy. It's not like we hate being married to one another.

Lori: Why did you make such a big deal out of this before if it didn't matter?

Tom: It's hotter if I'm forbidden. *looks at Lori, smiles*

Lori: *frowns* You're an idiot.

Tom: Ah come on, Lori. Brighten up. It's a beautiful day.

Lori: Just remember who else is here when Anni's on a road trip. Gosh the sharing of DNA for you alone is like sleeping with me and my father.

Tom: ...*smile fades*

Lori: Good luck on that open marriage thing though.

CSI Garage, 3pm

Speed: *opens hood of car*

Anni: And he's really very down-to-earth for someone with 100 million dollars. Did you know he cleans his own pool?

Speed: Did you know you've been talking about Scott for the past 4 and a half hours?

Anni: I've been learning a lot about him.

Speed: You were supposed to keep an eye on him, not become his bff.

Anni: He seems fine.

Speed: Well he wasn't fine when I was there.

Anni: What do you mean?

Speed: He seemed...distracted by something.

Anni: It happens.

Speed: By something that wasn't there.

Anni: *lifts brow* Maybe the guy was just tired.

Speed: Tired is an understatement. *looks over* Would you hold the light steady? It's hard to look for evidence when I'm getting a shadow-puppet show over here.

Anni: Oh, sorry.

Speed: If I didn't know better, I'd say you had a crush on the guy.

Anni: I beg your pardon.

Speed: *looks at Anni* He's handsome, rich, polite, sensitive, damaged...isn't that like red meat for you women?

Anni: When I married you, you were neither rich, polite nor sensitive.

Speed: Lack of options. Eric's got the mental prowess of a chipmunk and I think at one point, Colton and Trevor were an item. Not to mention Horatio's too old for you.

Anni: *tilts head*

Speed: Isn't Scott even younger than Tom?

Anni: *frowns* I don't have a thing for Scott. I just think he's...intriguing.

Speed: *shakes head, looks at car*

Anni: He has a lot of interesting stories.

Speed: I'm sure he does.

Anni: *slaps Speed's arm* Stop it.

Speed: *smirks*

Anni: I'm gonna get to the bottom of him.

Speed: No, Anni, don't. You always need to figure everyone out.

Anni: I figured you out pretty quick.

Speed: There isn't really much to me. Scott's...got a lot going on.

Anni: Exactly. *places finger on chin* He's like a thousand piece puzzle.

Speed: He doesn't talk to Lori about his past, why do you think he'll tell you?

Anni: Because he expects it from Lori. Besides, I'm not someone he can just shoo away. *smiles* I'm his equal.

Speed: You have an IQ of 165?

Anni: Scott has an IQ that high?

Speed: Who knows but he confuses the hell out of me most of the time.

Anni: I think all he needs is someone non-judgemental to listen to him and genuinely care. I'm that person.

Speed: So he's your own personal project.

Anni: Why do you have to make it sound bad?

Speed: I'm just used to Katie.

Anni: I'm not Katie.

Speed: No, you're more dangerous.

Anni: *smiles* Aw how sweet. *kisses Speed's cheek*

Speed: *looks at Anni*

Anni: *wipes Speed's arm* When did we get new labcoats?

Speed: Horatio ordered them last week.

Anni: Why are they bright blue?

Speed: He said he was getting snow blindness with all the white.

Anni: *smiling* Look at that, you got your little name on there and everything. That's so cute.

Speed: Just like everyone else.

Anni: *brushes Speed's chest* What's the SGT mean?

Speed: ...Sergeant?

Anni: *lifts eyes* When did you get promoted?

Speed: 3 months ago.

Anni: Where's my promotion?

Speed: *smirks* I'm sure it's in the mail.

Anni: Can I have yours? Maybe it got sent to the wrong house.

Speed: *laughs*

Katie: *walks over* What's all the fun over here?

Anni: We're looking for evidence.

Katie: Tim's having fun searching for evidence?

Speed: Not exactly.

Anni: *looks at watch* Well I have to head back out. *smiles* See you later, Serg. *winks, walks away*

Speed: *shakes head*

Katie: Why did she call you that? Is that some sort of code or nickname? *GASP* Don't use your bedroom language around me! You two are OVER! *slaps Speed*

Speed: Ow.

Katie: *starts to cry* You only call me Katie in the bedroom and she's got this big impressive nickname for you.

Speed: That's not actually-

Katie: I want a nickname too! *stomps on Speed's foot*

Speed: OW! How about committed?

Katie: ...That's not even sexy.

Speed: Go do something productive.

Katie: I'm only required to be productive for 1/3 of my shift.

Speed: I don't think so.

Katie: I asked Horatio while he was napping under his desk, he told me so.

Speed: *angry sigh*

Lol! Katie is such an idiot! Why does Speed put up with her! can't he get her a lobotomy or something useful like that! I'm wondering if Anni was the one that gave Speed that needed boost a few pages back while Katie was off to see her shrink! Wink wink Nudge nudge ! HMM! I think we've joined the cast of Swingtown! Lol!

I told you! Lori and Tom are meant to be together! they're like two peas in a pod! Thay can't keep away! Bet Anni picks more than Scott's brain the next time shes with him! I hope that Lori and Tom don't happen in on them! it might not end very well for someone!

Great update Geni!