CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

-______- BAILEY! OMFG....Lori did the respectful thing and went and talked to her- meanwhile, I was vying for her to cut her up and spread the wealth. Alas, she's enlightened:guffaw: Lori's becoming awesome again.

TOM! He's such a cad. A whip? Luckily, Anni loves him...

Awesome update!
Yay! Action Lori is back people! Way to kick some Bailey ass! You go girl! Tell her to step off your man and quit the shit!

Lol! What is up with Tom and the whip! Does he hope to be in some S & M wit her or something! lol!

Great update Geni!
Thanks for the reviews. :)


Gables Estates, house, kitchen, 8pm

Lori: *walks downstairs, looks around* Okay...it's too quiet. What have you done with my children?

Scott: *flips frying pan* They're with your parents.

Lori: *lifts brow* Big plans for tonight?

Scott: *looks at Lori* It's your birthday.

Lori: *smiles* It's not yours.

Scott: No. *walks over* You were saying how the kids were so loud and hectic to be around so I figured you deserved one night of peace and quiet. *lifts finger* And good food.

Lori: Well look at you all...guilty.

Scott: I'm just trying to do something nice for you. You deserve it.

Lori: *nods* Yeah, I do.

Scott: *pulls out chair*

Lori: *sits in chair*

Scott: *grabs glass, pours wine*

Lori: *looks at Scott*

Scott: It's...non-alcoholic.

Lori: *smiles* Of course it is.

Scott: *walks into kitchen*

Lori: *looks into kitchen*

Tables, 40 minutes later

Lori: *digs fork into food*

Scott: How is it?

Lori: It's perfect.

Scott: *nods*

Lori: You really shouldn't do the data thing, you should do this.

Scott: *lowers head* This is more of a hobby.

Lori: This is amazing. I mean, does this kind of thing wind you down?

Scott: *lifts eyes* ...Yeah. Yeah, it does.

Lori: Work with it. I take bubble baths, Tom meditates, you cook. It's great.

Scott: *shakes head* No. I'm not...*sigh*

Lori: What is it?

Scott: Okay, I know this sounds completely ridiculous but...I don't like being...grouped with you and Tom.

Lori: *lifts brow*

Scott: *scratches head* ...It's embarrassing.

Lori: Being a drug addict.

Scott: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *nods* You're not Captain America and that bothers you.

Scott: *clears throat* I must seem like an ass.

Lori: I'm just glad you're telling me this.

Scott: I want to be more open with you.

Lori: Me too.

Scott: *sips wine*

Lori: *places hand on Scott's arm* Thank you.

Scott: *looks at Lori*

Lori: This has been a wonderful birthday.

Scott: I'm glad.

Lori: *leans over, kisses Scott's cheek*

Scott: *closes eyes*

Lori: *grabs Scott, kisses him*

Scott: *places hand on Lori's cheek*

Lori: *stands, drags Scott upstairs*

Condo, bedroom, 9:30pm

Dominick: *pokes Steph*

Steph: *staring at wall*

Dominick: *pokes Steph*

Steph: Dom, stop it.

Dominick: *pokes Steph*

Steph: *rolls over* STOP IT.

Dominick: I wanna play.

Steph: It's too late to play, Dommy. It's bedtime.

Dominick: I'm not tired.

Steph: You gotta close your eyes and think of something nice.

Dominick: *closes eyes*

Steph: What are you thinkin' of?

Dominick: Guns.

Steph: Dom, that's not nice.

Dominick: *cackles*

Steph: What do you like to do the most?

Dominick: Kill things.

Steph: *rolls eyes*

Dominick: *points fingers up at ceiling* PEW! PEW PEW! *giggles*

Speed: *opens door* Hey.

Dominick: *looks at Speed*

Speed: Sleep.

Dominick: *frowns*

Steph: Sorry, Grampa.

Speed: *shuts door*

Dominick: He's stupid.

Steph: *slaps Dominick* That's mean.

Dominick: I wanna go home. *crosses arms*

Steph: Yeah 'cause Momma lets you stay up an extra half hour.

Dominick: *sits up* Let's play.

Steph: No, I'm tired.

Dominick: *grabs Steph's arm* Play!

Steph: NO!

Speed: *walks in* What did I just say?

Steph: *looks at Speed* I wanna sleep, Dom won't let me.

Speed: *looks at Dominick* Dominick, come here.

Dominick: No.

Speed: Get over here. Now.

Dominick: *frowns, jumps off bed*

Speed: *crosses arms*

Dominick: *runs over*

Speed: I am not coming back in here again because if I have to, it's going to get loud and scary. Do you want that?

Dominick: *shakes head*

Speed: Let your sister sleep and get some rest.

Dominick: *nods*

Speed: Get back in bed.

Dominick: *runs over to bed, jumps in*

Speed: Remember what I said.

Dominick: *covers head with blanket*

Speed: *shuts door*

Steph: *rolls over*

Dominick: *starts to cry*

Steph: *sigh* It never ends.

Biscayne Park, house, 10pm

Tom: *stares at television* Am I old?

Anni: *looks at Tom* ...You're not going to shave your head and buy a convertible, are you?

Tom: Maybe not a convertible. I don't know, I've just been feeling a bit dated lately.

Anni: *smiles* Baby you look fine to me.

Tom: *smirks*

Oh aww...Tom's questioning his vaildity already? Because Lori's turned a year older? There's nothing wrong with him, point blank.

I loved that Scott is trying so hard to get it right. I also love that he's fractured, and that it bothers him that he's an addict. It shows, for sure that he's human. Talking about it is a great way to show that he's willing to do anything to get it right.

Excellent update!
Lol! Dom is just about to push Speeds buttons for the last time! lol! I love it when he tells Steph he likes to kill things and he likes Guns! lol! You sure hes Lori's kid! Sounds more like Calleigh's than Lori's!

Whats up with Tom? Why is he filling old all of a sudden shouldn't that be Lori since its her Birthday! Ah Tom Get over it!

WOO HOO ! Looks like Lori is about to get her some Birthday lovin!

Great update Geni!
Thanks for the reviews. :D


Gables Estates, house, 9am

Lori: *pours coffee*

Tom: *walks over* Hey, your door was unlocked. I rescued your little rascals from your parents.

Steph: *runs upstairs*

Dominick: *runs into den, flops onto couch*

Lori: *nods*

Tom: ...You look rather upbeat this morning.

Lori: *smirks* How would you like to go on a road trip?

Tom: I wouldn't.

Lori: I'm heading to California with Steph and I'm leaving Scott with Dominick.

Tom: *lifts brow* Why?

Lori: Quality time for me and Steph, quality time for Scott and Dom.

Tom: You mean...let's see if Scott can handle a 3-year old without snorting something.

Lori: In a nutshell.

Tom: You do realize he was able to cope before.

Lori: *lifts head* Is that what he was doing.

Scott: *walks downstairs, buttons up shirt* Shower's all yours.

Tom: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *glances at Tom*

Tom: *smiles* I see how it is. Lori got herself a little birthday dinner with a side of Finch.

Lori: *hands cup to Scott*

Scott: *drinks coffee*

Tom: Saucy.

Lori: How 'bout it, Tom?

Tom: What, the road trip thing? I might be able to get a couple weeks off work. Just let me do a faerie dance in my backyard and burn some baby bones.

Lori: *smiles*

Scott: What's this about a road trip?

Lori: *looks at Scott* I'm leaving you.

Scott: That stopped being funny a year ago.

Lori: *smirks* Steph and I are going to California for a vacation.

Scott: What for?

Lori: I never got to do the fun family stuff with my parents when I was a kid so I figured why not take Steph cross-country? She'd get to see a lot of neat things.

Scott: ...And where's Dominick going to be?

Tom: I love how you've worked this out by telling him absolutely nothing.

Lori: Dom's going to be with you.

Scott: *blinks* Me.

Lori: Yeah. You can stay at the house.

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: It's a couple weeks with your son. You're supposed to be happy.

Scott: *looks at Tom*

Tom: It's alright, I wouldn't want to spend 5 minutes with your son.

Scott: Why are you going?

Lori: Tom knows the highways.

Scott: GPS.

Lori: Technology and I have an understanding in that we don't work well together.

Tom: And we do?

Lori: You're coming.

Tom: *frowns*

Scott: *kisses Lori* I'm going to go say hi to the kids. *walks away*

Lori: *nods*

Tom: ...Are you two together or something?

Lori: No. *sits, grabs toast*

Tom: *pulls out chair, sits* So you're stringing him along.

Lori: *butters toast*

Tom: Lori, the guy's going to get the idea in his head that you're taking him back. That's not healthy for either of you.

Lori: *slams knife into butter* I know, okay? But he's...he's Scott.

Tom: Drug addict, financial overlord, absent father and husband. Should I add violent to the list or are we good with the above?

Lori: How about human.

Tom: Lori...

Lori: You said it yourself, who are we to judge?

Tom: I'm just concerned that you're doing this for the wrong reasons.

Lori: You have no idea wh-

Tom: Just be careful.

Lori: *stares at Tom*

Tom: *grabs Lori's toast, eats it*

Lori: *frowns*

What the hell is she up to now! Has she lost her mind! And WTF! Lori do you constantly have to drag Tom everywhere you go? Anni is gonna start getting the wrong idea! Not that she hasn't already, but if you constantly drug my husband all over the US anytime you seen fit I would seriously have to kick somebodies ass!

Note to Scott! Your ass needs to wake up from that drug induced funk you've been in and smell the Cafe Cubano son! Lori is playing you like a cheap violin and shes only got one tune and thats not a very good thing!

Well leaving the Demon child with him for 2 weeks should be interesting! Looks like Scott is gonna have to call his boyfriend Speed to help him out. You know hes the only one that Dom listen to, and sometimes that questionable!

Great update Geni!
Interesting dynamic we have going on here. Tom and Lori are going on a road trip, with Steph (btw, did anyone check with Tom's family about said road trip? I think there's another conversation brewing- I mean really, she has to take that there's this special relationship, now all of a sudden she's gonna ta-...oops sorry, went a bit overboard there) and leaving Dom with Scott. That idea alone is worth all the money in the world...

Ps. Lori...stringing along never bodes well for anyone...

Excellent update!
Thanks for the reviews. :)


Condo, 10am

Speed: *slams newspaper onto table*

Katie: *lifts eyes*

Speed: *angry sigh*

Katie: What.

Speed: Nothing.

Katie: If it's nothing, stop being irritating by trying to get my attention.

Speed: It's just that...it's so quiet.

Katie: So?

Speed: *looks down at paper*

Katie: *smiles* Heeeey. You miss the kids.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: That's adorable. Which one do you miss the most? Steph or Dom?

Speed: *stares at Katie*

Katie: STEPH! I KNEW IT! HA! You think she's the cutest thing since sliced bread.

Speed: Sliced bread isn't cute.

Katie: Don't deflect. You did the same thing when Brook had to go back with her real family.

Speed: *glares*

Katie: Is this about Lori?

Speed: *lifts brow* No.

Katie: ...Riley.

Speed: No.

Katie: ...*scratches head* What was that other one. OH! *snaps fingers* Holly.

Speed: *lowers eyes*

Katie: Tim, I know she was your little princess and everything but she died forever ago. Get over it. I did.

Speed: It took you 5 minutes.

Katie: I don't like to dwell.

Speed: Steph...she's...a spitting image of our kids. It just gets to me sometimes, y'know?

Katie: *nods*

Speed: She's at the age where everything is okay and right with the world. She's not cynical. I miss that.

Katie: I find it irritating. Life sucks.

Speed: *sigh*

Biscayne Park, house

Anni: You're going where?

Tom: California.

Anni: With Lori.

Tom: And Steph.

Anni: That seems more like a family thing.

Tom: *shrugs* Steph considers me part of her family.

Anni: Tom, this is getting ridiculous. You have your own family.

Tom: You go on road trips all the time.

Anni: Not with my former lov-...

Tom: *stares at Anni*

Anni: You can go.

Tom: *wraps arm around Anni*

Anni: No strip clubs.

Tom: Damn. Steph and I were looking forward to them.

Anni: *laughs*

Tom: *smiles, swings Anni into the air*

Anni: *screams*

Tom: *tosses Anni onto bed*

Anni: Oof.

Tom: *crawls onto bed*

Anni: *smiles* I have to go to work.

Tom: So do I.

Anni: This leaves us in a bit of a predicament then.

Tom: *smiles, kisses Anni*

Aww Speed misses the kids maken all that noise! Maybe he'll ket katie have another kid! Lol! See now that wouldn't be that bad, he actually love kids hes just playing hard to get! Come on give him another baby Geni ! Speed needs a little boy named Timmy JR. he we be so cute!.

Lol! Ha Anni thought she had a point there, but I guess not! lol! So I guess the trip is own! I still think you need to let Tom and Scott go on one of the world famous Road Trips with the whole gang! It would be really funny! I could see them trying to figure out what the hell the Hummer Home was and then trying to get all the banter they do about things that have happened to them in the show! lol! I think you should do it! lol! what a riot that would be!

Great update Geni!

P.S. I think if Katie got Pregnant that Speed would be all mad at first then he would go around the corner and do a fist pump! lol!
oh awwwwwwwwwww Speed misses Holly. I can't blame him for how he feels , all of his children except Lori, Riley and Brook have been taken from him violently ( meaning, death). It's quite possible that he's still feeling that loss. And just because he's feeling that loss, it doesn't mean that he's rarin' to have one himself ( although I may be wrong). It just means that he misses the ones he lost. ( Forgive me, it's like 4am).

LOL It's cute how Anni could have a strong foundation to stand on, and yet, still end up having to let go. Even cuter how sex can diffuse the situation :guffaw: I mean, if that's all it takes....:D

Awesome update!
Thanks for the reviews! :) Hee.


Miami lab, trace, 1pm

Speed: *staring through microscope*

Tom: *walks in*

Speed: You're 3 hours late.

Tom: *blinks, looks at watch* That seems about right.

Speed: *lifts eyes* Don't let it happen again.

Tom: You're not my supervisor.

Speed: Is Horatio here?

Tom: *lifts brow* No.

Speed: *looks at Tom* I'm your supervisor.

Tom: Funny.

Speed: Have you seen Anni? She was supposed to meet me in the A/V lab but she never showed.

Tom: She's late too.

Speed: *stares at Tom*

Tom: *smiles*

Speed: Do some productive work.

Tom: *walks around table* What do we have?

Speed: *dumps pile of folders onto table* Night shift wants us to help out.

Tom: You mean you want me to help out the night shift.

Speed: Very perceptive.

Tom: *opens folder*

Gables Estates, backyard, pool

Lori: *sips drink*

Scott: *walks over, sits*

Lori: *lifts shades, smiles* Hey.

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: Something wrong?

Scott: No. Just looking.

Lori: You don't want to spend 2 weeks alone with Dominick, do you.

Scott: *smiles* It's going to be an adventure.

Lori: Good luck.

Scott: *leans over, kisses Lori's cheek* I love you.

Lori: Thanks. *looks down at magazine*

Scott: *blinks*

Lori: *flips page*

Scott: ...You're welcome?

Lori: *looks at Scott* Oh don't get me wrong, I care about you a whole lot but Tom told me not to string you along.

Scott: Because Tom is the master of functioning relationships.

Lori: Don't get all bent out of shape about it. He's right.

Scott: I don't understand why loving me is a bad thing.

Lori: You'll think that we're getting back together.

Scott: You never asked me what I thought.

Lori: Oh. *looks at Scott* What do you think?

Scott: I think you should stop listening to what everyone else has to say and make some decisions for yourself.

Lori: *frowns* Are you saying I can't make up my mind?

Scott: Would you?

Lori: *stares at Scott* ...You started it.

Scott: That's mature.

Lori: *slaps Scott's arm*

Scott: *smiles*

Lori: *looks back at magazine*

Scott: *takes magazine* Okay, how about this. I would love for us to work things out and have a committed relationship. But if it's your choice to move on and maintain a platonic relationship, I'll accept it.

Lori: *nods*

Scott: I hope you enjoy spending time with Stephanie, I'm sure she's looking forward to it. *stands, walks away*

Lori: *grabs drink*

I just love how things are left up in the air between those two. I mean, are they going to be platonic? And how true is he going to be to that if he's jonesing for her...Ah well....looks as if we're going to have to wait for that answer....

LOL@ Tom and Speed... I like those two together... :guffaw:
I love Tom and Speed together. They're completely full of awesome-ness.

Actually, I really, really like Tom a lot. :D

I'm still hoping for Scott and Lori to work things out. :D

Dom's mind troubles me... then again, he's 3...

Fantastic updates! :D
Thanks for the reviews! :D


Gables Estates, driveway, 7pm

Lori: *dumps juiceboxes into cooler*

Tom: No beer?

Lori: Don't be stupid.

Tom: What's a road trip without a little alcohol? Oh right, boring.

Lori: Get over it, Tom.

Tom: I don't want to spend 2 weeks in this truck.

Lori: We're not taking the truck.

Tom: ...We're walking?

Lori: Hummerhome, Thomas.

Tom: You sure you can drive it?

Lori: *looks at Tom*

Tom: *steps back*

CSI Garage

Lori: *steps up to Hummerhome*

Tom: *looks up* ...It's like the Titanic.

Lori: Fortunatey for us, we won't be in the ocean.

Tom: You sure Horatio's okay with this? Rumor around the lab is he sleeps in here.

Lori: I guess we're about to find out. *opens door, walks in*

Tom: *picks up cooler*

Lori: *looks around*

Tom: *flips on lights*

Lori: Pretty clean.

Tom: Where do you want this?

Lori: The fridge.

Tom: Are you sure you want to do this?

Lori: Yeah. *walks down hall*


Lori: *opens closet*

Tom: *walks over* Who's room is this?

Lori: I think it's my dad's. *picks up cologne, sniffs* Yep. Definitely his.

Tom: *takes bottle* Hey I have some of this at home.

Lori: *smiles* Did Anni get it for you?

Tom: No. You did. *walks away*

Lori: *smile fades* ...Well that's just...awkward.

Master bedroom

Tom: I found my room.

Lori: *walks over, slaps Tom in the back of the head* You're not getting this room.

Tom: Why not? It's big and comfortable.

Lori: And that's exactly why it's mine.

Tom: *looks at Lori* I thought you were sharing a room with Steph.

Lori: Keep dreaming.

Tom: Yeah right like she'll go to sleep all on her own in the middle of nowhere.

Lori: *looks at Tom* I did when I was little.

Tom: ...They let you sleep?

Lori: *walks away*

Tom: *looks back, follows* You remember that stuff.

Lori: *kneels, closes cooler*

Tom: The things they did to you.

Lori: *lifts head* You need to get your things in here tomorrow moring. We're leaving at sunrise.

Tom: Seriously?

Lori: I want to be in Atlanta by dinner.

Tom: We've got 2 weeks, Lori.

Lori: *stands* I know. I just want a little bit of structure.

Tom: Relax. We'll let the wind and the road do the structuring. Have a little bit of fun with your daughter.

Lori: *nods* Right.

Tom: I still don't know why I'm going...

Lori: *pats Tom on the head*

Gables Estates, house, 10pm

Dominick: *rips drapes*

Scott: *walks over, grabs Dominick* What the hell do you think you're doing?

Dominick: *screeches, slams fists on Scott's chest*

Lori: *walks in* What's going on?

Scott: He's ripping the house apart.

Lori: *places hands on hips* Deal with it.

Scott: *looks at Dominick*

Dominick: *pulls Scott's hair*

Scott: *winces*

Dominick: *yanking Scott's hair*

Scott: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *crosses arms*

Dominick: *pulls out clump of hair, cackles*

Scott: *eye twitches*

Lori: *stares at Scott*

Scott: Time for bed, Dom.

Dominick: NO! *punches Scott in the chest*

Scott: *coughs*

Lori: Ouch.

Scott: *coughing*

Lori: Uh oh. *runs over, grabs Dominick*

Scott: *sits on stairs, coughing*

Lori: *slaps Dominick's hand*

Dominick: *screams, starts to cry*

Lori: Bad Finch.

Scott: *grips chest* Ugh.

Lori: *sits on stairs*

Dominick: *struggling, crying*

Lori: Talk to him.

Scott: *takes Dominick*

Dominick: *swinging fists*

Scott: *takes Dominick's hands* Listen, listen. You need to calm down and stop this nonsense. Big boys don't throw tantrums.

Dominick: *sniffing*

Scott: *wipes Dominick's cheeks* Sleep is more important than breakfast.

Dominick: *looks at Scott, eyes widen*

Scott: It's true. Every dream you have means you're getting stronger and smarter.

Dominick: *stares at Scott* I wanna be stronger.

Scott: Then you need sleep.

Dominick: *struggles, runs upstairs*

Lori: ...You know, that's not entirely accurate.

Scott: I don't know about that.

Lori: *takes Scott's hand* Are you going to be okay for 2 weeks?

Scott: *nods*

Lori: If you need anything...just call me.

Scott: *wraps arms around Lori*

Lori: Oof.
