CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

LOL...Awkward city is what I like to call this trip between Lori and Tom- especially now that she remembers what her life used to be. I think for the most part, Lori's got her head on straight, as long as all the alcohol and drugs are far...FAR away from the two of them. They should be just fine...I HOPE.

LOL Scotty and Dom...two weeks....YEAH, that's going to go off without a hitch (psha, right...) Scott's got his hands full, for sure.

Awesome update!
Lol! oh this should be fun ! Lori and Tom taking the Hummer Home! Why do i get the feeling that their might be a stowaway or two pop up on this trip! lol! They better be careful no telling what they've left in the thing from the last trip. It may be booby trapped, they might find a few hidden treasure if they check out Speed & Katie's bed room! lol!

I'm a little worried about Scott being stuck with Dom for teo weeks! Lori may come home and find Scott tied up in those curtains! lol!

Great update Geni!
Jeez. Are they sure Dom is really theirs, and not a demon or something? :lol:

Let's hope Tom and Lori don't crash the Hummerhome into something along the way... :lol:

Awesome update! :D
Thanks for the reviews. :D


Gables Estates, house, 4pm next day

Scott: *walks downstairs, looks around*

House is seen in disarray

Scott: *sigh* Dominick!

Doorbell rings

Scott: Great. *walks over to door, opens it*

Anni: Hey. I've been scheduled to do a random checkup by Lori.

Scott: I didn't realize she could schedule randomness.

Anni: *looks around* What happened to the house?

Scott: *steps aside*

Anni: *walks in*

Scott: Dominick.

Anni: Wow. A destructive little thing.

Scott: *scratches head* I don't know how Lori does it.

Speed: *walks in*

Scott: I don't see any bruises on him so it's not like she's beating him into submission.

Speed: The key is to threaten.

Scott: *looks at Speed*

Speed: Fear is an amazing child-rearing technique.

Anni: *smiles* It's a wonder those parenthood magazines don't advocate it.

Speed: At least none from this era.

Toilet is heard flushing

Scott: *closes eyes* Damnit. *runs upstairs*

Anni: Why are you here?

Speed: Something about checking up on him. I keep getting these texts from Lori.

Anni: I wonder how many others received the same thing.

Speed: *picks up chair, places it on floor* I understand her concern for him but she doesn't need to recruit everyone.

Anni: *smiles* Never thought I'd see the day where Lori was more trustworthy than Scott.

Speed: It's a damn shame.

Upstairs, bathroom

Scott: What did you flush.

Dominick: *places hands behind back* Nothing.

Scott: There are scratches in the toilet bowl. I want to know what you stuffed down there right now, young man.

Dominick: *shakes head*

Scott: *places hands on hips* We're not leaving until you tell me.

Dominick: *runs underneath Scott's legs*

Scott: *grabs Dominick by the collar*

Dominick: *screeches*

Scott: *lifts Dominick, plants him onto floor*

Dominick: *kicks Scott's knee*

Scott: AH! *falls to knees*

Dominick: *hops over Scott, runs away*

Water bubbles over the top of toilet

Scott: *sigh*


Dominick: *opens fridge, grabs milk*

Speed: *walks over*

Dominick: *starts pouring milk onto floor*

Speed: *grabs Dominick by the ear*

Dominick: *screams*

Speed: *takes milk, places it on table*

Scott: *walks over*

Speed: *bends down, whispers in Dominick's ear*

Dominick: *stares blankly*

Scott: *wipes head with towel*

Speed: *lets go*

Dominick: *sits in chair, places hands on table*

Scott: ...How'd you do that?

Speed: *taps temple* This old dog's still good for something.

Dominick: *lifts eyes* Sorry Daddy.

Scott: *looks at Dominick*

Speed: *crosses arms*

Scott: You need to stay here for the next 2 weeks.

Anni: *walks over* Got a call from H, he needs us ASAP at the lab.

Speed: *nods*

Scott: When will you be back?

Speed: During your next scheduled checkup. But if you feel yourself going insane, just recite the Pledge of Allegiance. *walks away*

Scott: *rubs eyes*

Inside truck, road

Anni: Poor Scott.

Speed: Poor nothing, he's that boy's father. He needs to deal with his child.

Anni: Come on, you wouldn't be a little bit intimidated if you were left alone with Brook for 2 weeks?

Speed: No.

Anni: Right, you'd just give her to Colombia.

Speed: *looks at Anni*

Anni: *smiles*

Speed: *frowns* That's not funny.

I'm with Anni...Poor Scott. He's got so much to learn how to do. I find it somewhat funny that the unflappable Scott Finch is now about to lose his mind to his son... Even more so that Lori's scheduling random check ins...:guffaw: Lori...random check in...LOL. I do love the conversation between Speed and Anni...they rock as friends...:D

Awesome update
Thanks for the review! :)


Hummerhome, campground, 5pm

Lori: *places steaks onto table*

Tom: *looks at table* Are these what I think they are?

Lori: Scott prepared them.

Tom: *digs fork into steak* God bless that man.

Lori: *smiles, sits*

Steph: *drizzles ketchup on hotdog*

Lori: *looks at Steph* You want some hotdog with that?

Steph: Nope.

Lori: *smirks*

Steph: *hugs plush cow, munches hotdog*

Lori: ...What's that?

Steph: Grampa gave it to me.

Lori: He gave you a stuffed cow.

Steph: Yup. His name is MOOris.

Lori: *smiles*

Tom: Speed's an idiot.

Lori: *looks at Tom*

Tom: *eats steak*

Lori: How are you liking the trip so far?

Steph: It's fun.

Lori: Yeah? You've gotten to see lots of stuff so far, huh.

Steph: Lots of coastline, Momma.

Lori: That's true. But you know what? We're going to see a lot more and most if it won't be coastline.

Steph: *grabs napkin, wipes mouth* Good.

Tom: *dumps barbeque sauce onto steaks*

Lori: Geez, do I get any?

Tom: You can have hotdogs.

Lori: *throws bun at Tom*

Bun bounces off Tom's forehead

Steph: *giggles*

Tom: Oh you find that funny, do you? *throws bun at Steph*

Steph: *giggling*

Lori: Alright, guys.

Steph: *throws cheese at Tom*

Tom: Hey now.

Steph: *stares at Tom*

Tom: *narrows eyes* You hardly put any air on that. *throws cheese*

Steph: *smiles, throws buns*

Tom: *throws relish*

Steph: *tosses hotdog*

Tom: *opens mouth, catches hotdog*

Steph: *wide-eyed*

Tom: *winks*

Steph: *giggles*

Lori: *stares at Tom*

Tom: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *shakes head*

Tom: *lowers eyes*

Bedroom, 9pm

Steph: *crawls into bunk*

Lori: *sits on bed, lifts blanket*

Steph: How come I can't sleep on the top one?

Lori: I don't want you falling out of bed.

Steph: Momma...I'm not a baby.

Lori: *smiles* You're my baby. And you're always going to be.

Steph: How long will Dom be a baby?

Lori: That depends if he turns out like your father or not.

Steph: *giggles*

Lori: *brushes hair from Steph's forehead* If you need anything, I'll be in the next room okay?

Steph: *nods*

Lori: *leans over, kisses Steph's cheek*

Steph: Can I get Tommy if you don't wake up?

Lori: Trust me, I'll wake up.

Steph: What if you die?

Lori: *lifts brow* Why would I die?

Steph: There's bears.

Lori: They can't get in here, sweetie.

Steph: What if Tom dies?

Lori: If Tom dies, it's because I killed him.

Steph: *stares at Lori*

Lori: I'll try to restrain myself.

Steph: *hugs stuffed cow*

Lori: Everything's going to be fine. And when you wake up in the morning, there will be a big breakfast waiting for you.

Steph: Pancakes?

Lori: Yep.

Steph: Maple syrup?

Lori: Of course.

Steph: Fizzy juice?

Lori: ...Fizzy juice.

Steph: Daddy makes it. He pours soda into juice and it becomes fizzy juice.

Lori: *nods slowly* We'll see what happens.

Steph: G'night, Momma.

Lori: Night. *stands, walks away*


Lori: *opens bathroom door*

Tom: Busy.

Lori: Well move over, I need to brush my teeth.

Tom: I'm shaving.

Lori: *looks at Tom* Won't shaving now defeat the purpose of having a clean face when you wake up?

Tom: I don't want a clean face when I wake up.

Lori: *stares at Tom*

Tom: *taps razor onto sink*

Lori: Oh ew. *slaps Tom* Do that in the garbage. I don't want to find your hair in my sink.

Tom: It's not your sink.

Lori: I'm paying for the gas. It's my sink.

Tom: So your goopy spit is okay but my hair isn't.

Lori: My spit doesn't come back up.

Tom: Neither does my hair.

Lori: Move over. *pushes Tom*

Tom: *picks up Lori, places her in tub*

Lori: HEY.

Tom: *looks back at mirror, shaves*

Lori: *stands, slips* ACK! *falls over toilet* Oof.

Tom: That's sexy.

Lori: *slaps Tom's butt* Shut it.

Because I trust that Lori and Tom are best buds now (without the benefits), the smack on the bottom was totally platonic. Other than that, they seem to be bonding very well...AndI had to mention..>MOOris... best. name. EVER!


Awesome update!
That was so funny ! See I told you Speed is the only one that can control Dom! Poor Scott can even take care of a 3 year old and keep him from tearing the house down around him! lol!

Tom & Lori fighting over the sink in the bathroom ! Thats an awfully close quarters to put those two in together not to have something happen!

Great update Geni!
Thanks for the reviews! :)


Gables Estates, house, 3am

Dominick: *pokes Scott's nose*

Scott: *eyes closed*

Dominick: *pokes Scott's nose*

Scott: *opens eyes*

Dominick: I miss Mommy.

Scott: *places and on Dominick's head* Me too, bud.

Dominick: When's she coming home?

Scott: Not for a little while.

Dominick: How come I couldn't go?

Scott: Because you and I are supposed to hang out. Father/son stuff.

Dominick: *lifts brow*

Scott: We're gonna do boy things.

Dominick: Oh. Now?

Scott: No, not now. Tomorrow.

Dominick: But I'm awake now.

Scott: Go back to sleep.

Dominick: Mommy reads.

Scott: She reads you a story?

Dominick: *nods*

Scott: *sits up* Well I can do that.

Dominick: *smiles*

Scott: C'mon, let's get back to your room. You can pick out the story.

Dominick: *runs away*

Scott: *sigh* Finally.

Hummerhome, 3:30am

Lori: *rolls over* Ugh. *sits up*


Lori: *opens door, steps in* ...Tom.

Tom: *rolls over*

Lori: *runs over to bed, kneels* Tom.

Tom: No work today.

Lori: *grabs Tom's shoulder* Wake up. *shakes Tom*

Tom: Wha? What? *sits up*


Tom: SON-OF-A-

Lori: Shhh. *places finger on Tom's lips*

Tom: *rubs forehead* Damnit Lori there's a bar there. What do you want?

Lori: ...I can't sleep.

Tom: That's it? I thought it was an emergency.

Lori: I keep thinking about Scott and Dom and work and the house and-

Tom: *covers Lori's mouth* Okay I get it. You're worried about what's going on back home.

Lori: *pushes Tom's hand* Aren't you?

Tom: No.

Lori: How can you just sleep? How do you block everything out?

Tom: I close my eyes and render myself unconscious. It's a technique our species has developed over eons of evolution as a means of recharge.

Lori: *climbs into bed*

Tom: What are you doing?

Lori: Recharging.

Tom: Uh...I thought you wanted the big room.

Lori: It's too big and quiet. *pushes Tom onto bed*

Tom: How is me being beside you going to help reduce your anxiety about what's going on in Miami?

Lori: *wraps arm across Tom*

Tom: Lori...this is unhealthy.

Lori: Shut up and sleep.

Tom: I would rather sleep by myself.

Lori: It's not like Anni's going to find out. Besides, we're not doing anything.

Tom: *sits up, grabs pillow* Go to sleep, Lori. *stands, walks away*

Lori: *frowns*

Oh...I'm so glad that Tom recognizes the potential...problem in Lori's suggestion. I can understand that she's finding it hard to sleep, but...a little...just a bit of clear thinking on her part would be great :D I know that they're striving for platonic, but let's be real, this is Tom and Lori, platonic is NOWHERE in their vocabulary... :guffaw:

LOL I find it very awesome that Scott's trying with Dom, I can't wait to see what 'boy' stuff they do. Money bet, it's going to be going over stocks or something like that...LOL ( I know, lame). But something tells me that his definition of boy stuff isn't Dom's definition...

Awesome update!
Oh, man. I hope Dom doesn't make Scotty go bald early from pulling his hair out! :lol:

Tom and Lori... that's looking like a slippery slope... let's hope they don't fall. :lol:

I love Speed. :)

Awesome updates! :D
Well Maybe Scott can get Dom to settle back into bed and go to sleep ! Then again its Dom ! Lol! Hes liable o fin him hanging from the big chandelier hanging in the foyer!

Lori! You need to leave Tom alone ! Hes just not that into you! Lol! Enough said!

Great update Geni!
Thanks for the reviews. :)


Atlanta, campground, 8:25am

Tom: *lights cigarette*

Lori: *walks outside* Hey.

Tom: *looks at Lori*

Lori: Thought you quit.

Tom: I'm not allowed to have heroin so leave me alone.

Lori: *slaps Tom's arm*

Tom: Ow.

Lori: *walks down steps* Steph's still asleep. Figured I'd let her sleep in.

Tom: *nods*

Lori: *looks around* There's another reason I wanted you here.

Tom: What's that? *blows smoke*

Lori: *zips up jacket* Steph needs you.

Tom: *looks at Lori*

Lori: She needs to know that not all men will let her down.

Tom: *stares at Lori*

Lori: *lowers head* I don't want her to grow up with as much anger and hate that I had.

Tom: *wraps arm around Lori*

Lori: My kids were supposed to have the perfect childhood. That's how it seemed when Scott and I married. He was going to go to work, I was going to stay home and the kids would have everything they needed. Plain and simple.

Tom: Lori...it's my experience that when someone like Scott seemingly develops the type of drug problem he had...that was never the beginning of it. I think he got clean before you first met him.

Lori: *shakes head* No. No he was perfect. He's the one who helped me stay clean.

Tom: You met him at a rehab, sweetie.

Lori: It was combined with a psych facility.

Tom: Maybe you should talk to him about it. See what he says now.

Lori: *sigh*

Tom: Why don't we get back inside. *throws cigarette butt*

Lori: Yeah.

Inside Hummerhome

Steph: *dumps marshmellows into cup*

Lori: *steps over* Hey, you're up.

Steph: Yup. Where's the pancakes?

Lori: I'll make them right now.

Steph: Can I help?

Lori: *smiles* Sure.

Steph: YAY! *grabs apron from stove*

Gables Estates, house, 9am

Dominick: *sits on floor, dumps Legos*

Scott: *walks over, sits* What are you up to?

Dominick: Building.

Scott: Need any help?

Dominick: Nope. *snaps Legos together*

Scott: ...You want to play some soccer?

Dominick: Nope.

Scott: *scratches head* Want to eat junk food?

Dominick: *lifts eyes*

Scott: Why don't I take you...anywhere you want to go.

Dominick: I wanna go see Mommy.

Scott: *sigh* She's on vacation.

Dominick: *frowns, throws Legos at Scott*

Scott: *stares at Dominick*

Dominick: *kicking Scott's legs*

Scott: *grabs Dominick by the neck*

Dominick: *blinks*

Scott: Sit down, you little shit.

Dominick: *sits*

Scott: Don't you ever throw anything at me again. You understand?

Dominick: *nods*

APL Financial Miami, 48th floor

Tia: *steps in, shuts door*

Bob: *lifts head* You.

Tia: Me.

Bob: *stands, places hands on desk* So what are you going to do? Kill me?

Tia: I should be. You were the one who got me put away.

Bob: You broke the law.

Tia: *smiles* Haven't we all done some things that were frowned upon?

Bob: *shrugs* Sure. I stole my dad's beamer when I was 15. But I was a kid. I wasn't out to ruin people's lives.

Tia: You must feel so proud that you were able to take Scott's job from him.

Bob: Scott relinquished his position willingly.

Tia: I'm confused. He was removed from your board.

Bob: Yes he was. But that's not the issue. You're pissed at him because he figured you out and now that you're not getting the satisfaction you want from the rumors you spread to the media, you want to continue blackmailing him. I think you've done a number on his reputation as it is, why don't you just go home.

Tia: I'm not finished destroying him. But that's not why I'm here. I'm sure your foreign partners would love to know they're trusting their money to a homosexual.

Bob: *stares at Tia*

Tia: I think that's still banned in some countries.

Bob: I've never lied about who I am.

Tia: But you haven't advertised it either. Don't ask, don't tell, right?

Bob: This is the 21st century. If I stand to lose any clients at all, it won't put a dent in this company.

Tia: *smiles* The compromising photos might. *places folder onto desk*

Bob: *looks at folder* Is this another one of your games?

Tia: Not at all. Josh Speedle. Ring a bell?

Bob: *lifts eyes*

Tia: Or how about Lori Speedle. *smiles* Right, Lori Finch. So not only do you swing both ways but you slept with two people from the same family and your boss' wife.

Bob: *opens folder, looks down*

Tia: I personally find them inspiring but the public might not.

Bob: *closes folder* What do you want.

Tia: I want to be a partner.

Bob: That's ridiculous. The most business experience you have is whether or not to wear underwear on your dates.

Tia: With that Japanese company out of the way, there's an opening.

Bob: Scott's the primary owner, he'll never agree to it.

Tia: So don't tell him. Put down a different name.

Bob: *stares at Tia*

Tia: Alright. *takes folder* I guess your life will be getting more complicated. *turns around, walks over to door*

Bob: *lowers head* Wait.

Tia: *looks back*

Bob: ...A contract as a third-party owner and this goes away?

Tia: As if it never happened. I'll get you the originals and you can burn them yourself.

Bob: How do I know they're really the originals?

Tia: We both want something. Let's be reasonable.

Bob: You've screwed over every other man. Why would I be any different?

Tia: I like you.

Bob: Somehow that doesn't entirely convince me of your credibility.

Tia: *walks over* You don't have to trust me but you have a lot to lose if you reject my offer.

Bob: Welcome to the APL family. *extends hand*

Tia: *smiles, grabs Bob's hand*

In the words of Jack Bauer, DAMN IT Bob! What the hell does he think hes doing! Scott will go through the roof when he finds out about this! not mention Lori and the rest of the Speedle clan ! Ugh that Tia! Shes like a slimy snake! She keeps sticken her head a little further out from under that rock, but shes so fast that when you whack at it with something to cut it off she slips back under just in time for you to miss it.

Shes gonna get hers, and for their sakes I hope its sooner than later! I just Hope action Lori shows up to her kick her ass!

Aww Lori's worried about Steph turning out like her when it comes to her feelings about the men in her life! hopefully Tom can help with that! At least Scott hasn't sent her off to be a slave in another country! Lori needs to worry about Dom! Hes the one whos gonna be the little trouble maker! He already re-bails againts Scott to the point that only Lori and Speed can handle him!

Great update Geni!
THAT...Bi-ATCH. I knew that Bob should've done something other than let the law handle her. I'm sure that Bob isn't stupid, he's waaaaaaaaaaaaay too cunning for that * but as a side note-whoosh, he did blow through two people in the same family, you sly dog, you, Bob :wink: * I'm sure Bob's going to find a way out of this.

LOL...Scotty finally figured it out...Fear works more than anything. I think a famous, fine ass man said it best... "Always mess with their minds..." Oh how true... I'm sure that Dom's going to be on his best behavior now... :)

I like the bonding Lori and Steph are doing, and yes, even Tom. He's definitely being the big brother now. I'm starting to warm to their new found relationship...It's...endearing... and awesome! * just as long as they don't get that itch...*

Awesome update!