CSI:Miami Road Trip: Seven Years of Bad Luck & Counting

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What About Now, What About Today

Miami, two days later

Delko: I can't believe we had to come back. That's not fair.

Speed: Well suck it up because you're on a case.

Delko: *sigh* People have to stop dying.

Speed: People have to stop killing people.

Delko: *nods* So you talk to Katie recently?

Speed: *doing paperwork* No.

Delko: ...You going to talk to her?

Speed: She left, Eric.

Delko: What about Lori and Holly?

Speed: They'll be fine.

Delko: You call your girlfriend?

Speed: Yes.

Delko: And?

Speed: *looks at Eric*

Delko: What?

Speed: And nothing.

Delko: You're not going out on a date?

Speed: I didn't say I wasn't.

Delko: So you are.

Speed: What do you care?

Delko: Because my buddy is moving up in the world.

Speed: Just because I have a girlfriend doesn't mean I'm moving up in the world. By the way she's stopping by here.

Delko: Does she work?

Speed: She's a laywer.

Delko: Wow....

Speed: Wow what?

Delko: You nabbed a smart one.

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: Oh is that her?

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: She's pretty.

Amy: *walks in* Hey Tim.

Speed: Hey.

Amy: You ready for lunch?

Speed: Yeah just let me finish this up.

Amy: No problem.

Delko: *crosses arms, smiles* A laywer.

Amy: *looks at Delko*

Delko: How long have you been a lawyer?

Amy: Long enough to know what harassment is.

Delko: ....My bad.

Speed: *stands, takes off labcoat* Ready?

Amy: You know it. *sigh* Oh Tim.

Speed: What.

Amy: I thought you were going to shave this morning.

Speed: *looks at Eric*

Delko: *smirks*

Speed: *looks at Amy* I know.

Amy: And?

Speed: And I have to buy some new razors.

Amy: Would you like me to pick some up for you on my way home tonight?

Speed: Sure.

Amy: *smiles* Great. I'll see you outside. *leaves*

Delko: *makes a whip sound*

Speed: Stop it.

Delko: Is she going to make you wear suits now too?

Speed: She's not making me do anything.

Delko: Whatever you say.

Speed: *angry sigh*

Delko: You love her?

Speed: What does that have to do with anything?

Delko: Nothing. *walks away*

Speed: *frowns*

Well I would most certinaly hope he doesn't love her. He's only known her for a couple of weeks right? Well sure there's that whole love at first site hoopla but who believes in that anymore? lol.

*gasp* Good lordie what is wrong with that woman? Shave the holy stubble? Girl I think you need to get out of the court room for a while and smell the coffee. He shaves off the stubble there is just no hope for men anywhere.

Delko: How long have you been a lawyer?

Amy: Long enough to know what harassment is.
Oh buuurrrrn the weddings off!...Ok so that doesn't really fit but I felt like saying it. lol. Update soon please.
:lol: Hoopla. :lol:

Should Have Started Running

Speed's apartment...That's right he has one now. So TAKE THAT. 7 pm

Amy: Why didn't you tell me you were married?

Speed: Uh, the whole I was married is the kicker.

Amy: So you're not anymore.

Speed: No.

Amy: So where is this ex-wife of yours?

Speed: I don't know.

Amy: You don't know?

Speed: Yeah.

Amy: *sigh* Okay. Well anyway I brought your razors.

Speed: ...Great.

Amy: What was that tone?

Speed: Tone?

Amy: That sarcastic one.

Speed: It wasn't a tone.

Amy: It sounded like one.

Speed: Are we fighting?

Amy: Nope. This conversation has ended. What do you want for dinner?

Speed: You pick.

Amy: You're going to make pasta.

Speed: Me?

Amy: Yes.

Speed: You want me to cook.

Amy: I'm tired of this man mentality of how women belong in the kitchen.

Speed: I didn't say you belonged in the kitchen.

Amy: You were probably thinking it.

Speed: No, I wasn't.

Amy: Is that a tone?

Speed: No.

Amy: Good. *grabs giant white board* Okay here's what we have planned for tonight. From 7-8:30pm is dinner time. Then fron 8:30-9:30 is dishes and TV watching. From 9:30-2:00am is designated for our love-making and then from 2:00am-7:00am is cuddling time.

Speed: Whoa, back up. 9:30 to 2:00 am? Are ya kiddin' me?

Amy: It took me a long time to make this schedule.

Speed: I didn't realize we needed one.

Amy: Also at 10:30 am you will call me on my cell phone and we'll talk until 11:00 am. Then at 2:00 pm you'll call me again and we'll talk about the schedule for that evening.

Speed: *lifts brow* I have a job.

Amy: So do I.

Speed: I can't just call you.

Amy: It's in the schedule, Tim.

Speed: ...

Amy: My gosh I'm going to have to make a whole new schedule for when we get married, a-

Speed: *wide-eyed*

Amy: Get cooking mister.

Next morning, lab

Delko: Wow look at you. You look...Worn out.

Speed: Don't even ask.

Delko: So what happened?

Speed: This falls under the heading of 'don't even ask'.

Delko: Amy giving you a hard time?

Speed: No. I just didn't get much sleep last night.

Delko: Oooh you two love birds have fun?

Speed: Eric...

Delko: Sorry. *hands over folder* Victim is Andy Lowell. He's 25 years old, and cause of death was suffocation.

Speed: From the space suit?

Delko: *smirks* Astronaut suit.

Speed: Whatever.

Delko: And no actually, it was manual strangulation.

Speed: Someone must have hated him.

Delko: Nail marks on his neck say it was a woman.

Speed: Great, another bitter murder from a bitter woman.

Delko: You sound a little bitter yourself this morning.

Speed: It's nothing.

Delko: Well anyway, I'm heading down to the space centre with Carly to check out the scene.

Speed: Alright.

Delko: I'll call you when we get something. *leaves*

Amy: *walks over* Tim.

Speed: *turns around* What are you doing here?

Amy: You turned your phone off.

Speed: So you came down here to tell me that?

Amy: Turn it back on.

Speed: Why?

Amy: *places hands on hips*

Speed: ...*gets out phone*

Amy: I've got a case this morning which the police department is taking care of and my client isn't talking, so I should be here all day.

Speed: You do realize your client probably murdered that kid.

Amy: He didn't murder anyone.

Speed: Evidence in the case says he did.

Amy: I'm a defense lawyer. I go by statements, not evidence. No one saw him do it, so he didn't. Evidence has nothing to do with it.

Speed: *frowns* Do you realize you just insulted my job?

Amy: Oh come on Timmy, you don't really think what you're doing helps anyone do you? All you do is push around test tubes all day and play with little rubber gloves. It's actually kind of cute.

Speed: Right now I have to go analyze some evidence in a murder investigation, if you'll excuse me.

Amy: I'm sure you could put it off for me.

Speed: ...What do you need?

Amy: I'm selling that dirty bike thing you own and I was wondering where a good place to advertise it would be.

Speed: You're selling my bike?

Amy: Tim honey you can't be young forever.

Speed: *frowns*

Josh: *walks over* Hey Tim, Tripp wanted to see you about signing some documents for him.

Speed: Yeah I'll be right over.

Amy: Ooh who's this?

Speed: My brother.

Amy: And do you do what Tim does?

Josh: No, actually I'm on patrol.

Amy: Oh so you stand at crime scenes.

Josh: ...I enforce the law.

Amy: *laughs* Don't be silly. Only a judge can do that.

Josh: Excuse me?

Amy: You run along now and play with your little car.

Josh: *frowns*

Amy: Aren't you excited to play with the little lights and everything?

Josh: ...

Amy: AWW LOOK! He's married how cute. Boy I hope your wife has a better job than you do.

Josh: ....She's a CSI.

Amy: It seems everyone wants to be a glorified trash collector these days.

Josh: HEY.

Speed: Josh, leave.

Josh: *leaves*

Amy: People take things so seriously around here.

Speed: What is your problem?

Amy: Is that a tone?

Speed: ...No.

Amy: Keep your phone on, you'll call me later. *leaves*

She...that little..oh my god how much do I want to chew Amy's little lawyer butt out right now.

First of all 9:30 to 2 a.m. so not fair? Secondly she has no right whats so ever to insult Tim and Josh's job. I'd like to see her do the crap that they have to put up with every day. Thirdly, I don't think i really have a thirdly I just really REALLY don't like her. And I can't pull the bitter ex wife bit this time I just seriously don't like her. lol. And I really have nothing else to say. lol.

When She Calls

Speed's apartment, 6 pm

Amy: What did you make for dinner?

Speed: Food.

Amy: Is that a tone?

Speed: No.

Amy: Good.

Speed: Do we really have to spend our time together on a schedule? What happened to spontaneity?

Amy: You don't seem like a very spontaneous man.

Speed: You'd be surprised.

Amy: I like you Tim, I really do. My last boyfriend broke up with me.

Speed: Gee, I wonder why?

Amy: He wasn't my type anyway. I didn't really like the facial hair.

Speed: So...Why were you attracted to me?

Amy: You seemed kind of cute and weak all by yourself.

Speed: Really.

Amy: Mhm.

Speed: Great.

Amy: This food is a little dry.

Speed: I'm not a cook.

Amy: I'll sign you up for some classes.

Speed: Classes.

Amy: Yup. You'll love them.

Speed: I doubt that.

Amy: Come on Tim, for me you'll do anything.

Speed: ...What makes you say that?

Amy: I know you. I know you better than you know yourself.

Speed: *pushes plate* No. No you don't.

Amy: Finish your food.

Speed: No.

Amy: Tim, I told you to finish your food.

Speed: And what are you going to do if I don't?

Amy: *smiles* I have ways of making your life hell.

Speed: Interesting. More hell than it is now?

Amy: What?

Speed: Nothing.

Amy: I worked for five years in narco before I became a lawyer, so I know a thing or two about ruining people's lives.

Speed: Well I guess the only difference is, I'm not a drug dealer.

Amy: This conversation is over.

Speed: Fine.

Amy: *smiling* What would you like for dessert?

Speed: Nothing.

Amy: Alright, do the dishes.

Speed: *stands, grabs plates*

Amy: Rinse them out first, I don't want to see grunge on those dishes.

Speed: Sure.

Doorbell rings

Amy: I'll get it. *runs to door, opens it* Who the hell are you?

Lori: Is Tim around?

Amy: Tim, there's someone here for you.

Speed: *walks over* Lori?

Lori: Hey.

Amy: Who's she?

Lori: I'm his daughter, who the hell are you?

Amy: Is that a tone?

Lori: Why don't you back off.

Amy: Tim, she insulted me.

Speed: Lori, come in.

Lori: *walks in*

Amy: Tim, do something.

Speed: Lori, don't insult Amy.

Lori: Is she your girlfriend or something?

Speed: Yeah.

Lori: What's her problem?

Amy: Excuse me.

Speed: Amy, give us a minute.

Amy: This isn't in the schedule.

Speed: Make time.

Amy: We are SO not cuddling tonight. *walks away*

Speed: What are you doing here?

Lori: Seriously what is her problem?

Speed: Lori.

Lori: I came to visit you.

Speed: Why?

Lori: Mom thinks I'm at Ash's house. I missed you.

Speed: *hugs Lori* I missed you too.

Lori: *hugs Speed*

Speed: Have you girls been good?

Lori: Yeah, you don't have to worry about us.

Speed: Good. How's your mother?

Lori: She misses you.

Speed: Did she say that?

Lori: No but I can tell.

Speed: *nods*

Amy: Time's up. You have to go little girl.

Lori: I am not a little girl.

Speed: She's my daughter, give us some time.

Amy: She doesn't fit into the schedule....Looks like she doesn't really fit in anywhere.

Lori: *frowns* I should go.

Speed: Yeah.

Lori: *hugs Speed* I'll see you later daddy. *leaves*

Speed: *stares at door*

Amy: *looks at watch* We are...Three minutes behind schedule.

Speed: *walks over to schedule paper, rips it off*

Amy: What are you doing?

Speed: You can shove the schedule up your little ass and you can get the hell out of my home.

Amy: Is that a tone?

Speed: You're damn right it is.

Amy: Tim, this is an unwise course of action.

Speed: No. Divorcing my wife was an unwise course of action. I should be getting a Nobel Prize for this. *opens door* Don't let the door shove you down the stairs on the way out.

Amy: *frowns*

Speed: *frowning*

Amy: *leaves*

Speed: *slams door*

Kristin: Can I help you?

Horatio: *turns around* HOLY HE-llo..Kristin.

Kristin: *smiles* What are you doing here?

Horatio: Uh...*looks at JC*

JC: *walking around with Missy*

Horatio: We just came to visit.

Kristin: I haven't seen you guys in forever.

Horatio: Um...It's good to see you. You work here?

Kristin: Yeah.

Horatio: Why didn't you just come back to the lab?

Kristin: Too much drama.

Horatio: I see. Well I'm glad you're happy now.

Kristin: Have you spoken to Stetler lately?

Horatio: I haven't.

Kristin: Oh..

Horatio: Look, I'm sorry for making such a big mess around here, they usually don't get this rowdy.

Kristin: *laughs* Yes they do.

Horatio: Well that's true.

Kristin: Would you like a tour?

Horatio: Uh...Maybe another time.

Kristin: *looks down* Oh...

Horatio: ...

Kristin: ...You're married?

Horatio: Engaged actually.

Kristin: To whom?

Horatio: JC.

Kristin: Wow, how did that happen?

Horatio: It's simple. I asked her to marry me.

Kristin: Well, I hope you two are happy.

awww.. I'm back.. :D but he's engaged... ?awww.. oh well. hope you're hapy and don't hurt him he doesn't diserv it.. ok ;)

HOLY HEll-lo.. that's funny :D
Ohhhh I saw Lori and I was like 'ohhhh she's going to give her hell'. Seriously what is Amy's problem? Does she jsut like to be controlling or does she have a few marbles lose up there. But yay! Timmy broke free! And heck yes he should get a Nobel Prize. He should get something at least lol. Teehee. Update soon please.
Oh my God! Amy is crazy! And... she's selling... HIS BIKE???
Good for him for kicking her out. Took him long enough.
Yay for Lori coming to visit her daddy. And Tim thinks it was an unwise course of action to divorce Katie. That's so sweet.
Update soon please :D
Anni: So you will be the designated driver.
JC, designated driver? That sounds scary! Ack! Don't hit me. Actually I've never seen JC drive, but just try keeping her away from the alcohol. *hides*
JC: Yeah, the cops weren't even called this time.
Impressive. That has got to be a first! And aww, Horatio's proud of JC. :D
Horatio: *turns around* HOLY HE-llo..Kristin.
OH MY GOD YOU'RE BACK! *glomps* we missed you!
Amy: My gosh I'm going to have to make a whole new schedule for when we get married, a-
Oh-kay! She's scary. I really don't like someone so...organized.
Amy: You turned your phone off.

Speed: So you came down here to tell me that?

Amy: Turn it back on.
Oh, controlling much? This can only end badly!
Amy: Oh come on Timmy, you don't really think what you're doing helps anyone do you? All you do is push around test tubes all day and play with little rubber gloves. It's actually kind of cute.

Speed: Right now I have to go analyze some evidence in a murder investigation, if you'll excuse me.
If I only disliked her before, I officially hate her now!
Amy: Rinse them out first, I don't want to see grunge on those dishes.
GOD! What are you, his mother? I so want to smack that lady right now. This, this is why I hate defense attorneys!
Speed: No. Divorcing my wife was an unwise course of action. I should be getting a Nobel Prize for this. *opens door* Don't let the door shove you down the stairs on the way out.
YES! And she's GONE! Whoo whoo! *dances, notices people staring, sits back down* ahem. Good job, Geni!
Welcome to the thread bulletboomgal! I hope you're enjoying things so far. :D

I should have more chapters soon. :)
Oh thank goodness that Speed kicked Amy out...she was crazy...I mean, the schedules and insulting Timmy and Joshie was bad enough, but selling the Ducati?! What was she thinking?!
Josh: ....She's a CSI.

Amy: It seems everyone wants to be a glorified trash collector these days.

Josh: HEY.
Awwww, Joshie got all protective of me...

And oh my gosh, drunk us is hilarious! There's far too much of it to quote, but it was awesome! :D :lol:

please update soon
what great updates geni, i love how lori is always there to save the day lol. Ya me a designated driver will only work for when it comes to picking up my bois in my crew. And don't worry kristin i wouldn't dream of hurting him. ( my boifriend looks almost exactly like him teehee) wow anyway great updates geni and cna't wait for more!!!!
Sounding So Sweet

Layout room uh...A long while later. - At least 2 weeks

Horatio: You examine the astronaut suit?

Speed: Yeah.

Horatio: Find any trace?

Speed: I found a lot of biologicals, a fingernail and fibers.

Horatio: Okay tell me about the nail.

Speed: It's a fake nail. Our guy probably wasn't wearing it so I think it's from whoever put him in the suit.

Horatio: Okay.

Speed: I found something interesting on the fake nail. Fungus.

Horatio: ...Fungus.

Speed: Yeah that happens when a woman is wearing the nail too long and water gets underneath. Usually it'll turn their real nails green if they don't get it treated. Safest way is to go to the salon and have them soaked and then gently removed by a manicurist.

Horatio: ....

Speed: Uh...It helps to know a lot about the evidence. Just ask Calleigh.

Horatio: Okay so we can test the nail for DNA and hopefully it'll lead us to the killer.

Speed: Yeah.

Horatio: Great. *leaves*

Carly: *walks in* Hey.

Speed: Hey you're back from Orlando.

Carly: The crime scene came up empty. All we have is the suit.

Speed: I just finished processing it.

Carly: Anything we can use?

Speed: A fake nail and some fibers.

Carly: What kind of fibers?

Speed: Black and blue fibers.

Carly: You narrow down a company?

Speed: Not yet.

Carly: Great, I'll get started on that.

Speed: *nods*

Carly: So when was the last time you spoke to Katie?

Speed: I don't know, a month maybe. Why?

Carly: I was at her house yesterday.

Speed: So?

Carly: Just thought you wanted to know.

Speed: I didn't.

Carly: Oh...So you break up with your girlfriend?

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: Why?

Speed: None of your damn business.

Carly: ....

Speed: Sorry.

Carly: Having a bad day or something?

Speed: No.

Carly: *lifts brow*

Speed: Bad night actually.

Carly: What happened?

Speed: I just couldn't sleep. I know, it sounds stupid.

Carly: You want to talk about it?

Speed: I feel like a piece of crap, I miss my kids, my job sucks, I'm alone, and my bike is gone.

Carly: Aw come here hun. *hugs Speed*

Speed: *hugs Carly*

Carly: Everything will be okay.

Speed: You actually believe that crap?

Carly: No, but I thought maybe it would help.

Speed: *lets go* It doesn't.

Carly: Well...Anyway I'm off so I have to head over to Katie's house.

Speed: Why?

Carly: I'm helping her move a couch upstairs.

Speed: A couch.

Carly: She's an IKEA nut.

Speed: If you wanted, I could help.

Carly: *lifts brow* You really think she wants to see you?

Speed: It's a couch, not a relationship.

Carly: I'll call her and tell her I'm bringing reinforcements.

Speed: Great.

Carly: *gets out phone, walks away*

Speed: *takes off latex gloves*

Katie's house, 5 pm

Katie: *opens door, smiles* Hey Carly.

Carly: Hey, you remember those reinforcements I told you about?

Katie: Yeah. You bring Josh?

Carly: No way. He hates furniture.

Katie: Eric?

Carly: *shakes head*

Speed: *walks over*

Katie: *stares at Speed*

Speed: *stares at Katie*

Carly: TADA!

Katie: Carly, a word.

Carly: Sure.

Katie/Carly walk into kitchen

Speed: *rolls eyes*


Carly: Okay I know you didn't want to see him and everything b-

Katie: Are you kidding me? *laughs* This is the best thing you've ever done!

Carly: ...Really?

Katie: His sleeves are rolled up.

Carly: He's going to move a couch, of course they are.

Katie: *sigh*

Carly: ...Are you seriously attracted to him?

Katie: Let's go move a couch. *pulls hair down*

Carly: What are you doing?

Katie: You're the bestest friend ever. *walks into living room*

Speed: I'll leave if you want me to.

Katie: NO. No, don't leave. *grabs Speed's hand* It's okay.

Speed: *looks down at hand*

Katie: *lets go* Get in here silly and help move this couch.

Speed: Okay.

Katie: Okay Carly, grab that end and Speed, you grab that end.

Carly: *grabs couch*

Speed: *grabs couch*

Katie: And LIFT.

Carly: *lifts*

Speed: *lifts*

Katie: *drops couch*

Carly: AH! What did you do that for?

Katie: Haha..Uh...*swallows* Nothing, my hand just slipped.

Carly: Sure it did.

Katie: You guys want something to drink? I'll get some coffee.

Carly: I don't drink coffee and neither does Tim.

Katie: Tea, I'll make tea. *runs to kitchen*

Carly: *elbows Speed* Well go help her.

Speed: *frowns*

Carly: It's either this or be alone for the rest of your life.

Speed: ...Fine. *walks away*

Carly: Ah, Carly you have outdone yourself.


Speed: *grabs cups*

Katie: Excuse me. *reaches across for milk*

Speed: *looks at Katie*

Katie: *looks up*

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: *drops cup* OH GEEZ. I'm sorry. *kneels*

Speed: *kneels, grabs cup* It's okay.

Katie: *stands*

Speed: *stands*

Katie: *looks down at floor, smiles* I'm pretty clumsy.

Speed: It happens.

Katie: *grabs milk* So how are you and your girlfriend?

Speed: We broke up.

Katie: Aww, that sucks. What happened?

Speed: Nothing important.

Katie: She leave you?

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: *laughs* I'm kidding.

Speed: I left her.

Katie: Wow, that's starting to become a pattern with you.

Speed: *whispers near Katie's ear* I didn't love her like I loved you.

Katie: *blushes*

Carly: *walks in* HEY so is that tea ready?

Katie: Um...*clears throat* Almost.

Carly: Great, because I'm PARTCHED.

Katie: ...It's tea. Not Nestea.

Ya know Carly says that she's "Out done herself" and yet she comes in and ruins the moment. I don't care if your thirsty this SERIOUS I mean good lord the man's sleeves are rolled up for christ sakes! lol. Teehee.

Speed: *whispers near Katie's ear* I didn't love her like I loved you.

Katie: *blushes*
Awwwww. But he used passed tense. *snaps* Well walnuts! lol. And I dropped a cup. How convient. lol. And awww i'm an IKEA nuts...i've never been to one let alone seen one but yay me! Update soon please.
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