CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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I should have more soon. :)

Thank you for the wonderful reviews, they're always such a pleasure to read! And on a side note, I'm not sure if I'll be able to put up a chapter tomorrow because I have some work that needs to get finished that I've been putting off, so we'll see how things go tomorrow. Nevertheless, keep checking back! ;)
Well I thought a chapter to leave you guys with wouldn't hurt. ;)

Without The Tassles

Wyoming, Wild West Place

Speed: I can't believe we're doing this.

Calleigh: *smiles* You don't like being a cowboy?

Speed: I don't have a problem with being a cowboy. It's the tight shirt and jeans I don't like.

Calleigh: So your chest is more defined. It's attractive.

Speed: Sorry, I'm already taken.

Calleigh: *laughs* Alright let's ask around this saloon.

Speed: Saloon? No. We're not going into a 'saloon'.

Calleigh: Would you like me to call it a bar?

Speed: No.

Calleigh: Okay you need a cowboy nickname.

Speed: *frowns*

Calleigh: What? You have to live the part.

Speed: How about...Speed.

Calleigh: Ah come on, that's not fun.

Speed: Does this look like the face of someone who has fun?

Calleigh: Depends on the occasion.

Speed: *opens doors* After you.

Calleigh: Why thank you. *walks into saloon*


Calleigh: Ooh let's go ask the barkeep.

Speed: Barkeep?

Calleigh: Get in the mood.

Speed: *angry sigh*


Calleigh: *sits down*

Speed: *sits*

Bartender: What can I do ya for?

Calleigh: *smiles* Two beers.

Bartender: No problem.

Calleigh: I've got some questions for you.

Bartender: Oh yeah?

Calleigh: Mhm. Have you seen a gal around by the name of Tracy?

Bartender: Yeah she came in a few hours ago, had a drink and then left with a friend.

Speed: This friend have a name?

Bartender: What are you, a cop?

Speed: I'm the Sherrif this year.

Bartender: So if you're the Sherrif, where's your badge?

Speed: I left it on my saddle.

Bartender: I didn't hear any horses outside.

Speed: The saddle's in my truck.

Bartender: *lifts brow*

Calleigh: Speed here's more of a modern cowboy.

Bartender: Well I won't argue with that. *places beer on counter*

Calleigh: So this friend, do you know who it was?

Bartender: I didn't get his name. I hear he goes by the title of 'Sasparilla'.

Speed: That would be a name.

Bartender: Yeah well I thought it was kind of girly.

Calleigh: Why do you say that?

Bartender: Sasparilla? This ain't no Brokeback bar.

Speed: Yeah we get it. You know what this guy looked like?

Bartender: Tall, thin, he was wearing a cowboy hat...

Calleigh: Well...That doesn't really narrow it down.

Speed: No, it doesn't.

Bartender: What do you want me to say? I wasn't expecting to be interrogated.

Calleigh: We're not here to interrogate anyone.

Bartender: Well if you want information, *points* That's your man. Hookface knows everything around here.

Calleigh: ...Hookface?

Bartender: It's an aquired name. He took a sling to the face just five years ago, the scar never healed.

Speed: You guys take this event a little too seriously.

Bartender: You don't?

Speed: Uh...

Calleigh: *kicks Tim*

Speed: SURE! Sure, y'all...Y'all...Spittin' shootin' ass-kickin' fun.

Bartender: That's more like it. *walks away*

Calleigh: *shakes head*

Speed: What?

Calleigh: That was terrible.

Speed: Well what did you want me to do?

Calleigh: I wanted you to be a little less lame.

Speed: I was being less lame.

Calleigh: Let's go talk to...Hookface.

Speed: Sounds delightful.

Calleigh: *lifts brow*

Speed: Sounds kick ass.

Calleigh: Better.

Corner of saloon

Calleigh: *smiles* Hey could we have a moment of your time sir?

Hookface: I could never turn down a beautiful lady.

Calleigh: Oh you.

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Hookface: What can I do ya for?

Calleigh: I was wonderin' if you know a girl named Tracy.

Hookface: Sure, I know her. Not personally but she's made quite the reputation around here.

Speed: Reputation for what?

Hookface: Wild rumors is all.

Calleigh: We'd like to hear 'em.

Hookface: Word around the place is, she killed a man on the highway and then outran the law all the way up here. Now she's plannin' her next kill. See she knows about the lawmen comin' to get her.

Speed: You know who she's going to kill?

Hookface: Sure.

Speed: You mind telling us?

Hookface: Yeah, I would. But, I wouldn't mind tellin' her. For a payment. *winks*

Calleigh: *nervous smile*

Speed: *frowns* We're together.

Hookface: *starts to laugh*

Speed: What.

Hookface: No offense man but she's a little out of your league.

Calleigh: What? No he's not.

Hookface: ...He don't wear that hat very well.

Speed: *takes off hat* See Cal? I knew this would happen.

Calleigh: Oh come on, you're not that bad.

Hookface: That scruff probably ain't real either.

Speed: *narrows eyes*

Calleigh: Oh Tim.

Speed: You and me, outside now.

Hookface: You gonna kill me?

Speed: No, I'm just going to shoot you.

Hookface: YEEHA! You're on boy! *stands*

Calleigh: No, y'all don't need to fight over me.

Speed: He said I was out of your league.

Hookface: She is.

Speed: She is not.

Calleigh: Boys, you don't need to duel it out.

Hookface: Hells yeah we do.

Speed: This is between us.

Calleigh: *whispers* Okay Tim, you took the cowboy thing a little far.

Speed: He insulted my stubble.

Calleigh: So? I know it's real.

Speed: Yeah but...Calleigh he made fun of it.

Calleigh: Stop being such a baby.

Speed: I'm not.

Hookface: Yeah it's between us men sweetheart. I wouldn't want you to worry your pretty nails over our big man guns.

Calleigh: *frowns* Kick his ass.

Speed: I plan to.

Outside, behind saloon

Hookface: Alright! I'm gonna count to three and then we duel it.

Speed: Why do you get two guns?

Hookface: I bought two guns.

Speed: I only have one, so you have to get rid of one.

Hookface: Why don't you just get two?

Speed: Does it look like I'm made of money?

Hookface: On three.

Speed: No. Let me count.

Hookface: Why?

Speed: Because it doesn't look like you made it past pre-school.

Hookface: I can count to three.

Speed: Yeah but can you do it in the right order?

Hookface: Quit stalling.

Speed: I'm not stalling, I'm thinking.

Hookface: About what?

Speed: Whether or not I cleaned my gun.

Hookface: What kind of a cowboy doesn't clean his gun?

Speed: The kind that works from 9-5 and barely has enough time to take out the garbage in the morning.

Hookface: Alright why don't we just count to four if you're not sure.

Speed: Four?

Hookface: Four.

Speed: Or twenty.

Hookface: Twenty? Boy no duel has ever lasted twenty seconds.

Speed: This one has. Look at your watch.

Hookface: *looks down at watch*

Speed: *grabs gun, pulls trigger*

Hookface: AH! YOU SHOT ME!

Speed: That's the idea.

Hookface: *holding his hand* YOU SHOT ME!

Speed: You going to go home and cry to your mommy?

Hookface: *starts to cry, runs off*

Speed: Jackass.

Calleigh: *runs over* My hero.

Speed: *tilts head*

Calleigh: So we going to track down Tracy?

Speed: Yeah.

Tracy: I don't think so punks.

Speed/Calleigh: *turn around*

Tracy: *has Katie at knifepoint* I believe she's your little play thing?

Speed: Katie?

Katie: No, it's an illusion. You're in a desert. QUICK! The buzzards are chewing on your ear! *frowns*

Speed: Sorry.

Bartender: *grabs Calleigh*

Calleigh: HEY!

Bartender runs off to the train tracks with Calleigh, rope in hand

Speed: What are you doing?

Tracy: You've made the last three months a living hell so now I'm going to do the same to you.

Speed: What are you talking about?

Tracy: You should have never come after me. *pushes knife to Katie's throat*

Katie: *screams*

Speed: *walks closer*


Speed: *stops*

Tracy: Now you have to choose. Your other lady friend is being tied to the tracks, and if I'm not mistaken there should be a train arriving here in oh...Five minutes.

Speed: Let them go.

Tracy: Sorry you have to choose. You go for the blonde cowgirl and sianora to your little wife. You come after her, and goodbye blonde cowgirl.

Speed: *glares*

Katie: *rolls eyes* Great, he'll choose Calleigh like he always does and I'll die.

Speed: What? I'm not going to choose Calleigh over you.

Katie: Aw you'd let her die for me?

Speed: No.

Katie: Damnit Tim pick one.

Speed: I can't let any of you die.

Katie: You don't have much of a choice. I say since I already died once, it's Calleigh's turn.

Speed: You didn't actually die.

Katie: Yeah but it was still fun and it's still Calleigh's turn to bite the proverbial dust.

Tracy: Tick tock.

Speed: Don't you tick tock at me miss 'I'm the best killer in the world' because I've seen better.

Tracy: Yeah? How about this for worse? *stabs Katie in the side*

Katie: *screams*

Speed: What are you doing!

Tracy: Come closer and I drag the blade all the way up.

Train is heard

Speed: *looks down at tracks*

Katie: *crying*

Speed: *looks at Katie*

Tracy: Time to pick.

Speed: Let her go, you've already hurt her.

Tracy: That's not good enough.

Speed: And if I just stand here?

Tracy: Your blonde friend dies.

Speed: And what about Katie?

Tracy: I might led her bleed to death slowly. Which ever you prefer.

Speed: You let her bleed.

Tracy: Why?

Speed: Because I want at least one minute to try and get Calleigh out.

Tracy: And if you can't?

Speed: Katie, I'll be right back.

Katie: *nods*

Train tracks

Speed: *kneels* You alright?

Calleigh: I'm tied to train tracks.

Speed: Yeah I see that. *untying rope*

Calleigh: I see the train.

Speed: Don't look at it.

Calleigh: Am I going to die?

Speed: No.

Calleigh: How do you know?

Speed: *untying rope*

Calleigh: *squeals* I can hear the train! It's getting closer!

Speed: Of course it is. It wouldn't be dramatic if it stalled in the middle of the tracks.

Calleigh: Not helping.

Speed: Sorry.


Speed: I've got them loose, untie them yourself.

Calleigh: What?

Speed: I'm sorry. *runs*

Calleigh: *unties rope, rolls off tracks*

Train rolls by

Calleigh: I am SO a cowgirl. HIYA! I mean..YEEHA!

Near saloon

Speed: *runs over* Where'd she go?

Katie: *laying on ground* She ran off.

Speed: Where?

Katie: I don't know.

Speed: You alright?

Katie: It's just a flesh wound.

Speed: *grabs Katie's hand*

Katie: *stands* Is Calleigh alright?

Speed: She's on that hill over there doing cartwheels.

Katie: She seems chipper.

Speed: Yeah well that's her. Come on, let's get you back to the Hummerhome.

Katie: We're not going to catch her?

Speed: Uh not like this.

Katie: I'm fine.

Speed: She stabbed you.

Katie: It'll heal.

Speed: Move.

Katie: *sigh* Fine.

AWWW poor katie got slashed by some phsycopathic little *swear inserted here* ... your update made me look up just a little bit geni!
*gasp* You don't insult Speedy's stubble. I mean insult the sunnies and him wearing a cowboy hat all you want. But you don't mess with the holy stubble. I mean thats like sacred. Ok not really but I'm hyper. lol.

Tracy: *has Katie at knifepoint* I believe she's your little play thing?
*gasp* I am no one's play thing. Ok granted you would think that I would have learned my lesson by now with Speed. But its the Stubble it has this hold over me. lol.

Speed: Katie?

Katie: No, it's an illusion. You're in a desert. QUICK! The buzzards are chewing on your ear! *frowns*
Teehee. I love it whenever I'm being held at knife point or I have a gun to my head or something I always find something sarcastic to say.

And whoa...Calleigh's doing cartwheels? OK I know If I was just tied to a train track and just escaped death I wouldn't be doing cartwheels. lol.

Teehee. That was a great update. Update soon please!
Just Say Goodbye


Horatio: So how was the Wild West place?

Speed: *frowning*

Katie: *frowning*

Calleigh: *twirling around*

Horatio: I take it, it wasn't very good.

Katie: Horatio you let her kidnap me!

Horatio: You wanted to go for a walk.

Katie: *sigh*

Calleigh: I almost got hit by a train but then I didn't. It was fun.

Speed: I hate it here.

Jess: HEY! *slaps Speed*

Speed: You don't get to slap me.

Jess: Dang.

Horatio: Did you find Tracy?

Speed: Yeah we found her and now she's gone. Apparently she had a friend that she met here. We don't know where he is.


Carly: You want your baby back?

Calleigh: Oh yes. *takes baby*

Lori: Momma are you hurt?

Katie: Uh..No, I'm alright.

Lori: You're bleeding.

Katie: I'm fine.

Delko: So can we catch her?

Horatio: Well we'll have to hold off until tomorrow.

Calleigh: She could be out of the state by then.

Horatio: You all need rest. Katie I want you to get that checked out.

Katie: Fine but I'm not going to a hospital.

Horatio: I'll take you to a clinic.

Katie: That's the same as a hospital.

Horatio: No it's not. Come on.

Katie: You and what vehicle?

Horatio: I was towing the Hummer.

Katie: ...That's stupid.

Horatio: Let's go.

Speed: I can go too if you want.

Katie: NO! No...No you don't have to go.

Speed: Uh...Alright then.

Katie: Come on H-man, let's go.

Horatio: Don't call me that.

Katie: Too bad.

Katie/Horatio leave

Delko: Hey Lori come here for a minute.

Lori: Why?

Delko: You want some Cheez-its or not?

Lori: Were they up your nose?

Delko: Not that I know of.

Lori: OKAY!

Speed: No. *grabs Lori*

Lori: Daddy come on!

Speed: You've had enough.

Lori: *frowns*

Speed: Sit on the couch.

Lori: *sits*

Delko: That's not fair.

Lori: Yeah!

Speed: Eric, quit feeding my children fattening food.

Delko: Fine.

Calleigh: I swear this child goes through more diapers than...Kids who wear diapers. Tim can you hold him for a second?

Speed: *frowns*

Calleigh: *hands baby to Speed*

Speed: You can put him on the seat you know.

Calleigh: ....Will you stop holding him like he's a bomb?

Speed: I hate kids.

Calleigh: Even your own?

Speed: I'm not going to dignify that with an answer.

Baby starts to cry

Calleigh: Hold him properly.

Speed: Find the diaper faster.

Delko: Can I hold him?

Speed/Calleigh: NO.

Delko: ...Okay.

Calleigh: Here give him. *takes baby*

Speed: Why are you so stubborn?

Calleigh: I'm not stubborn, you are.

Speed: I am not.

Calleigh: Yes you are.

Speed: No I'm not.

Calleigh: Yes you are TIME A MILLION! I WIN!

Speed: Just because you keep saying it, doesn't make it so.

Calleigh: I'm going to go change is diaper. *leaves*

Speed: *shakes head*

Delko: Why do you have such a problem with him?

Speed: Who?

Delko: Your son.

Speed: I don't have a problem with him.

Delko: So treat him like your own.

Speed: My own? I'm not some kind of animal.

Clinic, few kilometers away

Doctor: Alright let's see here. That looks like a pretty nasty cut.

Katie: It's nothing.

Doctor: Well you'll need stitches.

Katie: Why can't you just superglue it and send me on my way?

Doctor: Apprehensive patient?

Katie: A little.

Horatio: You sure you don't want to get checked out?

Katie: Not by you.

Horatio: I meant the doctor.

Katie: Why? I'm fine.

Horatio: Trauma has a funny way of playing with people's perceptions of things.

Katie: I'm fine. And there's no trauma.

Doctor: Are you two together?

Katie: *starts laughing* Yeah I don't think so. He's my boss.

Doctor: Oh. THAT kind of relationship.

Horatio: ...What is that supposed to mean?

Doctor: You two aren't secretly dating?

Horatio: No.

Doctor: Oh. Well, my bad.

Katie: What kind of a doctor are you?

Horatio: Katie...

Katie: Sorry.

Doctor: *looks down at chart* When was your last physical?

Katie: A few years ago.

Doctor: Years? You're supposed to get one every 6 months.

Katie: I don't like doctors.

Doctor: Well I'd prefer to check you out.

Katie: You know, that doesn't sound very doctor-ish. That sounds pedophile-ish.

Doctor: Lieutenant, please excuse us for a minute.

Horatio: Sure thing. *leaves*

Clinic lobby

Horatio: *walks in*

People seen around the room, coughing, sneezing, crying, little kids running around

Horatio: *puts on shades* I want to go back to Miami...


Delko: *points to tv* See Lori? That's Barney. He's your friend.

Lori: *frowning*

Delko: What? You don't like Barney?

Lori: It's a man in a giant purple suit who hangs around kids all day.

Delko: So? ...OH! ...Wow I never noticed that.

Lori: I wanna watch somethin' else.

Delko: Sure. *changes channel* Oh hey Clifford.

Lori: No.

Delko: Why not? He's the big red dog.

Lori: Too big.

Delko: *sigh* Fine. *changes channel* How about this?

Lori: ...Bob Vila?

Delko: You're so picky.

Speed: *grabs remote* Let me do it. *changes channel*

Lori: BLUE'S CLUES! *sways back and forth* BLUE'S CLUES! BLUE'S CLUES!

Speed: *hands Lori carrots*

Lori: *eats*

Delko: ...That's not fair.

Speed: Well when you're all growed up and you have kids of your own you can make them watch anything you want.

Delko: Fine.

Speed: So when's Horatio getting back?

Delko: I don't know, I called him a few minutes ago and he said Katie was still in there.

Speed: Why?

Delko: She's getting stitches.

Speed: It doesn't take that long.

Delko: Just chill, they'll be back.


Doctor: Make sure to get checked out every 6 months.

Katie: Yeah alright fine. Come on Horatio let's go.

Horatio: Okay.


Horatio: So...What took so long?

Katie: He kept going on about how mothers should be happy and healthy and well-fed.

Horatio: You told him about Lori?

Katie: Sure.

Horatio: Well let's head back to the Hummerhome.

Katie: Good because I'm starving.

....Did I just interput the last couple of lines right or am I just doing some wishful thinking? Is Rt Katie pregnant? Again? lol.

Delko: *points to tv* See Lori? That's Barney. He's your friend.

Lori: *frowning*

Delko: What? You don't like Barney?

Lori: It's a man in a giant purple suit who hangs around kids all day.

Delko: So? ...OH! ...Wow I never noticed that.
Hahaha. Poor Barney gets picked on all the time. Teehee Bob Vila hahahaha. That guy cracks me up he's sooo...boring. lol. And *gasp* Tim took cheez its away from Lori *gasp* And replaced them with carrots. That should be a sin or something. Although carrots do sound good right now.

Did that doctor get hit in the head or something. I don't want to be with H man because then i'd either leave and go to some foregin country or i'd get killed. And i'm to young to die! lol. But that did make me giggle. lol.

Update soon please.
what is it with Speed right now?, why can't he just hold his son like a normal father would do. I think deep down he is afraid of getting close to him that is why he is keeping his emotions repressed. He needs to spend some time with his son not ignore him, i think that would be best for both of them and maybe the little guy wouldn't be so tense around him.

great updates Geni :D
Falling Harder, Falling Apart


Lori: *tugs Speed's shirt* Daddy.

Speed: What.

Lori: I don't want peas.

Speed: Horatio cooked peas and you're going to eat them.

Lori: *whispers* I don't want peas.

Speed: *angry sigh*

Horatio: She doesn't like my cooking?

Speed: I wouldn't take it personally. She doesn't like anything unless it says the words Cheez or It on the bag.

Katie: Peas are good for you.

Lori: So?

Katie: So you don't want to turn out like Eric do you?

Lori: ...*eats peas*

Delko: Hey what's wrong with me?

Katie: You tell me.

Carly: So where are we off to next?

Horatio: Well seeing as our suspect is in th wind, there's not much we can do at the moment. So I think we should just stay here for the next couple of days.

Calleigh: Couple of days? That's a long time.

Jess: And our television reception sucks out here.

Carole: You're the one who was gloating about loving Wyoming so much.

Jess: It's a great place to be.

Carole: Sure.

Katie: I think it would be great to stay for a while. I love it here.

Carly: You got stabbed.

Katie: I get hurt EVERYWHERE I go. This is nothing new.

Lori: *throws peas*

Anni: Ow. Hey who hit my eye?

Delko: Not me.

Lori: *squishes peas*

Speed: *takes plate* If you're not going to eat them, then you aren't allowed to play with them.

Lori: Ah poop.

Speed: *throws plate in sink*

Horatio: Could you not throw those?

Speed: It's not like it's expensive China.

Lori: Can we go to China?

Anni: WOW I've never been there.

Delko: I don't want to go. Too many Asians.

Everyone: *looks at Delko*

Delko: ...What?

Speed: It's Asia.

Delko: I know.

Calleigh: *picks up baby monitor* Great, he's crying AGAIN.

Delko: Wasn't he quiet before?

Calleigh: Yeah for a while. Now he's driving me crazy. Excuse me. *leaves*

Anni: If that kid cries all night I'm going to shoot it.

Horatio: Anni...

Anni: What? I need beauty sleep.

Carly: What beauty?

Anni: Yeah HA. HA. Very funny.

Few hours later, everyone in bed...Well...Okay they have different beds. It's not THAT kind of fic.

Speed/Katie's room...Like usual

Katie: *rolls over* That baby is still crying.

Speed: Just pretend it's the ocean.

Katie: The ocean doesn't sound like it's killing a cat.

Speed: No one's killing a cat.

Katie: *angry sigh*

Ten minutes later

Katie: *sits up* I'm going insane. Not even LORI cried that much.

Speed: I'm sure Calleigh will take care of it.

Katie: *lays down* Yeah.

15 minutes later

Katie: *grabs Speed* GET IN THERE.

Speed: What? Why?

Katie: I don't care if you're the father or not MAKE IT STOP.

Speed: It's Calleigh's baby.

Katie: It's your too.

Speed: So?

Katie: *narrows eyes*

Speed: *sigh* fine.

Calleigh's room

Speed: *opens door* Cal? Calleigh.

Calleigh: *asleep*

Speed: *sigh* I can't believe he didn't wake her up. *reaches into crib, grabs baby*

Baby stops crying

Speed: *sigh* Thank God.

Calleigh: Tim?

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: He wake you up?

Speed: *looking down at baby* He probably woke everyone up.

Calleigh: *gets out of bed* I'm sorry, I'm a heavy sleeper.

Speed: It's okay.

Calleigh: *walks over* He's sure quiet. Maybe that's all he needed.

Speed: I guess that's a matter of opinion.

Calleigh: He has your eyes.

Speed: Great he's going to be ugly.

Calleigh: *laughs* You're not ugly Tim.

Speed: Again, a matter of opinion.

Calleigh: Why can't you accept him?

Speed: I didn't say I wouldn't.

Calleigh: You didn't have to say anything.

Speed: I'm sorry.

Calleigh: *reaches into drawer, takes out envelope*

Speed: What's that?

Calleigh: *hands envelope to Speed* You overpaid me 900 dollars.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Calleigh: I don't need your money.

Speed: Yes you do.

Calleigh: *shakes head* It was stupid of me to even ask for money.

Speed: You were only making 300 dollars. That's not enough to live on.

Calleigh: We'll manage.

Speed: How about I give you 200 a month.

Calleigh: Just 200?

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: *smiles* I think that would be good.

Speed: *nods*

Calleigh: I'll take him.

Speed: No it's alright, I got it.

Calleigh: Really?

Speed: Yeah. Get some rest.

Calleigh: Thanks.

Hahaha wow I'm a blonde and I really need to read.

Lori: Can we go to China?

Anni: WOW I've never been there.

Delko: I don't want to go. Too many Asians.

Everyone: *looks at Delko*

Delko: ...What?

Speed: It's Asia.
I read that last line as 'Africa' and then I couldn't stop laughing. I was like "Why would there be asians in Africa? lol.

Katie: Peas are good for you.

Lori: So?

Katie: So you don't want to turn out like Eric do you?

Lori: ...*eats peas*
Awww Lori bless her heart she's so cute.

Katie: I think it would be great to stay for a while. I love it here.

Carly: You got stabbed.

Katie: I get hurt EVERYWHERE I go. This is nothing new.

Well that's basically. There was that whole Africa incident and uh.. I got shot on that plane. And uh...I know i've been hurt before I just can't...oh there was the time I wasin a coma and...yeah.

But awww Timmy held his baby how cute! And he stopped crying. And its not a matter of opinion Timmy just come to terms with the fact that you and your stubble are hot and be done with it.

Update soon please!
Speed is finally starting to bond with his little boy awwwwww! I think it is adorable everytime Speed picks him up to hold him he stops crying he certainly has the touch.

I'm also glad that Speed and Calleigh are starting to work things out at least financially(!)

Update soon Geni
Welcome back Kristin. :) I'm sure most of us remember you, except the newcomers. :p

And I've already got plans for your re-appearance. We'll start things slow, and go from there. It's going to take some time to re-integrate a new (well, old) character back in. ;)

calleighspeedle, I'm glad you liked the chapter! :D


2 am, Hummerhome

Speed/Katie's room

Speed: *gets in bed* Hey you still awake?

Katie: Mhm.

Speed: You sound tired.

Katie: I was thinking.

Speed: About what?

Katie: ...Us.

Speed: What about us?

Katie: Are we ever going to have more kids?

Speed: Uh...Sure, if you want.

Katie: Okay.

Speed: ...Is that okay in confirmation or 'okay I want kids'.

Katie: We're not even married.

Speed: So?

Katie: I don't want to live in our crappy apartment.

Speed: Okay is this confession night or something?

Katie: I don't want to leave you.

Speed: Where is this coming from?

Katie: *sits up* ...You've got this thing with Calleigh and I don't want to be the one sitting there pretending I don't have a problem with it.

Speed: You said you didn't care.

Katie: People lie.

Speed: Is there anything else you want to tell me?

Katie: ...*shakes head* No.

Speed: You should have told me you had a problem with the whole Calleigh thing.

Katie: Well I mean, you have two kids and I only have one. It's going to sound a little odd at dinner parties.

Speed: You're worried about our reputation?

Katie: No. I'm worried about yours.

Speed: Why?

Katie: I don't really want to talk about it.

Speed: You brought it up. What is so bad about me that you're so embarrased?

Katie: It's just...Practically everyone in this Hummerhome has experienced some kind of relationship with you and you know, lately I've been at the short end of that stick.

Speed: Uh no not everyone has. First of all, Carly was more of a rebound and I don't love her.

Katie: Wow talk about keeping with the vows. What about that whole 'til death do us part' stuff?

Speed: *frowns* You were dead.

Katie: Not actually.

Speed: I didn't know that.

Katie: And what about Calleigh?

Speed: I'm not in love with her.

Katie: You had to have been to suddenly have a child with her.

Speed: That was a mistake.

Katie: That's your child, mistake or not. Don't act like that never happened.

Speed: So what do you want me to do?

Katie: I want you to take care of that little boy the same way you would take care of Lori. Don't treat him any different because you don't love Calleigh. You should still love him, he's your flesh and blood.

Speed: So that's what this is about.

Katie: No it's about everything, and I'm beginning to think this isn't the end of it.

Speed: I don't understand what you want from me.

Katie: You're not the same man I first met. You were calm, you were stable...You never lost your temper and you never strayed. I don't understand what happened. This all started happening after we went to Africa.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: Maybe I'm just looking for an excuse. Maybe you were always like this and I didn't notice.

Speed: I wasn't.

Katie: So what happened?

Speed: People change.

Katie: Oh wow thank you Dr. Phil I think you just solved the entire problem. I think we need to talk.

Speed: About what?

Katie: Africa. What in the hell set you off?

Speed: This is so typical. You always think there's some kind of underlying problem.

Katie: I spoke to Horatio on the drive over to the clinic. I asked him about what you two talked about after we came back to Miami from Africa.

Speed: And?

Katie: And he said you showed all the class characteristics of a sexual predator. I mean, ever since then you've cheated on me and not once have I ever gotten a tangible explanation. You've even beaten me, and you've threatend a number of people. You don't stay in once place very long and you have a problem with authority. Tim if you weren't a cop you'd be in jail.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: So I want to know what the hell happened.

Speed: We are not going to talk about this right now.

Katie: Oh yes we are.

Speed: No, we're not.

Katie: All these people you say you love...You're just manipulating them. Hell, you killed that ATF agent without a thought.

Speed: I thought he killed y-

Katie: No. You weren't mad that he hurt me, you were just plain mad. He was an excuse, just like the others were an excuse to hurt. Including me.

Speed: *stares at Katie*

Katie: Did you ever hurt our daughter? And I want the truth.

Speed: No.

Katie: You're lying.

Speed: I wouldn't hurt her, I love her.

Katie: Just like you loved me enough to give me a black eye?

Speed: *glares*

Katie: I always thought it was a little odd that she'll gravitate toward you all the time.

Speed: I have never laid a hand on her.

Katie: Is that the reason you were so upset the first time I asked?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: Okay.

Speed: Look, can we talk about this another time?

Katie: Sure.

Speed: Thank you.

Katie: *lies down*

Speed: *turns out light* But, like you said...I manipulate people.

Katie: *frowns*

wow this is getting tense and welcome back kirstin ..... ummmm NO TRYING TO STEAL H BACK THO *runs in little circles crying* wow I have no idead where the happiness is comeing from......i have no reason to be happy... anyway great updates and i can't wait for more
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