CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Killing Game

Citi Bank building

Delko: So why are we here?

Speed: Horatio sent us here to look for the primary crime scene.

Delko: I thought it was the hotel.

Speed: Placement of the vic isn't right.

Delko: So she flew. Maybe it was windy.

Speed: *frowns* She's a human being, not a boomerang.

Delko: *smirks* Boomerangs usually come back to where they were first thrown from.

Speed: *staring at Delko*

Delko: Hey I got blood over here.

Speed: *nods* Swab it.

Delko: So...Someone shoots her on this building, and then she ends up half a mile from where she was shot.

Speed: *looks up*

Delko: Why are you looking up? There's nothing but sky.

Speed: This airspace isn't restricted.

Delko: So?

Speed: So there are probably a lot of helicopters and small planes that pass by here. I mean you've got the cops, news stations, tours, the odd television show...Someone could have picked her up.

Delko: And then...Dropped her near a bus full of kids? Sorry but cops, news stations and tours don't quite fit that description.

Speed: Alright how about the killer?

Delko: A killer with his own chopper. Fantastic.

Speed: H said he had a military background. It's no far leap to assume he owns his own guns and planes.

Delko: I just think we're going to need more than that to base the entire case on a helicopter.

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Delko: Maybe she was abducted by aliens.

Speed: Yeah Eric, that theory works so much better than mine. I think I'll cry out of jelousy.

Delko: *laughs*

Speed: *looks around*

Delko: So I heard you scared Katie.

Speed: *looks at Delko*

Delko: She even cried.

Speed: *nods*

Delko: You going to hurt her?

Speed: No.

Delko: Well whatever you said made her upset.

Speed: I've got everything under control.

Delko: Meaning what?

Speed: Meaning me.

Delko: Man I knew you should have been thrown in jail after we came back from Africa. Everyone else brushed it aside as nothing, and yet here we are.

Speed: Yeah alright, I'm going to strap her to a chair and beat the crap out of her. You happy now?

Delko: That's not funny.

Speed: Eric don't worry about it. We're fine.

Delko: It's just one thing after another with you.

Speed: What's that supposed to mean?

Delko: Ever since then, you haven't been the same person. I don't know man, you were fine after Lori was born.

Speed: I just have some things to work out. Okay?

Delko: Fine.

Speed: *nods*

Delko: If you hurt Katie I'll kill you.

Speed: The first time, I didn't do it because some producer told me to. I did it because I wanted to. Besides, you have no idea what happened in that room.

Delko: I could guess.

Speed: Yeah you could, but you'd be wrong. That was years ago so what's the point in even arguing over it?

Delko: Because you're just going to do it again.

Speed: No I won't.

Delko: I don't believe you.

Speed: You don't have to.

Cell phone rings

Speed: *opens phone* Yeah it's Speed.

Horatio: Did you two find anything?

Speed: Blood.

Horatio: Okay I've got a theory on how she ended up in the Plaza.

Speed: Helicopter?

Horatio: ...How did you know?

Speed: We're at the top of a building.

Horatio: Good work.


Speed: Let's get back to the lab.

Delko: Yeah.

Speed: Placement of the vic isn't right.

Delko: So she flew. Maybe it was windy.

Speed: *frowns* She's a human being, not a boomerang.

Teehee. That made me giggle.

Delko: Maybe she was abducted by aliens.

Speed: Yeah Eric, that theory works so much better than mine. I think I'll cry out of jelousy.
I love Speed and his sarcastic comments.

Speed: I've got everything under control.

Delko: Meaning what?

Speed: Meaning me.
I don't know why I said "Awww" when I read that last line. But I did. lol.

Delko: If you hurt Katie I'll kill you.
Awww he's all protective how cute. Teehee.

Speed: The first time, I didn't do it because some producer told me to. I did it because I wanted to. Besides, you have no idea what happened in that room.
So he didn't do it because Donahue told him to. Well...thats' interesting and so I guess I can't blame Donahue for it anymore. lol.

But awww...I dont' know why I keep saying that. But I do. lol. Update soon please.
Hookface: That scruff probably ain't real either.
Speed: *narrows eyes*
Calleigh: Oh Tim.
Speed: You and me, outside now.
Hookface: You gonna kill me?
Speed: No, I'm just going to shoot you.
Nobody, I mean nobody, insults the scruff! I honestly can't picture speed in a cowboy hat...shooting someone who mocks the scruff, that I can see.
Katie: You don't have much of a choice. I say since I already died once, it's Calleigh's turn.
Speed: You didn't actually die.
Katie: Yeah but it was still fun and it's still Calleigh's turn to bite the proverbial dust.
She has a point...not that I want Calleigh Dead or anything...now I'm quite glad I didn't go under cover! That and I still can't find my hat! *pouts*
Doctor: Well you'll need stitches.
Katie: Why can't you just superglue it and send me on my way?
I don't think it works that way, Katie. YAY! You're OKAY! I was worried about you! *hugs*
Horatio: She doesn't like my cooking?
Speed: I wouldn't take it personally. She doesn't like anything unless it says the words Cheez or It on the bag.
1. Kids never like peas, and rarely like things that don't come out of a 'take out' or 'junk food' bag.
2. Horatio? Cooking? Are you sure JC wasn't the one in the kitchen, she's a good cook! I just can't see Horatio cooking...hold on...yes I can! *giggles* I also see him wearing a bright pink apron while he's cooking! *giggles more*
Katie: It's just...Practically everyone in this Hummerhome has experienced some kind of relationship with you and you know, lately I've been at the short end of that stick.
I can safely say that neither anni nor I have experianced a relationship with your husband. Now that might bug anni, but I'm fine with it! I'm still trying to steal Delko from Valera!
Missy: So? Beer's beer. I hate it when people are like "why are you eating pepsi for breakfast?" bla bla bla. I'm from Western Canada. WE EAT PEPSI FOR BREAKFAST.
Speed: ...Okay. I thought we were talking about beer.
Missy: Same concept.
Don't question me! Give me my beer! I like having pop at obscure times in the morning because people are like 'how can you drink that?' especially if JC has her 2 liter bottle of rootbeer on hand too! :D
Anni: Oh yeah. He's a keeper. He knows how to treat a woman.
Carly: You can't have him.
Anni: Dang.
Anni, we got to find you a man, a man that isn't Speed, and isn't married/engaged and of course, isn't Delko! or Speed! Hmmmm....that limits the choices doesn't it?
Carly: *grinning* I'm sure you're not cheesy. Well...As long as you don't try to sell me hand cream.
Josh: I am never going to live that down.
Never in a million years...it'll be an inside joke until the day you die, and longer! :D :D
Oh, everyone's worried about you, Katie! I'm worried about you, Creeper Speed is back! Great updates Geni! can't wait to see what happens next!
Great updates ... oh man i am so wired on sugar from pepsi and well just plain sugar lol that i am staying up all night going to school getting more wired on caffine and sugar and like buzzing around the school like a humming bird!!!!
Thanks for the wonderful reviews. :)

Jaci, don't pass out or anything. :lol: Anyway, I should have more this evening, if not later tonight! And I have to say...I really like this whole 'investigation' storyline because for some reason it just feels so 'Miami' to me. But anyway that's my opinion and no one has to agree with it. :p

So I'll have more later, so stay tuned!
Just a little note, I'm just getting caught up. Of course, RL has a way of sucking the life out of me, and not wanting to release me (the bastard). Any way... now that the rambling is over. I have to say, I read the catfight this morning at work, and I had to physically restrain myself from laughing out loud ( don't ask, just take my word for it). The best, and I mean the very best line for me is when Eric said, 'Oh kick ass'. I laughed so hard my eyes hurt.

And then to read further, that ERic and Speed were going to fight over me??? I almost lost it there. But as always, nothing really happened, except Speed got punched by Eric, and still came out smelling like a rose. Yet, oddly, I still feel as if I have to keep trying with Speed. *raises fist* I'm not a quitter!

Needless to say, I will be getting back into it later on tonight. I hope to be caught up before the episode comes on tonight. Great job on the catfight,...OH, and Lori bit someone? Gosh gee whitkers... that child has a temper! :lol:
Well when you get caught up, we'll still be here so take your time! :D

Feel The Sunlight On My Face

Next day, DNA lab

Valera: Results.

Speed: *grabs paper*

Katie: *walks in* Hey you got those results?

Speed: Yeah, the blood came back to the vic.

Katie: So she was definitely on that roof.

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: ...Then why was she so far from the building?

Speed: Someone dropped her from an arial vehicle.

Katie: Okay define 'arial vehicle'. Helicopter, hovering cars, aliens...

Speed: Helicopter.

Katie: Oh well that was my first choice anyway.

Speed: *frowning*

Katie: Alright so we should check the Financial building for any trace of the sniper right?

Speed: Yeah Eric tracked down where the sniper was. 50th floor.

Katie: Yikes.

Speed: There's just a bunch of office buildings.

Katie: So maybe it was someone who worked there.

Speed: Well the murder happened around 1 am, and witnesses called 911 at 3 am.

Katie: Two hours are missing. So the guy took the trouble to drop the victim in front of witnesses. Was it to deflect us from finding out where she died?

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: ...What?

Speed: That bus full of kids was scheduled to be in front of the hotel this morning.

Katie: So?

Speed: So they were touring the hotel facilities for a school economy project.

Katie: At 3 am?

Speed: Well kids meaning seniors and by project it's just an overnight stay at a hotel in Miami.

Katie: So the guy just happens to drop a person on them. Does that mean he was targeting them?

Speed: Let's go check out the bus.

Katie: *nods*

CSI Garage

Speed: *clicks on flashlight*

Katie: *walking around bus* These don't look like the buses in Miami.

Speed: That's because it didn't come from Miami.

Katie: Where did it come from?

Speed: *looks through logs* ...They drove down here from New York.

Katie: So why was our killer dropping a dead body onto a bus full of New York students at 3 am?

Speed: Maybe he knew the school.

Katie: So why go through the trouble of killing someone on a roof in a random building, and then I mean...It doesn't make sense.

Speed: We're getting more questions than answers so just take a look around and rest your head.

Katie: ...Is that supposed to be an insult?

Speed: No.

Katie: Ah, I see. We're not going to New York are we?

Speed: Why? The students are down here.

Katie: Did anyone find out where the vic was from?

Speed: Why?

Katie: Miami's the fifth borrough.

Speed: ...*flips through pages* ...She's originally from Staten Island.

Katie: AHA! And I just broke the case wide open. Thank you, thank you I'll be here all week. I take requests.

Speed: Will you shut up?

Katie: ..Um okay.

Speed: This isn't a good thing.

Katie: Why?

Speed: A sniper in Miami targeting New Yorkers.

Katie: Terrorist?

Speed: *rolls eyes* Think outside the box a little.

Katie: ...Sniper?

Speed: *angry sigh*

Katie: What! I don't understand EVERYTHING! I can't figure out what you're thinking by blinking my eyes!

Speed: *drops logs* Forget it. *leaves*

Katie: ...Geez what did I do?

*looks around room* Ok what happend. We were fine, cool, and collected. And then...what happend. I mean yeah I know i'm a blonde and I don't understand things right away but still. lol.

Katie: AHA! And I just broke the case wide open. Thank you, thank you I'll be here all week. I take requests.

Teehee. I crack myself up. I really do. Well...you crack me up Geni but oh you know what I mean. lol. Update soon please.
ImissSpeed said
NY..!!!!!!!! MAC and DANNY!!!!! I lovw them... will they have a gues appearence??

I had written a storyline with the NY CSIs and the Miami CSIs in the last thread, but I'm not sure if I'm willing to write it again. I wouldn't want to get the characterization all wrong, so perhaps I would if I had the chance to watch a few more episodes of NY this week just to make sure I'm not screwing around with the characters. ;)

carole thank you for the nice compliment. It's very much appreciated. :)

I'll have more chapters tonight, seeing as I've got more time on my hands. But for now, stay tuned!
Why thank you so much for the kind words. :D

And it looks as if I can pull a few favors tonight, so...

Dying For A Heart

Layout Room

Katie: *sits down* Okay what are we doing in here?

Horatio: We...*places down photos* We are going to put this puzzle together.

Katie: ...What puzzle?

Horatio: The crime scene.

Katie: We already know the girl was thrown into a bus full of seniors.

Horatio: Yes but there's an inconsistancy.

Katie: What kind of inconsistancy?

Horatio: When a dead body falls, typically, it lands head first.

Katie: ...Yeah, so?

Horatio: These post mordem pictures show scrapes on the victim's hands, and several fractures of her arms.

Katie: Like she tried to brace her fall.

Horatio: Exactly, and as we know...

Katie: Dead people can't brace themselves for a high fall. She was alive before she hit the pavement, which means she was alive when that bullet was put in her head.

Horatio: Alexx took a closer look at the entrance wound, and as it turned out, the shot was delivered fifty stories up alright, but on a straight down trajectory.

Katie: I thought it was at a fourty degree angle.

Horatio: Into the front of her forehead, and out the back.

Katie: Kind of like if there was wind interfering with the trajectory of the bullet. I've seen it happen, but it doesn't very often.

Horatio: It did this time.

Katie: So the killer was already in the chopper, at the fiftieth floor of the Wachovia Financial Centre.

Horatio: Mhm.

Katie: And she was still alive?

Horatio: Blood indicates gravitational drops.

Katie: ....Not spatter?

Horatio: No.

Katie: She was already in the air? Well this case just keeps getting weirder.

Horatio: Strapped to a harness, and dropped to her death.

Katie: Alexx found bruises on her?

Horatio: *nods*

Katie: So she probably didn't die on that building, she was shot as they passed it.

Horatio: We're still looking for the pickup point.

Katie: *sigh* Now I know why Tim was so frustrated.

Horatio: We're back to square one.

Delko: *walks in* Not necessarily. I interviewed the teacher who brought the seniors here from New York, and apparently they've been having a series of murders up there, all the victims died from a gunshot wound with a Remington semi-automatic. And all the victims were originally from New York.

Horatio: You check with PD up there?

Delko: I've got Mac Taylor on the phone.

Katie: Why would the same guy come down to Miami?

Delko: Lot of tourists here.

Katie: It doesn't make sense. He wasn't going after tourists, and those seniors were from New York so he obviously knew they were going to be down here. I think he's targeting each victim, and one of his targets came down here so he had to follow.

Horatio: That's one theory.

Delko: What do you want me to tell Detective Taylor?

Horatio: Ask him if he has any air miles saved up.

Delko: *laughs* I'll get him down here. *leaves*

Horatio: Katie, did you run that bullet through IBIS?

Katie: Yeah, and it wasn't registered.

Horatio: So it's a new gun for every kill.

Katie: The guy must have a gun vault in his basement.

Horatio: Well you know what so do we, so go down there and test fire some rounds. I want to know exactly what we're dealing with.

Katie: No problem. *leaves*

Speed: *walks in* Hey I'm on the phone with Danny Messer, he says he needs to talk to you.

Horatio: *grabs phone* This is Horatio Caine.

New York Lab

Danny: Yeah Lieutenant, I just spoke to Mac and we're comin' down tonight.

Horatio: Excellent, so what's this emergency?

Danny: I found some trace on the bullet pulled from our fourth vic. I thought you could use the information.

Horatio: Alright what kind of trace?

Danny: Some kind of shoe polish. It was burned into the back of the bullet, which means it was there before the killer placed the bullet into the magazine.

Horatio: How does shoe polish help us?

Danny: *laughs* Well a lesser CSI would have just filed the paperwork and left it there, but I spent some time looking through the database at some locations in New York that sold the specific brand of shoe polish.

Horatio: You find one?

Danny: One, and it's located only in Miami. It's a place called 'Pulimentos'. It's downtown Miami.

Horatio: The murder happened in downtown Miami.

Danny: Yeah so I figure this guy's been to Miami many times.

Horatio: Mhm, specialty shoe polish. Well you sure did go above and beyond didn't you?

Danny: *smiles* Trace is not so much a science, as it is an art Lieutenant.

Horatio: Duely noted.

Danny: I'll catch you guys later when I get down there.


Horatio: Alright thank you. *closes phone*

awwwwwww It's our NY friends! I love Danny, he's always pushing his limits lol. This case is SO WIERD lol Geni, I don't know how you do it, but you really do have a very creatvie mind, and I mean that in a VERY good way! I love the cases you come up with, I'm ALWAYS so puzzled.....especially this one man lol sooooo intreuging!(I totally spelled that wrong lol) Great job Geni, you're updates always cheer me up! (especially today UGH!)
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