CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Do you have more in store for Anni??? I mean, let me know so I can be prepared... You guys saw how crazy I went for a kiss on the cheek,...just let your imaginations run if I got the entire Speed experience :devil: Oh, the possibilities!

Waiting patiently, or more like a patient, for the updates :D
Aw the spin game!!!! this game is soooo fun!! Well if it's with a nice guy ;) :devil:
Anyway great update and update soon please :)
speedfanatic05 said
Do you have more in store for Anni??? I mean, let me know so I can be prepared...

At the moment I don't have anything specifically planned, but there are some scenarios I've been going over in my twisted head, so I'll let you know. ;)

calleighspeedle, I'll have more chapters soon. I just need to set aside a little more time. :D


We Were All Just Tryin' To Be Cool


Anni: Carly, come here.

Carly: *behind curtain* No.

Anni: You can't stay in the driver's seat forever.

Carly: I'm in the passenger's seat. Horatio won't let anyone but JC touch the driver's seat.

Anni: What's with you today?

Carly: I'm not going to dignify that with an answer.

Anni: I betcha if I asked Speed that he'd say "what's with TODAY today."

Carly: I don't think so.

Anni: What's your problem?

Carly: It's nothing.

Anni: *pulls curtain across, walks over, sits down, pulls curtain across* Okay talk.

Carly: I think it's pretty clear that I don't want to talk to you.

Anni: Do you like him?

Carly: How do you mean?

Anni: Well as friends.

Carly: Yeah.

Anni: HA. Liar.

Carly: I think that's the reason we were so mean to each other.

Anni: Friends aren't usually that mean to each other.

Carly: Exactly.

Anni: So you're saying...You're not friends.

Carly: We are.

Anni: I'm confused.

Carly: *sigh*

Anni: Will you just come out and say it?

Carly: I like him okay? I like him a lot.

Anni: I see. So for how long have you 'liked him a lot'?

Carly: I don't know...

Anni: You don't know....Wouldn't you know if suddenly he walks into the room and you get all flustered, and before you didn't?

Carly: I wasn't flustered.

Anni: You rambled.

Carly: So? You ramble all the time.

Anni: Okay those other times I was drunk and I thought I was being pretty smart.

Carly: You weren't.

Anni: Okay so you like Speed.

Carly: Didn't we just go over that?

Anni: Well this is good.

Carly: How is this good?

Anni: It'll get his mind off of Katie.

Carly: *lifts hands* Oh no you don't. I'm not going to be her replacement.

Anni: You won't be replacing her. You'll be filling a void.

Carly: That's not a good thing.

Anni: Why?

Carly: God bless her soul, but I don't want to be compared to her.

Anni: You won't be.

Carly: I don't think he likes me.

Anni: *lifts brow*

Carly: *sigh* Besides what happened last night and...Well ten minutes ago.

Anni: I'm going to go talk to him.

Carly: *grabs Anni* No. I don't think so. I told you this in complete confidence so you're not going to run your 'Anni' mouth off at him about this.

Anni: Why?

Carly: Because...

Anni: Aw someone's shy.

Carly: *frowns*

Anni: Fine I won't talk to him.

Speed's room

Delko: *opens door* Hey.

Speed: Hey.

Delko: What was that all about?

Speed: What?

Delko: That fight between you and Carly.

Speed: It wasn't a fight.

Delko: Yeah well whatever you call it, it was uncalled for.

Speed: Why?

Delko: She's your friend, you had no right to yell at her.

Speed: Thank you Dr.Phil, now I'm saved.

Delko: What's with you today?

Speed: I'm not going to dignify that with an answer.

Delko: You like her.

Speed: No I don't.

Delko: Okay I know you don't want to admit it because of Katie, but everyone else sees it.

Speed: Everyone else is wrong. I love my wife.

Delko: She's dead.

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: Yeah I know, it's soon and you haven't moved on but if you don't try, you never will.

Speed: Don't you dictate to me whether I should move on or not.

Delko: I was just trying to help.

Speed: Look, I'm pretty screwed up right now but there is no way in hell that I love Carly.

Delko: That's not what it looked like.

Speed: I don't care what it looked like.

Delko: So you made out with her for no reason.

Speed: You knew about that?

Delko: My window is pretty close.

Speed: *sigh*

Delko: So come on, tell me the truth.

Speed: ...I've been thinking about her a lot.

Delko: Katie?

Speed: *glares* Carly.

Delko: Oh.

Speed: It's probably nothing.

Delko: Maybe she just reminds you of Katie.

Speed: Uh, I don't think so.

Delko: Why?

Speed: Because she doesn't.

Delko: Oh. Well, maybe you just want a replacement.

Speed: No.

Delko: ...Fine.

Speed: I'm not making this mistake again.

Delko: Making out with someone?

Speed: Loving someone.

Delko: ..Ouch.

Speed: I'm finished with women.

Delko: That doesn't explain the tongue action. Man I think you're just confused.

Speed: Maybe I am.

Delko: Well get un-confused because it...Confuses people.

Speed: That was the least intelligent thing you've ever said.

Ok, I just yelled 'awww' really loud for some reason. lol.

Anni: I betcha if I asked Speed that he'd say "what's with TODAY today."
Teehee! Lucas! Kicks butt! But...*gasp* The universe will implode!

Anni: What's with you today?

Carly: I'm not going to dignify that with an answer.
Delko: What's with you today?

Speed: I'm not going to dignify that with an answer.
Ah! *points* Repeaters.....I'm not really sure why I just said that. But they both said the same thing and I thought that was a little creepy. lol.

Speed: Thank you Dr.Phil, now I'm saved.
Hahaha awww, poor Dr. Phil he always gets picked on. lol.

Speed: Everyone else is wrong. I love my wife.

Delko: She's dead.

Speed: *frowns*
Aww! I love you to!....*coughs* I mean carry on. lol. But way to state the obvious there Delko. Maybe he just needs time to grieve and then he'll be able to move on. I just think its all still a little to new for him. But thats just my opinion.

Speed: I'm not making this mistake again.

Delko: Making out with someone?

Speed: Loving someone.
Awww speedy it wasn't your fault that I got murdered. Don't punish yourself for something you had no control over. You can't be single for the rest of your life....ok well maybe he can but that would be a very lonely and boring life.

Anyways...that was a great update, update soon please!
Thanks. :D

Yes, it appears mister Speedle there is confused. Poor guy. *hugs Speed*

And well...*hugs Carly* :lol:

If You Shelter Me, I Will Shelter You

Hummerhome, 3 hours later

Horatio: Well that was a refreshing nap. Let's cary on with the trip back to the US.

JC: What's after that?

Horatio: ...I'm not sure.

Delko: How about Niagra falls?

Calleigh: Yeah I want to go there.

Horatio: Which side? The United States side or the Canada side?

Speed: Just pick a side.

Horatio: Well that depends on how far we want to go.

Speed: H, how do you even make decisions at the lab?

Horatio: I don't do much of that.

Delko: *laughs* Man it's true.

Anni: OH! Can we go swimming in the waterfall?

Carly: And get killed?

Anni: ...I can swim.

Carly: *frowns*

Anni: Fine, be a...Boober nutter.

Jess: What about my boobs?

Anni: I wasn't talking to you sweety.

Jess: Oh.

Speed: Okay maybe we should do something to pass the time.

Carly: Like what?

Speed: ...Any takers?

Carly: *frowns*

Delko: I want some pretzels.

Speed: That's not something to do.

Delko: Yes it is. It takes muscles to eat.

Speed: *frowns*

Carly: I have a suggestion.

Speed: Anyone else?

Carly: *narrows eyes*

Speed: Fine, we won't do anything.

Carly: *punches Speed*

Speed: OW! GOD DA-rn...What the hell is your problem?

Carly: You were ignoring me.

Speed: No I wasn't.

Anni: Yes you were.

Speed: No I wasn't.

Anni: Yes you were.

Speed: I still heard what she said.

Carly: Why are you so mad at me?

Speed: I just don't really want to talk to you right now.

Carly: So you don't have to ignore me.

Speed: I-

Hummerhome gets hit by something, sends it rolling down a cliff. :p

10 minutes later

Horatio: *lifts head* ...Everyone okay?

JC: *holding head* ....You made the windows bulletproof but you didn't put in airbags.

Horatio: ...Oops.

JC: Oops? *slaps Horatio*

Horatio: Ow.

Delko: *sits up* Wow...I don't think I've ever rolled so much in my entire life.

Speed: Cal, are you okay?

Calleigh: *sits up* ...I think so.

Speed: How do you feel?

Calleigh: Fine. I'm fine.


Jess: Can you see?

Anni: Yes.

Jess: Then they're not gone.

Anni: Whew, thank God. I'd hate to lose my eyes.

Carly: *sits up, holds forehead* Ow.

Anni: Are you alright?

Carly: I'm bleeding.

Anni: Oh, whew.

Carly: ...THAT'S NOT GOOD!

Anni: Oh yeah.

Speed: Where are we?

Horatio: *looks out window* Um...I have no idea.

Carole: Are we going to die?

Missy: We're not dead so no.

Carole: Oh yeah.

Horatio: Eric, Speed you're with me.

Calleigh: Why can't I go?

Horatio: ...I don't want you to hurt yourself.

Calleigh: *narrows eyes*

Horatio: *winks*


Horatio: What can I say? Alright guys let's go take a look.

Anni: Come on Carly, let's get you a bandaid.

Carly: Do you think you'll actually find any?

Anni: If we look hard enough.

Carly: *stands* WHOA dizzy. *sits*

Anni: Okay well...I'm perfectly capable of finding the bandaids myself.

Carly: No offense but the only thing you're good at looking for is porn.

Anni: I am not.

Speed: Are you alright?

Carly: Why are you asking me? I thought you were ignoring me.

Speed: A simple yes or no would do.

Carly: I'm fine.

Speed: ...Good.

Carly: *lifts brow*

Speed: *looks at Anni*

Anni: *lifts brow*

Speed: ...Uh...I'm sorry.

Carly: You don't mean it.

Speed: what?

Carly: I don't fall for people's lies. I'm a CSI too.

Speed: But I-

Carly: I don't want to hear it. You don't mean it so don't bother.

Speed: Fine. *leaves*

Anni: *slaps Carly*

Carly: OW! Did you have to hit my forehead?

Anni: You pushed him away.

Carly: So?

Anni: So he was apologizing.

Carly: He doesn't mean it. Nothing he says means anything.

Anni: Yeah well...*slaps Carly*

Carly: OW!

Horatio: *opens door* Oh...Boy. Alright it doesn't look like we're going outside.

Delko: Why not?

Horatio: ...It's a hundred foot drop.

Delko: *clings to wall*

Speed: *looks down* Wow. I can't imagine us getting out of this one.

Hummerhome creaks

Horatio: Everyone in the middle of the Hummerhome.

Everyone gets in the middle of the Hummerhome

Carole: I told you we were going to die.

Missy: *rolls eyes*

Horatio: Okay everyone just stay calm. I have a cell phone.

Speed: Congratulations, we're saved.

Horatio: *looking down at cell phone* I've only got one bar left.

Delko: Don't you charge your phone?

Horatio: I didn't think I'd need it.

Hummerhome rocks forward

Anni: *screams*

Carly: *grabs Speed's arm*

Speed: *looks at Carly*

Carly: *burries head in Speed's chest*

Speed: *looks at Anni*

Anni: *narrows eyes*

Speed: *wraps arm around Carly*

Carly: *sigh*

Anni: HA.

Delko: Okay if we all lean backwards, do you think we won't fall?

Horatio: I don't know, we haven't tried it.

Carly: *mumbles* Tell me when it's over.

Hummerhome creaks and rocks forward, sliding a few inches

Missy: *screams*

Anni: *screams*

Delko: *screams*

Speed: That was manly.

Delko: Thank you.

Carly: *grabs Speed tighter*

Speed: *looks down*

Carly: Okay I realize you hate me, and I hate you but for now I don't really care.

Speed: Fair enough.


Hummerhome slides forward

Horatio: Well...*puts on shades* Enjoy the ride.

Hummerhome falls down the cliff

*screams* OMG! Everybody can't die! But oh yeah H man had time to say a one liner and put on his shades before falling down a 100 foot drop now didn't he. lol.

Anni: Are you alright?

Carly: I'm bleeding.

Anni: Oh, whew.

Carly: ...THAT'S NOT GOOD!

Anni: Oh yeah.
Now is it just me or has Anni gone to the ditzy side just a little bit. I swear she's taking over for me or something. lol.

And awwwwwww Carly was all clinging to Speed how cute. And did I sense Anni getting a little jealous with her whole narrowing her eyes thinger? lol. Hahaha oh man now I can't stop laughing.

....And I just completley forgot what else I was going to say soooo...update soon please.
AAHHH! I swear, you and your cliffhangers... :eek: *gasp* we all can't die! And AWWWWWW, I'm all clinging to Speed and stuff...
Carly: Okay I realize you hate me, and I hate you but for now I don't really care.
Hummerhome slides forward

Horatio: Well...*puts on shades* Enjoy the ride.

Hummerhome falls down the cliff
Gee, way to go Horatio :rolleyes:

and awww *hugs Geni back*

update soon!
This of course was a riot. And yes, Katie, I will keep your legacy alive the best way possible. Is it possible that I can be jealous and helpful at the same time? Hmmm...

Carly: *grabs Anni* No. I don't think so. I told you this in complete confidence so you're not going to run your 'Anni' mouth off at him about this.

Now, this is a new development....Anni mouth... HAHahahahahah . A new mechanism to my insanity!!!! :devil:

And it's my job to entertain, and Geni , you are doing a smashing job portraying me,... the insanity and such not withstanding...alcohol, porn...maybe... Just kidding... :D
eeeeeeeppppp were gonna die this can't be good get out what do cell phone need one of us charge phone don't we omg omg omg omg omg omg omg
Oh, yeah, I forgot to comment about the cliffhanger... WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO>???????? We can't all die, can we? I leave it your capable hands, Geni!
Enjoy the ride ahahahah! :lol:
that was hilarious! :D there is no way out that they could stay alive, but everything is possible here right, maybe they will fall in giant pillow! :p
gosh, i love this RT! :D

Great updates Geni ! :)
Oh, capable? I don't know about that. :lol: Eh, I haven't let anyone down so far have I? ;)

And I just need to say, everyone here is so naturally funny, that it's really inspiring. I always get a good laugh out of the reviews. :D

All Of This Around Us, Falls

Bottom of cliff

Horatio: *opens eyes* ....We're not dead are we?

Delko: ...They sure make these Hummerhomes to last.

Horatio: You're welcome.

Speed: Carly....Carly you can let go of me now.

Carly: *clinging to Speed* No.

Speed: We're fine.

Carly: *lifts head* We are?

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: *lets go*

Speed: Thank you.

Jess: Who else hit their head on a window.

Carole: *lifts hand*

Calleigh: So what hit us?

Horatio: Well now that we're on the ground...*opens door, walks outside*

Delko: I hate it when he does that. *follows*

Calleigh: Wait for me. *runs*

Speed: *stands*

Carly: *grabs Speed's hand*

Speed: *looks down*

Carly: *shaking*

Speed: Are you okay?

Carly: *shakes head*

Anni: You're fine.

Carly: Um...I have this slight fear of heights and falling off of cliffs.

Anni: Slight?

Carly: Okay not slight.

Speed: Well you need to let go of my hand.

Carly: *stares at Speed*

Speed: ...*sigh* Okay I'll stay.

Carly: *nods*

Anni: Would you stay for me?

Speed: You're not afraid of heights.

Anni: We're on the ground.

Carly: Do you ever shut up?

Anni: Not really.


Horatio: *places hands on hips*

Delko: Well that's interesting.

Calleigh: ...How...Is that possible?

Delko: It's a rocket. We were hit with a rocket.

Horatio: The truth, *puts on shades* Is out there.

Delko/Calleigh: *look at Horatio*


Speed: Will you stop shaking? We're fine.

Carly: If you're afraid of spiders, and one climbs onto your face, do you just automatically stop being afraid once it jumps off?

Speed: I'm not afraid of spiders.

Carly: Fine, bad example.

Anni: Maybe you just need to relax. I'll get the sleeping pills.

Carly: What? No.

Anni: Why not?

Carly: I don't want sleeping pills.

Anni: They'll calm you down.

Carly: Why don't you just hand me a giant doobie and say go for it?

Anni: Do you have any?

Carly: *frowns*

Speed: No one is lighting up.

Carly: Thank you.

Speed: You're welcome.

Anni: See? Communication is the key to any relationship.

Speed/Carly: *look at Anni*

Anni: What?

Speed: We're not in a relationship.

Carly: Yeah.

Anni: You seem pretty close.

Carly: ...*lets go of Speed*

Speed: *stands* I'm going to go see what everyone else is doing. *leaves*

Carly: Anni, you ruin everything.

Anni: What? You wanted to be stuck to him like velcro?

Carly: No.

Anni: Let's find you a bandaid for the cut, and sleeping pills for the anxiety.

Carly: Fine.


Speed: ...A what?

Calleigh: A rocket.

Speed: Wonderful. Did we enter Roswell or something?

Delko: No, it's about fifty miles that way. *points*

Speed: ...Right.

Horatio: It's not an alien, it's a rocket.

Calleigh: So where did it come from?

Speed: ...Space?

Delko: THE FINAL FRONTIER! These are the voyages of the starship Hummerhome. It's continuing mission, to seek out new adventures, and new civilizations, to boldly go where no CSI has gone before!

Horatio/Speed/Calleigh: ...

Delko: Um...

Horatio: Alright so let's get this...Thing out of the Hummerhome.

Calleigh: Shouldn't we call for help?

Horatio: ...It's Mexico.

Calleigh: Oh yeah.

Inside Hummerhome

Delko: *walks in* So what, we just wait to be found?

Horatio: Yeah.

Calleigh: Well it's going to be a long wait.

Speed: We're good at waiting.

Carly: *head droops*

Speed: ...Is she okay?

Anni: I gave her sleeping pills to calm her down.

Speed: She looks like she's about to pass out.

Anni: Carly? ...CARLY!

Carly: *lifts head* Oatmeal.

Anni: Um...Okay. Can you hear me?

Carly: Yeah.

Anni: Good. How do you feel?

Carly: Like my head is floating.

Anni: But no anxiety?

Carly: Who cares. *lays on couch*

Speed: I don't think drugging her was the best thing to do.

Carly: Nah it's okay. Drugs are cool.

Anni: See? Now that's what I'm talking about.

Speed: *lifts Carly's eyelid* How much did you give her?

Anni: The whole bottle.

Everyone: *looks at Anni*

Anni: ...What?

Speed: You weren't supposed to give her the whole bottle.

Anni: It's not like it'll kill her.

Speed: How much was in the bottle?

Anni: It was about half full.

Speed: Then she should be fine.

Carly: I'm always fine. Pfft.

Speed: *frowns*

Anni: Sorry I broke your girlfriend.

Speed: She is not my girlfriend.

Carly: *flails*...What he said.

Speed: I can't believe you drugged her.

Delko: Oh cool now we can ask her all sorts of questions.

Speed: What? Why?

Delko: It's like a truth serum.

Anni: *rubs hands together* I think I'll like this game. Okay Carly? Where are you from?

Carly: ...Australia.


Carly: Why would I lie about it?

Anni: I don't know, why would you?

Delko: What do you think of cheese?

Carly: It's alright.

Delko: Ha. I love this game.

Anni: Do you love Speed?

Speed: *covers Carly's mouth* Don't you think this is a little evasive?

Anni: Heck no.

Carly: *falls asleep*

Anni: Ah nuts she's asleep. That's not fair.


Everyone: *stares at Horatio*

Horatio: It's um...My cell phone.

Horatio: The truth, *puts on shades* Is out there.

i looove X-files! :lol: Rocket! :eek: hey but were are aliens, my green buddies! they are sooo cool..i am tellen ya! :p


Everyone: *stares at Horatio*

Horatio: It's um...My cell phone.

LOL! :lol: i am rolling, rolling, rolling my boddy, gently on the floor! :lol: :lol:

awsome updates Geni! ! you made my day! :D
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