CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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*wipes forehead* yay! Everyone's ok....well except Carly who is in fact passed out on the couch from the half a bottle of sleeping pills. Seriously Anni....*shakes head* Just kidding.

Delko: THE FINAL FRONTIER! These are the voyages of the starship Hummerhome. It's continuing mission, to seek out new adventures, and new civilizations, to boldly go where no CSI has gone before!
Oh man that made me laugh so hard my dad came in the room. And now he's asking me what i'm doing on the computer at 5:38 in the morning....that should be fun to explain lol.


Everyone: *stares at Horatio*

Horatio: It's um...My cell phone
In some crazy way i can actually see Horatio shouting that. lol. Update soon please

Everyone: *stares at Horatio*

Horatio: It's um...My cell phone
*can't stop laughing* Geni it was so funny :lol:

Delko: THE FINAL FRONTIER! These are the voyages of the starship Hummerhome. It's continuing mission, to seek out new adventures, and new civilizations, to boldly go where no CSI has gone before!

Horatio/Speed/Calleigh: ...

Horatio: *lifts head* ...Everyone okay?

JC: *holding head* ....You made the windows bulletproof but you didn't put in airbags.

Horatio: ...Oops.

JC: Oops? *slaps Horatio*

Horatio: Ow.
It was funny too :lol:

Great update Geni and update soon please :)
Glad y'all liked the chapters. :)

I should have more this afternoon, if not this evening.

Hmm, maybe I should give a spoiler to pass the time...And we don't really need spoiler space because it's not really that big of a spoiler and this isn't a tv show. ;)

There was a third person at the apartment before Katie got killed.
speed_cochrane said:

There was a third person at the apartment before Katie got killed.

there..was? :confused: oh.. well then.. hmmm *scraching chin*
Spoilers would be nice, but yeah, you're right, this is not tv show :p
anyway take your time, and i will wait for updates as long as it takes :D *sitting in cauch* thats it! i am staying here, and i will not move! cauch is mine, because i am the Cauch potato :devil:
You have the gift to make us search in our head Geni !!! you're really good a this ;) *claps*
Anyway update soon please :)
There was a third person at the apartment before Katie got killed.

WHAT???? Ooh now you have me on pins and needles.... I can't wait to see how that develops!

Okay, now I'm apparently into drugging people for my own entertainment :lol: At least it got her to calm down.

Delko: THE FINAL FRONTIER! These are the voyages of the starship Hummerhome. It's continuing mission, to seek out new adventures, and new civilizations, to boldly go where no CSI has gone before!

It seems like I'm not the only one who's acting a little ditsy...Alright, Delko's been this way since the beginning. It feels alot better knowing that I'm not alone ;)


Now, that cracked me up! I think this is the first time Horatio has shouted randomly. I almost lost my cookies with that one.

As always, Geni, fantastic job!!!!

And thanks for the compliment about being naturally funny. I never thought that I was funny, just that I had an odd out look on life. But , hey, I'll take funny over crazy any day of the week! :D
I guess funny and crazy can go hand-in-hand nowadays. ;)

But crazy is good.

And now for that chapter...

Lost In The Crowd


Horatio: Okay we need a plan.

Calleigh: We had a plan. Your cell phone.

Horatio: Well we need a better plan.

Speed: ...I left my bike back at the motel.

Horatio: You did?

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: That's two miles away.

Speed: I know that.

Delko: So what you want to go walk for two miles, get your bike and go back to Miami without us?

Speed: Actually I was thinking I could go find help.

Delko: Oh...

Speed: But now that you mention it...

Delko: *frowns*

Horatio: Speed, take someone with you and get that bike.

Speed: Okay. Who volunteers.

Everyone: *lifts their hand*

Speed: ...Um...The bike only sits two people.

Anni: I'LL GO!

Speed: ...Anyone else?

Calleigh: I'll go.

Speed: Maybe...A guy wants to go.

Delko: I'll go!

Speed: *sigh* ...H?

Horatio: Sorry Speed, I'm not one for bikes. I'm more of a Hummer type of person.

Anni: Come on cowboy let's go. *grabs Speed*

Speed: ...Do I have to?

Anni: Yes.

Speed: Ah man.


Anni: Okay so how do we get up there?

Speed: Climb.

Anni: Um I don't climb.

Speed: I'll give you a boost.

Anni: Climbing? I used to do it all the time. I'm an expert.

Speed: Sure you are.

Anni: *grabs rock* Okay here I go. *jumps* Um...Okay. *grabs rock*

Speed: *shakes head*

Anni: Um...I can't get down.

Speed: You're not supposed to get down. You're supposed to go up.

Anni: I'm too high.

Speed: You're five feet in the air.

Anni: And I didn't realize how high that was.

Speed: Here, I'll push you up onto the ledge.

Anni: Wasn't this drop higher?

Speed: There's more cliff.

Anni: Oh.

Speed: Not to mention the hill, and those trees.

Anni: There's trees in Mexico?

Speed: *pushes Anni*

Anni: AH! *jumps onto ledge* Whoa, what the hell kind of muscle is that?

Speed: The kind that will get you onto the ledge. *climbs*

Anni: You need any help?

Speed: No. *climbs up onto ledge*

Anni: You sure you don't want to take your shirt off? I mean it's hot out.

Speed: *frowns* Get up the hill.

Anni: Fine.


Horatio: ...Three bars.

Delko: Are you still counting bars?

Horatio: Well I joined with T-Mobile but I'm not 'getting more'.

Delko: *rolls eyes*

Carly: *wakes up* Whoa, we're still here?

Jess: Are you okay?

Carly: I'm fine. Where did Anni and Speed go?

Jess: To find his Ducati.

Carly: Sounds fun.

Carole: A rocket crashed into us.

Carly: Why?

Carole: ..I don't know, why are you asking me?

Horatio: We don't know why yet, but once we get back to Miami we can examine it.

Delko: Won't the Mexican authorities want it?

Horatio: It has an American sticker on it, so it's ours.

Delko: You didn't even see the whole rocket.

Horatio: *puts on shades* I saw enough.

Hill and forest

Speed: Keep walking.

Anni: I am walking.

Speed: You're doing up your shoes.

Anni: So?

Speed: So they weren't un-tied.

Anni: I thought they were.

Speed: Look, I know you want to spend all kinds of time with me and everything but I'm not interested in you and nothing you do is going to change that.

Anni: You like Carly though.

Speed: Keep moving.

Anni: *walks* Well are you ever going to move on?

Speed: Eventually.

Anni: Interesting. So are you going to hook up with someone eventually?

Speed: Not you.

Anni: I didn't mean me. And well, you are raising a daughter by yourself.

Speed: Your point being?

Anni: She doesn't have a mother figure.

Speed: She'll be fine.

Anni: If you believe that.

Speed: I do.

Anni: Well maybe you had better say 'I do' with someone else before your daughter grows up only knowing you as a parent.

Speed: *stops walking* I am not a bad father.

Anni: I didn't say you were.

Speed: Then what's so bad about me?

Anni: Nothing. It's just that you won't always be there.

Speed: I think I see the edge of the hill.

Anni: Great so after that, we go find the bike.

Speed: Yeah.

Anni: I'm with ya all the way.

You know its kinda gettin on my nerves how everyones pressuring Speed to move on so quickly. I mean the man will move on when he wants to. And I'm not just saying this because I want to preserve the Tatieness or something, thats just how I feel. I know if I was married and lost my husband I'd want some time to grieve without people constantaly pressuring me to move on with my life. But of course that is just me.

Horatio: ...Three bars.

Delko: Are you still counting bars?

Horatio: Well I joined with T-Mobile but I'm not 'getting more'.
Hahaha. Awww, Poor T mobile company there going to have one unsatisfied customer. lol.

Horatio: Sorry Speed, I'm not one for bikes. I'm more of a Hummer type of person.
Way to state the obvious there H man. Way to state the obvious. lol. Update soon please.
I find it kind of funny because I read a news article that David Caruso will be the new face of T-Mobile. :lol: (It's either October of this year, or next year)

Anyway, yeah he seems to state the obvious A LOT. "Drugs, and money" Haha. Alright, I'll have another chapter soon. :)
Anni: You sure you don't want to take your shirt off? I mean it's hot out.
hahahaha Anni, I love you girl teehee, and Geni, I love you for writing it. I haven't been on lately because Tuesdays are bad for me, and between Jen's passing, homework, and my dad forcing me to spend time with him when I don't want to, it's been a little stressful. But Geni, you're chapters cheer me up so much. They make me laugh and I really can't thank you enough!

Awwww poor Speedy and Carly are beating around the bush. Speedy's just a little shy. He probably feels that by dating someone else right away he would be "cheating" on Katie.

And what the hell hit the hummerhome? Are we going to have to get a new one now? lol We just got a new one! Ah Well, next time, make sure Horatio doesn't forget the airbags! teehee
Aw I'm sorry about your stressful days Jess. *gives a big ol' hug* But I'm happy that you're in here with us sharing some laughs and some good times. :D

And I like your interpretation of how Speed's been acting, and why. :)

I Don't Want To Know


Speed: There it is. Finally, something's gone right today.

Anni: It's pretty.

Speed: Thank you.

Anni: It's black.

Speed: I know, I can see colors too.

Anni: Actually black isn't a color.

Speed: *gets on bike* Get over here, shut up, and hold on.

Anni: *sits on bike* Oooh quite the ensemble here.

Speed: *revs engine*

Anni: *giggles*

Ducati zooms away

Anni: *screams*

Speed: *smirks*

Anni: TOO FAST! TOO FAST! *grabs onto Speed*

Speed: This was designed for speed.

Anni: Oh heck I know that.

Speed: Not me, the velocity.


Speed: Are you scared?

Anni: ...No.

Bike whips around corner


Speed: Sorry I can't hear you!



Horatio: *takes off shades*

Delko: Wow. It all survived us rolling down a hill.

Horatio: Okay set the rocket down, we'll examine it here.

Delko: Aye aye captain. *salutes*

Horatio: Okay, take a look at that.

Delko: An American flag sticker.

Horatio: I was right.

Delko: You think someone's looking for this?

Horatio: Well I'd imagine NASA would like to know where it went.

Delko: Maybe we should call them.

Horatio: I don't exactly have their number on speed dial. We deal primarily with criminals, not aliens.

Delko: NASA doesn't deal with aliens.

Horatio: *taps temple* That's what they'd like you to believe.

Delko: *lifts brow*

Police Department, Juarez

Speed: *gets off bike*

Anni: *stumbles off bike*

Speed: You alright?

Anni: *falls over* Whoa.

Speed: Too fast?

Anni: Too fast.

Speed: *grabs Anni's hand* Come on.

Anni: How do you not kill yourself on that thing?

Speed: Well I try to avoid traffic and pedestrians.

Anni: Do you ever get a ticket?

Speed: *smiles*

Anni: ....What did I say?

Speed: Cops don't get tickets.

Anni: Really?

Speed: Well, not officially.

Anni: Hey you smiled.

Speed: Come on, we have to talk to someone.

Anni: Alrighty.

Inside police department, 10 minutes later

Cop: Alright, who are you?

Anni: *sits in chair* I'm Anni.

Speed: Tim Speedle.

Cop: What brings you down here?

Speed: There was an accident a few miles from here.

Cop: We didn't get a call out.

Speed: That's because no one called it in. We went over a cliff.

Cop: We?

Speed: There's about twelve of us.

Cop: Are you in some kind of bus?

Speed: Sort of.

Cop: Alright was anyone hurt?

Speed: No. We just need a tow truck and...Some cables.

Cop: Cables...

Speed: It's not your ordinary bus.

Cop: No problem, I'll send out everything you need detective.

Speed: *lifts brow* Excuse me?

Cop: You were there when Ramirez was killed, right?

Speed: Yeah.

Cop: I heard about you, and Lieutenant Caine.

Speed: Really.

Cop: Yeah I took a look into things to make sure everything was legit, and that your business here was warranted. Fortunately, it was.

Speed: Well that's great.

Cop: He murdered someone in Miami correct?

Speed: He's murdered a lot of people in Miami.

Cop: Ah yes, the bomb. I read about that in the newspaper. But his most recent crime seemed so out of character.

Speed: What do you mean?

Cop: He kills a married woman inside her empty home? It doesn't make sense. He's never directly killed anyone unless there was some sort of profit involved.

Speed: Like drugs.

Cop: Yeah. He was paid by the Columbians to sell meth, he gets cocaine as payment.

Speed: So why was the other murder so weird?

Cop: It just...It didn't seem like him, that's all. We've been tracking him for months.

Speed: You think someone else was there.

Cop: Besides the other guy I read about in the paper? Yeah.

Speed: We have physical evidence that ties him directly to the murder. No one else was there.

Cop: Maybe you should take another look into the case.

Anni: *looks up at Speed*

Speed: The case was closed. We're not re-opening it.

Cop: All as well that ends well anyway. Victim's family probably wouldn't appreciate you diggin' her up.

Speed: Probably not.

Cop: Well, I'll get a few units over to the location of the crash.

Speed: Thanks for your...Help.

Cop: No problem.


Anni: What was that about?

Speed: He knows too much about the case.

Anni: Katie's murder?

Speed: Yeah.

Anni: What are you thinking?

Speed: I think we need to stay in Mexico a little longer.

Anni: *nods*

And I like your interpretation of how Speed's been acting, and why
Hmm...I'll second that notion(did I spell that right?...oh well I dont' care lol) But if that really is how Speed's feeling I love it how he doesn't want to cheat on me after I die...lol. But that's ok your still Mr. Miami to me

Awwww poor Anni was all freaked out about riding on the bike. And for some reason i can honestly see her falling over to. lol.

But ohhhh how interesting was that convo with that cop...hmm...my CSI sense his tingling....

Speed: The case was closed. We're not re-opening it.

Cop: All as well that ends well anyway. Victim's family probably wouldn't appreciate you diggin' her up.

Speed: Probably not.
Awww poor Speedy! *hugs* I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want to dig me up. That can't be good for anyone's emotional state. I can't wait to see where this is going Geni. Update soon please!
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