CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Poor Anni, she's so abused in this story. :p

Ignorance Is Bliss

Three hours later, Hummerhome is pulled back over the cliff, the team is safe

Horatio: Well, that problem is solved. And oh look at my Hummerhome.

Delko: Does it run?

Horatio: *sigh* No. *kicks rocks*

JC: So...How do we get back to Miami?

Horatio: Well for now, we're all going to have to stay at a motel tonight.

Calleigh: But...They're dirty.

Missy: And they smell.

Carole: I have to pee.

Horatio: We'll deal with all of those issues when we get there. The police department has offered to pay for our stay.

Delko: They probably didn't pony up a lot of dough.

Horatio: Not so much.

Crappy motel, 8 pm

Horatio: Well...It's not as bad as I thought.

Missy: Hey it has running water.

Carole: Mon dieu. *runs to bathroom*

Calleigh: I'm standing on something sticky.

Carly: I think that's puke.

Calleigh: *screams*

Anni: Ah man there isn't even a pool.

Everyone looks at Anni

Speed: Were you expecting a Holiday Inn?

Anni: No. Mayabe a Hilton at the least.

Delko: Oh I think this motel room has 'Hilton' written all over it.

Horatio: I'm going to find some ice. *leaves*

JC: What do we need ice for? *follows*

Delko: *lays on bed* Ah my bed.

Speed: I don't think so.

Delko: Why?

Speed: Horatio gets the bed so get off.

Delko: Why does he always get the bed?

Speed: He's in charge.

Delko: Yeah but I h-

Speed: Off.

Delko: Fine. Pfft.


Speed: No.

Anni: What? Why?

Speed: This place is already a mess, we don't need alcohol to make it worse.

Anni: Um I wasn't going to spill.

Speed: That's not what I meant.

Carly: Oh come on, it's not like it'll hurt.

Speed: *narrows eyes*

Carly: There's nothing else to do.

Calleigh: Ah damn.

Carly: What?

Calleigh: I can't drink.

Carly: Why not?

Speed: *frowns*

Calleigh: Be...Cause...I'm pregnant.

Everyone stares at Calleigh

Speed: Gee nice lie Calleigh, I think everyone believes you.

Calleigh: It's not a lie.

Speed: *angry sigh*

Delko: Who's the father? *gasp* It's not me is it?

Calleigh: Uh no.

Delko: So who's is it?

Calleigh: ...Um...I can't say. It's a secret.

Anni: Come on.

Calleigh: It would ruin the surprise.

Anni: That depends on who the father is.

Calleigh: It doesn't matter, I'm giving him up for adoption.

Delko: You're giving the father up for adoption?

Calleigh: No, the baby.

Delko: Aw it'a boy? How cute.

Calleigh: Cute?

Delko: I mean...Kickass.

Calleigh: Guys, it doesn't matter who the father is.

Anni: *gasp* IT'S TREVOR!

Calleigh: I'm not saying anything.

Anni: *gasp* IT'S DELKO!

Calleigh: Are you just going to name every man on the planet?

Anni: *gasp* IT'S SPEED!

Calleigh: ....*starts laughing*

Speed: *crosses arms* What's so funny.

Calleigh: Um...Nothing.

Delko: Maybe because no one could imagine sleeping with you.

Anni: HEY! *bops Eric over the head*

Delko: OW.

Calleigh: I'm sorry Tim.

Speed: I want to know what's funny.

Calleigh: Nothing.

Speed: Something made you laugh.

Calleigh: I was thinking about a joke.

Speed: Yeah? What joke?

Calleigh: Um...There once was a man from Nantuket.

Speed: That's a limmerick and it's not funny.

Calleigh: See? This is your problem. I realy hope you're not like that in bed.

Speed: *frowns*

Calleigh: Oh yeah I've been there. I take it back.

Anni: Oooh do tell.

Calleigh: Well, actually he-

Speed: *covers Calleigh's mouth*

Anni: Oh come on Speedle we'll all get our turn anyway just let her tell us the story.

Speed: No.

Anni: Why?

Speed: Because this has nothing to do with anything.

Anni: Excuses, excuses.

Speed: *lets go of Calleigh* Fine, you want to find out?

Anni: ...What?

Speed: Well you seem so hell-bent on it so let's go.

Anni: ...What?

Speed: You don't have the guts.

Anni: ...I didn't understand the question.

Delko: *lifts hand*

Speed: Eric no one asked.

Delko: *lowers hand*

Speed: Looks like you're scared.

Anni: Um...HA. No I don't think so.

Speed: Then let's go.

Anni: *backs up* Yeah I don't think so.

Speed: *frowns* Oh but you've wanted this forever.

Anni: Um you seem mad and I don't want to get hurt.

Speed: *tilts head* I won't hurt you.

Anni: *screams, runs behind Delko*

Everyone starts laughing

Delko: Good job man.

Speed: Thanks.

Speed and Delko highfive

Anni: *gasp* I HATE YOU ALL. *slaps Delko*

Delko: OW! Why did you hit me?

Speed: Can we drop this now?

Calleigh: *laughing* Consider it dropped.

Speed: Thank you.

Anni: *frowns*

Speed: Oh lighten up. Jokes are supposed to be funny.

Anni: That one wasn't funny.

Ohhhhhh Speed got all creeperish on Anni. Teehee. How does it feel! lol.

Calleigh: Um...There once was a man from Nantuket.

Speed: That's a limmerick and it's not funny.
Hahaha! Oh man Speed knows all. Because I saw the 'Nantuket' part and I was like "whoa where have I heared that from?" and then I read the next line and I was like "oh yeah" Sorry I'm still not the sharpest crayon in the box.

But did Speed really have to tell Anni no alochol...I mean seriously where's the fun in that!?

And ummm....Calleigh almost spilled the beans about who the father is....and hey I never got to find out that it was Speeds *snaps* Darn the luck. Oh well that was probably for the best. lol.

Update soon please
Calleigh: I can't drink.

Carly: Why not?

Speed: *frowns*

Calleigh: Be...Cause...I'm pregnant.

Everyone stares at Calleigh

Speed: Gee nice lie Calleigh, I think everyone believes you.

Calleigh: It's not a lie.

Speed: *angry sigh*

Delko: Who's the father? *gasp* It's not me is it?

Calleigh: Uh no.

Loved the part when everyone was trying to guess who the father of Calleigh's baby is and Delko said "It's not me is it?" :lol:
Speed seemed very nervous when Calleigh came out and said she was pregnant, I mean Katie isn't with us anymore so there is technically nothing holding him back from admitting it now is there? :confused:

My guess is Anni or Carly will figure it out :devil:

anyway great update Geni

update soon please :D
Perhaps it's the embarrasment or potential 'they'll think less of me' situation if the rest of them find out. Because, they're bound to figure out that this happened when Speed was still with Katie. No one would ever trust him again. *shrugs*

But I'm sure someone will find out. ;)

Save A Goodbye Kiss

Motel, 9 pm

Anni: *hiding behind chair*

Carly: What are you doing?

Anni: I'm hiding from my fate.

Carly: Which is....

Anni: Africa.

Carly: Good lord. Speed wasn't actually going to do that.

Anni: You don't know that.

Carly: Believe me, that's the last thing he wants.

Anni: ...Technically by saying that, he does want it? It's just the last thing.

Carly: Get out from behind the chair.

Speed: *walks over* What are you doing?

Anni: *screams*

Speed: Stop screaming.

Anni: *crawls under table* HA. Try getting me NOW Speedle.

Speed: I wasn't being serious. It was a joke.

Anni: *crawls out from table* ....I know but don't do that.

Speed: I won't.

Anni: *stands, hits head on table* OW.

Speed: Are you alright?

Anni: Oh lookie who's concerned now. Startin' to think about that moment that could be between us? *winks*

Speed: Yeah.

Anni: Really?

Speed: No.

Anni: DAMNIT I keep getting mixed signals from this guy.

Calleigh: Welcome to my world.

Speed: Hey.

Calleigh: *rolls eyes* Well do you love me or not.

Speed: No.

Calleigh: Well you did say it before.

Speed: Well I don't love you anymore.

Calleigh: But you did before.

Speed: Not really.

Calleigh: GOOD LORD!

Carly: Do you love me?

Speed: No.

Anni: Me?

Speed: No.


Delko: Me?

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: Fine. Be a homophobe.

Speed: Stop asking me. *leaves, slams door*

Horatio: *walks in, holding ice* What's his problem?

Calleigh: Girl trouble.

Delko: He doesn't love me.

Horatio: ...I'm not even going to go there.

Carly: I'm going to go comfort him.

Anni: WAIT FOR ME! *runs*


Anni: Speed!

Carly: Speed!

Anni: BACK OFF BIATCH! *pushes Carly*

Carly: HEY!

Speed: *turns around* What are you doing?

Anni: WE LOVE Y-

Carly: *tackles Anni*

Anni: AH!

Carly: No one pushes me.

Anni: You tackled me.

Carly: You pushed me first.

Speed: STOP.

Anni/Carly: *stand*

Speed: You want to know who I love?

Anni: Yes sir.

Carly: Of course.

Speed: Katie.


Carly: ...

Speed: It's the truth.


Speed: Do I look like a swingset?

Anni: No.

Speed: It's no one's turn.

Anni: But you always cheat on people but it's never with me. That's not fair.

Carly: Anni, cut it out.

Anni: *angry sigh* Well fine. I'm beat anyway. *leaves*

Speed: ...Thanks.

Carly: No problem.

Speed: I don't know what to say.

Carly: *smiles* It's alright. I understand.

Speed: But...

Carly: *lifts brow*

Speed: When we get back to Miami, would you like to go out for dinner sometime?

Carly: *smirks* I don't think that would be appropriate.

Speed: *nods* You're right.

Carly: Goodnight Tim.

Speed: 'Night.

Carly: *walks away*

Speed: *smirks*

Hahaha awww. Speed still loved me but yet he asked Carly out to dinner. Ouch poor guy first he loses his wife and then he gets rejected! I'm sorry but I think this is cause for me to yell "BUUUURRRN THE WEDDINGS OFF!" *sighs* And now I feel better. lol.

Delko: Me?

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: Fine. Be a homophobe.
Oh man, I can sooo see Delko putting his hands up in the air and shaking his head a little and saying that. Teeeheee.

Anni: BACK OFF BIATCH! *pushes Carly*
Hahaha oh man that part was all kinds of funny. And hey that's my word. Ok not really because I didn't come up with some other guy..or maybe girl did but you know what I mean. I said it first in the empty pool fight with Calleigh!

Speed: Katie.

Aww thanks friend *hugs* I love you to. lol. This update made me laugh...and I'm still laughing so update soon please.
Oh my good lord... That was freakin hilarious in all types of languages!!! Yes, it's true that I get so abused in this story, but I am a glutton for punishment ( besides, I figure that Speed can't hold out for long :devil:). So many choice moments...

First, I have to say... Long live the Ducati!!! I have been seening those things all week long, it was so choice that I finally get to ride one in the RT!!! Loved that moment the most, well that moment and when Speed actually offered in his sick way to take me to bed. Those two are running neck and neck.

Horatio: Well, that problem is solved. And oh look at my Hummerhome.

Poor Horatio, another Hummerhome has bit the dust! But this was the cutest, yet disturbing sign in the entire story of the hummer home....

Delko: Does it run?

Horatio: *sigh* No. *kicks rocks*

It's like the poor guy lost a love one. Oh wait, he did :D. He loves Hummers waaaaaaaay too much!

Okay, the smack down between Carly and I...I almost fell over in my chair laughing so hard....

Anni: Speed!

Carly: Speed!

Anni: BACK OFF BIATCH! *pushes Carly*

Carly: HEY!

I get amp'd when there's something I want...:lol:

Speed: You want to know who I love?

Anni: Yes sir.

Carly: Of course.

Speed: Katie.


Carly: ...

Speed: It's the truth.


Speed: Do I look like a swingset?

Anni: No.

Katie, it's not crap that he still loves you. I suppose I was speaking out of the heat of the moment. Now, a slight dissertation for Mr. Miami... ( here goes the head shrinking)

I think that Speed is looking for a way to deal with his pain of losing Katie, and being that Carly is more like his antagonist, he naturally drifts to her. Now, he still has gulity issues over (1) getting Calleigh pregnant while Katie was still alive , and (2) Kissing Carly. Poor chap doesn't really know what he wants. Well, Katie, is obvious, but he can't have her , and he doesn't love Calleigh ( although, I still sense that he does, but that is just me), and he sure as heck made it clear that he doesn't want me ( shucks!) But oddly enough on the fence about Carly. Yes, he denies it, because like everyone says, he still feels like he is cheating on her, but his actions and words speak volumes. Despite his denial towards Carly, he is still persisant. I say, let the man get some, and then let him continue to deal with Katies death the best way he knows how, an insane amount of sarcasm and snarkiess, with a stubble added to the mix. Now ends the lesson :D

This of course is just my opinion, which by the looks of the RT could be bumpkus. Pass the alcohol! :lol: I just went waay too deep there :lol:

oh and sorry about the long post...:rolleyes: but this stuff is amazingly uplifting and uproariously funny!!! Great job, Geni!
:lol: Poor Katie. :p

And Anni, don't worry about the long posts. They're an absolute joy to read! And your opinion isn't bumpkus. :D It was a very interesting analysis of the recent events, and I'm inclined to agree with most of them. I just won't say which points. :p

Shelter Me, My Love

Motel, midnight

Anni: *whispers* Okay what did you two talk about when I left?

Carly: That's none of your business.

Anni: Spill it or I scream.

Carly: Okay okay okay. We just talked.

Anni: Um, about what?

Carly: About how we're getting back to Miami soon.

Anni: Why do I get the feeling you're leaving something out?

Carly: I'm not.

Delko: *whispers* What are we talking about?

Anni: We weren't talking to you Eric.

Delko: When I hear two women whispering I get suspicious. Is it about me?

Carly: No.

Delko: Oh good. What's it about?

Anni: Speed.

Delko: Oh great. Are we plotting against him now?

Anni: Yes.

Carly: No. Guys, just leave him alone. He needs time.

Anni: For what?

Carly: To grieve.

Anni: He seems fine to me.

Carly: He's not fine. He doesn't know what he wants, he's confused, he's not thinking straight.

Anni: Did he hit on you?

Carly: No. I'm just saying, give the guy some space.

Anni: Um, Carly the guy is a shell of emptiness. He'll be like that forever.

Carly: I don't believe that.

Anni: Okay he'll either get depressed and kill himself, or he'll get over it.

Carly: I know he'll get over it.

Anni: Yeah and then you'll swoop in.

Carly: I don't need to 'swoop' in.

Anni: Why?

Carly: He's already made it clear that he's interested in...Some sort of relationship with me.

Anni: Uh, thanks for mentioning it before.

Carly: Like I said, he doesn't know what he wants.

Anni: He's a grown man not a mental patient.

Carly: My point being, I'm not going to indulge in this. I'm going to give him his space. He'll realize what he wants.

Anni: You.

Carly: *frowns* To be happy, whether that's with me or not.

Anni: Me?

Carly: You irritate him.

Anni: Katie irritated him.

Carly: No she didn't. He teased her because he liked her.


Carly: Shh.

Delko: AH you woke me up.

Carly: I thought you were listening in.

Delko: I fell asleep.

Carly: Well go back to sleep if you're tired.

Delko: I don't want to. Now I'm up.

Carly: *rolls eyes*

Anni: I can't believe you're being so stupid. He likes you and you don't want to be with him because you want to give him his 'space'. That's crap.

Carly: Like it or not, that's how it's going to be.

Anni: Haha wow you're going to drive him nuts.

Carly: What?

Anni: *grabs Carly* He likes you girl!

Carly: Keep it down.

Anni: What did he really say to you?

Carly: ...He wanted to go out for dinner.

Anni: A date? He never actually dated Katie.

Carly: So?

Anni: So go with him!

Carly: I already said no.

Anni: And what did he say?

Carly: He understands that it's not appropriate.

Anni: Not appr-...*sigh* Carly, are you not seeing this?

Carly: What?

Anni: He respects your decision.

Carly: So?

Anni: Ugh, you don't get it. He really likes you.

Carly: I can't okay?

Anni: Why the hell not?

Carly: Because it wouldn't be right.

Anni: Katie would want you to be happy.

Carly: *frowns* With her husband?

Anni: Okay so she'd probably have something else in mind but come on. Do you like him?

Carly: Yes, okay? I do.

Anni: So go for it.

Carly: You wouldn't get your chance with him.

Anni: Whoa, I think you're going too fast. Give the man his space.

Carly: That's what I thought.

Oh man Geni the last two lines was the icing on the cake. I love how Anni was all pushing Carly into going for it with Speed and then bam! She changes her mind. Justlike that *snaps* Teehee. That was hilarious.

And awww poor Eric got woken up and now he cant go back to sleep...where's sniffles... or teddington when you need them. lol.

And its true Speed and I never really did date...I just kissed him and then flipped out! lol. *sighs* I remember them days. "You don't even think puppies are cute" Man its been forever since I've took a trip down aisle five. Ok not really aisle five but ready the 1st RT lol. I tend to sound retarted when I'm about to fall asleep. lol.

And I know there was something else I wanted to comment on but now I can't remember what it was. Oh well I'm sure I'll think of it at school tomorrow and then by the time I come home I'll forget it again. lol. Anyways great update, update soon please.
Well I'm happy you loved the last two lines. :D They were my favorite as well.

And just to add onto what Anni had stated earlier, the man doesn't know what he wants, but he does at the same time. Whether that makes sense to you guys, it up to you to determine. :p

...Is it just me or has this thread suddenly gone too philosophical? Eh, I guess that happens after six threads.
Yes, it has gotten deep here, but that happens with death.

One question, just when was I going to notice that I was helping Carly into Speed's arms when I want to be there?... Wow, now the boat makes it to the habor :lol: :D

And about my analysis... What matters is that someone got my point.;)

Oh and yeah, it was funny that Delko woke up when Carly and I were talking and promptly fell asleep...does the guy have narcolepsy or something???? Just asking.

And...alright, I get it, Speed is annoyed with me, but just like him, I am persistant, and will stay as such... that is until he freaks out on me. :lol:

All in all, I loved it!!!
Anni: *hiding behind chair*

Carly: What are you doing?

Anni: I'm hiding from my fate.

Carly: Which is....

Anni: Africa
*screams* AFRICA?!...well, Africa isn't really scary anymore...I mean, the first time was, but the second time was fun :D
Anni: Speed!

Carly: Speed!

Anni: BACK OFF BIATCH! *pushes Carly*

Carly: HEY!
HEY! *pushes Anni* Oops...*runs and hides from Anni* I didn't mean it! :lol:
Speed: When we get back to Miami, would you like to go out for dinner sometime?

Carly: *smirks* I don't think that would be appropriate.
AHHH, YES IT WOULD, YES IT WOULD! I TAKE IT BACK!...poor guy..."BUUUURN, THE WEDDING'S OFF!" *cough* sorry, I just felt the need to say that too :lol:

Carly: Shh.

Delko: AH you woke me up.

Carly: I thought you were listening in.

Delko: I fell asleep.

Carly: Well go back to sleep if you're tired.

Delko: I don't want to. Now I'm up.

Carly: *rolls eyes*
:rolleyes: Geez, how old is Eric? :lol: though I sometimes still act like that, but I'm a teenager so I'm allowed to :p
Carly: You wouldn't get your chance with him.

Anni: Whoa, I think you're going too fast. Give the man his space.

Carly: That's what I thought.
:lol: Oh Anni! Well, at least you didn't push me over this time ;)

update soon!

EDIT: Oh man, I was just watching the Grand Final Footy Show (because all the Aussie footy grand finals are on this weekend) and they are having a competition to win...a Hummer! No kidding, when I saw it, I had to surpress both a squeal and an intense fit of laughter when I thought how much Horatio would love that :lol:
Great update Geni

Awwwww the hummerhome is broken... poor horatio *give him a hug*
And Carly and Speed Huh It's gonna be fun :p

Update soon please :)
Yay you guys liked the chapters! :)

And Anni I got your point, and I agree with it 99.9% :D

Carole, I'm glad you're having fun! Carly, you and your craziness. *shakes head* :lol: :p

I Can Hardly See What's In Front Of Me

Miami, two days later

New Lab

Horatio: *looks around*

Calleigh: *stares*

Delko: *swallows*

Speed: *lifts brow*

Horatio: *takes off shades* ...Dear God.

Calleigh: They...Re-built everything.

Speed: And it's not...Bright.


Horatio: Actually I think it's bigger.

Stetler: *walks over* How do you like it?

Horatio: It's impressive.

Stetler: I made sure all the colors were properly chosen.

Horatio: And what do you want in return?

Stetler: You have two cases.

Horatio: No rest for the working man huh?

Stetler: Yelina wanted me to pass on the information. You have a robbery homicide at Dade Mutual, and a murder on Miami Beach.

Horatio: And I suppose you want us to utilize the pretty new lab.

Stetler: At least stretch 'er legs. *walks away*

Horatio: Okay. Eric and Calleigh take Anni and Jess to Dade Mutual. Speed, take Carly and JC to Miami Beach.

Speed: Uh...Wouldn't Carly be better off with Calleigh and Eric?

Horatio: I asked you to take her.

Speed: Sure boss. *walks away*

Horatio: Okay. Calleigh, Eric?

Calleigh: We're on it.

Horatio: Tell everyone else that I want them in here.

Miami Beach

Carly: *puts down kit*

Speed: *grabs camera*

JC: *walks under tape*

Speed: What do we have Alexx?

Alexx: A dead girl, that's what we have.

Speed: Yeah that's why we're here.

Alexx: *smiles* I know that Timmy.

Carly: You got an ID on her?

Alexx: *open wallet* Patricia Simmons, 18 years old. *looks down at body* Honey you shouldn't have been down here by yourself at night.

Speed: At night?

Alexx: Rigor tells me time of death was between 12 to 16 hours ago.

Speed: Any physical findings?

Alexx: Just a bruise on her face.

JC: She looks wet.

Alexx: Tide was coming in.

Speed: Well if she was dragged here, the water would have washed away any evidence of that.

Carly: She doesn't look like she was out at any of the clubs.

Speed: Why?

Carly: She's wearing a t-shirt and shorts. My guess? Pyjamas.

JC: Maybe she was out for a little fresh air but got surprised.

Alexx: I'll know more at the post.

Speed: Thanks Alexx.

Alexx: No problem baby. *walks away*

Carly: Okay so where do we start?

Speed: Photograph everything. JC, collect water samples and any trace under her body.

JC: *salutes*

Speed: *looks around*

Carly: Hey CSI boy, are you going to help out, or just stand there like Horatio?

Speed: There's blood drops on the ground. She was running.

Carly: Let's follow it.

Speed: *walks away*

Carly: *follows*

Speed: They lead up to the road.

Carly: Why would an 18 year old girl run across the road wearing nothing but her PJs down to the beach?

Speed: *looks up*

Carly: Apartment buildings.

Speed: Come on.

Carly: Shouldn't you be supervising JC?

Speed: Why?

Carly: Tim, I'm a CSI level three.

Speed: *stares at Carly*

Carly: I can handle a few interviews.

Speed: You find anything out, you call me.

Carly: Right away.

Speed: Good.

Carly: *walks away*

Speed: *walks back to beach*

Dade Mutual Bank

Calleigh: *smiles* Whew looks like the wild west in here.

Delko: A gun expert's best friend.

Calleigh: *grins* I love my job.


Jess: Calm down before you sprain something.

Anni: *holding ankle* I think I just did.

Delko: Okay Tripp was talking to a witness who said they saw two guys run in carrying guns, and they just started shooting.

Calleigh: Don't they normally ask for money first?

Delko: You know how reliable witnesses are.

Calleigh: All the more reason I rely on the evidence.

Autopsy, an hour later

Alexx: Hey.

Speed: Hey you got a cause of death yet on our beach girl?

Alexx: Cause of death was drowning.

JC: Ocean water?

Alexx: I compared the water in her lungs to the sample that you gave me from the ocean. They're not a match.

Speed: She died somewhere else.

Alexx: Looks that way.

JC: What about the bruise on her face?

Alexx: I just got finished with the subcutaneous photos, they should be ready in about an hour.

Speed: Great, you find anything else?

Alexx: *strokes girl's head* Yeah. She was pregnant.

Speed: Really.

Alexx: 24 weeks.

JC: Motive?

Speed: It's a start.

Alexx: I sent a sample to DNA.

Speed: Thanks. Cell phone rings Excuse me. *opens phone* Yeah It's Speed.

Apartment buildings

Carly: I found her room. 36B. She lived with two girls, Suzanne Lomac, and Kathryn Phillips. They were all attending the same University.

Speed: You ask them about Patricia?

Carly: They're devestated.

Speed: Naturally.

Carly: I took a look around the place. It's clean, friendly, and no signs of any struggle.

Speed: Well there wouldn't be. They would have cleaned everything up.

Carly: You think they're suspects?

Speed: You think they're not?

Carly: I'm just following the evidence.

Speed: Me too.

Carly: There's no reason to suggest they hurt their friend.

Speed: Not yet.


Carly: *rolls eyes*

Ohh....Teehee. Speedy hung up the phone. And i'm not sure why I find that so cool but I'm exhausted so I'd think a cup was hilarious. lol.

Speed: What do we have Alexx?

Alexx: A dead girl, that's what we have.

Speed: Yeah that's why we're here.

Alexx: *smiles* I know that Timmy.

Teehee, I miss the little Alexx/Timmy scenes on the show and you always know how to do them perfectly Geni *bows*


Jess: Calm down before you sprain something.

Anni: *holding ankle* I think I just did.
*snirts* Oh, Anni. Seriously even the littlest things crack me up to no end.

And holy bejebus H man! The labs back to normal! Its a miracle sent from H man himself (considering the fact that he's all like jesus and everything lol)

ANYWAY! That was a great update. I loved how Speed got stuck with Carly. And awww he didn't want her going by herself at first how cuuuttteee. lol. update soon please.
Why thank you kindly. :) I try my best to get things as...Miami-ish as possible. :lol:

And ooh the tension between Speed and Carly. How cute. :)

We'll Run And Will Not Fade Away


Delko: So this is one of the shooters.

Calleigh: He wasn't even wearing a mask.

Delko: They probably didn't think they'd leave any witnesses.

Jess: I found some.

Delko: *looks up* Cameras.

Jess: I'll get the tapes.

Calleigh: So our second shooter got away. Did anyone find the manager?

Delko: He's on vacation in Maui.

Calleigh: Lucky for him.

Delko: Yeah not for his staff.

Calleigh: Any survivors?

Delko: One security guard. He's in the hospital.

Calleigh: *sigh*

Delko: What?

Calleigh: They shot the children too.

Delko: *nods* Tough break.

Anni: *climbs over counter*

Delko: What are you doing?

Anni: I'm looking for evidence.

Delko: You're not supposed to climb over the counter.

Anni: Why do you think they call it 'over the counter'?

Delko: It's not a pharmacy, it's a bank.

Anni: Oh heck I found evidence.

Delko: Where?

Anni: Right here in this big ol' bag.

Delko: Bag for money maybe?

Anni: It's too big for that. I'm thinking rifle bag.

Delko: ...Behind the counter?

Anni: They could have thrown it, or it was already here.

Calleigh: Inside job.

Lab, two hours later

Trace lab

Carly: *walks in* I informed the parents. They're flying in from Minnesota.

Speed: Come here and take a look at this.

Carly: What have you got?

Speed: Trace from under her body.

Carly: *walks over to microscope, looks down*

Speed: *stares at Carly*

Carly: Looks like gravel.

Speed: JC found it on the bottom and tops of her socks.

Carly: *lifts head* She was dragged?

Speed: Matches the pavement from the road.

Carly: Would explain the gravitational drops. She wasn't running. Someone was dragging her.

Speed: How about two someones?

Carly: Her roommates?

Speed: They were the last ones to see her alive.

Carly: It's not enough for a warrant.

Speed: Subcutaneous photos came back.

Carly: Really.

Speed: *opens folder*

Carly: What is that?

Speed: It's the imprint of raised tile flooring.

Carly: Like a bathroom floor.

Speed: Like the bathroom floor in her apartment.

Carly: Well looks like we'll get that warrant afterall.

Delko: *walks in* Hey Speed, did you get the results from that rifle bag?

Speed: Yeah. GSR was on the inside. I found fingerprints on the zipper too so I sent it off to Tyler.

Delko: Thanks man. Hey Carly.

Carly: Hey.

Delko: Well I'll see you two later. *leaves*

Carly: You're working both cases?

Speed: Yeah it happens when we're short-staffed.

Carly: I could take care of trace for you.

Speed: What's your specialty?

Carly: I started out as a DNA profiler. I'm sure it's not too different from Trace.

Speed: Well except for the DNA.

Carly: *laughs* Yeah.

Speed: It's alright, I got it covered.

Carly: Um...I actually wanted to talk to you about something.

Speed: Okay.

Carly: Uh, back in Mexico...I realized that maybe I was being a little rude about the dinner thing.

Speed: You weren't rude. It's fine.

Carly: I know but, I still feel bad about that.

Speed: It's alright.

Carly: No, it's not.

Speed: Don't worry about it.

Carly: Would you like to go out for dinner?

Speed: Okay.

Carly: Good. I mean, it's not like it's a date. It would just be two colleagues sharing a meal.

Speed: *nods* Sure.

Carly: *smiles* Great. I'll uh...I'll see you later.

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: *walks away*

Speed: *lifts brow*

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