CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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great updates geni can't wait for more lol.... wow i am actually smart in this fic makes my real me proud of my fic me.... did that make sense?
LtKitty, you're being added in the next few chapters as a new CSI. (kind of like Wolfe, you've been on patrol. You're just not as annoying.) For the next storyline, you'll need Horatio's guidance as well as Calleigh's influence to teach you the ropes on how to be an effective Crime Scene Investigator. :)

And yes, no more shiney disco balls. :lol:
Wiiii! sounds cool! :D *jumping up down* oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! *hits head on ceiling* ou.. :p
ok, i calm down.. :) i will fix that hole in ceiling later.. *walks out of the room, yelling heared in hallway*
YIIHAAA!i am in! i am IN! :lol:
OMG this day is just the best day ever!!!! I had a 20/20 in english translation (too easy :p ) and...and I have a new boyfriend (well it's my ex but... who care :p)I'm so happy *jump everywhere and then calm down*
Too much personal life??
Anyway the best day of my life ending with some beautiful updates so it's really really great!!!
I have to calm down...

Update soon please :)
Missy: *screams*
Anni: *screams*
Delko: *screams*
Speed: That was manly.
Delko: Thank you.
very manly indeed, but that's besides the point! We can't all be strong!
Delko: It's a rocket. We were hit with a rocket.
Horatio: The truth, *puts on shades* Is out there.
Delko/Calleigh: *look at Horatio*
only we could get hit with a rocket! I swear, we are the only people humanly capable of getting hit WITH A ROCKET!!! Wait? What truth?
Delko: THE FINAL FRONTIER! These are the voyages of the starship Hummerhome. It's continuing mission, to seek out new adventures, and new civilizations, to boldly go where no CSI has gone before!
someone's been watching too much tv. YOU! pass the popcorn, I wanna watch TV!
Horatio: It has an American sticker on it, so it's ours
No offence guys, but most explosives have American stickers on them. Seriously! It's either American or Russian! Canadians, we don't have a military really let alone Rockets! Only we could get hit with a rocket, in mexico.
Bike whips around corner
Speed: Sorry I can't hear you!
OH MY GOD THAT WOULD BE SO MUCH FUN!!! I Need me a motorbike!
Calleigh: It doesn't matter, I'm giving him up for adoption.
Delko: You're giving the father up for adoption?
I think there would be a lot of objections to that ;D
Delko: Who's the father? *gasp* It's not me is it?
What reason do you have to think its you? Hmm? Tell me! Tell me now!!! breathe, missy, breathe
Horatio: Okay. Eric and Calleigh take Anni and Jess to Dade Mutual. Speed, take Carly and JC to Miami Beach.
I'm still here! I wanna go! Please??
Speed: Yeah it happens when we're short-staffed.
Oh Oh Pick me! I wanna help! :D Please??
LtKitty, you're being added in the next few chapters as a new CSI
Lucky! Welcome aboard LtKitty!!! Can't wait for more updates!!!
Sure, Missy you can join the investigation. :D

In My Time

Restaurant, 9 pm

Carly: I'll admit, I was a little aprehensive about...This dinner thing.

Speed: Why?

Carly: You just lost your wife.

Speed: I thought we were just two colleagues sharing a meal.

Carly: Yeah. Sure.

Speed: So how are you enjoying things so far?

Carly: Well the meal is good, the company is excellent so a girl can't complain.

Speed: *nods*

Carly: Yeah.

Speed: Um, I don't mean any disrespect but...You haven't actually touched the food since we got here.

Carly: What? *looks down at plate* Oh. I'm sorry, I-

Speed: *lifts hand* It's fine.

Carly: *sips wine* So, did you already have this place picked out? I mean you'd need a reservation right?

Speed: When you have a badge you don't need a reservation.

Carly: *smiles*

Speed: I have a question.

Carly: Go for it.

Speed: I want you to answer honestly.

Carly: Sure.

Speed: Where do you see this heading tonight?

Carly: ...You always ask this on a first date?

Speed: It's not like we've only known each other for ten minutes.

Carly: Honestly...I don't really see this going very far tonight.

Speed: I thought so.

Carly: It's not because of you though. I just...I don't feel right about all of this, I mean after Katie a-

Speed: Forget about her for a minute.

Carly: Okay.

Speed: I just want to get to know you, and no one else.

Carly: *stares at Speed*

Speed: *stares at Carly*

Carly: ....What do you want to know?

Speed: Why do you keep pushing me away?

Carly: I told you.

Speed: Yeah, and that's a good reason. Except right now, there is no one here but us.

Carly: ...Yeah.

Speed: I want to know where this is headed.

Carly: ...For right now, let's just take thing slowly.

Speed: Good. Good idea.

Carly: Unless you don't want t-

Speed: No, no I don't want you to do anything you don't want to.

Carly: It's not that I don't want to it's just that it's...

Speed: Complicated.

Carly: Yeah, complicated.

Speed: It's alright.

Carly: Really?

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: *looks around* ....Tim I don't want to move slowly.

Speed: But you just s-

Carly: I know. And it's not true.

Speed: I see.

Carly: I just didn't want to be too forward.

Speed: You mean you didn't want to feel guilty.

Carly: That too.

Speed: Look, we're adults. I think we've earned the right to make our own decisions.

Carly: Right. It's just that...I've never really been in a serious relationship.

Speed: *nods* That's okay.

Carly: ...Okay I've never been in a relationship.

Speed: ...

Carly: *nervous smile*

Speed: Um...Okay.

Carly: Is that bad?

Speed: No. Not bad.

Carly: I just, I-I really don't know what to do.

Speed: It's okay.

Carly: *sigh*

Speed: Okay.

Carly: So what next?

Speed: Why don't we just improvise.

Carly: Good, okay.

Speed: *winks*

Carly: *smiles*

Speed: *smirks*

Oh my good lord! I can't believe it... Carly and Tim are hooking up! Gosh, and he told Carly to forget about her for a minute. Tim.... ready to move on are we?

I love being a CSI, although, loopy, but CSI nonetheless. I can deal with being the comedic relief! When in a downer, call on me! :lol:

I'm just blown over at the fact that Carly and Tim hooking up. I really can't get over it,... More I say, MORE!!! :D
Dear Geni,

AWWWWWWwwwwwwwwww! Carly and Tim are so cute! I have some predeictions as to what will happen, but we shall see. I think maybe you gave us some foreshadowing there Geni lol. Can't wait to see what you have in store for them!

Wyoming :p
Dear Jess,

Wait for the next chapter you banana.

speed_cochrane. :lol: :p

*hugs Jess*

Anni, I'm glad you're a CSI too. I mean, you get Eric and you in a room and things might go haywire. :D (Of course Eric is normally more professional on a case...Hee.)

Missy, you're going to be in the Bank case, so stay tuned! Carole, I'm glad you liked the chapters. :D Jaci, YAY I cheered you up. :)

You're The Only One That Leaves Me Completely Breathless

Lab, 10 am, Layout room

Carly: *walks in* Hey how's the case going?

JC: I served the warrant this morning for Patricia's apartment. Here are the photographs.

Carly: Where'd you send everything else?

JC: DNA lab. I found blood on a few objects.

Carly: Okay so tell me about the photos.

JC: Right here is the bathroom.

Carly: You swab for blood?

JC: Yeah but it's not like it'll help.

Carly: Why?

JC: Three girls sharing one bathroom? I don't mean to be blunt but finding blood in there isn't exactly the weirdest thing on the planet.

Carly: Okay tell me about the floors.

JC: They're tiled.

Carly: You compare it with the subcutaneous bruises?

JC: Yeah. They're a match.

Carly: So she fell in the bathroom, hitting her cheek on the floor first and...Then what?

JC: I found the toilet seat up.

Carly: Alright so that doesn't add up in a home full of girls.

JC: I'm thinking there was a man there.

Carly: Good. I want you to bring those girls into interview rooms A and B, and we'll question them.

JC: I tried you on your cell last night. I got your voice mail, what was up with that?

Carly: Um...I was out.

JC: Out? Everyone else was out at a club. I was going to invite you but you didn't pick up.

Carly: I was out having dinner.

JC: With who?

Carly: ...Speed.

JC: You go girl.

Carly: *rolls eyes* Good lord.

JC: Well was it fun?

Carly: What do you mean?

JC: I'm not talking about the dinner. *winks*

Carly: Nothing happened. He drove me back to the Humma, and he was a complete gentlemen.

JC: Did he join you in the boat?

Carly: No.

JC: Did he at least kiss you?

Carly: No.

JC: Wow you haven't been on many dates.

Carly: We agreed to take things slow.

JC: You know, there is nothing wrong with inviting him over for coffee.

Carly: Get those girls into interrogation. *leaves*

JC: *salutes*


Missy: Hey I heard you guys needed a hand.

Calleigh: *smiles* Sure do. Would you take apart this gun please?

Missy: Me? Take apart a gun?

Calleigh: It's easy.

Missy: Where's Eric?

Delko: *walks over* Boo.

Missy: *screams*

Delko: *laughs* She's getting soft.

Calleigh: *laughs*

Missy: *slaps Delko* Not funny.

Delko: So I spoke to the security guard at the hospital. He doesn't remember the shooting.

Calleigh: Well that's convenient.

Delko: Yeah no kidding. I collected his service pistol from the bank.

Calleigh: *takes gun* I'll test it.

Missy: You want us to...Cover our ears or something?

Calleigh: Yeah. *cocks gun*

Delko: *covers ears*

Calleigh: *pulls trigger*


Calleigh: *looks down at gun*

Delko: *lifts brow*

Calleigh: *cocks gun*

Missy: *watches*

Calleigh: *pulls trigger*


Calleigh: *puts down gun*

Delko: It doesn't work?

Calleigh: *sigh* More paperwork for me.

Missy: What's wrong with it?

Calleigh: There are multiple reasons why a gun won't fire. Defect in the weapon, bad amunition, poor gun maintenance, the list goes on.

Delko: Okay so he probably pulled out his weapon, and then nothing happened when he tried to shoot.

Calleigh: He's lucky to be alive.


Tripp: Hey Horatio, I've got someone you need to see.

Horatio: *takes off shades* Okay.

Tripp: *nods*

Girl: *walks over*

Horatio: *tilts head*

Tripp: I'll leave you two alone. *walks away*

Horatio: I understand you needed to see me.

Girl: My name's Kitty, I'm working patrol right now.

Horatio: Alright, have a seat.

Kitty: *sits*

Horatio: What brings you down to homicide?

Kitty: I applied for a position here last month and I got a call from Detective Salas telling me to come down here.

Horatio: So you want to be a field investigator.

Kitty: That's what the proposal says.

Horatio: Okay. You do realize that this is a competitive field and that most entrants don't make it past the second step in an investigation.

Kitty: Second step?

Horatio: Autopsy.

Kitty: I worked as a Medical Examiner's assistant for three months back in Chicago.

Horatio: Interesting. So what brings you down to Miami?

Kitty: I've always loved the city.

Horatio: How long have you been with patrol?

Kitty: Almost a year.

Horatio: So how have they treated you down there?

Kitty: Lieutenant you know how it is when a female decides to be a cop.

Horatio: Well I can tell you right now, conditions here are slightly different.

Kitty: How?

Horatio: Women officers are treated the same as male officers. I can give you the number of one of our lead investigators. Her name's Calleigh Duquesne.

Kitty: So does that mean I'm hired?

Horatio: Well for right now, you're just a trainee.

Kitty: I can deal with that.

Horatio: If you have any problems with anyone, you come talk to me or miss Duquesne.

Kitty: Will do, Lieutenant.

Horatio: Okay. I'll get you some paperwork.

Kitty: *smiles* Great.

Trace Lab

Anni: Hey I sent Carole down to DNA. She's working your case.

Speed: *writing things down* Good.

Anni: What's up with the dress shirt?

Speed: *looks up* What are you talking about?

Anni: It's..Dressy.

Speed: Yeah that's why it's called a dress shirt.

Anni: But it's...White.

Speed: So?

Anni: And your hair is gelled and spikey and...Stuff.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Anni: Oh nevermind. So what did you find on that gun Calleigh sent you this morning?

Speed: Gun cleaning oil.

Anni: ...Okay that's weird.

Speed: Why?

Anni: It wasn't working.

Speed: Why do you always assume because a gun doesn't work that it's automatically dirty?

Anni: Because it's usually the reason.

Speed: Well in this case it wasn't. The gun was cleaned recently.

Anni: Are you sure?

Speed: *frowns* I know what a clean gun looks like.

Anni: How?

Speed: Well the fact that it was, oh I don't know, clean.

Anni: Are you sure?

Speed: *angry sigh*

Carly: *walks in* Is she bothering you?

Speed: She was just leaving.

Anni: I was?

Speed: Yeah.

Anni: Damn you Speedle. *walks away*

Carly: *smiles*

Speed: *smirks*

Carly: So the tile on the bathroom floor matches the subcu. bruises on the vic.

Speed: Great.

Carly: JC and Tripp are in interrogation now.

Speed: You going to join them?

Carly: Oh and I can't stay here?

Speed: *smiles* You should get down there.

Carly: *laughs* You're kicking me out too?

Speed: *walks over to Carly* Yeah.

Carly: *smiling* Oh you're so mean.

Speed: *tilts head* It's true.

Carly: *laughs* Alright I'm gone.

Speed: Good.

Carly: I'll see you later.

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: *leaves*

Speed: *sigh*

Missy: Where's Eric?

Delko: *walks over* Boo.

Missy: *screams*

great one Delko! :lol: or Geni..or Delko..no i know Delko/Geni! :D but keep something for Halloween! :D
wouuu.. gee..look..and here i am..talking with H.. :p duude, my hair are dirty or it just looks that way? :lol:
ok, ok back to serious ;)
great update! like..duuh! :rolleyes: :lol:
update soon! :D
Awwwww look at Speed and Carly all flirtin and stuff. Teehee. And yay! Ltkitty's in the RT now. TEEHEE. So I didn't have a whole lot of sleep last night so i'm kinda hyper and I'm gonna say TEEHEE about everything. lol.

Kitty: Will do, Lieutenant
Teehee, that reminded me of Under the Influence..only I won't mention that because that episode never happend either...and I just sneezed like 6 times in a row and I hit my knee on the desk...anyyyywaaaaayyy....Speed told Carly to forget about me for a minute...well gee Mr. Miami I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. lol. No, i'm kidding I think that the Carly and Speed relationship is kinda cute in its own little way. Teehee.

Update soon please
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