CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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I seriously didn't know I posted that quote until right now. That show is subliminal. :p

Let Go Of Your Notions

Interview room

Tripp: Look ladies, you're going to need to tell the truth.

Kathryn: I AM telling the truth. I don't know what happened!

Suzanne: We wouldn't hurt Trish!

Carly: Well she died in your apartment.

Kathryn: How would you know?

Carly: We tested the toilet water and the water in Patricia's lungs. They're a match.

Tripp: You thought you could just drag her out to the ocean and make it look like she drowned out there.

Suzanne: We didn't do this.

Kathryn: We would never hurt her.

Carly: Okay so do you know anyone who would want to hurt her?

Suzanne: Well...There is one person.

Kathryn: Shut up Sue.

Suzanne: They need to know.

Tripp: We're listenin'.

Suzanne: Patricia's boyfriend. Paul.

Tripp: And does this 'Paul' have a last name?

Suzanne: Morris.

Kathryn: So can we go?

Carly: No. You can't.

Speed: *knocks on window*

Carly: *looks at door*

Speed: *frowning*

Carly: Excuse me. *walks away*

Tripp: Alright ladies, I need his address so write it down.

Kathryn: *grabs pen*

Outside interrogation room

Carly: What?

Speed: They were supposed to be separated.

Carly: I told JC to separate them but Horatio was meeting someone in the other room. I didn't want to interrupt.

Speed: They probably coordinated their stories while you left them unattended.

Carly: Um, I didn't leave them unattended. JC was supposed to be in there with them.

Speed: Well she's not there, is she.

Carly: She had to grab some paperwork for Horatio.

Speed: Yeah well now we can't use their testimony.

Carly: So we'll use the evidence.

Speed: Don't ever leave two suspects in the same room alone.

Carly: *frowns* It wasn't my call.

Speed: It should have been.

Carly: I think I know how to carry out an investigation.

Speed: Well right now you're doing a piss poor job.

Carly: *glares*

Speed: Separate them right now.

Carly: Is that an order, Detective?

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: Alright, fine. *walks into interrogation*

Speed: *walks away*

ohhhhhh fight! Teehee. I'm gonna have to go and say that Speedy boys in the wrong. I mean it wasn't Carly's fault and technically it wasnt JC's either. She couldnt' help that Horatio told her to go get some paperwork. But ohhhhh fight! I love fights! There so...soo...awesomely awesome? I guess you could say lol. Teehee. Update soon please. Oh and Speedy boy does to care about his job or else he wouldn't have made a big deal about the girls being in the same room! Take that Donahue! *raises fist* *coughs* Carry on....
uh oh CATFIGHT! Ohhhhh Timmy, you're definatly not doing this for just a paycheck baby, hahahaha. Awesomely Awesome Katie? hahahaha yes, you could say that I guess. Hmmmm I would blame Horatio for all of this. I BLAME YOU HORATIO! hahaha.....sorry teehee. My dad just tried to call me and......things are NOT good....but you're chapters always cheer me up Geni!
great update Geni .
and... WOW H made a mistake!!! well he don't know that but Jesus need vacation too :p
update soon please
Aw I hope things turn up for you Jess. *hugs*

Wahoo cat fight!

Ready To End

Trace Lab

Carly: *walks in, slams door* You happy? They're separated.

Speed: *looks up from paperwork*

Carly: So what big mistake did I make now?

Speed: Well for starters, you slammed my door.

Carly: You going to write me up for that too?

Speed: I didn't write you up.

Carly: *frowns* What is your problem?

Speed: I don't have a problem.

Carly: You don't have to look over my shoulder all the time!

Speed: I wasn't!

Delko: *standing in doorway* Should I...Come back another time?

Carly: *turns around* Can you please slap him?

Delko: Sure.

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: Or..I'll wait until later.

Speed: What did you need?

Delko: That gun.

Speed: It's in an evidence box over there.

Delko: Thanks man.

Carly: *places hands on hips*

Speed: Carly, I'm sorry.

Delko: *looks over*

Carly: Sorry for what?

Speed: For everything. I shouldn't have looked over your shoulder. You're perfectly capable of doing the job.

Carly: ...

Delko: ...

Speed: Are we okay?

Carly: ...Yeah we're fine.

Speed: *nods*

Carly: *walks away*

Delko: Okay what's wrong with you and where's Tim Speedle.

Speed: I apologized, is that so bad?

Delko: You don't apologize, you fight.

Speed: Maybe I'm tired of fighting.

Delko: You really like her.

Speed: Yeah and I don't want to screw this up.

Delko: You won't screw it up.

Speed: *writing things down* Yeah sure I won't.

Delko: She's not Katie.

Speed: *looks at Delko*

Delko: *leaves*

Speed: *frowns*


Sorry for the short chapter. :p
I think Speed is on the rebound right now, I mean Carly is a lovely girl but she is no Katie. He does care for Carly but just not in the same way that he was in love with Katie.

I think it is too soon for Speed to be thinking about a long term relationship after losing Katie so soon I mean he doesn't even know if her still loves Calleigh.

Great update Geni :D

update soon.
Hmmmmm...I'm not really sure how to interprite...(yeah ok I spelt that WRONG!) Delko's last line there...hmm...

Delko: She's not Katie
Hm...does Delko mean that she's not Katie for the obvious physical apperance reasons...or that she's not Katie as in you don't/won't have to fight with her like me and Speed did all the time...or does he mean that she's not Katie as in Carly will never be able to fill the void that I left when I was killed...or...yeah ok i think that's all I got! Oh the possiblities! lol. But yay they apologized...and Speed like never apologized..interesting. Update soon please!
ohhh....this is intresting. I can't wait to see how this plays out. Tim is apologizing yay! Maybe having Katie leave so suddenly gave him a slap in the face or something. And Carly, way to lay down the law sister! WOOT! Great job Geni!
Well, it's all up for interpretation so it's anything you want it to be. I won't tell you how to view the situation. Of course, I'd be leaning toward the whole "Can't fill the void" statement. ;)

calleighspeedle, I think you're about 98% right. :)

And, I'll have some more chapters very soon!
awww what a sweet update ... ahem updates lol. Can't wait for more geni always rib splitting as usual... i am pretty sure i have busted all my ribs by now and my tush from falling off the puter chair and laughing to hard teehee
Great udate Geni!!

Delko: *standing in doorway* Should I...Come back another time?

Carly: *turns around* Can you please slap him?

Delko: Sure.

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: Or..I'll wait until later.

Really funny :lol:

update soon please :)

PS: YAY I'm in my 101 post!!!finally I can put an avatar!!!! I'm so happy :p
Congrats on the new avatar abilities carole! :)

And now...For another chapter.

I Can't Feel A Thing, You Might As Well Say Your Goodbyes

Interview room

Carly: Paul Morris. You knew the victim?

Paul: Well I was dating her.

Carly: Mhm. When did you find out she died?

Paul: This morning.

Speed: *walks in*

Carly: *frowns*

Paul: So? Does that mean I automatically killed her?

Carly: No. When was the last time you spoke to her?

Paul: Two days ago.

Carly: I thought you two were together.

Paul: We were.

Carly: And you didn't speak to her for two days.

Paul: She wasn't attached to me.

Speed: So where's your girlfriend now?

Paul: *lifts brow* Uh...Dead.

Speed: No, I mean your current girlfriend.

Paul: What are you talking about?

Speed: You don't call your girlfriend for two days and you don't look so broken up about her death, so either you have someone on the side, or you're just an emotionless, uncaring human being.

Paul: I never cheated on her.

Speed: Wow where have I heard that before.

Carly: You can go.

Paul: I can?

Carly: Yeah get out of here.

Paul: *leaves*

Carly: *turns to Speed* What the hell?

Speed: What?

Carly: ...Uh...You can't do that to someone.

Speed: You're still mad at me.

Carly: You did that to find out if I was still mad at you? Well it worked. I'm still mad at you, probably even more so now.

Speed: He's not the killer so don't worry about it.

Carly: How do you know?

Speed: The DNA matches the victim.

Carly: Where was the DNA found?

Speed: On the inside of the toilet bowl, so I went back to the apartment. There were prints on the toilet.

Carly: That's circumstantial evidence. Anyone could have touched the toilet.

Speed: Underneath the bowl? That suggests someone was holding the underside of it.

Carly: Maybe someone was constipated.

Speed: The prints match both girls.

Carly: Two sets of prints on the underside of the bowl?

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: Okay...I'm starting to forgive you.

Speed: I've got a warrant for the clothes both girls were wearing yesterday.

Carly: Why?

Speed: To test them for fluoride.

Carly: Like in the water.

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: Okay. Let's go get those clothes then.

Speed: *smirks*

Carly: What?

Speed: Nothing.

Carly: *walks away*

Evidence locker

Calleigh: Alright, we've got the duffle bag and it had traces of GSR on the inside.

Delko: There were guns in there.

Calleigh: I also found traces of gun cleaning oil on the inside.

Delko: The same stuff that was in the security guard's gun?

Calleigh: The very same.

Delko: So the security guard had his gun in the duffle bag.

Calleigh: The only way it would have gotten there is if he was part of the team.

Delko: How are we going to find the second shooter?

Calleigh: This bag is going to help.

Layout room, 1 hour later

Carly: *swabbing clothes*

JC: So...I heard you and Speed had a fight.

Carly: It wasn't a fight.

JC: A spat, an argument, a disagreement, whatever you want to call it. What was it about?

Carly: Nothing.

JC: It was obviously about something or you two wouldn't have been at each other's throats.

Carly: We weren't.

JC: *swabs shirt* Sure.

Carly: If you have something to say, just say it.

JC: I think you two need to spend more time together.

Carly: What? Why?

JC: And by time I mean lock the doors, and send the kids to bed.

Carly: *frowns* I don't think so.

JC: Don't tell me you're all for getting married first.

Carly: I don't think we'll be getting married JC, don't worry about it.

JC: Never?

Carly: Um okay I've never had a relationship. I'm not thinking about marriage, especially with Speedle.

JC: *gasp* You've never had a relationship? That means...OH GOD you've never h-

Carly: Okay I think we've established that.

JC: Oooh and you're with Speed. Lucky girl.

Carly: Why?

JC: Um...Okay he's hot normally, so can you imagine how hot things are in bed?

Carly: ...Have you turned into Anni?

JC: Sometimes I feel like we share a brain.

Carly: Well it scares me.

JC: Hmm, I think this is why you're scared of a relationship with him.

Carly: ....Care to clarify?

JC: Um he's intimidating and he's hot.

Carly: So?

JC: So you're not.

Carly: Thanks, that just helped.

JC: Aw that's so cute. Awww he'll take care of you.

Carly: Seriously stop talking to Anni.

JC: She rubs off on me.

Carly: Can we not talk about my lovelife please?

JC: Sure.

Carly: Thank you.

JC: ....But that one kiss between you two was hot right?

Carly: Stop it.

JC: Sorry.

Carly: *shakes head*

JC: ....You...Do know what to do right?

Carly: What are you talking about?

JC: Well you know the right moves and stuff right?

Carly: ...There's moves?

JC: You don't know about the-...*sigh* Carly you're not going to be very good at this.

Carly: Good at WHAT!

JC: You've seen a naked man before right?

Carly: *frowns*

JC: I'm just asking.

Carly: I can't believe we're having this conversation.

JC: Me neither. This is fun.

Carly: This is not fun.

JC: You're planning on getting married someday right?

Carly: Uh not to Speed.

JC: So you're going to date him until you get bored? What a sad life you live.

Carly: I want to take things one day at a time okay?

JC: Oh my God what will happen if you get married to Speed and then Lori starts calling you MOM!

Carly: *screams*

Speed: *walks in* Hey ladies.

Carly: HI! *trips over table* OW! GOD DAMNIT!

Speed: *lifts brows*

JC: *covers mouth*

Carly: *stands up* Hey Speed how's it going?

Speed: Did you swab those clothes yet? Because Calleigh and Eric need the layout room.


Speed: *blank stare*

JC: ...

Speed: Um...So how about those swabs?

JC: *hands over swabs*

Speed: Thanks.

Carly: *runs back in* I DON'T WANT TO PICK OUT CHINA! *runs away*

Speed: What about China?

JC: *shrugs*

Oh my god Geni! I laughed so hard I snorted 3 times in a row. lol. Hahaha poor Carly's never been in a relationship let alone...done other...stuff. lol. But hey she is one lucky dog to be with Speed...in that..way...ok i forgot where I was going with that. lol.

JC: Um...Okay he's hot normally, so can you imagine how hot things are in bed?

Carly: ...Have you turned into Anni?

JC: Sometimes I feel like we share a brain.
Oh no! Not to Anni's! I don't think the world could handle that! lol.

JC: Aw that's so cute. Awww he'll take care of you.
Ok...Black and White just popped into my head. And now I can't stop laughign...and I've never seen that movie. lol.

JC: Oh my God what will happen if you get married to Speed and then Lori starts calling you MOM!

Carly: *screams*

Speed: *walks in* Hey ladies.

Carly: HI! *trips over table* OW! GOD DAMNIT!
Who there JC calm down. They haven't even done anything yet. I think its a little to soon to be talking about Lori calling her 'mom'.

Carly: *runs back in* I DON'T WANT TO PICK OUT CHINA! *runs away*
Teehee...ok thats what made me snort 3 times in a row. Teehee. Update soon please!
Carly: *runs back in* I DON'T WANT TO PICK OUT CHINA! *runs away*

Speed: What about China?
hahaha awwww, Carly is scawwwed! *raises hand* I'll wear the white dress and- *ahem* okay, I'm thinking out in dreamland haha aww but Carly is in her first relationship and she's scared, poor Carly you'll be okay! I thought the China part was funny though, I could imagine just seeing her running in and then back out again teehee

Great update Geni, you always cheer me up!
What a great update lol I really like the converstation between me and carly teehee. I had to stop myself bursting out laughing cause my dad would be like what the heck cause I don't usually stay at his house cause hes so busy and hes actually sitting on the couch watching house which i brought over thnx to missy. Either way story in point is that i had to not laugh and bust a rib or fall of the chair because genis update made me almost teehee out loud again lol
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