CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Omg.....Calleigh........Kissed me. :eek: *huggggs Geni* ThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyou. Pleeease update. :) I'm on top of the world tonight. :D :lol:
Awwwwwwwwww they BOTH said I love! And I know there only teenagers but seriously someone always ruins the moment. lol.

Lori: *sigh* Are you going to lecture me about the birds and the bees now?

Speed: No. That's your mother's job.
Awww gee thank you! I'm glad I get stuck with that conversation. lol.

And hey A Walk to Remember is a good movie! Stetler's in it! lol. Awww seriously those two are so cute. Update soon please!
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Lori and Ash are SO CUTE! hahaha I almost forgot about Holly, but you know what? I think that Lori is going to be a good mommy when she grows up because now I think she knows what not to do, and how to steer her kids away from that stuff, then again, I'm not sure she would give her kid away to columbians either lol. I miss watching Blues Clues with little Lori though lol. Great job Geni, update soon please!
I should have more soon! :D

And hey maybe Jess, you can watch Blues Clues with Holly. Hee. And okay, I like Ash. I really hope I don't kill him off. :lol: Anyway, I'll have more in a bit.
Kill him off? Geni what is going on in that crazy mind of yours!! Joking or not lol. But ah yes I remember the Blues Clues days. Good times. Good times.
Ok, so I had this whole long review last night, but before I could finish it (or post it) my brother went on the computer, and must have clicked out of it, and he wouldn't let me back on to quickly do it, s I'll have to see what I can remember from it...

*gasp* NOT JOSH! Joshie would never hurt anyone...or would he? dun dun dun!

*GASP* Creeper Speed II...though it's only Josh, so its not as creepy/funny. Though I was kinda looking forward to Katie inducting me into the wives of creeper husbands club :p

*GASP!!!!!!!!!!!!!* (as you can see, I'm trying to make my gasps more pronounced) For a minute, I really thought that Evil Alison woman and Little Miss Coffee were telling the truth...and that Josh really was a Speedle :lol:

YAY! It wasn't Joshie! :D it was the evil Alison and Miss Coffee...and random dude whose name I can't remember...

Awwww, Lori and Ash are so cute! All lovey dovey and whatnot...Awwwwww

please update soon

(yeah, I'm pretty sure it was longer than that, but thats about as much as I can remember for this early in the morning)
Okay, that was a lot of updates, so I don't remember most of the stuff that I was going to comment on, but here goes anyway.

Katie: Oh so your name was Betsy.

Anni: Why?

Katie: That's a cow name.
:lol: My Dad grew up on a farm, and he called all the cows Bessie... well, that is, until his dad married a woman named Bessie, and she made him stop... :lol:

Okay, yeah. That's really all I can remember that I was going to say. Great updates, Geni, I really enjoyed them.

Oh, and I'd like to make a suggestion, if I may :)
CSI: Miami Road Trip 7: I'm Going to Need a Bigger Gun
:lol: I actually love that suggestion. :lol:

Let The World Crash, Love Can't Save You

Speed/Katie's room, midnight

Katie: So did Lori and Ash have a good time?

Speed: I didn't ask.

Katie: Aw they were probably all cute and lovey.

Speed: Great.

Katie: Tim...She's not going to revert back to some hooker in Columbia.

Speed: I know. That Ash kid said he loves her.

Katie: Aw that's cute.

Speed: No it's not.

Katie: She's not your little girl anymore.

Speed: I know.

Holly: *runs in* Momma!

Katie: What?

Holly: Lori and Ashie were kissing! *giggles*

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: Alright alright, I'll go talk to her. *leaves*

Holly: *jumps up on bed* Hey daddy.

Speed: Hey.

Holly: Wacha readin'?

Speed: Nothing.

Holly: It's something.

Speed: It's a book.

Holly: About what?

Speed: Forensics.

Holly: Why?

Speed: It interests me.

Holly: Why?

Speed: Come here.

Holly: *jumps on Speed's lap*

Speed: See? A bunch of big words you don't understand.

Holly: Can I learn?

Speed: You want to be able to read this?

Holly: You like it.

Speed: ...You want to read what I like.

Holly: *nods*

Speed: Why?

Holly: I love you.

Speed: *smirks* Funny.

Holly: *hugs Speed*

Speed: *smirk fades*

Holly: *sigh*

Katie: *walks in* She locked her door.

Speed: She's a teenager.

Katie: *climbs in bed* Now what are you doing here?

Holly: I'm reading.

Katie: Reading what?

Holly: Big words. I wanna be like daddy.

Katie: Well right now you need to go back to bed.

Holly: I'm not tired.

Speed: I'm tired.

Holly: *yawns* Momma I'm kinda tired.

Katie: *laughs* Alright come on. *grabs Holly* Let's put you back in bed. *leaves*

Speed: *smirks*

Phone rings

Speed: *picks up phone* Yeah.

DCJ for women

Alison: Hello Tim.


Speed: Alison?

Alison: I'm going to be out soon and you're going to pay.

Speed: How did you get this number?

Alison: Kiss your babies goodnight because it's the last time you're ever going to see them.


Speed: *looks down at phone*

Katie: *walks in* Hey someone phoned?

Speed: Get the kids, we're leaving.

Katie: We are?

Speed: *gets out of bed*

Katie: Where are we going?

Speed: You guys are going to a hotel.

Katie: What? Why?

Speed: *grabs gun and badge* Move it.

Katie: Not until you explain to me what's going on.

Speed: *looks at Katie*

Katie: *nods* Okay. Okay, just...Give me the keys to the Hummer. I'll drive us there.

Speed: *hands over keys*

Katie: What about you?

Speed: I'll be at the lab. Call Horatio and tell him I'm coming.

Katie: Okay. *runs off*

Speed: *angry sigh*

Aw. The first half of that was really sweet. The second half was a bit creepy. I don't like her :( Alison, I mean. And how cute is little Holly wanting to be just like her Daddy :)

I actually love that suggestion.
Really? I thought it might be... I don't know. I'm not very creative. I just like to pretend I am.
Ok either I am extremely tired or my highlights went to my head.

DCJ for women
I literally read the over 6 times. I was like "DCJ...what the heck is that" It just didn't register in my brain and then I saw "Alison" and I was like "ohhhh Dade County Jail! I get it now!" *sighs* There's something wrong with me. lol.

But ohhhh Speedy's going to pay. I always love it when someone threatens Speedy boy. That always means lots and lots of drama. And I love drama! Teehee.

Awwww how cute is Holly wanting to be like her daddy. *sniff* So cute. And and and Lori locked the door. You know Speed and RT Katie are cool parents because if I locked my door my dad would have my head on a silver platter. lol. Anyways I can't wait to see where this goes! Update soon please!
^^ My door doesn't even have a lock on it! I wanted to put one on once, that got a definate No from the parents. I tried to make on, but it didn't work. That was a loong time ago.
ACK!!!!! That's horrible! No! You can NOT kill off Lori and Holly! And YAY! Jess is okay! And Ash and Lori are so cute! poor Speed, his little girl is all growed up!
Hmm, I was just thinking of other thread name possibilities. (Y'all have to stop giving me ideas :p)

"I've got, two tickets to Hummerdice!" :lol: ..Okay that's terrible. I'm sorry. :p

What Happens Next, What Happens Next

Hotel, 1 hour later

Katie: Okay so what's wrong?

Speed: Alison.

Katie: What about her?

Speed: She called me.

Katie: And?

Speed: And I think she wants to hurt you and the kids.

Lori: HAHA WOW! We have a hit out on us? Sweet.

Speed: Not funny Lori.

Lori: Well it's cool. I mean, you and mom get into all this stuff and I'm always left out. I feel kind of special knowing some whack job psychopath has heard of me and wants to take me out.

Speed/Katie: *stares at Lori*

Lori: What? I'm always up for some fun.

Speed: *hands gun to Lori* Keep this and don't use it unless it's necessary.

Lori: You're giving me a gun?

Katie: You're giving her a gun?

Speed: My gun.

Katie: Oh great now she's saved.

Speed: It works.

Lori: Can I test it?

Speed: No.

Lori: Dang.

Speed: Stay here.

Lori: I'm not staying here. I want in on the action.

Speed: You're too young for the action.

Lori: Exactly. Biologically it makes me faster, smarter, and more agile than you.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Lori: I probably have better reflexes too.

Speed: This isn't a contest.

Lori: Can I please shoot someone?

Speed: No.

Lori: You gave me a gun. Why give me a gun when I can't even have the intent to kill?

Speed: Because you're not liscenced to kill.

Lori: Oh and you look any more like James Bond? You're not even british.

Speed: *squints* You want me to take that gun back?

Lori: No.

Katie: Maybe we should let her help.

Speed: Why?

Katie: She has some ideas.

Speed: Some what?

Lori: Ideas.

Speed: You stay out of this.

Lori: Fine. I don't know who pissed in your cornflakes.

Katie: On the way over, she told me a few things she's done to defer attention away.

Speed: Away from what?

Lori: Food and money.

Speed: Quiet.

Lori: Sorry.

Speed: I don't care if she learned anything. She's not helping.

Lori: Then why do I get a gun?

Speed: Self defense.

Katie: I think she could be useful.

Speed: She's our daughter.

Katie: I'm your wife. You going to tell me I have to stay here too?

Speed: No of course not.

Katie: Just because she's younger than us doesn't mean she can't handle a simple job.

Speed: Don't give her any ideas.

Lori: I have plenty on my own.

Speed: Did I ask for your opinion?

Lori: No but I feel the need to give it all the time.

Speed: Great.

Katie: Look, I know you lost Teague but this is no reason to overprotect them.

Speed: You think that's what I'm doing.

Katie: You haven't grieved properly.

Speed: And what exactly falls under the heading of 'properly'?

Katie: You didn't even go to his funeral.

Lori: HAHA WHOA Teague was his kid? What a man whore.

Speed/Katie: *looks at Lori*

Lori: Sorry I'll stay out of this one.

Speed: Katie, this is not about Teague.

Katie: I think it is.

Speed: What do you want me to do? Cry?

Katie: No.

Speed: Lori and Holly stay here.

Katie: Lori's old enough to help.

Speed: She's fifteen.

Lori: Fourteen and three quarters.

Katie: We can drop Holly off at the Humma.


Katie: *stares at Speed*

Speed: *leaves, slams door*

Lori: Haha oh man if only he was a teacher in my school. All those kids would be crying.

Katie: Not the time Lor.

Lori: Sorry.

Holly: Is daddy mad at me?

Katie: No he's just...Mad.

Holly: I wanna help.

Katie: You can't.

Holly: Why not?

Katie: You're not old enough.

Holly: I'm confused.

Lori: I'm old enough because I get the gun. You're not old enough because you watch Blues Clues.

Holly: Oh.

Lori: See? It's simple.

Holly: ...What if I stop watching Blue? Can I help then?

Lori: No.

Holly: *frowns* That doesn't seem fair.

Katie: Both of you stay here. *leaves*

Lori: Ah man.

Hallway, hotel

Katie: What is your problem?

Speed: I can't let this happen again.

Katie: Nothing has happened.

Speed: I need to protect them, and if it means...

Katie: Means what? Getting yourself killed?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: I'm not going to let you do that.

Speed: It's not really your choice.

Katie: Tim we will figure something out.

Speed: *shakes head* No. I'm going to shoot and ask questions later this time. *walks away*

Katie: ...Hmm...That's actually kind of hot.

Speed: You comin' or not!

Katie: Heck yes. *runs off*

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