Here comes more!
:lol: And Katie if you keep thinking outloud, the RT is going to get more storylines.
Just Another
Halls, Lab
Katie: Hey you.
Speed: *turns around*
Katie: WOW.
Speed: What?
Katie: The lighting in here is so....Flattering.
Speed: To whom?
Katie: The walls.
Speed: I'm sure.
Katie: I'm heading to ballistics and I thought you could use my report.
Speed: Your report.
Katie: Yeah. Or you know, you could come down to ballistics and get it yourself.
Speed: You want me to go to ballistics with you.
Katie: If you want.
Speed: Something tells me this isn't about a report.
Katie: *sigh* Fine I broke the gun vault.
Speed: Very funny.
Katie: So are you coming with me or not?
Speed: Actually H wants to see me in the interview room. Ben's talking.
Katie: Alrighty. *walks away*
Speed: *smirks*
Delko: *walks up* Very nice.
Speed: She isn't the only one with the power of seduction.
Delko: That was seduction?
Speed: I'm a guy. That's about as far as I get.
Delko: So you want her, and she wants you, but you're torturing her because....
Speed: Because she's tortured me for eight years.
Delko: *smiles* So it's your turn.
Speed: Precisely.
Delko: Horatio didn't want to see you in the interview room.
Speed: That was part of the me torturing her thing.
Delko: So how long are you going to wait before you go to ballistics?
Speed: Are you kidding me? Any part of that would be unprofessional. *walks away*
Delko: *laughs*
Anni: *walks in*
Katie: *turns around* Oh...You.
Anni: Gee sorry I was born.
Katie: *sigh* Sorry.
Anni: So, do you have that report because I'm supposed to take it to Eric.
Katie: Yeah it's over here.
Anni: You look mad.
Katie: I'm not mad.
Anni: Okay you look...Seduced?
Katie: *laughs*
Anni: Tim's torturing you, isn't he?
Katie: *grumbles* And it's working.
Anni: And you didn't want to go near him for eight years?
Katie: I have no idea how I did that. I just wanted to...Shove him against a locker and just l-
Anni: Whoa there, we're not at Denny's let's keep this PG.
Katie: *lifts brow*
Anni: Play it cool. He's probably doing this on purpose.
Katie: How would you know?
Anni: Honey, think back. Waaaay back to when you first saw him on aisle five.
Katie: Okay.
Anni: And then in the Hummerhome.
Katie: Okay.
Anni: And then that one time we were at the gas station and we wanted chips.
Katie: ...What about it?
Anni: Sorry I like chips. Back on track. How did you feel about him then?
Katie: Like a giddy school girl at Denny's.
Anni: *smiles*
Katie: ...*GASP* I HAVE A CRUSH ON MY HUSBAND! *frowns* Grow up Anni.
Anni: ...Why did you learn sarcasm? It's just confusing.
Katie: Okay you might be a tad....Right.
Anni: *smiling* CSI
Katie: *smiles* The Hummercraft.
Katie/Anni high five
Anni: So he's not as boring huh.
Katie: He had me impressed with the rolled up sleeves.
Anni: A recipe for good times.
Katie: *giggles*
Anni: AHA! You haven't done that since...Aisle five.
Katie: *laughs*
Speed: *walks in* Anni, Eric wants that f-...Why are you both smiling?
Anni: Hi Tim. *waves*
Speed: *frowns*
Anni: ...I knew I should have gotten to him first. *walks away*
Katie: *smiling*
Speed: Why do you look so happy?
Katie: No reason.
Speed: Well we have a scene.
Katie: *smile fades* We do?
Speed: Plane crash at the airport.
Katie: ...So?
Speed: So grab your kit.
Katie: We don't have...Fifteen minutes?
Speed: Actually if we didn't have that scene, we'd have around fourty five.
Katie: *wide-eyed*
Speed: *walks away*
Crime scene, plane
Delko: *puts kit down* Miami never sleeps.
Speed: *lifts bottle* Yeah neither does the pilot.
Delko: What have you got?
Speed: Pep pills.
Delko: Ah, good times.
Katie: *places down kit* If it's a bomb, you guys owe me twenty bucks.
Delko: What?
Speed: Landing gear didn't lower itself.
Katie: Ah, and I was thinking it was a bomb.
Speed: Excuse me. *brushes past Katie*
Katie: *smirks*
Delko: *rolls eyes*
Katie: *squeals* Don't you just want to shove that against a locker?
Delko: ...The thought hadn't occured to me, no.
Katie: *sigh*
Speed: Hey Katie!
Katie: Yeah!
Speed: In here.
Katie: *walks over* What do you have?
Speed: Those little pop down tvs.
Katie: Okay I know you wanted to get one of these for our room but you should leave this one on the plane.
Speed: I've been sleeping in the guest room for three years.
Katie: Haha ouch.
Speed: *frowns*
Katie: *clears throat* So what about this tv?
Speed: It's got blood on it.
Katie: Maybe someone had a nosebleed.
Speed: And then...Stood up and blew it all over the tv?
Katie: It happens.
Speed: *looks around*
Katie: Hey Tim.
Speed: What.
Katie: This is where we fell in love.
Speed: ...*lifts brow* ...We didn't fall in love. You messed with my physiology by using your lips.
Katie: Well you just sucked the romance right outta there. *laughs*
Speed: *frowns* Excuse me.
Katie: ...*looks down at floor*
Few feet away
Delko: She looks pretty sad.
Speed: Yeah I think I was kind of mean.
Delko: I said keep her guard down, not insult her.
Speed: That's how I keep people's guards...Down. That sounded better in my head.
Delko: Wow you sure made her want to push those two beds together NOW.
Speed: We sleep in seperate rooms.
Delko: Beds, walls, same difference.
Speed: Maybe I should apologize.
Delko: Why? She's made your life miserable for eight years.
Speed: Right.
Delko: Keep her on her toes....By NOT insulting her. Keep her interested.
Speed: How? I just screwed it up.
Delko: Go back out there.
Speed: I don't know why I ever take your advice.
Delko: Me neither.
Speed: *walks away*
Few feet away
Speed: Katie.
Katie: *frowning*
Eric: *pushes beverage cart down aisle*
Speed: AH! *pushes Katie*
Katie: AH!
Both CSIs fall over, onto seat
Katie: *looks up*
Speed: ...I am going to kill Eric.
Katie: Yeah.
Speed: *stares at Katie*
Katie: *stares at Speed*
Delko: *running down aisle* DRINKS! DRINKS!
Speed: *stands up*
Katie: *sits up*
Delko: Hey free alcohol.
Speed: You're not supposed to take that.
Delko: Ah, take a glass of wine. It's romantic.
Speed: It's evidence.
Delko: Oooh miss Katie is blushing.
Speed: *looks down*
Katie: *frowns* Eric, for once in your life, stop turning every crime scene into a circus.
Delko: ...You guys are no fun. *walks away*
Speed: *grabs Katie's hand*
Katie: *stands*
Speed: Sorry.
Katie: It's alright.
Speed: *nods*
Katie: *looks around* ...You ever get the feeling we're being watched?
Speed: Yeah Eric's staring at us.
Katie: Yeah.
Speed: *smirks*
Katie: What?
Speed: Maybe we should
give him something to stare at.
Katie: Oh I don't know. My dance moves are pretty bad.
Speed: Funny.
Katie: *laughs*
Speed: I'll go bag and tag the beverages that Eric spilled everywhere.
Katie: Good idea.
Speed: *walks away*
Katie: *shakes head*