CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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great updates geni can't wait for more and you are so welcome for the comment cause it is true and i wrote that at like some odd time of the morning lol. Anywho great updates and i am glad you are feeling better and can't wait fore more updates.
Awwwwwww. So many things to comment on so little time. Leave it to me to go after Josh because I want someone new and fresh. lol. And I loved the whole thing where I told Carly and Josh they wer fighting wrong.

ANd whoa hold the remote! Tim didn't beat me? He just slapped my arm? Well heck he can slap my arm any time he wants. And I've told you before me and remotes are dangerous, i've broken about 6 of them. Tim should wrap body in bubble wrap or soemthing.

But still, I mean I know our relationship was rocky but I think I took it a little to far.

Katie: Well Carly never wants kids. I, on the other hand can re-populate the Earth in a matter of years
Teehee. That still has me laughing. But yet its oh so very true. lol. Before you know it I'm going to be like the mom in Cheaper by the Dozen. lol.

And awwww Speed came after me and I never got on the plane or I did I just got off. Were so Ross and Rachel. lol. Update soon please!
WOW Geni that was some GREAT updates!!!! ;)

There was a all story with mustard and Katie was gone and then not...a lot of things happened since I was not here :p

And what the matter with Katie? It was not really nice to try to break Carly and Josh up!!!!It's really mean :p
Update soon please :)
We'll be here, Missy!

And sorry I didn't get a chance to post a chapter today, but I promise I will either tonight or tomorrow morning. :)
YAY! We all sure missed you! I had taken you out a few threads ago but I put you back in this thread for some reason... :lol: I could PM you with some details if you didn't want to read five threads. ;)
*hugs saraholic* Hee! I know I sent you a whole batch of information but, gosh you need to experience Jess getting her boobs caught in a fence and drunk Katie as soon as possible! :lol: And we all know that happens a lot. :p

I Got So Far

Humma boat, 1 am

Jess: *screaming*

Katie: *runs in* What happened?

Jess: I'M STUCK!

Katie: What? How?

Jess: I got stuck in the railings of the bed.

Katie: How?

Jess: I was trying to see if I could fit.

Speed: *runs in* What's going o-...Never mind.


Josh: *runs in*

Carly: *runs in*

Jess: Seriously, I need surgery.

Katie: Okay we'll get you out. What did you do last time to get out?

Jess: I can't remember. All the blood was being crushed in my boobs so nothing went to my brain to think.

Speed: We could just...Shove a rod in there and get you out.

Jess: I'm a person not a pinata!

Speed: How did you get stuck in the railing of your bed?


Carly: There's only one solution. We're cutting them off.

Jess: *screams*

Speed: Stop saying that.

Carly: Sorry.

Josh: Well maybe we should just call the cops.

Speed: *looks at Josh*

Josh: I meant cops other than you.


Carly: What should we tell them? You need to save the beach balls before it's too late?

Jess: *frowns*

Carly: I had too much schnopps.

Josh: I told you not to drink so much.

Carly: Why not? It's not like we're having kids or anything.

Josh: Well first of all, it's not good for you.

Carly: I'm not an alcoholic.

Katie: *raises hand* I AM!

Carly: You are not.

Katie: Whatever.

Speed: Okay Jess, we're going to pull you. Now, like the last time, suck in your gut.

Jess: Uh like the LAST TIME, my GUT isn't the problem.

Anni: *runs in* OH YES! Entertainment! Who wants chips?

Carly: *raises hand*

Josh: Carly...

Carly: What? I'm hungry.

Speed: Okay Jess, we're going to pull.

Jess: Okay.

Speed: Uh...Okay how do I exactly get in there?

Jess: What? You don't want to touch me? I'm sorry I disgust you so much.

Speed: Well it's just that so much of you is...Everywhere.


Speed: Wow that's something I never expected to hear ever.

Jess: Maybe if I stick my head through the railings it'll help. *sticks head through railings*

Katie: No! Jess!


Speed: *rolls eyes*

Josh: Well why don't the men handle this.

Speed: *frowns* Yeah go ahead Josh. We're with ya all the way.

Josh: We're stronger.

Katie: *pushes Josh*

Josh: *falls back onto wall* OW! what the hell was that for?

Katie: I'm stronger than you.

Josh: You are not.

Katie: ARM WRESTLE you and me, RIGHT NOW.

Josh: What?

Katie: Oh can we get some mustard thrown around too?

Josh: Why mustard?

Katie: Honey it's a long story.

Josh: I'm not going to arm wrestle a girl.

Katie: HEY! I am a woman.

Jess: Uh guys, I think we have more pressing issues.

Katie: Shh the grown ups are talking.

Jess: I'm older than you.

Katie: *grabs Josh* BAH! *throws Josh against wall*

Josh: OW! OW! OW!


Josh: *frowns*

Katie: Huh?

Josh: *grabs Katie*

Katie: AH!

Josh: *shoves Katie up against wall*

Katie: OH MY GOD I'VE PROVOKED IT! *kicks Josh*

Josh: OW! *grabs Katie's hands*

Katie: HEY! *grabs Josh's hair*

Josh: *smirks*

Katie: *narrows eyes*

Carly: *lifts brow*

Speed: *staring*

Anni: *eating chips*

Katie: *sigh* Hey Tim?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: Your brother is so....*sigh*

Speed: Josh...

Josh: Yeah.

Speed: ....Let go of my wife please.

Josh: *lets go*

Speed: Thank you.

Jess: Can we get back to me now? My head is starting to swell and these bars aren't going to hold much longer.

Katie: *clears throat* ...

Josh: *puts hands in pockets*

Speed: *looks at Carly*

Carly: *looks at Speed*

Josh: OKAY! So uh, let's get Jess out.

Katie: Good idea.

Josh: Okay honey we're going to get you out.


Speed: *snaps* Honey.

Jess: What?

Speed: We'll use honey.

Anni: Are you serious?

Speed: You haven't offered anything to this except chips.

Anni: Hey everyone needs sustinance.

Jess: *screaming*

Katie: *runs in* What happened?

OMG AGAIN? lol I never thought that telling you that story would lead to getting my boobs stuck in something four times lol *sits down and rocks back and fourth* my boobs aren't that big my boobs aren't that big..... hahaha

Speed: *runs in* What's going o-...Never mind.
HAhahaha gotta love Speed. I love how he walks in and then is like uhhhh, and he never wants anything to do with it.....I wouldn't either if I was in his position lol.

Carly: I'm not an alcoholic.

Katie: *raises hand* I AM!
Gotta love drunk Katie. She will forever be Queen of the Spider People, and she will forever tell cops to stop being gay lol I love it when Katie gets arrested. It's pretty damn funny lol.

Great update Geni, I love teh funny! Hope you update soon!
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