CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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On Fire Again

Next day, lab

Horatio: I see you were let out of holding.

Speed: Yeah. What did you tell Stetler?

Horatio: He owes me a few more favors than I owe him.

Speed: So I don't lose my job?

Horatio: No.

Speed: ....Sorry about the other day when I blew up at you.

Horatio: It's okay.

Speed: So did you guys catch the guy?

Horatio: Not yet.

Speed: I'd like to help if I could.

Horatio: You talk to Katie this morning?

Speed: No, why?

Horatio: She quit.

Speed: ...She did?

Horatio: She told me to tell you not to go looking for her.

Speed: What do you mean? Where did she go?

Horatio: She didn't say.

Speed: Great.

Horatio: I'm sorry.

Speed: Did she take the kids?

Horatio: Why don't you go home and check.

Speed: Yeah. I'll see you a little later.

Horatio: Likewise.

Speed walks away

Calleigh: *walks over* Evidence was a box of syringes.

Horatio: Syringes?

Calleigh: They were stored in the cattle truck. Medication for one of the cows.

Horatio: Why would someone want to steal cow meds?

Calleigh: I don't know. But I do know what our suspect's name is.

Horatio: Alright.

Calleigh: *hands over paper* Ben Russo.

Horatio: How'd you track him down?

Calleigh: Blood in the bushes. He probably scraped his knee.

Horatio: ...*looking down at paper*

Calleigh: You know him?

Horatio: *walks away*

Calleigh: ...Okay.


Speed: *walks in* Lori!

Lori: *walks over* Yeah.

Speed: Why aren't you in school?

Lori: We had the day off. I told you already.

Speed: Where's your mother?

Lori: She told me not to say.

Speed: ...And why not?

Lori: Because she said something about a divorce and then she said to shut up and then slammed the door behind her. She took Holly with her.

Speed: And she left you here.

Lori: I've been feeling very loved today.

Speed: *sigh* Come on.

Lori: Where are we going?

Speed: We're going to find her.

Lori: You mean I can leave the house?

Speed: I trust you, come on.

Lori: Hey I like that answer.

Speed: *walks away*

Lori: *follows*

Awww I left and mentioned divorce? This is so not cool! BUt awww Speedy's out of the holding cell and Horatio owes Stetler a few favors...why do I feel that coming back to bite him in the rear end later? And he certinaly took off very quickly, I wonder what thats all about.

I took Holly but not Lori. Hmm...thats interesting. Why would I take one and not the other? *shrugs* Maybe I thought Speed could handle Lori better. But awww he's coming after me!!! Thats soooo incrediably sweet and yes so Ross and Rachel but HEY thats ok because I love Ross and Rachel!

Update soon please!
:lol: I love them too!

Saying It All


Lori: Okay dad why are at an airport?

Speed: To look for your mother.

Lori: Why would she be at an airport?

Speed: To get onto a plane.

Lori: *rolls eyes* No kidding.

Speed: *looks around*

Lori: Maybe she already headed through security.

Speed: Yeah come on.

Lori: Whoa there soldier, where are you going?

Speed: Security.

Lori: You're wearing a gun.

Speed: I'm also wearing a badge.

Lori: So?

Speed: So come on.

Lori: They won't arrest you?

Speed: Yeah because they're always in the habit of arresting cops for doing their jobs.

Lori: But this isn't part of your job.

Speed: *frowns*

Lori: Fine, whatever.


Guard: Hey slow down.

Speed: I just need to take a look around. *lifts badge*

Guard: You got a ticket?

Speed: No.

Guard: Then you're not getting through.

Speed: Are you kidding me? What if I had a warrant?

Guard: Do you?

Speed: No.

Guard: Go buy a ticket.

Lori: Hey is that her?

Speed: *looks over* KATIE!

Katie: *turns around*

Speed: Can we talk?!

Katie: *frowns*

Speed: Let me through.

Guard: No.

Speed: Let me through right now.

Guard: No.

Lori: *walks up to guard, smiles* Y'know, I was wonderin' how y'all get so disciplined around here. Such a great work ethic. *strokes guard's arm*

Speed: *looks over*

Lori: If only everyone was as tough as you guards. So polite too.

Guard: *smirks*

Speed: *frowns*

Guard: Go ahead.

Lori: *smiling* Thank you. *walks away*

Few feet away

Speed: Don't do that again.

Lori: Oh come on it worked.

Speed: You're too young for that to work.

Lori: I look more mature than I am.

Speed: That's not a good thing. Katie!

Katie: *stops walking*

Speed: Can we talk?

Katie: No.

Speed: I'm sorry for what happened two years ago. I'm not like that anymore.

Katie: I know.

Speed: So why are you doing this?

Katie: You did this.

Speed: I'm not making you jump on a plane to God knows where.

Katie: I'm going to California and then wherever I go from there is none of your business.

Speed: You're taking Holly?

Katie: It's for the best.

Speed: You can't take our child.

Katie: Fine. Sue me. *walks away*

Speed: *frowns*

Lori: OWNED.

Speed: *turns around*

Lori: ...I...Have tourettes.

Speed: Not funny.

Lori: Okay so mom left you. If she wants to be happy then maybe we should let her go.

Speed: She took your sister.

Lori: She's in good hands.

Speed: So you're okay with this.

Lori: No, but it's her choice. You can't tie her to the house if she's not happy.

Speed: Since when did you get logical?

Lori: Since I met you.

Speed: You watch way too much tv.

Lori: I was going for the drama thing.

Speed: You need more practice.

Lori: Okay so what now? We go home?

Speed: No. We're going to the lab.

Lori: Me to?

Speed: That is what 'we' means.

Lori: Why?

Speed: Because I said so.

Lori: You are so not cool.

Speed: I know, come on.

Lori: Can I hold your gun?

Speed: *stops walking*

Lori: *smiling*

Speed: No.

Lori: Ah damnit.

Speed: No swearing.

Lori: That wasn't a swear. I said ah...Dam's it.

Speed: Dam's it?

Lori: Yeah the beaver damn's it.

Speed: ...That doesn't even make sense.

Lori: It would if you said a sentence like "What is it?" and I said "The beaver dam's it."

Speed: That still doesn't make sense.

Lori: Okay so I need to do better in English class.

Awww Lori's getting a comical side. How cute. And i'm not sure if I even like her doing what she did to that Guard. And RT Katie didn't even see it lol. But aww he went after me and then he just let me go again! I didn't get off the plane ok well technically I was never on the plane to begin with but....it sounded better in my head. Anyways, update soon please.
Aw, just like her daddy...Except he seems more miserable. :p

Home, Home On The Range

Trace Lab

Lori: What does this do? *presses button*

Speed: Don't touch that.

Lori: What does this do? *presses button*

Speed: Don't touch that.

Lori: What does this do? *picks up pipette*

Speed: *grabs pipette*

Lori: What's this for? *opens cabinet doors*

Speed: *closes doors*

Lori: What's this for? *presses buttons*

Speed: *frowns* Lori knock it off.

Lori: *sigh* I'm bored.

Speed: I can see that.

Lori: Entertain me.

Speed: I'm not a travelling circus.

Lori: Well what did I used to do when I was here?

Speed: Sit in the lounge and watch Blues Clues.

Lori: ...That seems boring.

Speed: *tilts head* Yeah well you liked it.

Lori: What else did I do?

Speed: You played with Jess and Carly. You ate cookies, made a mess...

Lori: *laughs*

Speed: You were my little girl.

Lori: ...I'm still you're little girl, dad.

Speed: *smirks*

Horatio: *walks in* Am I interrupting?

Speed: No.

Horatio: Lori, I need to speak with you.

Lori: ...Me?

Horatio: Yes.

Lori: Okay. *walks over*

Horatio: Speed give us a minute.

Speed: Sure. *walks away*

Horatio: *holds up paper*

Lori: That's Ben.

Horatio: I'm assuming you know him.

Lori: Yeah we hung out for a while when I first came here.

Horatio: He's gotten into some trouble.

Lori: What do you mean?

Horatio: He stole evidence from a crime scene.

Lori: ...

Horatio: You look worried.

Lori: We never, ever went near cops. We were just fooling around most of the time.

Horatio: So that was the one rule.

Lori: Yeah no cops.

Horatio: How about Crime Scene Investigators?

Lori: No. No law enforcement.

Horatio: We need to find him.

Lori: Downtown.

Horatio: That was rather quick.

Lori: I don't hang out with them anymore.

Horatio: Okay, where downtown?

Lori: Um...Park Plaza mostly.

Horatio: Alright, thank you.

Lori: Horatio...

Horatio: *turns around*

Lori: I'm sorry that he did this.

Horatio: No worries. We'll get him. *walks away*

Lori: *nods*


Carly: *opens door*

Katie: *crying*

Carly: Whoa what happened?

Katie: I couldn't do it. I can't leave.

Carly: You were leaving?

Katie: *hugs Carly*

Carly: Well gee thanks for the notice.

Katie: Can I stay here tonight?

Carly: Sure.

Katie: *sniff*

Carly: Where's Holly?

Katie: She's in the car.

Carly: You left her in the car?

Katie: I didn't think you'd let me stay.

Carly: I'm not THAT mean.

Katie: What are you doing here anyway? I thought you and Josh had a place.

Carly: He's here. We had a gas leak so we're staying with Jess and Anni for a few days.

Katie: Don't tell Tim I'm here.

Carly: Why not?

Katie: Because he'll just do everything all over again.

Carly: He's not the same as he was years ago.

Katie: I know.

Josh: *walks over* Hey what's wrong?

Katie: JOSH! *hugs Josh*

Josh: Uh...Okay. *hugs Katie*

Carly: She left Tim.

Josh: Oh tough break.

Katie: *lets go* Can I stay here?

Josh: Sure, sure you can.

Katie: Thanks. *smirks*

Josh: *smiles*

Carly: HAHA okay one Speedle at a time there Katie. *grabs Katie* Let's go get Holly from the car.

Half hour later


Josh: Here. I thought you could use some coffee.

Katie: Thanks. *grabs cup*

Josh: *sits*

Carly: Hey make room from the wife. *sits in between Josh and Katie*

Josh: *rolls eyes*

Katie: I don't know what I was doing.

Carly: Well you guys haven't had the smoothest marriage.

Katie: Yeah.

Carly: Maybe it was just time you two went your separate ways.

Katie: What about Holly?

Carly: ....And Lori.

Katie: Tim gets a long with her better than I do.

Carly: It shouldn't matter.

Katie: Look, I'd love to be lectured all night by you but I'm kind of not in the mood for it at this second.

Carly: Okay.

Katie: Where's everyone else?

Carly: Asleep. They spent the last three hours at a club, getting phone numbers.

Katie: Fun times.

Carly: Apparently.

Josh: Didn't you leave the tub on or something?

Carly: WHAT! *runs*

Josh: *sits closer* Katie, I'm going to tell you two things. Number one, Tim loves you despite what he did so don't ever think any less. Number two, he's made mistakes and they've hurt you and you don't deserve to be unhappy.

Katie: ...You've just confused me.

Josh: My point is, this could end amicably.

Katie: I know.

Josh: Good.

Katie: You're lucky. You're not like him.

Josh: I looked up to him. I still do.

Katie: He's a good guy.

Josh: Yeah.

Katie: Maybe I'm just over-reacting.

Josh: Nah, sometimes he can be a bit of an ass.

Katie: *laughs*

Josh: See? There's that smile I love.

Katie: *smiling*

Josh: *smirks*

Carly: *runs in* BACK OFF! *jumps over couch, hits table*

Katie/Josh: *look down at floor*

Carly: Ow....

Josh: You alright?

Carly: I didn't see the table.

Josh: Apparently you didn't see the couch either.

Carly: Oh I saw the couch I can guarantee it. It's just that the cheating-husband-o-meter threw me off.

Josh: No one's cheating on you.

Carly: *sits up* Oh but you're a Speedle. You will. YOU WILL...Oh my God...AH! WE'RE GOING TO AFRICA! MY LIFE IS GOING TO TURN INTO MUSTARD! *runs around the house screaming*

Katie: ...Are there any tranquilizers in this boat?

Josh: *shakes head*


Awww the begnning was so cute. It was like when Lori was a kid and she kept asking 'why'. lol. And ohhh Ben was the one who stole evidence. That's very interesting.

And awww Carly's all jealous that Joshie will cheat. I don't think he'd do that, he seems like a very nice person. All though he was all smirking and and and he is a Speedle. lol.

HEY MISSY! *points finger* There is nothing wrong with calling popsicle sticks holy! lol. Update soon please!
Awww, Lori is so cute! kinda like when she was a kid but...not...because she's older. Well, I know what I meant by that ;)

*gasp* Katie is leaving Speed? Well, I wonder how long it'll take before she goes back to him this time? :p but Joshie is mine! but then again...he is a Speedle *GASP* but then again again, he's not Speed...
Carly: *sits up* Oh but you're a Speedle. You will. YOU WILL...Oh my God...AH! WE'RE GOING TO AFRICA! MY LIFE IS GOING TO TURN INTO MUSTARD! *runs around the house screaming*

Katie: ...Are there any tranquilizers in this boat?

Josh: *shakes head*

:lol: ah, that had me in stitches :lol: HOLY BANANA PANCAKES!...I just thought I'd throw that in there...ah, 'holy saint popsicle sticks batman'...that'll never get old :D

anyways, please update soon
nice updates geni they really brightened my mood after a night of being kept up by two stupid little idiots .... full details not being said. Anywho can't wait for more rip splitting updates LOL Ur such a awsome writer and once again congrats on your mod ship!!!!
Thanks Jaci. :)

And Carly, you crack me up! *huggles* Now I want to go to Australia because of you. :p

Where Is Your Heart

Humma, 10 pm

Carly: You know what this boat needs?

Josh: What?

Carly: Cameras. Cameras everywhere. I'll talk to Tyler about that.

Josh: *rolls eyes*

Katie: Oh that reminds me. You know that Megan person who brought Lori and Jess back to the States?

Carly: Yeah.

Katie: Well apparently she's being transfered to our crime lab because of the whole 'good job on bringing two Americans home' so she's going to be Internal Affairs.

Carly: ...That's not a good thing.

Katie: Yeah well I quit so I don't care.

Josh: You quit?

Katie: I'm not working with him anymore.

Josh: Well you could still work there. I mean, if you want to make him suffer, stay professional.

Katie: Hmm...You know, I like the way you think.

Josh: Did you hand in your resignation.

Katie: Not yet.

Josh: Well see? You can still get back at him.

Katie: I thought we were trying to end things amicably.

Josh: You can have a little fun first. *winks*

Katie: *laughs* You want me to torture your brother?

Josh: Oh yeah. He needs to lighten up a little.

Katie: *smiling*

Carly: *frowns* Okay why don't we separate you two for a while.

Josh: Stop worrying.

Carly: You're a Speedle. I HAVE to worry.

Josh: *shakes head*

Katie: I'm finished with Speedles.

Josh: Hey. We're not all bad.

Katie: Well you're not bad.

Carly: *grabs Katie* AHEM. I need you to help me mop the kitchen.

Katie: Why?

Carly: Move it.


Carly: What are you doing? HE'S MINE. NOT YOURS. MINE.

Katie: I don't want him.

Carly: Uh stop flirting with him then.

Katie: I wasn't flirting.

Carly: You were so.

Katie: No I wasn't. Stop being paranoid.

Carly: I can't.

Katie: There's nothing to worry about.

Carly: Good. Because I have to pick up some snore strips and if I get back and you two are doing the nasty then I'm going to be very disappointed.

Katie: Okay.

Carly: Good. *leaves*

Josh: *walks over* Is she gone?

Katie: Yeah she had to get snore strips.

Josh: What was she saying to you?

Katie: Apparently you're going to cheat on her.

Josh: What gave her that idea?

Katie: *rolls eyes*

Josh: She's paranoid.

Katie: Does she need to be?

Josh: *smirks* Interesting question.

Katie: *smiles* It's either yes or no.

Josh: I'm not like Tim.

Katie: I know.

Josh: You can't manipulate me.

Katie: What?

Josh: Look I get it. You're angry at what Tim has done in the past, you feel hurt and vulnerable, but not vulnerable enough. You know what you want.

Katie: You going for a psychology major or something?

Josh: Am I right?

Katie: *sigh* ....Yeah.

Josh: This isn't going to work with me.

Katie: You treat me better than Tim ever did.

Josh: Like I said, I'm not him. I love my wife.

Katie: Yeah.

Josh: I hope you'll understand.

Katie: I do understand.

Josh: Good.

Katie: Well I'm going to get some rest. I'll see you in the morning.

Josh: Yeah.

Katie: *walks away*

Josh: *gets out cellphone*


Speed: *opens phone* Yeah it's Speed.

Josh: I need to talk to you.

Speed: Well that is why you phoned right?

Josh: Katie's here.

Speed: What?

Josh: She didn't leave and she'll be back at the lab tomorrow. She just doesn't really want to talk relationship with you.

Speed: That's fine.

Josh: She also tried to bring me to the dark side.

Speed: Dude, too many movies.

Josh: You get the idea.

Speed: Did you go for it?

Josh: You mean did I cheat on my wife? No.

Speed: Why not?

Josh: I'm not you.

Speed: Funny.

Josh: Just thought I'd let you know.

Speed: Why?

Josh: Because she's obviously not thinking straight.

Speed: She's lonely and she thinks you're hot. That doesn't mean she isn't thinking clearly. I wouldn't get too hot under the collar about it.

Josh: Alright.

Speed: I'll talk to you later.

Josh: Sure.

Speed: *closes phone*

:lol: I'm going to be Internal Affairs? That's so great :lol: Does that mean I get to deal with Stetler? :lol: That could be fun :devil:
Great job, as always :D
Hmm..well that was a very interesting chapter. Poor Carly and her nose strips. lol. But yay! I'm coming back to the lab. Based on this chapter though I'm not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing.

Josh: She also tried to bring me to the dark side.
Ugh, I would have had him to if it wasn't for Carly always interrupting us. lol. No, I kid Josh is the good Speedle and I really don't think he'd do that.

Update soon please.
Megan, you make me laugh. :lol: Of course you'll be dealing with Stetler! And hilarity ensues. (You'll also be dealing with Tyler. ;))

That reminds me, Missy, your fight for Eric Delko is not over! :)

speedmonkey2 said
Ugh, I would have had him to if it wasn't for Carly always interrupting us. lol.

:lol: It's true though. Well, not completely. I mean, before he was gay... :p

Stop All Your Pretending

Humma, 12 am

Katie: You're back?

Carly: Do you know how many drug stores cary 20 different kinds of snore strips?

Katie: You find any good ones?

Carly: I didn't even need any. I must have alzheimers.

Josh: Hey Katie I thought you went to bed.

Katie: I was in bed. Jess talks in her sleep so it woke me up. Apparently she thought the 'dude near the rest stop on the way back was strip worthy'.

Carly: There wasn't anyone at the rest stop...We didn't even stop.

Josh: You told me you didn't even go with them. You said you went to the vet.

Carly: ...

Josh: We don't even have a pet.

Carly: And you believed me.

Josh: You went to a party with them and got phone numbers?

Carly: ...No.

Katie: Ooooh cat fight.

Carly: *looks at Katie*

Katie: What? I never get to witness these. I'm always in the middle.

Josh: Were you flirting with guys?

Carly: HEY. I met YOU at a club.

Josh: I wasn't looking to get a date I was there with some friends.

Carly: Well I was there with some friends.

Josh: ...

Carly: ...Are you mad?

Josh: No. No, I believe you.

Carly: *smiles*

Josh: Sorry.

Carly: It's okay.

Katie: THAT'S IT?! No plate smashing, no teeth pulling, no kicking ass? Just an 'I'm sorry' and 'It's okay'?

Carly: Yeah.

Josh: Is that bad?

Katie: *blank stare* ...Are you kidding me? Okay. Carly stand here.

Carly: *moves two feet to the left*

Katie: Josh, stand here.

Josh: *moves one foot to the right*

Katie: Okay. Carly, you were at the club making out with a tall guy with nice teeth. Josh, you were here, innocently cleaning the...Hand cream jars.

Josh: *frowns* You were making out with guys?

Carly: What? No.

Josh: That's what she just said.

Carly: She wasn't there.

Josh: Neither was I.

Carly: It was a girl's night out. No offense but you left THAT life behind a long time ago.

Josh: Well you obviously didn't just sit around by yourself while everyone else was getting numbers.

Carly: Of course not. I was talking to a few people.

Josh: Were they men?

Carly: Some of them. What, I'm not allowed to talk to men other than you? I didn't know I was your property.

Josh: You're not my property. I just don't see how this is any better than sleeping with some random guy.

Carly: Well except for the whole 'sleeping with some random guy' part.

Josh: I don't feel comfortable with other men staring at my wife and undressing her with their eyes.

Carly: You don't know if that's what they did.

Josh: Were they staring at you?

Carly: Yeah but how is that MY fault?

Josh: You could have stayed home.

Carly: I'm not a slave.

Josh: I know that.

Carly: Well obviously not.

Katie: See? There's a nice good fight to get started with.

Josh: No. No, Carly I trust you.

Carly: Good because I wasn't doing anything wrong.

Josh: I know. I sincerely apologzie.

Katie: *frowns* Okay maybe you weren't understanding the whole situation. I mean, Carly was FLIRTING with other MEN.

Josh: If she said she wasn't then I believe her.

Carly: *smiles*

Katie: Oh COME ON! Carly what were you wearing at the club?

Carly: A black skirt and a t-shirt.

Katie: Was the skirt really short?

Carly: It's Miami. You can't GET a long skirt.

Katie: See? She wore something to attract the guys. The next thing you know, she'll be putting little charms on her fingernails and stroking your arm, while holding a hot cup of tea after killing her boyfriend.

Josh/Carly: *blank stare*

Katie: I've....Heard.

Carly: I was not wearing the skirt to attract men.

Josh: I believe you.

Carly: You didn't believe me before.

Josh: Katie's just saying this to make us fight so she can sleep with me.

Carly: *wide-eyed*


Carly: She WHAT!

Katie: I..Wait..JOSH! You weren't supposed to tell her!

Carly: *narrows eyes*

Josh: If it helps, I said no.

Carly: I KNEW it. When I leave you're going to be all over each other.

Josh: What? No we're not.

Carly: You're a Speedle.

Josh: *frowns* Okay just because one man ruined it for everyone, don't take it out on me.

Carly: Come on, isn't Katie pretty?

Josh: What kind of a question is that?

Katie: HEY.

Josh: What?

Carly: Answer. Is she pretty?

Josh: Well I'm not going to say she's ugly.


Josh: FINE! Fine, she's pretty.

Katie: Hey, I like that answer.

Josh: I also thought my goldfish were pretty.

Katie: You had goldfish?

Carly: This is so typical. Alright well you might as well just sleep with her because you're bound to eventually.

Josh: No I'm not.

Katie: Why not?

Josh: Because I'm not married to you.

Katie: Have you and Carly had kids yet?

Josh: No.

Carly: What does that have to do with anything?

Katie: Josh loves kids. Right?

Josh: Yeah.

Carly: Katie...

Katie: Well Carly never wants kids. I, on the other hand can re-populate the Earth in a matter of years.

Carly: This isn't funny.

Josh: ...

Carly: DO NOT think about it.

Josh: Well it's true, you don't want children.

Carly: So steal Katie's. Lord knows she has enough.

Katie: Hey.

Carly: This has nothing to do with the fact that Katie's trying to break us up.

Josh: Actually it has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that she's trying to break us up.

Katie: And it's half working.

Josh: No it's not. I don't care if she wants kids or not. I love her no matter what and nothing is going to change that.

Carly: Awww.

Katie: THAT'S STUPID. It's not fair! Why did you have to get the good husband!

Carly: *sticks tongue out*

Katie: I'll rip it out. I will.

Carly: Just go home.

Katie: I can't.

Carly: You're just mad at Tim because he's mad at you because you won't put out. It has nothing to do with the fact that he hit you two years ago and he did NOT beat you. You exaggerate WAY too much.

Katie: He was drunk.



Carly: So you made Holly call the cops on him?

Katie: Oh come on, she likes phones.

Carly: *frowns*

Josh: Wait...I get the feeling I don't have the whole story.

Carly: Tim didn't beat her. He slapped her arm because she threw a remote at his head.

Katie: Carly shut up.

Carly: No. Go home and stop trying to ruin my marriage. He doesn't care if you don't want to sleep with him. And to tell you the truth, he's not all that great.

Katie: *GASP* YOU LIE!

Carly: Honey he's been around the block.

Katie: I just don't feel the same way about him anymore and he just makes everything harder okay? And besides I'm still holding the Africa thing against him. There is deep emotional scarring.

Carly: *rolls eyes*

Josh: Okay...So Katie just wants someone new and fresh?

Carly: Yeah.

Josh: Why would you pick me?

Katie: I don't know...You're nice.

Josh: *lifts brow*

Doorbell rings

Carly: *runs over, opens door*

Speed: Katie?

Katie: *screams*

Josh: *sigh* Don't you EVER listen?

Speed: Katie, I don't know what to say. You run off, you take our child, you threaten to take Josh over to the...*sigh* Dark side...

Josh: Hey it was a good comparison.

Katie: HE TOLD YOU? *slaps Josh*

Josh: Ow.

Carly: Don't slap my husband. *slaps Katie*

Katie: OW. *slaps Carly*

Speed: STOP!

Katie: *crosses arms*

Speed: You know what? I don't really want to deal with you.

Katie: Then why did you come over here?

Speed: Well for one, I thought you were going to be mature about this.

Katie: AFRICA! *throws remote*

Speed: OW! That's it. *throws remote*

Katie: THAT WAS MY HEAD! *throws remote*

Speed: OW! *throws remote*

Katie: *ducks* HA.

Speed: *narrows eyes*

Josh: Whoa, okay hold on. *steps in between* Let's just think about this.

Speed: Move it little brother.

Katie: This is our war. You'd just be collateral, and besides, I don't think Horatio wants to get this place back with blood stains on the interior.

Josh: Fine. *moves*

Speed: *frowning* I'm tired of playing these games with you.

Katie: Well same here.

Speed: So what should we do about this?

Katie: Well if we break up, we'll just end up getting back together and then fight again and then break up and then get back together again and then fight and then break up and th-

Speed: I get it.

Katie: *sigh*

Speed: I don't know what to do.

Katie: Me neither.

Carly: Alright well you both love each other right?

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: *nods* Of course.

Carly: So everything will be fine.

Speed: Yeah, I guess.

Katie: Eh, probably.

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: *smirks*

Josh: Who wants toast?

Everyone: *looks at Josh*

Josh: ...Sorry I found the new toaster.

:lol: ah, the hilarity...'Who wants toast?' ah, what a good silence-filler thingy majigy...

*GASP* KATIE! trying to steal my man! I never tried to steal yours...ok, well technically I did, but you were "dead" so thats not really my fault...
Josh: Like I said, I'm not him. I love my wife.
TEEHEE! thats me! :D

and Katie! I would never go to a club to flirt with other men! I mean, real me has never even been to a club..thats probably because I'm not even 17 yet (hah Geni, I'm 4 days older than you :p) and the suburb where I live is totally boring...not that I'd go anywhere anyway because I have absolutely no social life...anyway, back to the RT
Katie: See? She wore something to attract the guys. The next thing you know, she'll be putting little charms on her fingernails and stroking your arm, while holding a hot cup of tea after killer her boyfriend.
Josh/Carly: *blank stare*
Katie: I've....Heard
HAHA Grave Young Men! that THAT you Allison woman you! Speedy totally played her HA HA! :D

Ohhh, so Speedy didn't beat Katie up..interesting...and she MADE Holly call the cops...geez, why didn't she want to be with him...*GASP* did she just want an excuse to sleep with my husband?...nah, I kid, I kid :p

Ah man, now everytime there is an awkward silence or people are fighting, I'm just gonna ranomly say "Who wants toast?" :lol:

please update soon
Anni: ....So I'm invisible. Hmm, should I use my powers for good? Or for evil...
Knowing you Anni, definately Evil. OMG I'M BACK! It took me, like, a week to catch up on all the missed posts. I blame my brother, the total internet hog. And the media, because it's fun...and CSI, because that's what I was doing when I wasn't trying to get caught up.
Katie: Two years ago, you beat the hell out of me. Holly was in the same room. She had to call 911 because you were too drunk to realize what you were doing.
Speed: Look whatever I did in the past, is in the past. Do you realize you may have just ruined my entire life?
Katie: You've already ruined mine. *walks away*
Oh My God Katie! *hugs* You are so strong, probably one of the strongest people I know...*falls back into reality* well, that really sucks. *hugs katie...again* So much happened!
Lori: Okay so I need to do better in English class.
Ah, that's the Lori we all know love and miss. KATIE! We're gonna miss you like hell, come back soon! Please...you still have to help me find a new boyfriend since my old one is currently courting Jess. *death glare*
Katie: I couldn't do it. I can't leave.
OH THANK GOD! *glomp* you didn't leave! Although, you seem so sad...we need a GIRLS NIGHT! all the girls at your choice of bar...wait a minute...that usually ends with us getting arrested.
Carly: *sits up* Oh but you're a Speedle. You will. YOU WILL...Oh my God...AH! WE'RE GOING TO AFRICA! MY LIFE IS GOING TO TURN INTO MUSTARD! *runs around the house screaming*
Katie: ...Are there any tranquilizers in this boat?
Josh: *shakes head*
*breaks down in long awaited fit of giggles* Oh god, Carly. I missed you soooooo much! Don't worry, I'm sure josh will be fine.
Josh: She also tried to bring me to the dark side.
Speed: Dude, too many movies.
Come to the dark side, we have cookies! Or in your case, you should definately stay on the light side...if that made any sense at all.
That reminds me, Missy, your fight for Eric Delko is not over!
YES!!! I might still win! *does happy dance* Oh yeah, go me!
Carly: Tim didn't beat her. He slapped her arm because she threw a remote at his head.
KATIE!!!!! You are a very bad person! but we love you anyways...NO MORE HURTING SPEED!

OH MY GOD GENI! I Missed you all SOOOOOOOOO much! I'm sorry I was gone so long, but my brother is an internet hog! Please keep it up, because this is AMAZING!!! LORI'S BACK! JESS'S BACK! JC'S GETTING MARRIED...but you all knew this because you actually read it everyday...*pouts* I'll be back later.
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