CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Haha speed can't stay away from the cows lol and yes the RT does get my mind off things .... especially when i seem to think seeing my boi was a dream although the tackle onto the bed at one in the morning sure was real ... where i got the strength to tackle him no idea lol. Anyway geni can't wait for more of your lovely updates I think i cracked another rib ...*hobbles off to have mom check ribs* *wanders back* oh ya and katie and the mustard .... i love mustard but not that much to roll in it ... i don't want to walk around smelling like vinagerish something for a bit lol. *wanders off to continue haveing ribs checked*
Awww *hugs Geni*...man, that update was hilarious! COWS! MUSTARD! ah, cows and mustard...that'll never get old :lol:
Cow: MOOO!

Speed: Uh...Excuse me for a second.

Calleigh: Where are you going?

Speed: There's a cow that need's my camera's attention. *walks away*
:lol: I think I may have busted a rib at that one too *runs after JC to get ribs checked*
Speed: The kind that makes me want to say 'Don't get shot tomorrow'.
Ah, so he went with door number 2 *holds up to fingers*

And oh my god my skin better not turn yellow! That'd be...that'd be...a horrific experience! lol.

Speed: There's a cow that need's my camera's attention. *walks away*
Awww yay that cow gets his picture taken and Speedy gets to take a picture of a cow. *sighs* Good times. Good times. Update soon please.
Wow. I totally missed this chapter last time I checked in here. But I've read it now, so its all good.

Speed: There's a cow that need's my camera's attention. *walks away*
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I love that line so much.
LOL great update Geni!! And Katie I hope you're not like that in real because...well no be like that because THAT make laugh a LOT :p *hugs Katie *

Anyway great update Geni and update soon please :)
:lol: Who knew something as simple as cows and mustard could take us so far. ;)

I'm So High...Not On Drugs

Crime Scene

Katie: *sitting on cow's back* YEEHA!

Speed: Katie get off of there.

Katie: Bite me, Speedle.

Speed: Okay.

Katie: Huh?

Speed: What?

Katie: *narrows eyes*

Speed: *grabs Katie* Get off the cow.

Katie: AH! *falls into mustard*

Speed: *looks down at shirt*

Katie: Haha...I got mustard on your shirt.

Speed: I know that.

Katie: Are you mad?

Speed: Do I look mad?

Katie: I can't tell.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: Okay now you look mad.

Delko: Can you guys quit mud wrestling in the mustard for two seconds? We have a crime scene.

Katie: Geez SORRY Horatio I didn't know I was spoiling your afternoon.

Delko: It's 10 am.

Katie: Hey I work on my own clock.

Calleigh: Well the driver of the cow semi was killed, and the driver of the bread semi wasn't.

Speed: So go talk to the guy who drove the other truck.

Calleigh: *frowns*

Speed: You're a CSI.

Calleigh: You're the senior CSI.

Speed: You're older. HA.

Calleigh: *narrows eyes* This isn't over, Speedle. *walks away*

Katie: Tim! Tim!

Speed: What?

Katie: I have a question.

Speed: Okay.

Katie: I could really go for a burger.

Speed: That's not a question.

Katie: Let's go to McDonalds.

Speed: Let's not.

Katie: Why not?

Speed: Because we're at a crime scene.

Katie: Oh fooey Horatio's never going to know.

Speed: He'll follow the mustard-covered shoe prints all the way down the street.

Katie: There's a McDonalds down the street?

Speed: *shakes head*

Katie: You're not fun anymore. You used to be cool, man.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: Now you're just old and...Decrepid. *walks away*

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: *walks over, laughing*

Speed: What.

Delko: You're old?

Speed: *punches Eric*

Delko: *laughing*

hahaha AWWWWWWWWWW Speedy's not old and decreped, he's still considered a youngun lol. haha I love how Katie was on top of the cow, it seems like something Katie would definatly do. HA Speed got mustard on his shirt! Take that Speedle! HAHA and Katie told him to bite her......wow lol

Great update Geni, Hope to see some more soon, and feel better :(
Haha what a great update something to pick me up while i am at school being bad going on forums and i shouldn't but hey they can't monitor what we go on on the dam laptops lol and this will make me cheery for work. Great update geni and I can't wait for more but I hope you get better soon.
Mud wresting? Shouldn't it be called Mustard wrestling? lol. Aww Timmy's not old he's...just set in his way a tad. And that is so like me to want to go to McDonalds during a crime scene.

Katie: *sitting on cow's back* YEEHA!
You will not believe how hard I laughed when I read that. I can just see myself doing that actually. But seriously why did Speed have to ruin the moment? lol. Great update geni.
Well the good news is I'm feeling much better. I don't think there is any bad news yet. :lol:

:lol: Mustard wrestling. Ah good times.

With My Life

Crime Scene

Speed: What do you mean I'm old?

Katie: *turns around* AH! Okay don't sneak up on me like that.

Speed: So what do you want me to do? Lose some weight? Get new clothes? Get in shape?

Katie: Actually that would help.

Speed: *frowns* I'm already in shape.

Katie: You are?

Speed: Yeah and you would know that except you haven't come near me in eight years.

Katie: So what do you want me to do?

Speed: Do I have to answer that?

Katie: No. *picks up camera*

Speed: Where are you going?

Katie: I'm going to do my job.

Speed: What happened to taking pictures of cows and sitting on them and playing in mustard?

Katie: When I'm in a bad mood I work.

Speed: You're in a bad mood?

Katie: Yeah can't you tell?

Speed: Not really.

Katie: You know maybe there's a reason I haven't been with you in eight years.

Speed: Uh okay care to explain then?

Katie: Not really.

Speed: Well I'd like to know.

Katie: Look Tim, we have kids, we have work, we don't have much time for anything anymore so just drop it.

Speed: That's the reason.

Katie: ...Sure.

Speed: That's not the reason?

Katie: I don't want to talk about it.

Speed: Why?


Everyone: *looks over*

Katie: *walks away*

Speed: *frowns*

Middle of crime scene

Speed: You're off the case.

Katie: Excuse me?

Speed: Get out.

Katie: Uh you can't do that.

Speed: I just did.

Katie: Horatio has to agree.

Speed: Horatio's not here.

Katie: You can't kick me off the case because I yelled at you.

Speed: Insubordination.

Katie: *laughs* Oh that's just perfect. So I guess two can play at this game huh.

Speed: Looks like it.

Katie: We're married, this isn't insubordination. If it was, there would be a hell of a lot more divorces than there are.

Speed: You know what the leading cause of divorce is?

Katie: No.

Speed: Marriage.

Katie: *frowns* That's not funny.

Speed: Go back to the lab.

Katie: You can't order me around.

Speed: Actually I can.

Katie: *looks around*

Everyone: *staring at Katie*

Katie: ...Fine. *leaves*

Everyone: *blank stare*

Speed: *turns around* Get back to work.

Ohhhh well that didn't blow over to nicely now did it? Even though he kicked me out is it wrong that I still find him incrediably sexy? I think him kicking me out only added more to that factor. lol.

Speed: You know what the leading cause of divoce is?

Katie: No.

Speed: Marriage.

Katie: *frowns* That's not funny.
Actually it is kinda funny. And yet so true. lol.

Speed: You're in a bad mood?

Katie: Yeah can't you tell?

Speed: Not really.

Katie: You know maybe there's a reason I haven't been with you in eight years.
8 years!? HOly....cow! How in the heck did that happen. Seriously I mean Speed's a guy..and..you know what I'm just going to stop talking right now.

But awww I love all the drama goodness it makes up for a very horrible day. lol. Update soon please!
speed_cochrane said:
^ In reference to Kristin's question, patience is a virtue my dear. You just leave everything up to me. ;)

Sorry katie.. I was tired when I wrote that.. haha...

and Geni.. you'll PM me right ;)
I will PM you right away when I figure out how to put your character back in. Of course, you can always let me know any ideas you have concerning it. :)

Become So Numb

Ballistics lab

Calleigh: *walks in* Hey I didn't know you were in here.

Katie: Sorry. I was just finishing some paperwork.

Calleigh: You alright?

Katie: I'm fine.

Calleigh: You looked kind of mad when you left the scene.

Katie: I was mad.

Calleigh: At Tim?

Katie: He pulled rank on me.

Calleigh: I saw.

Katie: What would you do if he pulled rank on you?

Calleigh: *smiles* He hasn't yet.

Katie: If he did.

Calleigh: I'd follow the orders, regardless of my relationship with him.

Katie: That's bull.

Calleigh: When you're at work, you're at work. I mean...Don't you think it's kind of hot that he did that?

Katie: ...Can't anyone in this lab have a thought that doesn't involve how hot Speed is?

Calleigh: Probably.

Katie: *shakes head*

Calleigh: What's going on between you two?

Katie: Nothing.

Calleigh: It didn't sound like nothing.

Katie: He's just....Not the same.

Calleigh: What do you mean?

Katie: Well he's not really interested in his job anymore, he's miserable, we barely speak anymore...

Calleigh: Well we haven't really done anything outside of the lab in a while. It's hard to get interested in something if all you do is push around test tubes all day.

Katie: Yeah well he brings all of that crap home with him and makes me listen to how he converted some kind of weird chemicle into some other dumb formula. He's not the most exciting person in the world.

Calleigh: He wasn't when you met him.

Katie: Yeah but at least he had...Spunk.

Calleigh: People change.

Katie: Yeah I guess they do.

Calleigh: I'm sure you two will work things out.

Katie: Yeah. Probably if I get shot or something. THEN maybe he'll care about something other than formulas.

Calleigh: You won't get shot.

Katie: Maybe he'll get shot.

Calleigh: Katie, no one's getting shot.

Katie: ...Says you.

Calleigh: *laughs*

Crime Scene

Delko: Hey you talk to Horatio?

Speed: No.

Delko: Why not?

Speed: Because I don't stalk him.

Delko: Neither do I.

Speed: Sure.

Delko: So Katie kind of ran off.

Speed: Yeah well she gets like that. *snaps pictures*

Delko: I hear everyone else went back to the lab.

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: It's just you and me.

Speed: *looks up from camera*

Delko: ...I meant that in the least Brokeback way possible.

Speed: *snaps pictures*

Delko: I'm going to go see if I can get some free buns.

Speed: That's illegal and it sounded very wrong. Those buns are evidence.

Delko: NOW who sounds wrong. *walks away*

Speed: *shakes head*

Kid walks up to crime scene

Speed: *snaps pictures*

Kid walks under the yellow tape

Speed: *looks up*

Kid walks closer

Speed: Hey. You, you're in my crime scene.

Kid nods

Speed: You might want to step back under the tape.

Kid walks back over to the tape

Speed: *places hand over holster*

Kid turns around and grabs a piece of metal, and runs

Speed: HEY!

Delko: *looks up*

Speed: *runs*

Delko: *pulls out gun, runs*

Down the street

Kid: *running*

People in the neighborhood watching

Speed: Hey! Stop him he's got evidence!

Guy: *kicks garbage can*

Kid: *jumps over garbage can, into the bushes*

Speed: *stops*

Delko: *runs over* What the hell happened?

Speed: That kid just stole evidence.

Delko: And you didn't catch him?

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: Sorry.

Speed: Great, now I have to tell Horatio. Again. *walks away*

Delko: Tough break.

Awww poor Speedy got evidence taken from his crime scene AGAIN! Poor guy can't catch a break. I mean its Wally and then that guy in Death Grip all snoopin around the hummer and now this kid? Thats a little weird.

And hmm what an interesting conversation between me and Calleigh. And if he wants to talk about chemicals and formulas all day that is fine by me. As long as he keeps his stubble, then that way I have something to distract me from the boringness. But seriously....8 years. Sorry I can't get over that. lol. And aww Speed pulled rank. Teehee.
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