CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Wow. So many updates to come home to. Excellent as always. I'd say more, but I'm about to pass out from exhaustion :p
first Lori gets bullied then little Teague what a shame.

Lori is starting to stand up for herself and good for her because those girls were just bitches!!!!

Speed will have to do something about little Teague even though he is not as involved in his life the same as Lori he should certainly do something about his bullying. How can anyone be so cruel to such a sweet little boy awwwwww.

great writing Geni keep it up!
Thanks for the reviews! :)

Falling Inside The Black

Elementary school

Teacher: And you're here for miss Duquesne?

Speed: Yeah. She couldn't make it.

Teacher: Are you Teague's relative or legal guardian?

Speed: Family friend. I'll pass all information onto her.

Teacher: *sits behind desk* Alright, let's get started. You can have a seat in one of the desks.

Speed: I'll stand.

Teacher: Alright. Well. Teague beat up another little boy.

Speed: Maybe he had it coming.

Teacher: ...Sir, hitting another child isn't acceptable in this class.

Speed: And you didn't punish him?

Teacher: It's not my job to punish him. It's the parent's jobs to make sure that their children are behaved.

Speed: Well with all due respect miss..

Teacher: Apple.

Speed: *lifts brow* Miss...Apple, when a child is under your care for an entire day, or an entire school year, it's your responsibility to make sure they're not killing each other.

Teacher: If his mother had taught him to behave, this would have never happened.

Speed: She's an excellent mother. It has nothing to do with her. It has to do with another snot-nosed little boy who thinks that calling someone names is fun.

Teacher: I've already spoken to that boy's parents.

Speed: And what did they say?

Teacher: It was a private meeting.

Speed: Sure it was.

Teacher: Teague needs to learn discipline. He needs to learn diplomacy.

Speed: He's nine.

Teacher: I realize that. I just feel that if he was in the presence of a male father figure, he wouldn't have lashed out.

Speed: He's fine. So why don't you do your job and make sure that this doesn't happen again.

Teacher: Maybe if his mother did her job, this could have been prevented.

Speed: It's not her fault a nine year old boy was upset because of another little boy.

Teacher: Do you know where Teague's father is?

Speed: Yeah.

Teacher: Perhaps you could get him to call me.

Speed: He hates teachers.

Teacher: Someone has to do the job.

Speed: No kidding.

Teacher: Now, Teague said he didn't have a father.

Speed: They're not close.

Teacher: Maybe you could do something about that.

Speed: I don't think so. Where is he?

Teacher: He's sitting in the hall.

Speed: Okay.

Teacher: Thank you for your time.

Speed: *leaves*

Teacher: *shakes head*


Speed: Come on.

Teague: What did she say?

Speed: Nothing.

Teague: Am I in trouble?

Speed: No, that kid probably deserved it.

Teague: Ha.

Speed: That doesn't mean you can do that again. No more fights. You have a problem, you talk to your mother or me.

Teague: Why?

Speed: Because I said so.

Teague: Are you mad?

Speed: No.

Teague: You look mad.

Speed: I'm disappointed in you.

Teague: Oh come on! He called me names!

Speed: That doesn't give you the right to hit him.

Teague: He's a jerk.

Speed: Well unfortunately, a lot of people are jerks. You just have to live with it.

Teague: Why don't I have a dad? Everyone else has one.

Speed: You have one.

Teague: Well where is he?

Speed: Get in the Hummer.

Teague: *frowns*

Speed: I'll let you sit in the front.

Teague: ...Fine.

AWWWWWWWWWWWWW I love how Tim stood up to that teacher. She definatly had no right to say that stuff about Calleigh. And Tim is partially right, it is the teacher's job to make sure that the kids in the class aren't (quote) "killing each other" hahaha. Poor Teague, he does have a father and it's right in front of his face but he just doesn't know it! I wonder when Timmy and Calleigh will tell him that, and it really makes me wonder how angry he'll be when he finds out. hmmmmmmmmmmmm Great update Geni, can't wait for more!
I don't think I like this Miss Apple person. She has no right to say that Calleigh isn't doing her job as a mother! And yay Timmy for standing up to her. Poor little Teague. Its not his fault.
Ok, first of all why did the name Ms. Apple make me think of Gwenth Paltrow and her daughter Apple? Anyways. I love it when Speed's all...tough guy-ish. Ok, that wasn't the word I was looking for but still.

Teacher: It was a private meeting.

Speed: Sure it was.
Teehee. Ok, that reminds me of an episode but for the life of me I can't think of what it is...Ughers.

Teague: Well where is he?

Speed: Get in the Hummer.
Awww. Come on Timmy boy just say "I'm right here" *sniff* I can't wait to see what happend when Teague finds out that Speed really is his dad. Or maybe he'll never find out. Who knows its all left into your very creative hands, Geni.

Update soon please
Teehee. Ok, that reminds me of an episode but for the life of me I can't think of what it is...Ughers.
Maybe you were thinking of Empire Records.

Lucas: Warren, look what you stole. Rap, Metal, Rap, Metal, Whitney Huston?
Warren: It was for my girlfriend alright?
Lucas: Sure it was.

HAHA Okay, anyway, enough of the OT.......back to the RT :D Sorry Geni lol
:lol: I think there are many instances where Speed has said something along the lines of 'Sure it is' or 'Sure you are' or 'Sure it was'... That man seems so 'sure' of himself. ;)

Crawling In My Skin

Highschool, classroom

Emma: *leans over* Hey, do you have the notes from yesterday?

Lori: Yeah. *hands over notebook*

Emma: Awesome. You rock.

Lori: *rolls eyes*

Emma: Ash was looking for you this afternoon.

Lori: Yeah?

Emma: I think he likes you.

Lori: *smiles*

Emma: Aw look at you. All cute and lovey dovey.

Lori: *smiling* Shut up.

Emma: So go out with him.

Lori: Uh, yeah right. Let him in my house with my dad there? I don't think so.

Emma: So sneak him in.

Lori: Are you kidding me?

Emma: After your parents go to sleep.

Lori: They're cops. They don't sleep.

Emma: So sneak out.

Lori: You know, normally I wouldn't have a problem with this but I promised my family that I'd straighten out.

Emma: No one's going to know.

Lori: *frowns* No.

Emma: You always play it safe?

Lori: No.

Emma: So invite him over. *slaps Lori*

Lori: *angry sigh*


Jess: *singing*

Katie: *walks in* ...Wow did you get some or something?

Jess: Huh?

Katie: You were singing.

Jess: I wasn't singing...I was performing a diddy. It's two very different things.

Katie: Right.

Delko: *walks in* Oh...Katie's here.

Katie: Gee sorry I disturbed your entire evening.

Delko: Anyway, I was wondering if someone could get the evidence out of the GCMS for me.

Jess: Why?

Delko: I'm afraid to touch it.

Katie: Eric, you're so dumb.

Delko: *gasp* I AM NOT!

Jess: Hey I sound like Celine Dion when I sing.

Delko/Katie: ...*start laughing*

Jess: WHAT! I'M NOT THAT BAD! COME ON! *starts to cry*

Katie: *laughing*

Delko: *coughs* ....Are you okay?

Jess: *crying*

Katie: *still laughing*

Jess: *sits on floor, bangs floor with fists, crying*

Delko: ...Should we do something?

Carly: *walks in* Why are we crying?

Katie: *still laughing*

Jess: *crying louder*

Anni: *walks in* I heard a baby...Oh it's Jess.

Jess: *stops crying*

Anni: *smiles*

Jess: *starts crying again*

Delko: Aw, come here Jess. *hugs Jess*

Jess: *blows nose on Delko's shirt*

Delko: Ew.

Jess: HEY! *slaps Eric*

Delko: Ow.

Katie: *falls on floor laughing*

Speed: *walks in* ....What's going on?

Teague: *whispers* They're all crazy.

Katie: *laughing*

Jess: *crying*

Anni: *jumping up and down*

Carly: *looks at Anni*

Anni: ...I was trying to participate.

Katie: *laughing*

Speed: Are you high?

Katie: No. *clears throat* It's just funny. She thought she sounded like Celine.

Speed: ...Dion?


Speed: There are kinds? She isn't cheese.

Katie: *starts laughing*

Teague: Do you know where Horatio is?

Speed: He's upstairs in his office...For once.

Teague: Okay bye.

Speed: Whoa! Where are you going?

Teague: Horatio's office. Why did you think I asked?

Speed: Why do you need to go there?

Teague: I go there to talk to him.

Speed: *frowns*

Teague: *runs off*

Katie: *rolling around the floor* I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE THINKS SHE SOUNDS LIKE CELINE!

Jess: I do so! See? Je m'appelle Celine!


Speed: *grabs Katie* Okay let's go before you pull a muscle laughing too hard.

Katie: Teehee.

Speed/Katie leave

Delko: Aw, Jess you do so sound like Celine.

Jess: Thank you. *wipes eyes*

Carly: Can I hear you sing?

Jess: *frowns* No. Katie ruined it.

Locker room

Speed: *puts gun in locker*

Katie: So...You weren't here all day.

Speed: I had to run a few errands.

Katie: Sounds fun.

Speed: Yeah. *walks over*

Katie: *sigh* It's been a long day.

Speed: I know.

Katie: HA.

Speed: ...What?

Katie: I didn't notice that.

Speed: What?


Speed: ...*lifts brow*

Katie: You...Haven't worn one of those in FOREVER.

Speed: I don't think I've EVER worn one of these near you.

Katie: So why the change?

Speed: You think I'm old.

Katie: What? I do not.

Speed: Yes you do.

Katie: Since when?

Speed: Since you barely even look at me anymore.

Katie: Well I'm lookin' at you now. Whew.

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: TEEHEE!

Speed: Here we go again.


Speed: *kisses Katie*


Delko: Anyway, I was wondering if someone could get the evidence out of the GCMS for me.

Jess: Why?

Delko: I'm afraid to touch it
AWWWWW poor Delko doesn't want to screw up the GCMS. I wouldn't want Speedy man angry at me for screwing something up either so I can see how he didn't want to touch it lol


Speed: There are kinds? She isn't cheese.
HAHAHAHAHAHA That made me laugh so hard. She isn't cheese TEEHEE

Delko: Aw, Jess you do so sound like Celine.
LIAR! YOU WERE LAUGHING WHEN I SAID THAT! hahaha It's true, he's being very hypocritical you know. He was trying to cheer me up though so I guess I can forgive him for that lol.

Katie: TEEHEE!

Speed: Here we go again.

HAHAHAHA THE TEEHEE MACHINE! HAHA I love it when Katie "teehee"'s, it always means that Speed is suducing her HAHA. Wow, I've been doing pretty good with the caps today, teehee, what's what you get when you eat a whole damn box of Whoppers in fifteen minutes lol. But KATIE!!! You were being mean *pouts* haha, but I still love you even though you think my singing is horrible. I'll make sure to thank Speed later for getting you out of there, because you ruined it HAHA *hugs Katie* Great update Geni, can't wait to see what comes next.
HAHA omg speed dealing with the teacher was just so awsome. Gosh wish my dad would be like that but he would turn around and yell at me after that and i would be like runnnnn he can't catch me .... whew i am stressed and hyper means fast typing fast reading and cleaing of the room .... sigh i hate cleaning and haha teague (i don't think i spelt that right) going to talk to h hahahaha and what was with the sudden outspurt from jess ...... and for once her jugs didn't get in the way lol ...
shutting up.....
teehee ....

Speed: *kisses Katie*



Oh, yeah I see how it is little Ms. Missy! lol. But awww I don't look at Speedy anymore. How sad. lol. And awww the layerd shirts long live season 1. lol.

Ohhh Emma's trying to get Lori to sneak Ash into the house. Ummm um um um...I'd hate to see what would happen if she actually listens to her.

And awww poor Jess I'm sure somewhere deep down you really do sound like Celine Dion. Teehee. I can so see myself falling down from laughing so hard.

Hmmm...I wonder what Teague talks to Horatio about. My CSI senses are tingling.

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: TEEHEE!

Speed: Here we go again.
Awww I'm like what 30 something in the RT now. Speed shouldn't be complaning if he can still turn me into the Teeheeing machine. lol.

Update soon please. Hahaha Celine Dion. Hahahaha.
Hehe. Okay, so I was talking to a guy-friend on the phone today, and for whatever reason he felt the need to convince me that he could be girly, and he said 'Teehee', and I laughed so hard becaue it made me think of the road trip :lol: :lol:
Great update. Poor Jess *hugs* I'm sure you do sound like Celine, but I can't hear you, so...
BTW, Katie, I love your cow :D
Katie...If you're 30 does that mean Speed's....40? AH! NO! YOU DON'T AGE! :lol: :lol:

No, he's still 30-something and you're in your late 20s. That is what I've decided. Even though Speed would be around 42, we'll just keep him around 30-something. ;)

Megan, I would pay good money to hear one of my friends say 'Teehee' to me over the phone. :D

Gonna Take It Down

House, 11pm

Lori: *runs downstairs, opens door*

Ash: *smiles*

Lori: Hey.

Ash: You called, I showed up.

Lori: Thanks. Come on in.

Ash: Are your parents home?

Lori: Yeah so that's why we're going to be really quiet.

Ash: I don't want to disturb them or anything.

Lori: Good. Come on. *grabs Ash*

Lori's room

Ash: Wow you have a nice place, on the water.

Lori: Thanks. *shuts blinds*

Ash: Yeah.

Lori: *locks door*

Ash: Why are you doing that?

Lori: Well see I figure it's going to take my dad at least ten seconds to knock down the door, giving me more time to flee for my life.

Ash: I'm sure he won't kill you.

Lori: Yeah probably.

Ash: ...Will he kill me?

Lori: That depends how fast you can run.

Ash: *laughs*

Lori: I'm serious. You ever try a foot pursuit with a pissed off cop?

Ash: Not that I know of.

Lori: *nods*

Ash: You're so cute.

Lori: *rolls eyes*

Ash: Yeah I know you don't like to hear anything girly.

Lori: *punches Ash*

Ash: *laughs*

Lori: Oh you think you're such a sweet-talker huh.

Ash: People say.

Lori: Oh yeah? *smiles* What people?

Ash: I'm not going to dignify that with an answer.

Lori: *giggles*

Footsteps are heard

Lori: ...Please tell me that was my imagination.

Ash: Uh...I think I hear footsteps.

Lori: So not my imagination then.

Speed: *knocks on door* Lori?

Lori: *clears throat* Yeah?

Speed: Holly said she heard talking coming from your room.

Lori: Talking? No that was just the radio.

Speed: Can you unlock this door?

Lori: Not really.

Speed: Excuse me?

Lori: I mean...Uh....

Speed: Open the door.

Lori: *sigh*

Ash: *nods*

Lori: *unlocks door*

Speed: *opens door*

Lori: *nervous smile*

Speed: And who the hell are you?

Ash: I'm Ashton....Not Kutcher...Haha.

Speed: *frowns*

Ash: ...Tough crowd.

Lori: Daddy he's just a friend.

Speed: Don't you 'daddy' me. What the hell is he doing in my house?

Lori: Visiting.

Speed: Out. Both of you.

Living room

Speed: Sit.

Ash: *sits*

Lori: *creeps away*

Speed: *points* You. Stay.

Lori: *stops*

Speed: Are you a drug dealer?

Lori: *rolls eyes*

Ash: No sir.

Speed: You in school?

Ash: Yes sir.

Speed: You got a criminal record?

Ash: No sir.

Lori: Oh stop interrogating him.

Speed: You shut your mouth. I haven't even gotten to you yet.

Lori: *blank stare*

Speed: Your grades high?

Ash: ...They're average.

Speed: *frowning*

Ash: Well, I mean...A little above average. I'm on the basketball team too.

Speed: Congratulations.

Ash: *lifts brow*

Speed: How long have you known my daughter?

Ash: A week.

Speed: And you're already in her bedroom?

Lori: Oh dad.

Speed: What did I just tell you?

Lori: Sorry.

Ash: It wasn't like that. We were just hanging out.

Speed: At eleven o'clock at night?

Ash: ...Yeah.

Speed: *walks around to the back of the couch* I hope you found your way here alright.

Ash: ...It wasn't that hard.

Speed: *leans over couch* Good.

Ash: *turns around* We're just friends.

Speed: I'm sure you are.

Ash: *stands* Look, I-

Speed: No no. Sit.

Ash: *sits* But w-

Speed: Don't talk.

Ash: *nods*

Speed: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *nervous face*

Speed: *winks*

Lori: *lifts brow*

Speed: *walks around front of couch* You cause any trouble at school?

Ash: ...

Speed: You can speak now.

Ash: No sir. I'm actually the one who gave Lori a tour. That was after I was finished tutoring the Juniors.

Speed: Alright you can stand up.

Ash: *stands*

Speed: Okay. No more late night visits. Understand?

Ash: Yes sir.

Speed: Get out of here.

Ash: *runs, slams door*

Lori: *shakes head* You're unbelievable.

Speed: Get to bed.

Lori: ....So you....Approve of him?

Speed: I haven't decided yet.

Lori: *rolls eyes*

Speed: Move it.

Lori: *walks upstairs*

Speed: *smirks*

Hahahahaha I wish my dad was that cool. If he found a guy in my room at eleven at night he would pull out the twenty two and shot me then the guy lol. haha what a great update geni can't wait for more. Great as always
Awwwwww Speedy being all fatherly is sooo ummm..you know what I'm not going to answer that. lol.

Speed: And who the hell are you?

Ash: I'm Ashton....Not Kutcher...Haha.
Hahaha. Oh man that still cracks me up.

Poor Ashton had to go through an interrogation. Teehee. But hey he handled it well. And for a minute I really thought that Speedy was going to like hit the kid or something and thne he winked at Lori and then I knew it was all good. lol.

Speed: You shut your mouth. I haven't even gotten to you yet.
That made me gasp and say "Timmy". I was like oh no he's going to get all creeper father on her. Well not creeper creeper but...yeah even I don't know what I"m talking about anymore.

And thank you DragflyDreamer I like my cow to. lol.

Update soon please Geni! Oh and hey I am perfectly happy with staying in my late 20's Teehee.
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