CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Oh man, I don't even know where to start...SCRABBLE! WOOO! that entire chapter was hilarious, and yet again, I was the strange person in the library giggling hysterically at the computer screen. Poor Anni, but 'Abbuw' is now an official owrd in my vocubulary...and yes, I do realise that I spelled 'word' wrong, but being the incredibly lazy person I am, I'd rather type and incredibly long and rambling sentence than go back and fix the mistake.
Anni: Yes it is! See? *moving fingers* MY FINGERS ARE FINGING!
HAHA! :lol: I agree Katie, I'm probably going to start saying that aswell :lol:
Speed: What? No. Don't do that again.

Anni: Why?

Speed: Because this keeps happening.

Anni: No one else did that.

Carly: *lifts hand slowly*

and lol, we're all hyper on root beer, which I'm guessing is similar to soda (or soft drink ;)), but now I have a sudden desire to go and drink some soft drink :lol:

But aww, poor Anni, and poor Delko, but yay for Jess! she finally got some Delko time ;) :lol:

please update soon
Yep, rootbeer is a soft drink. ;)

YAY Jess and her Delko time. :D (Erm, I'm going to have to do something special for Missy.)

Haha Carly I remember when you got your knees. WAHOO. :p

If It's Alright


Delko: So hey I'll see you guys later. *leaves*

Jess: *sits on couch*

Katie: You okay? I think she's okay. Is she okay? CAN YOU HEAR ME!

Jess: Ow, you mind not yelling directly IN my face?

Katie: Sorry.

Carly: Aw what did he whisper in your ear?

Jess: Pfft I'm not tellin' you.

Carly: Nice.

Katie: Aw you too little love birds. Wow we're all being paired off. I mean, I have Tim, Carly has Josh, you have Eric, JC has Horatio, Missy is a little left out but...Hey we're girls, we can fix that right? Get her a nice date and set her up real good.

Carly: ..Set her up?

Katie: In a good way.

Carly: Oh that reminds me. The wedding's in two weeks so I need a dress.

Katie: OH GOD!

Carly: What?

Katie: I just totally forgot you're getting married. AW WE'RE GOING TO BE SISTER IN LAWS!

Carly: ...You were the one that just said I was paired off with Josh.

Katie: I have a short memory span. Okay we'll go get you a dress and everything.

Carly: With what money?

Katie: Ask Horatio. He seems to have a lot.

Carly: Oh yeah I can see that conversation now. "Hey H, I need a wedding dress. Preferably not white because well, it's not the first Speedle I've jumped in bed with."

Katie: Well...You might not want to mention that at the wedding.

Carly: I wasn't planning on it.

Jess: *passes out*

Carly: ...She does that a lot.

Katie: No she doesn't.

Carly: Well she probably will.

Katie: Yeah.

Anni: *walks in*

Katie: Hey Anni, what's up?

Anni: I have to talk to you.

Katie: ...Have you been crying?

Carly: *looks at Anni*

Anni: ...Can we talk?

Katie: Sure. *walks over*


Katie: What is it? What's wrong?

Anni: *looks down at floor*

Katie: I'm sure whatever it is, you can tell me.

Anni: *sniff*

Katie: Is it cramps? It's cramps isn't it.

Anni: No.

Katie: Then what is it?

Anni: Okay don't hate me but...I kind of love Speed.

Katie: *starts to laugh*

Anni: *frowns*

Katie: Well we all knew that.

Anni: No. I'm not joking around.

Katie: ...You're serious?

Anni: Yeah so I didn't want to tell you. I didn't want anything to be weird between us. You're my best friend.

Katie: Did you tell Tim?

Anni: Yeah.

Katie: What did he do?

Anni: He wasn't going to cheat on you, if that's what you're wondering.

Katie: I'm sorry.

Anni: It's okay. It doesn't really matter anyway. I'll get over it.

Katie: Why didn't you say something earlier?

Anni: I didn't want to complicate things.

Katie: Well things are a little complicated now aren't they?

Anni: No. I'm not going to do anything about it, and Speed obviously isn't either so everything's fine.

Katie: No it's not.

Anni: Why?

Katie: Because you're not alright.

Anni: I think he hates me.

Katie: No, no he doesn't hate you.

Anni: Yeah he does. I mean, he even treats Carole like she's automatically his friend and part of the team, bless her heart; He sees me as nothing more than an annoying colleague.

Katie: No, that's not true.

Anni: Yes it is! I'm nothing to him!

Katie: *looks up*

Anni: I don't even know why I love him! I shouldn't!

Katie: Well, -

Anni: It kills me to see him with you. Everytime you guys are together and happy, it makes me want to just run away. I'll never have that with anyone! I'm going to be alone and miserable my entire life.

Katie: No, y-

Anni: I don't know what to do! WHAT SHOULD I DO!

Katie: I...I don't know.

Anni: I'm sorry. I'll just..Leave you alone. *turns around*

Speed: *staring at Anni*

Anni: ...

Katie: Uh...I...Left...Something...In...The...*runs off*

Anni: I'm sorry.

Speed: For what?

Anni: ...Look I could just really use a friend right now, so I don't want to talk to you. I'm going to go find JC or someone.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Anni: ...

Speed: *stares at Anni*

Anni: ..*wipes eyes*

Speed: *sigh*

Anni: *looking down at floor*

Speed: *cellphone rings* Uh...I have to go. *opens phone, walks away*

Anni: *looks around*



I Need To Figure This Out

Two hours later, Trace lab

Carly: Hey Eric sent me over to get the results on that ladder. You find anything?

Speed: Gel.

Carly: Great, what kind of gel?

Speed: *hands over paper*

Carly: *looks down* ...*looks up* Are you sure?

Speed: *tilts head* The things people are into these days.

Carly: *shakes head* Okay so..There's warming gel on the ladder. How did it get there?

Speed: Well there was some on Mrs. Watson's hands a year ago. They couldn't identify the substance because it was too degraded. It was contaminated by the soil she fell on.

Carly: You think the gel was just opportunity?

Speed: Well unless the happy couple were into some twisted new things.

Carly: *smirks* I'll search the house.

Speed: Have fun with that.

Carly: Oh I can guarantee it. *walks away*

Speed: *shakes head*

Anni: *knocks on doorframe*

Speed: *looks up*

Anni: ...Can I come in?

Speed: Sure.

Anni: *walks over* Um...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have put all this pressure on you.

Speed: It's okay.

Anni: I uh...Couldn't find JC anywhere.

Speed: *nods*

Anni: I'm just going to...Go back to the boat.

Speed: Wait.

Anni: What?

Speed: You're not going to go do something stupid are you?

Anni: *laughs* I'll be fine. You don't have to worry about me.

Speed: You want a ride back there?

Anni: No. I can get there myself.

Speed: You sure?

Anni: *smiles* Yeah.

Speed: *nods*

Anni: *smile fades* ...I'll see you later. *leaves*

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: *walks in* Hey you got those results.

Speed: I gave them to Carly, excuse me. *leaves*

Delko: Um...Okay.

Locker room

Anni: *closes locker, turns around*

Speed: I'm driving you back.

Anni: I already told you. You don't have to.

Speed: Yeah I do. Come on.

Anni: Tim, this isn't necessary.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Anni: ....I...CAN call you Tim right?

Speed: Yeah, whatever you want. Give me the keys.

Anni: *hands over keys*

Speed: Let's go.

Anni: ...Thanks.

Speed: *smirks*

Anni: *smiles*

WOW a lot of things happened!!! Eric kissed Jess and Anni kissed Speed! OMG everybody kiss everybody now LOL :p
Those were great update Geni and update soon please :)
Anni.. you got to kiss speed..? aww that's great... when's my turn.. haha.. j/k...
no but serioucly.. if and when will I be back..?.. pleas Katie.. :d pleas
Hmmmm Speedy's taken Anni back to the boat interesting. lol. I kid I kid. Yuo know my mind shouldn't be thinking that so very early in the morning. lol. And awww hyper Katie almost like drunk Katie but not AS...fun. But awww poor Anni *huggles* She really loves Speedy how cute. And Carly's getting married in 2 weeks. YAY! And Jess passed out...again. Well atleast she didn't strip again. lol. Update soon please!
:lol: Jess and her stripping. :p

Kristin, I'll make sure that everything involving your character is dealt with. ;)

I should have more this afternoon!
Hi! So... guess what I did. I read the whole road trip. Yeah, the entire six threads. I have no life. It took me... well, a long time. I don't actually remember when I started. About a month, maybe.
But anyway, I absolutely love this. Geni, you are amazingly creative. It takes real talent to mix humour and drama the way you have, and make it work so well.
Geez, what am I going to do with all my time now that I'm caught up?
Great job, and keep up the good work!
:eek: All six threads? Holy flipping pancakes, my dear you sure had some time on your hands. :lol: I'm very happy that you're enjoying things so far, and hopefully you'll keep reading! If you have any suggestions, feel free to give a shout.

And thank you for the lovely compliments, I really take them to heart. :)

I should have more chapters very soon!
:lol: Yeah, did I mention that I have no life? And it took me like a month? :lol:

You know... if you decide to do another one (and even if you don't, but you know what I mean), I'd love to join in ;) But anyway... as for suggestions, none as of yet, but if I come up with something, I'll let you know.

And Lori is soooo cute. Can I have her?
DragonflyDreamer said
if you decide to do another one (and even if you don't, but you know what I mean), I'd love to join in ;)

Well as I always say, it never hurts to ask. :) I'll see what I can do. ;)

*hands Lori to dra-...Takes Lori back* No. You can't have her. :lol: :p I kid, I kid.

It Seems Strange


Anni: Thanks for driving me over. You didn't have to you know.

Speed: Yes I did.

Anni: Well, thanks. *grabs keys*

Speed: Hey, listen I'm really sorry.

Anni: It's okay.

Speed: I didn't know you felt that way.

Anni: *smirks* Well, I guess I'm one of those people who doesn't like showing true feelings. You know, keeping them locked up inside.

Speed: Yeah.

Anni: *looks down at floor* Maybe I was just scared.

Speed: Anni...

Anni: *lifts head*

Speed: You're fearless.

Anni: Really.

Speed: From what I've seen.

Anni: If I wasn't, I'd be dead.

Speed: What do you mean?

Anni: I got into a relationship with a guy. He was sweet at first, you know, a standup guy. And then all of this stuff happened and I couldn't deal with it. He drank a lot. One night he got really violent. You know, not like you see in the movies.

Speed: Did he hurt you?

Anni: *shakes head* ...I grabbed his gun and shot him with it. I don't know where he is now.

Speed: Maybe he's in jail or something.

Anni: No. No, he's a cop. *laughs* God the guys I fall for huh.

Speed: Yeah.

Anni: Anyway, I should get inside.

Speed: *nods*

Anni: *opens door*

Speed: Anni.

Anni: *turns around*

Speed: If I ever hurt anyone again, I'd want Katie to shoot me and not miss.

Anni: *stares at Speed*

Speed: *leaves*


Speed is so cute, I love it when he's all sentimental like that. Anni is so cute when she's not screaming the word "porn" lol AWWW I can't stop "awwing" lol Great chapter Geni, that was very cute!

For A Trial

Lab, 9 pm

Katie: Okay so are you going to go check on that evidence?

Carly: ...What evidence?

Katie: The evidence you're working on.

Carly: Eric had it, I'm not doing anything.

Jess: With you two bickering, it's going to be a long night.

Katie: We're not bickering.

Carly: Yeah....We're having a discussion.

Jess: Sure.

Katie: *stops walking*

Carly: What, the baby kick or something?

Katie: Where is everyone?

Carly: Probably out in the field.

Katie: No, I mean EVERYONE. There's no one in the lab.

Jess: Maybe they got tired and went home.

Katie: Where's Lori?

Jess: The lounge.

Katie: Come on, I got a bad feeling about this.

Carly: Why?

Katie: The place is empty.

Jess: Yeah you've said that like a hundred times. Maybe you can get creative next time and write it in pee.

Katie: *runs into lounge* Lori?

Lori: *looks up*

Katie: Have you seen anyone?

Lori: *smiles* Yup.

Katie: Okay who?

Lori: Two men.

Carly: Two men, what two men?

Lori: They were wearing masks and they were making Horatio and everyone go into the other building.

Jess: Other building?

Katie: Morgue.

Carly: Well great, here we go again.

Katie: Did the men say anything?

Lori: Yup. They said they were gonna lock them in the drawers. And then tie up everyone else.

Katie: Why didn't you come find us?

Lori: I was eating my cookies.

Jess: They don't know we're in here.

Katie: Right. Yeah, come on Lori let's get you somewhere safe.

Lori: *sigh* Okay.

Elevator doors open

Katie: *whispers* Turn off the lights, and stay in here.

Jess: *turns out lights.

Katie: Lori get on the floor and don't move.

Carly: *takes out gun*

Katie: *takes out gun*

Jess: Why don't I have a gun?

Katie: Shut up.

Jess: Sorry.

Trevor: *walks through halls* Glad to be back?

Colton: Alright you got everyone tied up in the morgue. What are we doing here?

Trevor: Patience.

Colton: You know if I'm going to be your crime partner, you should let me in on the plans.

Trevor: Whatever happened to blind faith?

Colton: Blind people usually fall down.

Trevor: So keep walking and follow my lead.

Lori: *sneezes*

Colton: Wait, I heard something.

Trevor: There are no ghosts in here.

Colton: Shut up. I thought I heard a person.

Trevor: There's no one else here.

Colton: Did you look?

Trevor: That's your job.

Colton: I did my job.

Trevor: Well you didn't do it well enough.

Colton: *frowns*

Trevor: Just get to the evidence locker and shut up.

Colton: What do we need in the evidence locker?

Trevor: Nothing.

Colton: So why am I going there?

Trevor: I don't know. Maybe it'll be fun.

Colton: *lifts brow*

Trevor: We're going to take the evidence against us. Didn't you ever play video games?

Colton: Dude I think that game was taken off the market.

Trevor: Look, if they keep the evidence against us, they'll find out we killed those New Yorkers. You want the FBI to find us with help from the nut jobs at the lab?

Colton: You said I'd be paid.

Trevor: You will.

Colton: When?

Trevor: The cheque's in the mail. *walks away*

Colton: *rolls eyes* Yeah sure it is. *walks away*

Katie: Did you hear that? They're stealing evidence.

Carly: We should go get them.

Katie: Yeah I don't think so. They have tech 9s.

Jess: Don't they all.

Katie: This isn't a joke. Someone could get hurt. We need to get help.

Carly: Uh well if you haven't noticed, everyone's in the morgue all locked up. They probably have their cell phones and everything.

Katie: Wait. Speed and Anni aren't here.

Carly: No kidding genius.

Katie: No, they're at the Humma. Tim drove Anni back there.

Jess: Oooh.

Katie: Yeah get your head out of the gutter.

Jess: Sorry.

Katie: *dials phone*

Carly: So you expect him to just walk in here and take them out?

Katie: Shh.

Jess: What a control freak.

Evidence locker

Colton: I'm not seeing this evidence.

Trevor: You're bad at this.

Colton: I just spent the last 7 years in prison. I'm not SUPPOSED to be good at this.

Trevor: Well be glad Speed's not here.

Colton: I hate that guy.

Trevor: Yeah me too. If I could shoot him right between the eyes, I would.

Colton: No kidding. I thought the morphine was enough but that guy just doesn't want to die.

Trevor: You talk to Emy recently?

Colton: As far as I know, she's still in prison somewhere else. We didn't share a cell.

Trevor: *slaps Colton*

Colton: Ow.

Trevor: I know they didn't put you in the same cell, smartass.

Colton: Shut up.


Katie: *closes phone* He's on his way. He just pulled into the parkinglot.

Carly: Good timing.

Katie: Okay we need to get Lori out of here.

Carly: What about you?

Katie: I can handle myself.

Carly: Yeah I know you can.

Katie: Is this because I'm pregnant? Because you're as bad as Tim.

Carly: Fine get shot.

Katie: I'm not going to get shot.

Jess: Can you two can it?

Katie: Why?

Jess: They're walking back this way.

Katie: Okay shut up.

Jess: You shut up.

Trevor: Did you hear that?

Colton: Now who's paranoid.

Trevor: Okay so you were right the first time. There's someone here.

Colton: If it's Speed I'll go ballistic.

Trevor: No it sounds too girly. AHA! *grabs Jess*

Jess: *screams*

Katie: HEY!

Carly: *points gun at Trevor*

Trevor: Drop the gun or I put a bullet in her head.

Jess: Well gee, merry christmas to me.

Carly: *drops gun*

Katie: *drops gun*

Colton: Now what do we have here? *kneels down*

Lori: *frowning*

Katie: Touch her and lose a finger.

Colton: Relax.

Katie: Sorry but I don't think that's possible right now.

Colton: And what's your name?

Lori: I'm Lori.

Colton: That's a pretty name.

Lori: Thank you.

Colton: Come sit over here, Lori.

Lori: No.

Colton: I love children. So defiant.

Trevor: Just grab her.

Colton: *grabs Lori*

Lori: *screams*

Colton: Sit on the couch here sweety.

Lori: *sits on couch*

Katie: *walks over*

Trevor: *lifts gun* No, I don't think so. Get over here.

Katie: Fine.

Carly: So you're going to shoot us now?

Trevor: Yeah.

Colton: No. Trevor, remember? We're not here to hurt anyone.

Trevor: Speak for yourself.

Colton: We're going to tie you guys up.

Carly: Congratulations to us.

Trevor: If you'd like a bullet instead, we'd be happy to oblige.

Carly: Go ahead. Shoot me.

Trevor: Alright then.

Colton: Trev, cut it out.

Trevor: She's the one who wants to be shot.

Colton: No one needs to get hurt.

Trevor: What kind of a criminal are you?

Colton: A smart one. You want more charges added to your sentence?

Trevor: We're not going to get caught.

Colton: We will if you start riddling the hostages with bullets.

Katie: You two pixies finished bickering because I want to go home and get some rest.

Trevor: Shut up. *slaps Katie*

Katie: *holds face*

Carly: You okay?

Katie: *nods*

Lori: Momma you okay?

Katie: Yeah.

Jess: You guys are so stupid. You're not going to get away with this.

Colton: What a poetic thing to say.

Speed: HEY.

Colton: *turns around*

Trevor: *sigh* He's as bad as Horatio.

Colton: *narrows eyes* We meet again.

Speed: Let them go.

Colton: Or what? You'll shoot me?

Speed: I'm thinking about it.

Colton: *lifts gun* Give me your gun.

Speed: *frowns*

Colton: Do it or I'll kill little Lori over there.

Speed: *gives gun to Colton*

Colton: *empties magazine, throws gun* Now get on the floor.

Speed: *sits*

Katie: Way to go Tim, we're saved.

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Carly: You talk to Anni?

Speed: She's on her way.

Carly: You didn't take the same vehicle?

Speed: I wasn't at the boat. I was on my way here when Katie phoned.

Colton: Now, I need the girl.

Katie: What? Why?

Colton: To make sure no one moves. One of you leaves this room, and I put a bullet in her.

Carly: That's pretty low, even for you.

Colton: Come on Lori.

Katie: Don't listen to him.

Trevor: *aims gun at Katie* I'm really getting tired of you and your stupid family.

Katie: At least I have one.

Trevor: *narrows eyes*

Colton: Lori, let's go.

Speed: *stands* No one touches her.

Colton: Oh how sweet. Father dearest and his blind love for his child. That's going to get you killed one day.

Speed: *steps in front of Lori*

Colton: Move.

Speed: No.

Colton: *lifts gun*

Speed: *frowning*

Katie: Tim sit down.

Speed: No.

Katie: Tim don't let him shoot you for nothing.

Colton: You'd better listen to your wife.

Trevor: *grabs Lori*

Lori: *screams*

Colton: Good boy. Sit.

Speed: *sits*

Colton: Stay. Come on Trevor.

Trevor: Geez and I thought I wore the pants in this deal.

Colton: Just go.

Trevor: *drags Lori* Get moving kid.

Lori: MOMMA!

Katie: Just go with him. He won't hurt you.

Lori: Okay momma.

Trevor, Colton, Lori, leave

Speed: *shakes head* Once they have what they want, they won't leave any witnesses.

Katie: I know.

Carly: We should do something.

Jess: Yeah like what? Run up to them and beat them to death? I'm pretty sure bullets are faster than fists.

Screams are heard

Katie: *stands*

Speed: *stands*

Carly: What are they doing?

Jess: Sounds like she won't cooperate.

Scream is heard, and then large thud

Katie: LORI! *runs to door*

Speed: *grabs Katie* Don't.


Speed: Come on, sit down.

Katie: LET GO OF ME!

Speed: No.

Katie: *starts to cry*

Speed: *hugs Katie*

Jess: Once they have what they want, they're going to kill us.

Carly: Sucks to be us.

Jess: So what do we do?

Colton: *walks over* You guys sit down right now.

Carly: Or what, you'll flog us too?

Colton: It's for your own good.

Katie: I'LL KILL YOU! *grabs Colton*

Speed: KATIE! *grabs Katie*

Colton: GET OFF ME! *punches Katie*

Katie: *falls*

Speed: You son of a bitch. *punches Colton*

Colton: AH! *holds face* I should have killed you years ago. *pulls out gun*

Katie: *looks up*

Speed: *kicks Colton*

Colton: *falls backward*

Gun goes off, bullets fly

Katie: *covers head*

Carly: *screams*

Jess: *hides under table*

Colton: *smacks Speed with gun*

Speed: *grabs Colton*

Colton: GET OFF OF ME!

Speed: *punches Colton*

Colton: AH! *runs after Speed*

The two men crash into the glass window and fall into the hallway

Colton: *stands up* This isn't over. *runs off*

Katie: Tim, are you okay?

Speed: *sits up, holding head* I'm super.

Katie: You're bleeding.

Speed: Yeah what else is new.

Carly: Jess, are you okay?

Jess: *crawls out* Yeah. I'm fine.

Katie: Can't Anni drive any faster?

*gasp* CLIFFHANGER?! AHHH, the suspense, the suspense!
Katie: Come on, I got a bad feeling about this.

Carly: Why?

Katie: The place is empty.

Jess: Yeah you've said that like a hundred times. Maybe you can get creative next time and write it in pee.
:lol: Ah, Jess...and yeah, Katie certainly does have to pee alot...well, she's pregnant so thats probably why...
Katie: Why didn't you come find us?

Lori: I was eating my cookies.
Yeesh! that kid eats a lot of cookies...ah man, now I feel like cookies *runs off in search of cookie dough*
Trevor: We're going to take the evidence against us. Didn't you ever play video games?
Ohhh, I remember that episode! Crazy, crazy people...

*GASP* THEY DARE HURT LORI?! Wow, they really are crazy...seriously, if Speed hasn't died yet, then he's probably not gonna anytime soon, I mean, COME ON!

GAH! I hate cliffhangers, the suspense kills me...so, please update soon!
NOOOOOOOOOOO not a cliffhanger it's so hard to wait :p
Anyway I hope that Lori is okay because I'm going to kick Colton and Trevor's ass and I'm not kidding :D
Great update Geni and update soon please :)
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