CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Awww Timmy got all defensive. And Heck yes Carly bit Anni. Teehee. The whole "tetnus" comment had me laughing. And hmm...this case is getting really weird. Someone must have it out for this family. Update soon please.
great updates geni there were really hilarious .... sorry i haven't been on in a bit... little preocupied with my bf lol well anyway can't wait for more updates... keep up the great work
OOOO Catfight! lol hahaha I'm glad I got myself outta there before I had a gun pointed at me. lol. Oh man, Carly bit Anni, hahaha. This case is intresting too.......how do you die accidentally from falling off a ladder? You don't.......okay, it's probably happened but still, it's rare lol I can see it now, a safety video. "How to make peace with your ladder" hahaha Great update Geni, loved it!
awww that is so cute how protective Speed was there and I loved that line "Put him on the floor and back off!" and when Speed picked him up he went quiet...how cute!!!

Thanks Geni for the update, update soon.
I'm very happy y'all liked the chapters. :D

*hugs for everyone*

I should have more this afternoon some time, so stay tuned and keep checking back! :)
Hey, more than halfway to a new thread. :D ...That is if I keep going. ;)

How We Swore We'd Never Change


Katie: Hey! Mister Miami!

Speed: *walks in* Yeah.

Katie: Where were you?

Speed: No where.

Katie: Taste this. *shoves spoon in Speed's mouth*

Speed: *swallows*

Katie: Is it okay?

Speed: *coughs* I think you need some more practice at making spaghetti sauce.

Katie: *smirks* I didn't see you trying to make it.

Speed: Pizza's more of my specialty.

Katie: *laughs*

Speed: Is Lori in bed?

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: *sigh*

Katie: What?

Speed: Nothing. How are you feeling?

Katie: I'm fine.

Speed: You sure?

Katie: *smiles*

Speed: What?

Katie: If this was a few years ago, where do you think you'd be right now?

Speed: Probably sitting in my house in nothing but my underwear, holding a beer and watching porn.

Katie: *laughs*

Speed: Well, minus the porn.

Katie: Yeah sure.

Speed: Your spaghetti's burning.

Katie: What? NO! *runs to kitchen*


Katie: *throws cloth on counter* We need a bigger house.

Speed: *walks over, wraps arms around Katie* Funny you should mention that.

Katie: Mmm why.

Speed: You know Miami Beach right?

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: And you know how the ocean is right there right?

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: And then there are those canals with the everglades backing right into those lots right?

Katie: ....Yeah.

Speed: And then there's those neighborhoods that have perfect lawns and expensive cars, and boats tied out back, and trees all over the place right?

Katie: *narrows eyes* Yeah.

Speed: We have a new shack in that neighborhood. Easy to get to.

Katie: *slaps Speed* Stop that.

Speed: I'm serious.

Katie: *lifts brow*

Speed: ...Okay I'm kidding.

Katie: *sigh*

Speed: It's actually a house, not a shack.

Katie: You bought a house?

Speed: *shakes head* Nah, I didn't buy anything.

Katie: *crosses arms*

Speed: Horatio bought it.

Katie: What? Why?

Speed: He had some loose change.

Katie: How MUCH loose change?

Speed: He didn't tell me and I didn't ask.

Katie: Are you serious?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: Why did he buy us a house?

Speed: He figured since we have two kids, we're going to need a bigger place.

Katie: He knows?

Speed: I kind of let it slip.

Katie: *slaps Speed*

Speed: Ow.

Katie: How big is this house?

Speed: Big enough.

Katie: If you're jerking me around I'll beat you.

Speed: What, you want a picture?

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: *hands over picture*

Katie: HOLY SAINT POPSICLE STICKS BATMAN! We don't have enough money to pay for the bills and everything.

Speed: You got a raise.

Katie: I did?

Speed: How does CSI Level Two sound?


Speed: Well now you outrank Eric.

Katie: HECK YES!

Speed: No kidding.

Katie: Okay so Horatio did all of this how?

Speed: I don't know.

Katie: He really is the best boss in the world. What do we owe him?

Speed: He said not to worry about it.

Katie: Well that's Horatio alright.

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: And when were you going to tell me?

Speed: As soon as I got home but you shoved sauce in my mouth.

Katie: Sorry.

Speed: Hot too.

Katie: It wasn't that hot.

Speed: I wasn't talking about the sauce.

Katie: *narrows eyes* You play a tricky game.

Teehee. I guess I should love h man now huh? I mean I do love H man and his witty comments like "Burn baby burn." lol. But awwwww were getting a house on the beach! Heck yes! lol.

Speed: As soon as I got home but you shoved sauce in my mouth.

Katie: Sorry.

Speed: Hot too.

Katie: It wasn't that hot.

Speed: I wasn't talking about the sauce.

Katie: *narrows eyes* You play a tricky game.
UH...hehehe! Heck yes! Tatie at its finest people. Ok sorry I"m a little hyper and I've had nothing bu no caffeine soda all day! What is wrong with me? lol. Anywhosie update soon please!
Burn baby. Burn.


Our Feelings Would Always Stay The Same

Next morning, Layout room

Speed: *walks in* Hey.

Delko: *looking at pictures* Hey.

Speed: Where were you when I called?

Delko: I was busy.

Speed: Yeah?

Delko: Didn't want to be interrupted.

Speed: *nods*

Delko: You're not going to make some stupid joke?

Speed: Nah, I'm more mature than that.

Delko: Sure you are.

Speed: Seriously man, what's going on? I called you seven times.

Delko: I had to take care of something.

Speed: You want to talk about it?

Delko: No.

Speed: *tilts head* Well you know where I am.

Delko: *nods*

Speed: So these the pictures from David Watson's wife's murder?

Delko: No one said it was a murder.

Speed: What crawled up your ass and died?

Delko: Look, I just want to investigate this case alright?

Speed: Okay.

Delko: And just because you wear the ring and punch out a few kids, doesn't make you doctor love.

Speed: ...Where did that come from?

Delko: I really don't need advice from someone who's messed up his life more than the killers we put away.

Speed: I was just trying to help.

Delko: Don't.

Speed: Okay.

Delko: *hands over picture* Take a look at that.

Speed: ...The ladder.

Delko: What's on the ladder?

Speed: ...Metal?

Delko: *grabs picture* Look smartass, I don't have all day to play games with you. It's translucent oil.

Speed: So?

Delko: So she slipped off the ladder and pulled it down with her.

Speed: Someone put an oily substance on the ladder?

Delko: Yeah and I'm betting it's the same one that was at Mister Watson's murder scene.

Speed: We should take another look at it.

Delko: Yeah. *leaves*

Speed: ...Well don't let me stop you then. *walks away*

CSI Garage

Delko: *opens kit*

Speed: That picture was taken a year ago. The stuff is probably gone by now.

Delko: *grabs swab* Yeah but it doesn't mean there aren't traces of it.

Speed: If it was sitting outside, rain would have washed it away.

Delko: Rain didn't wash it away. I talked to neighbors who said they always kept the ladder in their garage.

Speed: Maybe they missed a few days.

Delko: *turns around*

Speed: *blank stare*

Delko: You want me to jab this Q-tip down your throat?

Speed: ....Well actually that's a buccal swab, not a Q-tip.

Delko: *frowns*

Speed: I'll shut up.

Delko: *turns back around*

Speed: ...*looks around* ...Jeans too tight?

Delko: *glares*

Speed: Well this is probably an understatement but you seem cranky.

Delko: I already told you I don't want to talk about it.

Speed: *frowns* Then work the case and put your damn personal issues aside.

Delko: Fine.

Speed: Good.

Delko: *swabs ladder* You going to run this?

Speed: Yeah. *grabs swab, walks away*

Ohhhh cranky Delko. I like it! lol. And aww dang it. This close *pinches fingers together* to having a body count comment. lol.

Delko: And just because you wear the ring and punch out a few kids, doesn't make you doctor love.
A few? lol.

elko: You want me to jab this Q-tip down your throat?

Speed: ....Well actually that's a buccal swab, not a Q-tip.
Aww god love Timmy and his sarcastic comments. lol. But thank you for reminding me what it was actually called because i've been calling it a q-tip they use for a while now. lol.

And hmm...why is Delko so cranky? I wanna know woman! lol. Update soon please.
It's Not The End


Jess: Okay I'm bored.

Carly: I think we all are.

Anni: Turn off Jeopardy. Seriously, it's the only channel we get.

Jess: I like Jeopardy.

Anni: That's because you have a thing for Trebec.

Jess: *gasp* I DO NOT.

Anni: You do so.

Jess: Do not.

Anni: Do so.

Jess: Do not.

Anni: Do so.

Jess: Do not.

Anni: Do so.

Jess: Do not.

Anni: Do so.

Jess: Do not.

Anni: Do so.

Jess: Do not.

Anni: Do so.

Jess: Do not.

Anni: Do not.

Jess: Do so.

Anni: HA!

Jess: Ah crap.

Carly: *jumps up* I HAVE AN IDEA!

Jess: Oh YES! I love your ideas. You're almost as fun as Katie but just as CRAZ-AY!

Carly: I will take that as a compliment.

Jess: Good.

Ten minutes later

Anni: *lifts brow* ...Scrabble?

Carly: I think it's fun.

Jess: How about Monopoly.

Anni: I don't think so.

Jess: Why not?

Anni: It sucks. You always end up with the hotels.

Jess: I do not.

Anni: The last time we played, you had five hotels on Boardwalk.

Jess: I'ma businesswoman.

Carly: Okay Anni spell a word.

Anni: Okay. *looks at tiles*

Carly: ...You got a word?

Anni: Give me a second.

Carly: Okay.

Anni: *bites nails*

Carly: ...You got somethin' or not?


Jess: This isn't battleship just spell a word.

Anni: I AM. *places down tiles*

Carly: *sigh* We went over this. Wubba is not a word.

Anni: It's not Wubba. It's Abbuw.

Carly: Abbuw? That's not even half a word. That doesn't even SOUND like a word.

Jess: Yeah come on, Wubba actually sounded like a word.


Jess: *tilts head* Oh what do you know. It's Wubba backwards.

Carly: And it's still not a word. *takes tiles off*

Anni: DON'T TOUCH MY TILES! *slaps Carly*

Carly: HEY! *slaps Anni*

Anni: *slaps Carly*

Carly: *slaps Anni*

Anni: *slaps Carly*

Carly: *pinches Anni*

Anni: OW! *pinches Carly*

Carly: OW! *pinches Anni*

Anni: *punches Carly*

Carly: *pinches Anni*

Anni: *slaps Carly*

Carly: Oh so we're back to that again. *slaps Anni*

Anni: *slaps Carly*

Carly: *slaps Anni*

Jess: STOP THE MADNESS! *slaps Carly and Anni*


Carly: You poked my eye. *holding eye*


Jess: CARLY!

Anni: *kicks Carly*

Carly: OW! *punches Anni*

Anni: OW! *slaps Carly*

Carly: AH! MY OTHER EYE! *holding eyes*

Jess: Carly it's your turn.

Carly: Oh sweet deal. *puts down tiles*

Anni: ...Bug? What are you, three?

Carly: It's more of a word than Abbuw.

Anni: You only got three points.

Carly: NU UH! TRIPLE WORD SCORE! I have nine points. In your face.

Anni: *sticks tongue out*

Carly: *slaps Anni*

Anni: *narrows eyes*

Half hour later


Carly: What? That's impossible.

Jess: ...I meant altogether.

Carly: Oh.


Speed: *walks in* Have you seen Eric? He ran off on me.

Carly: I think we went down to Autopsy.

Speed: What are you guys doing?


Carly: ...Fing? Fing is not a word.

Anni: Yes it is. It's a verb.

Jess: A verb for what?


Carly: What?

Anni: Fingers fing.

Jess: ...Use it in a sentence.

Anni: Okay. I just spelled FING and Jess is being a retard about it.

Speed: Fing isn't a word.

Anni: Yes it is! See? *moving fingers* MY FINGERS ARE FINGING!

Carly: It's not a word.

Anni: YOU'RE NOT A WORD! *jumps up*

Carly: Sit down.

Anni: Never.

Jess: Hey you toppled over your new scrabble pieces and they spelled 'murder'.


Carly: Hey that's not fair. She didn't even do anything.

Anni: I'm just good at this game.

Carly: You are not.

Anni: Yes I am. I spelled murder.

Jess: 18 points.


Carly: I have 80 points.

Anni: I BEAT CARLY BY DEFAULT! *jumps up and down* IN YOUR UGLY FACES!

Speed: Well actually she has an S there so it's actually murders.

Jess: Sweet. 20 points.


Carly: *frowns* You are not.

Anni: I WIN!

Carly: Jess won.

Anni: I WIN ANYWAY! HEE! *kisses Speed*

Carly/Jess: *wide-eyed*

Anni: ...Whoops.

Speed: *blank stare*

Anni: I'm sorr-

Speed: No, no shut up for a second.

Anni: ...

Speed: You...I...And...She...I...WAIT!

Anni: What?


Anni: ...*lifts brow* I know.

Speed: This is great!

Anni: Why?

Speed: I didn't actually cheat on Katie this time. YOU KISSED ME!

Anni: Oooh did you enjoy it? *winks*

Speed: What? No. Don't do that again.

Anni: Why?

Speed: Because this keeps happening.

Anni: No one else did that.

Carly: *lifts hand slowly*

Anni: Okay...So it does happen a lot.

Speed: HA. And I felt nothing. BURN IN HELL!

Anni: ...Wow I feel...Unloved.

Speed: No this is good.

Anni: Why?

Speed: Because I don't like you in any way, shape, or form. *leaves*

Anni: ...Does anyone else feel that stabbing sensation right through their chest and out their back?

Carly/Jess: *shakes head*

Anni: Oh, only me then. *sits down*

YAY ANNI! You Finally got to kiss Speed...only he told you to "Burn in hell" Awwww *huggles* But teehee. Technically he didn't cheat on me so HECK YES to the speedster! lol. And that whole slap, punch, pinch thing was friggin hilarious!

Anni: Yes it is! See? *moving fingers* MY FINGERS ARE FINGING!
Oh man I'm going to say that all the time now! MY FINGERS ARE FINGING! Teehee.

Speed: What? No. Don't do that again.

Anni: Why?

Speed: Because this keeps happening.

Anni: No one else did that.

Carly: *lifts hand slowly*
OH Carly. lol. Atleast she's honest. lol.

Teehee. Oh man that chapter made me hyper lol. Update soon please!
:lol: Poor Anni.

Fixing Yourself


Delko: *walks in* Hey where's Speed? I've been looking for him everywhere.

Anni: He left. He was trying to find you actually.

Delko: Oh.

Anni: Well I have to pee, so see you suckers later. *runs off*

Katie: *walks in* Hey have you seen my car keys? I left them in here.

Carly: They're by the sink.

Katie: *walks over to sink* ...Why is there rootbeer cans everywhere?

Carly: We drank them.


Katie: It's not even real beer.

Jess: Same thing.

Delko: Oh pass me one.

Katie: *throws rootbeer*

Delko: Thanks.

Carly: We heard you were having a bad day.

Delko: From who?

Carly: Word gets around fast.

Delko: I'm fine.

Katie: Okay who's CD is this?

Jess: Mine.

Katie: We are NOT listening to this. It's country music.

Jess: You like country music.

Katie: Oh yeah. *turns up music*

Carly: You Americans and your country crap.

Jess: *gasp*

Carly: What?


Carly: ...Okay then.

Jess: *dancing* I LOVE THIS SONG! *singing* I HOPE YOU DAAAAANCE! *grabs Delko* Come dance with me sweetheart.

Delko: Um, alright.

Jess: *dancing* I HOPE YOU DANCE!

Delko: I am dancing.

Jess: I was singing.

Delko: My bad.

Jess: *hugs Delko* Wow you're comfy.

Delko: *smiles* Hyper much?

Jess: A little.


Carly: Whoa there, you seem all chipper.

Katie: I just drank two things of soda.

Carly: Things?

Katie: Cans. Man I have to pee.

Delko: *whispers in Jess' ear*

Jess: *lifts head* Huh?

Delko: You heard me.

Jess: Yeah but I've never been good at that game where everyone whispers the same sentence in everyone's ears and then one person screws it up on purpose and instead of saying purple monkey dishwasher, you end up saying that so and so is gay and then it just turns into one big figh-

Delko: *kisses Jess*

Katie: YEAH WAHOO! *clapping*

Carly: Stop clapping.

Katie: Sorry.


Anni: Timothy Speedle.

Speed: *turns around*

Anni: What is your big fat problem?

Speed: Did you just call me fat?

Anni: You don't like me in any way, shape, or form?

Speed: Not really, why?


Speed: No you didn't. Katie saw me first and this isn't a competition.

Anni: For once I'd like someone to just sweep me off my feet instead of jab me in the heart with words.

Speed: That's a little deep even for you.

Anni: *frowns* That's not funny. I have feelings too.

Speed: I know.

Anni: And maybe, just MAYBE I don't hate you in any way, shape, or form.

Speed: Look, I already know you have this huge crush on me. You make it known every second.

Anni: Not every second.

Speed: Fine but we all know it.

Anni: You really hate me that much huh.

Speed: I don't hate you.

Anni: You barely speak to me, and when you do, it's an insult.

Speed: I'm s-

Anni: No you're not. All you care about is yourself. You don't care about anyone else, especially me.

Speed: That's not true.

Anni: *laughs* I can't help that I love you, okay?

Speed: *lifts brow* No one said anything about love.

Anni: That's because I'm not Carly or Calleigh. I don't say it unless I mean it.

Speed: *blinks*

Anni: You know what? Nevermind, I don't really want to talk to you right now. *walks away*

Speed: *follows* Where are you going?

Anni: Get lost, Speedle.

Speed: *grabs Anni*

Anni: *turns around*

Speed: I'm sorry. I really am, but I'm not going to throw away everything I have with Katie, just to be with you.

Anni: I know.

Speed: So you can see why this is a problem.

Anni: It wouldn't be a problem unless you loved me back.

Speed: I don't.

Anni: Problem solved. *walks away*

Speed: *angry sigh* Great.

Jess: Yeah but I've never been good at that game where everyone whispers the same sentence in everyone's ears and then one person screws it up on purpose and instead of saying purple monkey dishwasher, you end up saying that so and so is gay and then it just turns into one big figh-

Delko: *kisses Jess*
TEEHEE that's all I have to say about that lol Woooo yay for rootbeer!


Carly: Whoa there, you seem all chipper.

Katie: I just drank two things of soda.

Carly: Things?

Katie: Cans. Man I have to pee.
YAY! It's hyper Katie! She's not as good as drunk Katie, but she's damn close! lol I love how she started clapping lol We are........very hyper teehee.

AWWWWWWWWWWWW Poor Anni! Well, at least she found out that Speed didn't hate her. Awww but Speed's stuck on Katie, good boy! *Pats Speed's head* Great update Geni! WOOT!
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