CSI:Miami Road Trip #11: We Ain't Comin' Home

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Oh AWWWW...Lori's great when she's being good! I'm so glad that she's starting to make amends with her life, and I'm extremely glad that she found a sort of peace and happiness. That's what being with Scott Finch will do :wink: They are awesome together, and he's rubbing off on her in the worst way.

Great work, Geni!
Great updates Geni.

*Hugs Lori tight.*

Don't worry, you already are a wonderful mother. Loved her and Steph playing with the blocks. I can visually see them, as you tell the chapter.:)

I know with Scott's help, Lori will come to be the best mother too Steph.

I just hope Scott's father doesn't try to plan an escape or anything.:eek: Why else would he want to be moved.:p

Thanks for updates Geni. Update soon.
Wee! :cool:


Garage, 2 weeks later, 9am

Lori: *steps onto concrete* Scott?

Scott: *leaning under hood of car* Yeah. *twists wrench*

Lori: *smiles, skips over* Guess what.

Scott: *smiles* What.

Lori: *leans over Scott's back* I'm leaving Stephanie with my uncle for the weekend.

Scott: *laughs* And I suppose you have something planned for us. *lifts head, stands straight*

Lori: As a matter of fact...*wraps arms around Scott's neck* I do.

Scott: Which would be what?

Lori: You are going to take the weekend off. No laptop, no blackberry, no pager, not even a headset. You haven't had a relaxing day since...*squints*

Scott: *laughs* A very long time.

Lori: *smiles* That's the spirit. And it just so happens your weekend starts now.

Scott: *lifts brow* It's Tuesday.

Lori: And we will get our child and our lives back on Sunday.

Scott: I can't take 5 days off.

Lori: Tough. I already arranged it.

Scott: How? I have meetings, I need to be on a flight to New York tomorow morning, I can't just s-

Lori: *places finger on Scott's lips* Hush.

Scott: *blinks*

Lori: Forget you're a businessman.

Scott: If I do that, my bosses are going to 'forget' I work for them.

Lori: *gets to tippie toes, kisses Scott*

Scott: *closes eyes*

Lori: *smirks, pulls head away*

Scott: ...What do I do for a living again?

Lori: *smiles*

Scott: You're amazing.

Lori: *shrugs* You deserve a break. A real one. No stress, no danger, just...time.

Scott: *smiles* I like the sound of that.

Lori: *grinning*

Miami Lab, trace lab

Katie: *walks in*

Speed: *shoves beaker off table* Fucking lab.

Katie: *lifts brows* Hi. Do you kiss your wife with that mouth?

Speed: Who was using this room yesterday?

Katie: Eric.

Speed: Why.

Katie: Because he's qualified?

Speed: It's a barnyard in here.

Katie: *looks around* You don't get out much.

Speed: I'm going to kill him.

Katie: Well before you do that, can you run some evidence for me?

Speed: What do you have?

Katie: *lifts envelope*

Speed: *snatches envelope, grabs latex gloves*

Katie: Well gee, at least act like you enjoy your job.

Speed: *rips open envelope, pulls out panties* ...*looks at Katie* These better not be yours.

Katie: I only give mine to famous people.

Speed: Yeah or you leave them in the backseat of cars.

Katie: Ha. Ha.

Speed: *grabs swab*

Katie: If I'm such a slut, why did you ever sleep with me?

Speed: Self explanitory.

Katie: *frowns*

Speed: *grabs scissors*

Katie: For your information, I'm only slutty around other guys.

Speed: *nods, swabs clothing*

Katie: Y'know...I've never really felt comfortable after with any of those guys.

Speed: *cuts off end of swab*

Katie: There's no real intimacy there. It's all business. I may as well get paid. 15 dates...I could have made a fortune.

Speed: *frowns, looks over* I don't get it. You're looking for a relationship, something that makes you want to spend the rest of your life with that one person but you end up sleeping around with a bunch of guys who treat you more like a talking blow-up doll than a person. Aren't you supposed to develop a connection with the guy before you decide to hop in bed with him? You're doing this to yourself.

Katie: *stares at Speed*

Speed: Intimacy isn't always what you're doing under the sheets. That's your problem. You think it's a magical door to love and it's not. It's empty and it's selfish. But hey, you're not the only one that keeps making that mistake so who am I to preach. *grabs pipet*

Katie: *nods*

Speed: *opens orange cone*

Katie: Let me know when you get the results. *walks over to door*

Speed: Katie.

Katie: *turns around* Yeah?

Speed: The next time you wake up next to some guy who's first name you don't even know or you find yourself too drunk or hung over to see...you have my number if you want to talk.

Katie: *smiles* ...Thanks.

Speed: *nods* Yeah well I...I've been handing out friend coupons to all of my promiscuous co-workers lately.

Katie: *laughs* That's very big of you.

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: *walks away*

Speed: *sigh*

Ballistics lab

Delko: *walks in* Hey.

Calleigh: *smiles* Hey. You bring me the potential murder weapon?

Delko: Yep. Signed, sealed, delivered. *hands over box*

Calleigh: Excellent. *opens box*

Delko: You like Formula-1 races, right?

Calleigh: *smiling* I like the cars, not so much the race.

Delko: *nods* Well I happen to have a couple of tickets for some behind the scenes viewings. I just need to find someone who loves the cars as much as I do.

Calleigh: *lifts head*

Delko: If you're interested...

Calleigh: *smile fades* ...I have plans tonight.

Delko: Oh. Well that's fine. Maybe another time.

Calleigh: Maybe.

Delko: *looks down at floor* I'll uh...get out of your hair and let you continue with your work. *walks away*

Calleigh: *stares at doorway*

Break room

Jenna: *flips channels* Man TV sucks nowadays.

Heather: Yeah it's all soap operas and explosions.

Jenna: CSI:pensacola used to be okay but it started getting into way too much romance. I mean, if you're going to start up all this relationship stuff, FINISH IT BEFORE THE SEASON ENDS ALREADY!

Heather: Yeah because then the people watching get way too many ideas and decide to finish it for them.

Jenna: OH yeah those crazy fan writers. Bunch of losers with no lives.

Heather: Hey not all of them are losers. Some of them can spell.

Geni Geni Geni! You are always comming up with such funny thing to put into this story to make me spit coffee all over myself, the dogs, and everything else in front of me. I love what you did with the show and the Fanfiction writer take offs that really cracked me up!

Look Speed and Katie are so into eachother I know it, you Know it, they know it, Hell everybody knows it. So like the great Hiphuggers romance lets get on with it i'm growing older by the min. here! I would like to live to see this play out you know!!! Lol! I think that we should call they're romance Skate or some crazy name! maybe you can come up with something better! I tryed but my brain got fried after the "I hope these panties aint yours" thing! LoL!

Oh and Why do I have a feeling that something big is going to happen to our cute little married couple Scott & Lori. Trouble always finds them where ever they go.

Poor Eric I guess he better run out and get him some of those truffles Calleigh likes so much or buy her a pony witch ever her can find first.

Great update give us another one soon!
Glad that Lori and Scott are taking time, but I agree, trouble seems to follow them. Here's to them actually getting away from trouble instead of running into it.

I think Tim's doing the right thing by being a friend to Katie. Yes, they had a huge relationship, but that relationship was toxic. Not that his and Anni's is peaches and cream, but just by his conversation with Katie, there's a sense that he wants more out of everything. Maybe he does get with Katie, maybe he doesn't. I know one thing, he loves Katie and there fore, doesn't want to see her hurt ( no matter how sharp the quips are), but he loves Anni too. What a predicament he's always going to find himself in, lol.

Poor Eric and Calleigh...or more like poor Eric. As in the show, he needs to make up his mind about what he wants. No one's going to wait around forever, lol.

Excellent, simply excellent work, Geni!

Condo, 8pm

Anni: *runs over* I was thinking. Maybe we should take Scott up on his offer.

Speed: You're supposed to be in bed.

Anni: This condo's great and everything but I've always wanted a garden.

Speed: There's a balcony.

Anni: That's not a garden. I want to grow some vegetables and I want to plant an apple tree. You know, it's something to care for and to look forward to. Plus, a hobby will keep my brain active and make sure that I heal properly. OH! I can build a gazebo!

Speed: *smirks*

Anni: Oooh PB&J. *grabs sandwhich, eats*

Speed: Are you enjoying my sandwhich?

Anni: Yes.

Speed: *hands over cup* Milk?

Anni: Nah, I don't want to steal your entire dinner.

Speed: I would love for you to have my glass of milk.

Anni: *smiles* Hey thanks. *grabs milk, downs it*

Doorbell rings

Anni: I'LL GET IT! *runs away*

Speed: *lifts brow*

Front door

Anni: *swings door open* KATIE!

Katie: Anni!

Anni: HIYA. *grabs Katie* Come on in.

Katie: You seem chipper.

Anni: Spend a few months sick and then feel better for the first time since then and well you'd be chipper too.

Katie: I see. Well I thought I'd come over to see how you are and it looks like you're doin' great.

Anni: Ooh someone's dressed for an evening out. You have a date?

Katie: Yeah in about an hour.

Speed: *walks over, looking down at TV guide* Anni, did you want me to program that movie you wanted to see into the DVR? *lifts head, looks at Katie*

Anni: Yep. You know how I am with that damned thing.

Speed: Okay, I'll do that then.

Anni: So where's your date going to be?

Katie: An upscale restaurant downtown.

Anni: *gasp* This date has MONEY.

Katie: *smiles* He's an orthodontist. We met at the grocery store, I was buying shampoo and he was buying toothpaste.

Anni: How romantic.

Katie: Well we got to talking and we really hit it off so YAY me!

Anni: You sure went all out for this look, I hope it's worth it. *brow bounce*

Katie: *shrugs* It's just dinner.

Anni: Spin for me, let's make sure this dress is fitting right.

Katie: *spins around*

Anni: A little slower, honey.

Katie: Oops, sorry. And the verdict?

Anni: I don't know, why don't we let our resident man here determine it.

Speed: *staring at Katie*

Katie: Well?

Speed: You look...nice.

Katie: *frowns* Nice? I spent 3 hours trying to get into this dress.

Speed: Have fun on your date. *walks away*

Katie: What's his problem?

Anni: He's being careful because I'm in the room.

Katie: *nods*

Anni: Anyway, call me as soon as you're done! I want all the juicy details.

Katie: *smiles* Of course.

Beachside Villa, 11pm

Lori: *lying head on Scott's chest* Feel relaxed yet?

Scott: *smiles* Cute.

Lori: You got a call before we left, what was that about?

Scott: It was a job offer.

Lori: Oh? APL playing the revolving door again?

Scott: No. The offer came from SolQuest Financial. They're based in Chicago and are competitors with APL.

Lori: What's the position?

Scott: CEO.

Lori: *lifts head* What did you tell them?

Scott: I said I'd think about it. Besides, I'm off for the next 5 days so they're gonna have to wait.

Lori: May I know your decision?

Scott: I haven't made one yet.

Lori: So...if you decide to take this job, you'll be back up there making 80 million a year.

Scott: Essentially.

Lori: Something tells me the money doesn't interest you.

Scott: I'm comfortable where I am now, I know how everything works and how it's supposed to work. I manage some really great employees who do a fantastic job. I'm in Miami with you and Stephanie, I work 9-5 with weekends off...why would I want to take a job that allows for increased responsibility, stress and inconsistent hours away from home?

Lori: You like doing the businessguy thing.

Scott: Maybe I'd rather concentrate on the family thing.

Lori: *nods* Well give it some thought. In 5 days.

Scott: *smiles*

Lori: *sigh*

Scott: ...Did you actually think about me at night when you were at the treatment place?

Lori: Mhm.

Scott: I guess I shouldn't feel like such a dork for doing the same thing then.

Lori: *smirks* What a story to tell our youngin'. Mommy and Daddy were both crazy and met at the happy house where we both fell madly in love but wouldn't admit it because pfft Mommy didn't believe love actually existed. See, she thought it was just a series of hormones and pheromones designed for some ancient copulation instinct. Turns out, Mommy was wrong.

Scott: I hope you'll explain all of life's lessons to her that way. Sesame Street be damned.

Lori: *smirks, slaps Scott* Shut up.

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YAY! Anni's feeling so much better, that's a plus! A happy Anni beats psychotic Anni any day in my book. Poor Katie though, she's not going to find what she's looking for in a revolving door of men. And to a testament to his word and how he feels about what Katie's doing, Tim does the Tim thing and walks away from the situation. I can definetly understand being tired of the same situation, but until Katie understands it, it's going to keep happening. This continues to be a point of interest to me, lol. Yeah....it's because of the drama, I admit.

Lori and Scott ...relaxing. That's such a great look for them. I wonder what Scott's going to do about the job offer? I hope he stays being a family guy, it suits him better.

Great work, Geni , as always!
Well Anni seems a little to hyper in my book like theirs more going on than meets the eye with her surgery, but time will tell and Katie has someones eye all the time but he just want do anything about it right now .

Lori and Scott are going to end up with another kid if they don't watch out and I don't know if Lori will be able to handle that or not.

Great Updat!
wow awesome!!!

I'm hoping things will workout for Katie and her date, she desires some lovin' :lol: Things will workout for her right Gen?

And awwww Lori and Scott are just so adorable together! :adore:
:cool: Thanks for the reviews!


Miami lab, 6 days later

Katie: *walks in, grabs lab coat*

Speed: *staring into microscope*

Katie: *snatches latex gloves, puts them on*

Speed: *picks up slide*

Katie: Mind if I conduct an experiement in here? The layout room's full up with Ryan's trash bin evidence.

Speed: Go ahead.

Katie: Thanks. *places box onto table*

Speed: *pulls over file, grabs pen*

Katie: *starts lighting packages of cocaine on fire*

Speed: *looks over*

Katie: *throws wigs into fire*

Speed: What the hell are you doing?

Katie: Catching someone in a lie.

Speed: Explain.

Katie: *places mask over face* I'm trying to prove that burning cocaine and throwing synthetic hair into it won't reduce the mind-altering fumes from the cocaine. *picks up Z-Nose* Hmm it needs more cocaine. *throws package onto fire*

Smoke billows upward

Speed: *coughs*

Katie: Wow, there's a big spike for cocaine.

Speed: *holds head* Ugh, yeah.

Katie: *looks over*

Speed: I think you proved your point.

Katie: You inhaled some?

Speed: Put out the fire, Katie.

Katie: Oh. Right. *throws fire blanket onto flames* Are you okay? Your hands are shaking.

Speed: I guess you can put that in your report. Next time, do that in a chamber where you can control where your 'fumes' go.

Katie: Oops. But hey, I thought you'd be madder.

Speed: *smiles* It's either the cocaine or me not caring what you do anymore.

Katie: You're smiling.

Speed: Yes.

Katie: Well I'm glad I could perk up your day.

Speed: *laughs, grabs folder*

Katie: *lifts brow*

Speed: *writing*

Horatio: *walks over* Speed.

Speed: *lifts head* Yes sir!

Horatio: ...

Speed: *blinking* What can I do for you H? Horatio. H. *squints* Lieutenant H?

Horatio: *looks at Katie*

Katie: *shrugs*

Horatio: *looks at Speed* I need you to visit a suspect in interrogation for me. I have to head out to a scene.

Speed: Sure thing. *salutes*

Horatio: *hands over file*

Speed: *fumbles with file, leans over table, catches folder*

Horatio: Are you feeling okay?

Speed: I'm GREAT. You know, I've been thinking. The lab just received a whole bunch of money, correct?

Horatio: Yes.

Speed: And yet we could only manage to chip in for one mask in this department.

Horatio: It's not really recommended that experiments requiring a mask be conducted in the trace lab. That's what the chambers are for.

Speed: *looks at Katie* SEE?

Katie: *smirks*

Horatio: Did you need a mask?

Speed: Nah, it would be pretty useless anyway. Besides I hate the little lines the elastic leaves around my ears. OH! We should buy self-adhesive masks.

Horatio: I don't think those exist.

Speed: We have a lab, let's invent them.

Katie: *snorts, covers mouth*

Horatio: Did you ingest something?

Speed: I had a potato chip about an hour ago.

Horatio: Just one?

Speed: Oh, you wanted me to recount all of my nutrition intake? Okay well there was the oatmeal this morning with toast and then I had a power bar on the way to work and then I had 13 and a half potato chips that I stole from Eric's bag while he was in ballistics trying to ask Calleigh out on a date and then I drank some water but then I had to go to the bathroom, so I-

Horatio: *lifts hand* That's enough, Speed. I get it.

Speed: Does your hair change color in the winter?

Horatio: *blinks*

Katie: This is my favourite day of work ever.

Horatio: Katie, what kind of experiment do you have over there?

Katie: It's nothing.

Horatio: It's not nothing, I can see a fire blanket over there. *grabs blanket, lifts it* ...Do you want to explain this?

Katie: I-

Speed: It's not her experiment, it's mine.

Horatio: *looks at Speed*

Speed: Well, it wasn't really an experiment. I knocked over a bunsen burner by mistake.

Horatio: *picks up wig* What were you doing with cocaine and wigs?

Speed: The wigs were for me.

Horatio: *stares at Speed*

Speed: It's my understanding that you can't get anywhere in this lab unless your hair is red and hairsprayed to the max.

Horatio: And the cocaine?

Speed: This is a lab. We sometimes process drugs in it.

Horatio: What were you doing with a bunsen burner?

Speed: I like fire.

Horatio: None of what you have just said makes any sense.

Speed: You're just getting old.

Horatio: *frowns*

Katie: *looks down at floor*

Horatio: Lab coat and gloves off. You're relieved of duty until further notice.

Speed: *nods* Sure. *takes off lab coat* I guess that means you don't want me in interrogation.

Horatio: No.

Speed: *takes off gloves*

Horatio: Katie, take him home please.

Katie: Sure.

Horatio: *walks away*

Speed: He's getting crotchety in his old age.

Katie: How long is this high supposed to last?

Speed: I guess we'll find out.


Katie: *steps in* Lori! You around?

Lori: *walks into living room holding Steph, throws towel into basket* No, I always leave my front door locked when I'm not home.

Katie: *walks over* I just finished dropping your father off at home. Thought I'd come by and see how your vacation went.

Lori: It was fine. *bends over, picks up toys*

Katie: Where's Scott?

Lori: Work. *sits on couch, wipes Steph's mouth with towel*

Katie: *sits* Do you miss it?

Lori: *lifts eyes*

Katie: The cocaine.

Lori: I hated it. But I also loved it.

Katie: An interesting relationship.

Lori: *places Steph on lap, hands over toy*

Steph flails, squishes toy

Katie: It's some serious stuff, huh. I mean, you can get addicted right off the bat.

Lori: Depends.

Katie: *nods* So you and Scott had a good time?

Lori: Sure.

Katie: Good! Tell me everything!

Lori: *smirks* Maybe not everything.

Great update ooooh I smell trouble coming for Speed.
Katie what have you done?!

Great update! Hurry up with the next one!
Speed caught a few of those fumes...Great going, Katie:D . Can't wait to see what's going to happen for him next. Although being relieved of duty kinda bites. And wow, he took the brunt of what could've been serious trouble for Katie. He still cares for her, I'll give you that. Speed high off of cocaine...Wow...

Great work, Geni!
OOOHHH! Speed! You are in so much trouble! I'm surprised he didn't attack somebody. H. is not going to be happy with him! He may lose his job again then what will happen! Or worse he may have a cocane addiction now! Way to go Katie thats using your head! Lori is gonna be mad when she finds out what Katie has done to he daddy!
Oh Lord... Kinda like the episode where Calleigh got dosed with cocaine dust in that tile warehouse... :lol:

H:How do you feel?
Calleigh:Like a... hummingbird. On six cups of coffee.

:guffaw: Funny as hell, but still, poor Speed...

Btw, I loved Jenna's complaints earlier about TV and "CSI:pensacola"... :lol:
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