CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Ahh! thanks :D My spelling isn't always perfect becuse I don't have alot of time to check before I post. But as long as it makes sense and you guys enjoy reading it I'm happy.

To fill you in a bit,

H/C have three children, Horatio Jr who's 7.5, Marisol who just turned 7 and Eric who is now 1.5 years. Plus a new one on the way.

M/S have three also, Claire who is 6, Mac Jr.(Macster) who is 2, and Arthur who is almost 1yr. Plus a new one on the way.

You will find that H/C are the romantic sweet couple, while M/S are the Kinky.

Even though you will find that the couples will sometimes interact with the other ship, they will never completely cross that line of Adultery.

Also sometimes you'll notice things happen to the characters that aren't always good, but never fear because none of my main characters ever die. You will always be given warning when bad things happen tht way if you don't want to read that chapter then you can skip it. I try not to get too graphic but sometimes I get carried away.

So I hope you keep reading more of Crossover. :D

* Now I must go finish this next scene before Mel hits me again for taking to long* :eek:

Calleigh woke up a few hours later with bad cramps. Feeling faint she tried to get up but fell over and passed out. Mac heard a thump and went running into the Living Room. The first thing Mac noticed was her skin was peaked and she was sweating. He called 911 right away. As the Medic's entered they took her vitals and loaded her into the Ambulance. "Rescue 227 to New York General"? "Go ahead 227", 41 year old female, 3.5 months pregnant puils dilated and unresponsive, uncontrolled bleeding, possible miscarriage. Mac thought to himself, 'God please let her be okay".

Thinking back he thought about all kids they each had. He could remember always saying here comes the Taylor/Caine clan. "Horatio Jr., Marisol, Claire, Mac Jr., Eric and Arthur. Mac and Horatio always laughed about making the first team of CSI babies. As they arrived at the hospital the trauma team was waiting to take her in. Mac called Horatio first.

(phone rings) "Caine"

"H", it's Mac".

"Mac is everything okay, you sound upset". "what is it Mac"?

"I've just brought Calleigh to the Hospital by Ambulance". "She passed out "H" and she started bleeding". Mac could hear nothing but silence.

"I'm on my way back Mac, I'll see you in about 4 hours".

After hanging up with Horatio, Mac called Stella.

"Hey Mac", "what's up"?

"Stella, Calleigh's in the hospital".

"What", "Why"?

"She passed out and started Hemoraging". "We're at New York General". "Horatio is on his way back".

"I'll be right there". Hanging up the phone Stella prayed the OBGYN would save Calleigh's baby.

While Mac was waiting to hear something he tried to control his mind from replaying what happened. He knew Calleigh did everything right, she even took the nap. Mac felt really bad because he was the one taking of her on his day off. He remembered Stella telling him that Calleigh's stress had to stay at an even keel to avoid complications. No matter how much he played it over he could not find any reason for this to happen. Just as he was about to start pacing again Stella came flying down the hall and into Mac's arms.

"Anything yet Hun"? asked Stella.

"No not yet, what the hell is taking so damn long"?

"these things take time Mac". "What did you and Calleigh do today"?

"We went for some ice-cream and then I took her shopping, she bought matching baby outfits for the two of you and then I ordered her to take a nap". "Which she did". "Then I heard the thump, and called 911".

"Oh Mac, I should not have left you with her".

"It's not your fault Stella, it would have happened even with you there".

At that moment the OBGYN Doctor came out.

"Are you Lt.Caine"? asked the doctor.

"No, "I'm Calleigh's family", her husband is on his way from Miami".

"Okay, the baby is fine for now, we've given Mrs.Caine a drug to stop her labour, for the next 4-12 hours will be touch and go". "If the drug works she'll be able to go home in the morning with strict instructions for complete bed rest". "This means she stays in bed except to go too the washroom or sit in a chair. " She will not be able to do stairs or anything that requires strength. I will give you all full instructions once we see if the drug worked". "Please inform Lt.Caine when he arrives that I need to see him".

"Can we see her now"? asked Stella.

"Yes, but keep it brief she needs complete rest".

As they walked into Calleigh's room she was crying.

"Oh sweetheart don't cry", said Stella. "Horatio is on his way".

"The baby Stella, I can't lose the baby". "I'm just under 4months, God why do these things keep happening".

"SHHH! The doctor said not to upset yourself, please Calleigh calm down". "Tell me what you and Mac did today". C'mon Calleigh think good thought's".

"We went to Baskin Robbin's and had ice-cream, I stole a bite of Mac's Brownie and he stole a scoop of my sundae. "Then we went shopping and I bought matching baby outfits for us", they are so sweet".

Just as Calleigh was about to say something else Horatio ran into the room.

"Sweetheart, sweetheart, Oh God Calleigh not again".

"Horatio"! yelled Mac. "Outside now".

As they walked outside the room, Mac told Horatio that in no way should Calleigh become upset or feel stress. "The OBGYN wants you to see him before Calleigh. You can ask for him at the nurses station".

Horatio had tears in eyes, as he told Mac "I cannot go through this again, when will this bloody curse end". Mac walked with Horatio to the nurses station for support.

End Scene
LOL LHM 'cause you know if you don't post in a hurry I'll whack you again :p Oh hi newbie...she forgot to tell you she's totally evil and totally hilarious depending on the scene. (poor poor Mac that scene) And i hit, I hit her when she doesnm't post quick enough and I whack the chars to tell them to behave lolol
:devil: Hi Mel, shhh! says Mac to many secrets. :devil:

Ouch, Mac don't pinch me, kiss me :devil: "I've got your Mac Mel. Come find him.

After Horatio finished talking with the doctor he told Mac and Stella to head home for the kids and he'd stay with his wife. Mac warned "H" to keep his feelings in check so Calleigh wouldn't feel his stress and add it to hers.

"Hi Sweetheart, how you feeling"?

"Better, what did the Doctor say"?

"Well, not much right now love, we have to wait for about 4 hours and then we'll know more".

"Handsome", "I'm really scared right now".

"I know love, but we will get through this Calleigh, we always do". "Now how about you move over and I'll lay beside you"?

Calleigh made room for Horatio on her bed. Horatio took her in his arms and held her protectively while she slept.

Horatio must have fallen asleep because he was being waken up by the Doctor.

"Lt.Caine, the bleeding and labour has stopped. "Once your wife wakes up from her rest you can take her home". "But she must have complete bed rest, I can't stress that enough". Also keep her away from sugar, we noticed with her bloodwork that her sugar level was quite high". "try and have her eat lots of fresh vegtables, fish, protein etc. "No sweets". Most important is that you make sure if she has any pain at all, you are to bring her right back here". "Understood"?

"Yes", "thank you so much for everything".

"Your welcome. Take care".

After the doctor left Horatio phoned Mac and told him all the rules for Calleigh and that he'd be bringing her home shortly.

(back at the Taylor house)

Mac and Stella had sat the kids down for supper. Macster was up to his tricks with Daddy.

"Uncle Mac, said Marisol. "When is mommy and daddy coming home"?

"Very soon Angel". "How about you try that Mac and cheese Aunt Stella made, it's her own cheesy receipe".

Marisol tasted the Mac and cheese and told Aunt Stella it was good.

"Mamma", Mamma" , cried Macster. "I no eat, mamma".

Mac told his son that he had to eat. Taking the spoon Mac put some Mac and cheese on it and brought it up to Macster's mouth. "C'mon son, try it for daddy".

"No, I not ungry" and he flung the spoon across the table missing Stella's head.

"Macster, that's not nice, you tell mommy sorry".

"No!, nonononon, and he picked up his noddles and threw them at Mac.

"That's it you monster, let's go, bed".

Not a dinner went by in the Taylor house that Mac wasn't wearing. According to Stella it was game Macster liked to play with his daddy, though Mac found no humor in it at all. Taking his son upstairs he bathed him and put him to bed.

"Now you go to sleep young man, daddy loves you lots".

"Me too daddy". Mac stuck his thumb in his mouth ,cuddled up with his blankie and went to sleep.

Once back downstairs Mac put on a disney movie for Claire, Marisol, and Horatio Jr., while he took Arthur and Eric up for there bath.

When Mac came back down, Stella had made him a coffee and was sitting watching the movie with the kids. He wandered over and sat down beside his wife. Whispering in her ear, he told her she was beautiful and he loved her. She turned to him and smiled as she said "I love you too".

End Scene
lolol kids are so funny sometimes. Continue soon

lol have you seen how Lynn (Iheartnickcath)and I fight? "mine" "mine" "mine" rofl Mac's popular.
I don't want him :p, I just keep him to make you be nice :D. I'm all bruised up now. From your wacks and pokes. :(. I'll send him over to Lynn. :devil:

*Horatio says I have to make you wait for your Smacked scene, it's up next*

"Oh yes "H", that's the spot. I have to finish that scene, you will find Mac with Lynn now, I've got to go rehearse the scene with "H", Stop that, you're naughty" :devil:
Thanks :D "K" Mel, I'll Pm you the real deal. :devil:


After the movie Mac and Stella put the kids to bed.

"What do you think is taking them so long", asked Stella.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Horatio wants to keep her there for a few more hours just to be safe". He said they'd be home early morning".

Mac noticed that Stella was very tired and when she was tired she was unprepared for Taylor Time Payback.

"Stella can you do me a favour before bed"?

"Sure, what is it love"?

"Downstairs in the kitchen is the book I was reading earlier, if you'd go get it I'll read it to you".

"That would be nice". Stella wandered downstairs to get the book.

Mac took out his Indian outfit, It consisted of Indian deer skin pants, a feather leather headband, tommohawk and warpaint. He put markings on his chest ,his cheeks and a special marking on his SillyWilly. "Now to go into hiding ". Mac hid in inside the closet door and waited for Stella to return.
As she walked into the room she could have swore she heard Indian chants coming from the closet.
She walked over to have a look and when she opened the closet Mac jumped out and said.

"Me Chief WhackyMac", "How", "You will be my Indian flower WhackyPossyPoo", "You do as Chieffy weiffy tell you and maybe you get surprise". "Now take off clothes, quick, Chieffy whiffy want WhackyPossyPoo bad, Ohhh! WhackyPossyPoo beautiful woman.

"Poor Stella was trying so hard not to laugh, never in her life had she seen Mac look so goofy woofy. She knew damn well she could turn the tables on him right now and be done with it, but she wanted to see how far he'd go. Danny had told her about the Caveman scene and she would have paid to see Mac like that, but this, this was beyond words. Though she had to admit he had one hell of an imagination.

"WhackyPossyPoo, you sit Indian Style on floor", Chief WhackyMac paint you his woman".

Stella sat on the carpet and watched Mac with wonder, he was always thinking of new ways to spice things up and keep it interesting, that was the side of him she loved. Mac took his Warpaint and drew little designs on WhackyPossyPoo, he slowly traced the outside of her lips, her cheek down onto her chest he drew two little hearts one on each side as her eyes burned heated passion into his soul. Taking the feather from his headband he stroked her arms, neck, chest legs and feet as she giggled hysterically.

"Stop, stop, stop, "no more ahhhh!, please WhackyMac stooooooooooooooopppppppppppp. Stella was in tears from laughing so hard because of his antics. Tossing his feather aside he grabbed his wife and made passionate love to her.

Later he showed Stella what was on his SillyWilly and she laughed until she fell asleep.

End Scene
Thanks great idea for next chapter. Split personalities. I love it. Thanks Mel :D

:devil:*Oh! Mac you wandered back to me, he wants what Horatio had, a scene with me :devil:*, All 9 Mel :devil:. See ya*** LOLOL

It was 6am when Horatio brought Calleigh back to the Taylor home. He picked her up in his arms and carried her upstairs. He placed her on the bed and got out her nightgown and slippers incase she needed to go too the washroom. He took off her blouse and looked with enchantment at her beautiful silky skin. Tracing his fingers down her arms as he removed one side of the sleeve and then the other. Calleigh was watching him closely and she could feel herself start tingling from his touch. It always brought tears to her eyes with his gentleness and sensitivity. Horatio knew he could not make love to his wife, but that didn't mean he couldn't please her in other ways. Taking one of her legs he removed it from her pants as his hands softly stroked her leg, calf and ankles as she closed her eyes in sweet bliss. Removing her other leg, he repeated his steps as she opened her eyes he could have swore they were greener then emeralds and glassed over with passion.
walking back up towards her he lifted her up in all her naked beauty and held her tight in his arms.

"My beautiful Calleigh, "God I love you more then I could have thought possible". Sitting her on his lap he slowly caressed her tummy as the baby rippled beneath her skin and protective womb. When he was done massaging his son he helped Calleigh on with her nightgown and laid her back on a mound of pillows. Calleigh could see how her body had effected him and she whispered for him to come lay beside her. He took off his clothes as he often did and got into bed beside her. Covering them both up she softly took her hand and sent her husband into heaven.

"Goodnight love", "sweet dreams".

"You too handsome".
Didn't you get your PM on WhackyMac? I'll tell you why through Pm.

Calleigh woke up to morning light, she checked the time and realized she needed to get the kids up for school. As she tried to get up out of bed Horatio asked where she was going.

"Where you going love",

"To get the kids up for school"

"Calleigh what did the doctor tell you"?

"To stay in bed unless I have to go washroom or feel like sitting in a chair".

"That's right love back into bed, please".

"Handsome I cannot spend the two months in bed".

"Listen love, the docotr told you once you are 6months you can freely get up and wander". "You have to think of that baby and the kids and I". "If we lost you we'd have nothing Calleigh, no sunlight, no warmth but most of all no love". When Calleigh heard Horatio talk like that she always broke down.

"Don't cry love, c'mon, you'll upset the baby". Sitting back on the bed Horatio stroked Calleigh's hair until she fell back to sleep.

(Knock, knock)

"Horatio (whispering) it's Mac".

"Come on in, Shh!, I just got her back to sleep". "Listen we need to keep a very good eye on her, she tried to get out of bed this morning, I had to stop her". I'm really worried Mac, I have to go back to Miami today but I don't want to leave her". Horatio started crying as Mac walked over and sat down beside him.

"Horatio, Stella and I will take really good care of her". "One or the other will sit with her at all times". "Stella and I will alternate between the kids and Calleigh". "Don't worry "H', "We will protect her".

Horatio got up and walked to the window. "Here we go again", said Mac, what is it with windows" he mumbled to himself.

Watching "H" closely Mac could see the tears falling to the floor. Getting up he walked over and embraced his friend with patients, understanding and love.

End Scene

Mac took the first shift with Calleigh. He was watching her sleep , he couldn't help noticing that little pout like Marisol had. It was like looking in the mirror.

"Mac, "The kids have left for school, I'm going to take Horatio to the Airport now. I'll be back soon".

Getting up Mac walked over and kissed his wife. "Okay love", "drive careful".

Sitting back down Mac started reading the book he bought yesterday at the hospital. It was called Honor's Splender, by Julie Garwood. He loved her books, she had a special way of writting about the past. The books that really touched him were her Scotland Warrior's Series. Those he couldn't get enough of.

Calleigh was watching Mac read to himself, she could see the warm smile when something lovely happened and she could tell when he got to a part with murder or fighting. He looked so sweet, just like Macster. That impish grin that reeks of trouble. Mac could feel someone staring at him looking up from his book he seen Calleigh was awake.

"Good morning Love", said Mac.

"Morning Mac", "Has Horatio left already"?

"Yes", about 30 minutes ago". "Would you like something to eat"?

"No thanks, not right now". "I do need to use the washroom though", could you help me up please".

"Sure", as he braced his hand behind her back and his other hand in hers he pulled her up.

"Thank-you Mac, for everything you and Stella are doing for us".

"You're welcome Calleigh that's what family does", "take care of each other".

As Calleigh walked towards the washroom she started to sway. Mac got up and rushed to her side.

"Calleigh, you okay love", "Is it the baby, are you in pain"?

"Calm down Mac it's just a fainting spell. I'm fine now".

When Calleigh came back out Mac helped her back into bed. "I brought you up some nice chicken soup, unsalted crackers, unsweetened orange juice and herbal tea".

"Thank you Mac, but I'm not very hungry".

"Listen Calleigh do I have to force feed you"?

Calleigh knew he was serious, so she picked up the spoon and started to eat. When what she really wanted to do was throw it at him.

"No you don't Calleigh", "You wouldn't dare".

"How do you know what I was thinking"?

"Because you get that same look, my son gets when he's ready to throw his food".

After Calleigh finished eating she thanked Mac and laid back down.

"It's going to be a long day Calleigh, would you like me to read to you"?

"Sure, that would be nice".

Mac started reading Honor's Splender to Calleigh. He got through three chapters and she was sound asleep. Mac covered her up and went back to reading his book.

A few hours later Calleigh woke up and found Mac sound asleep, his head laying on her bed. She thought how peaceful he looked as he slept and she stroked his hair with her hand, down his cheek and around his lips. He made those funny scrunched up faces as Calleigh giggled. The next time Calleigh brought her finger down to tickle his lip he bit it.

"OwwwH, that hurt".

"Then you should keep your hands at your side, said Mac as Calleigh hand still rested on his cheek. raising his hand to join hers she closed her eyes and let the sensation overtake her.
When she opened her eyes again Mac was smiling at her.

"You look like a beautiful vision of purity Calleigh", I swear you are an Angel". With that said Mac bent down and kissed her cheek.

Calleigh smiled and said Thank-you.

Two hours later all the kids came running through the door. Mommy, daddy, Aunt Calleigh, Uncle Mac.yelled the kids together.

"Upstairs", yelled Uncle Mac. All the kids came running in the room.

"Mommy", yelled Marisol and HJr, you're home. "Kisses please Mommy", "lots of them".

Marisol tried to climb on Calleigh to give her kisses.

"Hold on Angel", said Uncle Mac, as he lifted Marisol up to her mommies face to give her kisses.

"Only 7 more days mommy and my cast comes off my leg".

"I know love, I'm so excited". "H Jr. How was your day"?

"It was good Mom, the teacher said she hopes you get better, and I have lots of Homework".

"Well H Jr. said Mac, "How would you like to use Uncle Mac's office to do it"?

"Really Uncle Mac"?

"Sure, and if you get it all finished you can fool around the internet".

"Cool", thanks so much, I"ll get started right now". "Mommy I'll be back later to sit with you".

"Okay love, see you". Kisses HJr. "You to mommy".

At supper time Calleigh asked Mac if he could carry her downstairs, that she'd really like to eat with the family. He remembered "H" telling him as long as she didn't walk it was fine. So picking her up in his arms, he carried downstairs and sat her in a chair.

"Thank-you very much, Mac".

"Your welcome", Calleigh".

As they all sat down to dinner Stella informed Mac that she and Danny would have to work late due to a new case. Mac was kind of getting worried because for everynight this week Stella and Danny had been working on something together. He decided he would have to call Lindsey and see how she felt about Danny not being home at night. But for now he let it drop.

"Mommy can you and Uncle Mac tell us the story again about Beauty Sleeping and do the actions like a play"? asked Marisol. "Yes Auntie please"? said Claire.

Mac decided he would answer. "I'll tell you what your mommy and I will tell you all the story but without the actions tonight okay"?

"Yeah ,yeah, yeah. said the Clan.

"C'mon guys said Stella, tell me what movie you want on tonight before bed".

"We all discussed it earlier Aunt Stella", said HJr. "We decided on Pinnoccio".

Once the kids were watching the movie, Mac had Eric kiss Calleigh goodnight and took Macster, Eric and Arthur up to bed. While Stella did the dishes.

"You okay Stella, said Calleigh. "You seem distracted".

"No", "everything fines Calleigh, it's just this case is driving me crazy". "It feels like Danny and I can't figure out were it ends or begins".

"Have you tried talking to Mac about it"?

"Not really", "He has more then enough on his plate with that Payton Case from last year".

"Has it been a year already when she kidnapped you".

"Yeah, Mac's not saying to much about it, he doesn't want to upset me or our baby".

"Anyways Calleigh, I should get going, take care of that baby and I'll see you in the morning.

"Mac", yelled Stella. "I'm leaving now". "Love you".

Mac came down the stairs and kissed his wife good-bye. "Take care love".

"Okay guy's let's go story time". "Upstairs, PJ's and teeth". "I'll be right up I have to grab "Beauty Sleeping".

Walking into the kitchen he picked up Calleigh and said , "Let's go Sleeping Beauty", and Calleigh laughed because it was actually like that scene from "Gone with Wind", where Rhett ran up the stairs with Scarlet in his arms.

"What's so funny", said Mac?

"When you ran up the stairs like that it reminded me of "Gone with the Wind", where Rhett carries Scarlet up the stairs.

"Oh really", "Well frankly my dear I don't give a damn".

Calleigh laughed because of the picture she had envisioned in her head.

Once they finished telling the kids their story, Mac and Calleigh tucked them in and gave them kisses.

"Now for you Scarlet", Mac picked her up in his arms and carried her to her room laying her on the mound of pillows.

"Okay Calleigh, let's finish are story". Just as Mac had started reading Honor's Splender again the phone rang.

"Hello", said Mac.

"Mac it's Lindsey, is Danny there"?.

"No, he's with Stella working on a case". "Why"?

"Well I called NYPD and they said that Danny nor Stella had been there all night". "I'm really worried Mac".

"Let's give it another hour Lindsey and if they don't come home then , we'll figure out what to do".

"Thanks Mac".

"Your Welcome". "bye".

"What's the matter Mac"?, asked Calleigh.

"Nothing love don't concern yourself". "Okay where were we".

As Mac continued to read Calleigh started falling asleep. Once he knew she was in deep he stopped reading, got up and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He knew he couldn't leave to check on Stella's whereabout's because of the kids and Calleigh, so he called Hawkes.

"Hawkes it's Mac, By chance have you seen Stella and Danny tonight"?

"Yeah for about 20 minutes or so, then they left ranting about some case or something".

"Okay thanks". Mac was getting really concerned and just as he was about to call Horatio, Stella walked in the door.

"Stella", "Where the hell have you been?", "Do you have any idea how worried Lindsay and I were about you and Danny". "She called me panicing thinking something happened to you and Danny".

"I'm sorry Mac", "Danny and I were deep undercover for that case we are working on with the D.A".

"I couldn't call, because we were in a restricted area". "I'm really sorry if we concerned or worried you".

"That's okay love, as long as you and Danny are safe".

"Of course Mac, I'm not going to do anything to jeopardize the babies or my health".

"I know Love". "It's late why don't you go to bed and I'll stay with Calleigh again tonight".

After Stella went to bed Mac sat back down to watch Calleigh, as he thought to himself there is something more going on then what he was being told. He knew that he would have to keep a good eye on his wife. Until he could figure out what was going on.
Actually Marisol's visions will come back. She hasn't been using them due to every else going on her life. In the next few chapters they will come back just in time to save someone important in her life. As for Ryan, he's fine in Miami with the team. I have a few chapters coming up for him too.

Hope this helps.
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