CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Okay girls, I'll post one more chapter in the morning at 7am Canadian time. But that will be it till 6pm. I have to work tomorrow till 5.

4 days later.

Calleigh was all excited this morning, It was friday and Horatio was on his back to NY.
As she came out of the bathroom Marisol was standing there in a daze.

"Marisol", "What's the matter Sweetheart"?

"Hot mommy, very hot, Aunt Stella, lots of fire mommy".

Calleigh screamed for Mac.

"What is it Calleigh"?

"Where is Stella"?

"Calleigh calm down", "her and Danny are working on the case for the D.A".

"I think her and Danny are in danger, Marisol is having some kind of vision again she says Stella is very hot , lots of fire".

"Christ Calleigh", "I thought she grew out of those"?

"No", the doctor said at that young age they usual grow up forgetting about them, but Stella must have reached into her Psych".

Mac called NYPD, "Flack, I need you to find out were Stella and Danny are right now".

(Marisol screams) Auntie STELLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAA!, help her mommy, help her.

"They went over to the D.A's office half an hour ago".

"Listen get the Fire Dept and all available units over there now".

"What the hell for Mac?, there's no fire".

"Do it Flack right now".

Mac asked Calleigh if she was going to be okay?.

"Yes, go find her Mac and hurry".

Just as Mac was running out the door Horatio, Eric and Ryan walked in. They had come to see the kids for the week-end.

"Mac what's going on?

"Stella and Danny are in danger"

"Let's go then"

"They all raced over to the D.A's office. When they got there they noticed the 10th floor was engolfed in flames.

"Jesus"", said Ryan, what the hell happened?

The Fire Dept had just arrived on scene as they brought out two victims. Mac ran over and noticed one was Danny and the other was the D.A.

"Danny, Danny, where the hell is Stella"?

Coughing and choking Danny told Mac he wasn't sure. Just as Mac ran towards the building to race inside they brought Stella out.

"How is she, that's my wife, tell me how she is".

"She's stable at this time, she has burns on her chest and right arm. We are taking her NY General". She 's very lucky another 5 minutes she would have died".

"MAC", yelled Flack. "How the hell did you know that there was a fire here"?

"It doesn't matter right now Flack, I have to get over to the hospital.

"Mac hold on I'll drive said Horatio". "Eric, Ryan go back to the house and keep an eye on Calleigh, she's not be out of bed or stressed". "Make sure she is still laying down". "Do not allow her to get up".

When Eric and Ryan got back to the house they found Calleigh out of bed and downstairs. Eric was angry and he picked her up and carried her back up.

"You were told to stay in bed Calleigh, don't get up again".

"Did you find Stella and Danny"?

"Yes there was a fire, Stella got burned pretty bad and Danny suffered smoke inhalation". "Horatio went with them to the Hospital".

"How's Mari", said Eric.

"Sleeping again, it's like she came in here screaming and yelling about Stella, then about 15 minutes after you left she stopped, turned around and got back into bed. It was very errie".
"I hate that she has those damn visions back again, they haven't haunted her since the Stewart Otis Case". She's to young to have all this pain".

"It will be okay Calleigh, please relax". said Eric

"Uncle Eric, Uncle Eric, kisses,kisses,kisses, Love you Uncle Eric, missed you, more kisses, lots and lots.

"Okay Mari", "calm down love".

"Up Uncle Eric, as Eric lifted Marisol up she gripped him in her tiny arms and rested her head on his shoulder. "Love you Uncle Eric".

"Me too Mari", lots and lots".

(Back at the hospital)

Horatio and Mac were waiting on the results of Stella and Danny.

"How you doing Mac"?

"Not good, I knew something was wrong with that case she and Danny were working on". "God "H" if it wasn't for Marisol they all would have died".

"I know it's been a few years we thought she grew out of it, but obviously not". "Stella must have tapped into her somehow and Marisol heard her".

At that moment Danny came walking out.

"How are you Danny"?

"Fine Mac, said Danny with a raspy voice. Just a small amount of smoke inhalation"

"What the hell happened in there Danny"?

"I don't know Mac, we were discussing the case when we smelled smoke. As I touched the door to open it I couldn't it was too hot. Then the door window burst infront of Stella's body and face. The flames got her good Mac. The D.A and I tried to get us out of the building but there was way to much heat so we all duct low and stayed in the office. Stella was unconcious the whole time.

"Okay Danny go home and get some rest. "I'll call Flack to send over units to search the place".

Excuse me Det.Taylor.?

"Yes", I'm det.Taylor".

"Your wife is stable, she has multiple mild burns on her chest and right arm, I can't see there being any scaring. Also the baby's Ultrasound came back normal and all looks good. You can take your wife home in the morning".

"Thank-you Doctor, for your help".

"Your welcome".

After the Doctor left Horatio told Mac that he'd stay with him, but Mac told him to go home and spend time with his kids and Calleigh.

"Okay", "I'll see you at home Mac". "If you need me call".

"I will". Mac walked down the hall to Stella room. "Stella love, it's Mac, can you hear me"?

"Stella opened her eyes and smiled at Mac. "What are you so happy out love", "your all fried up"?

Stella laughed when she heard Mac say that, because that meant he was going to be fine.

"She heard me Mac", Marisol heard me call for help". "She saved our lives".

"I know love, I was with her at the house when she came in Calleigh's room screaming".

"God when I get home I'm going to cover her in a million kisses, said Stella.

"You'll have to get in line, I have a feeling she's going to be very busy the next few days".

End Scene

(Back at the Taylor house)

Horatio rushed upstairs to see Calleigh and his kids.

"Sweetheart", "hi, how are you love"?

"Better now you're here, how's Stella"?

"She's going to be fine love, mild burns, the baby is fine".

"Where are the kids it's quiet"?

"Uncle Eric and Ryan took them all outside to play".

"Have you been staying in bed love"?

"Of course, Mac keeps me here by reading to me". "At supper time he carries me up and down the stairs. He's complaining about my weight, I told him it's all baby".

Horatio stared at his beautiful wife, it had been one hell of a long week and he was hungry for her.

"Handsome", "I know that look, Horatio, put those clothes back on". "Horatio", "stop, that tickles".

(Panting) "You are so bad, God, stop please "H" Oh God, Oh God ,Oh God".

"Calleigh squeezed in total surrender, as she turned to him and said "My turn".

When they had finished , the kids came running up the stairs, Dad, yelled Horatio Jr., I miss you Dad. "Daddy,daddy,daddy, yelled Marisol down the hall into their room.

"Kisses daddy, lots of kisses. "I love you daddy".

Eric and Ryan came in carrying Eric and Arthur.

"Dada, dada", said Eric.

"Come here son", and he held all his kids in his arms tightly with tears pouring from his eyes.

End Scene

Stella and Mac returned home.

"Upstairs Stella and lie down, love".

I'm not tired and I'd like to see Marisol first.

Walking upstairs Stella could here the girls playing in their room. Stella opened the door and walked in.

"Hi Claire Bear, how are you love?

"Mommy your home, said Claire.

"Where is Marisol"?

"With her mommy and Uncle Eric".

As Stella left the girls room she went to see Calleigh.

"Oh Stella look at you all bandaged up". "How you feeling"?

"Great actually, where is Marisol"?

"She's out with Uncle Eric for the day". "He misses their time together".

"When she comes in Calleigh can ask her to come see me please".

"Of course, Stella, are you relly okay"? "I have this feeling something is wrong".

"Honest Calleigh, I'm just tired. "I'm going to go lay down".

As she entered her bedroom, she undressed down to her bra and panties and fell asleep.

Horatio checked on calleigh and she was slepping soundly. Then he walked over to check on Stella in the other room because Mac had to go out". As he walked in he seen Stella laying on the bed with nothing on but her undergarments. For one breif moment he couldn't breathe, all he seen was legs that went on forever and beautiful peach colored skin. Horatio knew this was a bad idea as soon as he seen her. Very carefully he walked over grabbed a comforter off her bed and covered her up. as he bent to tuck the corners stella awoke. Thinking it was Mac come to get some Payback she pulled him down on top of her. As she opened her eyes she seen it was Horatio laying across her body.

"Horatio, I'm so sorry I thought you were Mac".

"That's okay Stella as he pulled himself off her".

"I have to go Stella, I'll see you later".

Before Horatio could escape, Stella kissed him on his lips. "Thanks for checking on me".

"Your welcome", "Try and get some rest Stella".

Horatio went back to sit with Calleigh, since he had gotten there Calleigh had tried to get out of bed twice. He couldn't figure out how Mac could get here to stay put. He knew he'd have to ask him.

End Scene
Hi Mel, I'm home :D

Once Eric and Marisol got home from the movies, They went up too see Calleigh. "Mommy", I had fun with Uncle Eric we went and seen Robots then we had McDonalds and Ice-cream for dessert". "
"Don't tell your brother said Calleigh, he'll be angry.

"Okay mommy, I'm going to go play with Claire.

"Oh sweetheart before you do, Aunt Stella would like to see you".

"Why Mommy"?

"I'm not sure, why don't you go find out".

Marisol left to see Aunt Stella.

" Hi Aunt Stella", "how you feeling"?

"I'm feeling great thanks to you love". "You saved my life".

"It hurt Aunt Stella, It was really hot, wasn't it"?

"Yes it was, but I'm fine and I'm glad to see you are too".

"I'm going to go play with Claire now", bye Aunt Stella.

"Bye Marisol".

When Marisol left Stella made a call.

"Hello, it's me". "Just listen", "it worked", "Yes I'm possitive, she felt it, she said she felt the heat".
"I don't know? "Someone's coming I'll call you later".

At the second she hung up the phone Mac walked in.

"How you feeling love"?

"Better, thank-you".

"I brought you some lunch".

"I'm really not hungry Mac", just leave it. Thanks".

Mac was confussed, not more then 30 minutes ago she was starving and now she's not hungry.

"Stella, are you sure you're okay".

"Yes Mac, stop being concerned.

"Okay then I'll just leave it and see you later".

"I love you Stella".

"I know Mac", see you later".

Mac knew for sure something was wrong, Stella was acting really weird. He thought to himself, "maybe she banged her head or something". Mac decided to find Horatio and talk too him about Stella.

Eric and Ryan made the kids supper, to give Calleigh and Stella some rest. What they didn't realize was that Macster was a thrower. But they were about to be made aware.

"SUPPER", yelled Ryan.

"Wolfe what's your problem, said Eric

"Nothing why"?

"You don't bellow man, you're going to disturb Caleigh and Stella".

"Well I don't know Delko, I've never had kids before".

"You walk into the Den and tell them it's dinner time". "C'mon I'll show you".

"Marisol, Claire, "HJr', Macster, let's go dinner time".

"I'm not hungry Uncle Eric, said "HJr".

"Me either Uncle Eric, I'm still full from McDonalds". said Marisol.

Well that did it, Marisol let it slip she had McDonalds.

"AUHH!, That's not fare, how come Marisol got McDonalds and I didn't".

"Yeah that 's not fare". "we want it too, said Claire.

"That's showing them Eric", "you really have control".

"Shut up Wolfe".

Then all at once the kids started, "We want McDonalds, we want McDonalds, We want....

"STOP", yelled Eric. "Get into the kitchen now and eat", or you're all going to bed".

Well that did it, never had the kids heard an adult scream at them. they all ran into the kitchen and sat down. Eric picked up L'il Eric and Macster and took them to the kitchen.

"That's how you handle kids Wolfe", said Eric.

Once all the kids were seated Ryan served the Spaghetti. As they were all enjoy their supper Eric seen Macster wasn't eating.

"Macster", said Eric. "Eat your spaghetti".

If looks could kill Eric would have been dead. Macster picked up some Spaghetti in his hand and threw it at Eric.

"No, "no,no,no".

"MACSTER", stop throwing food, that's not nice. Macster picked up more and threw it at Eric.

"Stop it Mac, "no,no". Macster picked up the plate and tossed it all over the floor. Ryan ran over to Eric's side to try and help but before he could get there he slipped on some spaghetti and fell on his ass. All the kids started laughing.

"That's funny Uncle Ryan said "HJr", "Look you have some in your hair". All the kids were laughing at them because everytime Eric tried to help Ryan up, the spaghetti would cause him to lose his footing and back down he went.

"Damn it Eric, help me here", said Ryan.

Eric gripped one hand onto the table and braced himself as he pulled Wolfe up. It was at that time Macster decided to toss his juice cup ay Eric's head.

Owww, yelled Eric. As juice spilled all down his shirt and pants, Eric let go of Ryan who fell back into the spaghetti again.

"C'mon Eric, look at me, get me the hell up".

"Listen Wolfe I have my own problems, look at my new silk shirt, it's ruined".

At that moment Horatio and Mac walked in and one look told them that Macster had been at it again. Horatio pulled Ryan up out of the spaghetti.

"Thanks "H", said Ryan.

"You're welcome". ""HJr", Marisol bed now, said their dad.

"Why daddy we didn't do nothing", said "HJr".

"Was that not you and Marisol I heard laughing at your Uncles"?

"yeah, but dad".

"No but's get up to bed now".

"Claire you go too, I'll bring Macster in a minute".

"But daddy, we did notten wrong".

"You laughed Claire, it's not funny to laugh at someone when they're hurt". "Now go to your room".

As the three oldest kids stormed upstairs Mac got a cold cloth and put it on Eric's cut.

"I'm sorry Eric, it looks like he cut you pretty good". "Claire or the others should have told you that Macster throws his food around".

"It's okay Mac, I'm fine".

"Ryan are you okay"?,

"yeah I'm fine Mac, just a little messy".

"You and Eric go get cleaned up , Horatio and I will clean up in here and then go talk too the kids".

"thanks, Mac".

Mac and Horatio could hear Eric complaining about his ruined silk shirt. then out of the blue they heard Ryan say, "At least you haven't got spaghetti stuck on your ass.

Mac said to Horatio, "You think that will make them think twice about having kids. "H" and Mac laughed as the guys headed upstairs to change.

End Scene
rofl...but I wanna know about Stella and the "it worked" More, post more! *pokes you with something sharp*
Patient's Mel, Mac and Horatio are cleaning my wound :(. You Poke-a-holic :lol:

Listen "H" I need to talk to you about Stella.

"What is it Mac"?

"I'm not sure", "she's acting really strange". "She told me earlier that she was starving, so I made her some lunch". " When I took it up to her she said she wasn't hungry". "But what really concerned me was that I told her I loved her and she said "Me too". "she's never said that before, it's always I love you back". " I also know she's been out late every night and very secretive, her and Danny both".

"That is strange", Horatio thought to himself about earlier when Stella had pulled him ontop of her.
But there was no way in hell he'd tell Mac that. "I think the best thing we can do for now is keep an eye on her". "If she doesn't come around then we'll have to start exploring into her whereabouts for the last few weeks".

"I know you're right, but I just have an errie feeling that something is going on".

Horatio's phone rang and it was Tripp calling to inform him that there was a fax waiting for him at NYPD.

"Mac, I have to run too NYPD, Tripp sent over a fax that I need tonight". "I'll be back as soon as I can".

"Sure, I'll watch Calleigh for you".

Just then Stella came running down the stairs. "Mac I'm going over to Lindsay 's, Danny and I have to go over that D.A case.

"Stella you just got home from the hospital, you should be resting".

"Mac, it was only heat burn, I'm fine". The D.A is meeting us at Danny's I have to be there".

"I'll drive her over Mac and then I'll pick her up on my way back".

"How long Stella"?

"No more then an hour Mac".

"Fine, and then I want you to rest".

"I promise Mac, "I love you".

"I love you too Stella".

After they left, Mac went up to talk too the kids about tonight's antics.

"Does anyone want to tell me what happened tonight", asked Mac.

"Nothing Uncle Mac", Macster threw his supper and we couldn't help but laugh when Ryan fell". "But we stopped when Uncle Eric got hit with the cup". "That's when we realized Uncle Eric was bleeding". We shouldn't have to be punished for what Macster did".

"You were punished "HJr" because you being the oldest should have warned your Uncle's what Macster does with his food".

" I know Uncle Mac, I'm really sorry". "HJr", ran over to Uncle Mac and hugged him. "I'll go say sorry to my Uncle's".

"That's my young man", said Mac. "I'm proud of you".

Mac went to check on Calleigh and found her sound asleep with their book in her hand. Walking over Mac took it from her and put it on the table. He then bent down and kissed her cheek.

"I love you Calleigh". As he walked away he heard her say, "I love you too Mac".

Eric and Ryan went out clubbing. After Mac got the kids to bed he looked at his watch and noticed that Stella was running late, and where the hell was "H". Just at that moment the phone rang.

"Hello", said Mac.

"Mac", it's Horatio", "Listen I'm at Danny's, Lindsay informed me that Danny and Stella went to meet the D.A at NYPD". "I didn't let on that I knew Danny lied". "I'm going to wait here for a while and see if they come back". "I'll keep you informed".

"What the hell do you think she and Danny are up too"?

"I don't know Mac, But I'm going to find out". "Bye".

Mac didn't know what to do with Stella and her case, if there was a case at all.

"Mac", said Calleigh.

"What are you doing out of bed love"?

"I came to see if you were coming to read me more of our book".

"Sure love", "Mac walked over and picked Calleigh up in his arms so she wouldn't have to climb back up the stairs.

"You know Mac, I only come down because I like it when you pick me up".

Mac thought that was the sweetest thing he had heard in a while. "I'm forever willing to please you Calleigh, let's go back in time with our book Honor's Slendor.

"Oh yes Rhett", "thank you Rhett".

"Your welcome Scarlet , "Now, to bed you go".
Rush, rush , rush :lol:

*Crap, wrong post*

Horatio had been waiting in the shadows for 4 hours now, he felt so bad not being able to spend time with Calleigh and his kids. He couldn't understand what had happened so quickly, I mean he leaves for a week and comes back finding out his daughter has her Psych ability back, Stella is leaving home at all hours of the night. "God what is going on with this family."

Looking up Horatio seen Danny pull into the garage, but Stella wasn't with him. Just great said Horatio, where the hell is Stella. Getting out of the car Horatio walked up to Danny and asked him where Stella was.

"Danny, where the hell is Stella"?

"How should I know "H", I'm not her secretary".

"I'm sorry"!, said "H" looking stunned, never had Danny taken that tone with him.

Look "H", We had a meeting with the D.A and then we left. I told Stella I wouldn't be able to take her home, so she grabbed a cab. That was at 2100 hrs".

Horatio looked at his watch, it showed 0100 hrs. "Danny, if I find out you are lying to me I'm going to hunt you down until you tell me the truth". "Do you understand"?

"Yes "H", loud and clear.

Horatio got back into the car and went searching downtown for Stella, while Danny dialed his phone and warned Stella that Horatio was looking for her.

"Calm down Danny", he'll never figure it out". "Your nervousness is going to get us caught".
"now go spend some time with Lindsay before she starts getting suspicious.

"I hope you are right Stella". "See you in the morning.

(Back at the Taylor house)

Mac was reading to Calleigh when she got another cramp. squeezing the pillow she faught back the pain. She knew if Mac found out he would rush her back to the Hospital and that was something she didn't want. Closing her eyes she faught back tears.

"Calleigh, sweetheart, what's the matter"?

"Nothing Mac just enjoying our story". "It's beautiful isn't it". This time Calleigh couldn't hold the pain in. "Mac", she said in tears. "I think there is something wrong with the baby Mac". My cramping is back and it hurts, like I want to push".

Mac stood up and grabbed Calleigh in his arms to rush her back to the Hospital. as he reached for his keys with Calleigh in his arms Stella walked in.

"Mac, what's going on"? Calleigh, you okay"?

"Call Horatio Stella, now", "Tell him Calleigh's labour has started again" "You'll have to stay with the kids as Eric and Ryan are clubbing. "Stella, he yelled. "Call "H".

"Okay", "I'm on it Mac"?

Mac took off out the door with Calleigh, and Stella being in her own little world forgot to call Horatio.

On the way to the Hospital Calleigh told Mac she was terrified of loosing the baby.

"This can't be happening Mac, please tell me this is a dream. Please Mac".

Mac took Calleigh's hand and swore to her that she would be fine and so would the baby.

Parking at the entrance Mac carried Calleigh to the E.R. "Nurse, nurse, I need help "now".

The nurse recognized it was Calleigh and called for OBGYN "STAT". tHe nurse told Mac to place her on the bed. "You'll have to wait outside".

"Like Hell, said Mac, "I stay and you do your job and leave me to watch".

The OBGYN came in with a injection for Calleigh. "Okay Mrs Caine, just relax.

"I need to push", "please it hurts", "Mac help me please, Mac I need you".

Gripping Calleigh's hand he held it tight, because he knew before the night was over Calleigh would indeed deliver a pre-mature Caine baby.
aww man those kids are crazy!!
it would be nice to see Eric and Ryan as fathers!!
im hoping that they dont change their minds!
whats up with stella?!?!
and poor calleigh:(
(sry i type what im thinking so if it doesnt make sense its my brains fault:lol:)
(The Taylor House)

Stella hoped Calleigh would be okay. But with her out of the way, she could have Horatio for a while. She ran upstairs, undressed into her nightgown and got into Horatio and Calleigh's bed. What she haden't realized was that Ryan and Horatio traded rooms because the other room had rear sided windows and he thought it would be better for Calleigh.

A few minutes after Stella went into Ryan's room and waited. Ryan and Eric came back from the bar and headed upstairs to bed. As Ryan walked into Horatio's old room that was now his he could smell perfume. Thinking nothing of it because he was half loaded he plopped himself on the bed. Out of no where he felt a hand slide up his leg, onto his back and then his neck. Then he heard,

"Horatio, I missed you, I need you".

"What the **** yelled Ryan. "Stella"! what are you doing here"?

"Stella stared in shock, "Ryan"! Isn't this "H"s and Calleigh's room"?

"Not any more", "they took my room because it had more windows for Calleigh".

Stella realized she needed an explanation for Ryan or he'd tell Mac and Horatio.

"I was waiting for "H", I need to let him know Calleigh was rushed back to the hospital".

"WHAT", "Did you call him on his cell"?

"Well no, I just got myself as Mac was rushing out the door with Calleigh".

"Shit, I need to call "H". "Horatio it's Ryan", "Calleigh's been rushed back to the hospital, you need to get over there now".

"Thanks Ryan".

Horatio ran into the hospital yelling "where is my wife", ""Where is she"?

"Most of the staff new The Taylor's and Caines. "Lt. Caine, your wife is in labour and delivery with Det.Taylor".

"Thanks", Horatio ran over to L and D as fast as he could.

(In Calleigh's L and D room)

"Mac", why won't these pains stop"?, "God I need to push".

"Calleigh look at me". "I want you to close your eyes and think about Honor's Splender". Remember the scene where he saves her from the fire"?

"Yes", and then he takes her to his place and loves her".

"Well I want you to see that, focus on it Calleigh", "think of that Old English Castle and how beautiful it must have been to live there".

"Can you see it"?

"Yes, "Oh", here comes another one".

The doctor told Calleigh to bare down and push. All the nurses and 2 other OBGYN's were there ready to take the baby to Neo-Natal Unit. "One more push", all the way Calleigh".

Out slid a beautiful baby tiny little baby. The docotr's cleaned it's airways, hooked him up to a small ventelator and rushed him down.

""Calleigh, he's a boy, "So tiny". I seen him Calleigh he is so small but alive".

Mac bent down to hold Calleigh tight. "Good job Mom" said Mac.

"Thank's Mac for being here, You are a wonderful coach".

"Your welcome Calleigh".

"Horatio ran into the room.

"Calleigh", "Oh God", "how are you love"?

"I'm fine Handsome, we have another boy".

"A boy, another boy"? "Oh Calleigh thank you"."Where is he"?

"Down in Neo-Natal", "they just took him".

"Thank-you so much MAc for being here".

"Alway's "H", "can I see you for a minute out side".

"Sure", "I'll be back in a minute love". Said "H"

Mac bent down and told Calleigh he'd see her later and kissed her on the cheek".

After they left the room, Calleigh wondered what the hell was going on.


(Back at the Taylor house)

"Stella, what were you doing in the bed anyway"? asked Ryan.

Stella knew she had to think of something fast. "I must have fallen alseep".

"You caresses my leg Stella".

"I must have thought you were Mac".

"Whatever, said Ryan, I'm tired, can you leave so I can go to bed"?

"Sure Ryan, night".

Stella went back to her room and made a call.

"Yeah, it's me". "change of plans, Calleigh was rushed to the hospital, we need to move it forward". I'll call you in the morning".

After Stella hung up the phone she waited for Mac to get home. "I feel a Payback coming on". "I't's Stella time.

(Back at the hospital)

Did you find out anything"? asked Mac.

"Yeah", Danny came back alone, when I questioned him he said Stella took a cab home from the D.A's place".

"I'll take care of Danny in the morning". "I'm going to go home and get some rest".

"Mac, before you leave I need to make a call, can you stay with Calleigh for one more minute"?

"Sure", walking back ino the room Mac bent down to Calleigh's ear. "I'm going to leave now love, I'll bring the kids by in the morning".

Calleigh looked at Mac with fresh tears, "Do you have to leave"?

Mac knew Calleigh and him had grown so close and it was harder and harder for him to say no to her. "You be good Calleigh and I'll bring the book tomorrow, how's that"?

"Sure", Seeyou".

"Get some rest, Mac kissed her cheek and said "I love you".

Calleigh could have sworn something bad was going on, and if she found out they holding secret's from her again, she'd shoot them all.

(Back at the house)

Mac came in and headed upstairs, he was in a nasty mood due to the news he recieved. As he walked into his room Stella tried to attack him.

"Stella", "not tonight, where the hell were you"? "answer me"?

"Itold you Mac I was......

"Stop lying to me Stella", " I want answers now"? Mac grabbed her arm and sat her down.
"Listen Stella", "I'm going to find out what you and Danny are up too". "You better hope it's nothing I need to be concerned with". "God Stella, lately you've been like Jekell and Hyde". "I don't get it".

"Mac, nothing is going on, and as for Jekell and Hyde, I'm pregnant it's called Hormones".

"Calleigh and "H" had another boy". "So far his prognosis is good, he has all his organs. The doctor thinks she may have been farther along then he thought".

"That's wonderful, Did they name him yet"?

"No, not until they see the kids". "Horatio wants them to pick a name". "I'm going to sleep now Stella, I'm tired.

Mac kissed Stella goodnight and fell asleep.

Stella said to herself, "I'm going to have to move faster", "I hope to hell Ryan doesn't remember I was in "H" old room.

(Back at the Hospital)

"Hi sweetheart", "how you feeling now"?

"Better", "How's the baby"?

"Beautiful Love, He's absolutly beautiful". "So tiny". "God, I wish I could have been here for you". "I'm so sorry love", "I never meant not to be".

"I know Handsome", "What is going on this time"?, "please don't tell me nothing", I hate secrets".

"Mac is worried, Stella's been acting really weird lately", "so I've been helping him try to figure out what's going on". "Danny has something to do with it too".

"You don't think it's anything bad, do you"?

"I don't think so, but then again, she has been very mysterious lately".

"Time will tell, "now move over please I want to hold my beautiful wife".

Calleigh and Horatio fell asleep cuddled in each others embrace.

In the morning Ryan and Eric showed up with the kids at the hospital.

"Mommy, daddy, can we see the new baby, "where is he mommy".

"He's in a special room sweetheart", "we can go see him in a minute, first we need to decide on a name".

"We get to name him mom"? , said "HJr".

"Yes, you all get to pick the name together". "Any ideas"?

The kids thought about it and "HJr" said what about Cody mom, that's a good name.

"what do you think guy's you like Cody"?

"Yeah, that's a good name, say Marisol.

"Well then said Calleigh, let's go see Cody".

Once they got down there, Marisol said, "Oh mommy he's so tiny". "I love him".

"Can we hold him Mom, asked HJr.

"Not yet hun", "he's to small right now", "but you can tell him you love him".

""HJr bent down over the incubator and told Cody he loved him".

Back at the room Eric asked Calleigh when she was being released. She informed Eric tomorrow after lunch.

"Who's picking you up Calleigh"? asked Ryan. "We have to go back to Miami today".

"I'm not sure", "Is Horatio going back too"?

"I don't know Calleigh, last time I talked to him he said it depends on you".

"On me", "Why"?

"Calleigh calm down said Eric, He just wants to make sure you and the baby are fine before he decides to go back".

At that moment Mac and the kids walked in.

"There's the proud mommy". "How you feeling Calleigh"?

"Much better thank-you", "they're releasing me tomorrow".

"well that's good then, "we miss having you around". "How's the baby"?

"Cody is doing great". "The kids named him this morning".

"Nice name Guy's ,good job". said Mac.

"Where's Horatio, asked Calleigh. I haven't seen him yet, he stayed last night but when I woke up he wasn't here".

"Maybe he went to get something to eat".

"Maybe", "I'm sure he'll be back soon".

Mac left the room and wondered down to see the baby he helped bring into the world. As he got there Horatio was talking to his son.

"Hi Cody it's daddy", "how are you little Angel", Horatio took his finger and soflty caressed his son's little hand. Horatio was happy when the doctor informed him that Calleigh was closer to 6 months instead of 5. He knew the baby had a better chance of surviving.

"Horatio", said Mac.

"Hey Mac, how are you"?

"good, came to see Cody", "how is he"?

"Handsome", We found out from the doctor that Calleigh was closer to the 6 month mark, so the babies chances for being healthy are better".

"That's great "H", Mac knew he would have to come back later and see the baby.

Back at the room Eric and Ryan told Horatio that they were heading back today.

"H" are you coming with us today"? asked Ryan.

"Uncle Eric, you're not leaving right"? asked Marisol.

"Sorry sweetheart, I have to back with Ryan, if I don't who is going to protect Miami"?

"But I love you Uncle Eric, it's not fare"?

"I know Mari", "I love you too, but I'll be back. "Besides you get your cast off this week", and then once Cody is strong enough, you guys will be coming home".

"Calleigh looked over at Mac and Mac at her as there eyes spoke to each other, saying, that will be the saddest day of our lives.

"Horatio came back in the room and told everyone that it was time to leave.

"Let's go guy's Calleigh needs rest".

"Daddy are you going home today"?

"Yes "HJr", but I'll be back before you know it". Eric, Ryan take the kids back too Mac's I need to talk to Calleigh".

After everyone had left Horatio sat down infront of Calleigh. "Sweetheart", "you okay"?

"No", "I'm really not happy about this, everytime you come over something happens that keeps us from spending time together, I don't get it, what are we doing wrong".

"Nothing love, It's just a series of events love, It will get better. Once Cody is able to come home we will all go back to Miami, "together".

Horatio kissed Calleigh good-bye and he left.

(Back at the Taylor house)

When they got home Stella had disappered again.

"Stella", called Mac. "where are you"?

"Maybe she went out", said Ryan, she was acting strange last night when she was in my bed".

"Excuse me"! said Mac, "what do you mean she was in your bed"?

"When Eric and I got home last night, I walked into Horatio's old room and colapsed on the bed", then I felt your wife beside me". "when I asked her what she was doing here she said she was waiting for Horatio to come home so she could tell him about Calleigh and she must have fallen asleep waiting".

"Mac didn't know what to say, "Okay, thanks Ryan, I'll look into it".

Mac knew for sure now that something was going on with Stella and he knew he had to find her and force her to tell him what the hell she was up too.
aww come on I'm getting upset lol...I want to know badly what's going on. (maybe you can PM me? lol I know you wont but maybe?)
Its torture Mel, Mac won't let me tell you :(

*Horatio says you'll like it* :cool:

(The Hospital)

Stella showed up to see Calleigh and the baby. "Hi Calleigh", "my God! the baby is so handsome, I'm really happy for you". "How you feeling"? "Much better, now I don't have the cramping anymore, "God Stella I think I'm done with having kids". "It's okay Calleigh, you're just feeling a little over emotional right now". "Give yourself time to heal". "I know you're right", but it's easier said then done". "Listen Stella, everyone is really worried about you, what's going on"? "Calleigh, do you trust me"? "Of course, you're my best friend, sister and Godmother to my children of course I trust you". "Then please don't worry, It will all be over soon". "This is something I've been working on for a while". "To tell you would ruin everything I've worked for". "It's nothing dangerous or something that can get you killed"? "No", "trust me Calleigh please". "Okay". "Has Horatio, Eric and Ryan left yet"? "I'm not sure Calleigh, I haven't been home yet". "I think I'm going to go spend time with the baby, I'll see you later Stella"? "Of course Calleigh".

Calleigh walked down to Neo-Natal to see Cody. Once she got there she opened the little incubator and took Cody's little hand in hers. "Hi pumpkin", "I'm your mommy, and I'm going to take extra care of you". Just at that moment the nurse walked by and seen Calleigh talking her son. "Would you like to hold him love", said the nurse. "I can hold him"? "Of course". The nurse took Cody out and handed him to Calleigh. God he was so tiny, his little hands were clentched tightly into little fists, and he had the cutiest little rosebud lips. Calleigh's eyes welded up with tears. She couldn't believe this tiny little blessing was alive. Just as she was about to get up Horatio walked in and seen her holding Cody. He walked over and embraced her and their baby. "Look at him Handsome, so tiny and innocent". "I know love", he's perfect". "You came to tell me you're leaving, didn't you Handsome"? "yes love", "I have to get back". Calleigh looked into Horatio's eyes and without a word he knew she was asking him not to go. "Sweetheart, please don't cry, I''ll be back as soon as I can". Calleigh laid her head on her husbands shouler with the baby between them as she cried.

Mac was at home waiting for Stella to show up. He knew if he didn't get something out of her soon he would lose his mind. "Okay Mac, we are ready to go, said Horatio, I'll see you on friday". "If you should need me before that just give me a call and I will come back". Calleigh is very upset and I had the nurse give her something to help her rest". "I think I'm going to arrange for the kids, Calleigh and I to go home too Miami", I've spoken to the doctor and he feels that Cody would be fine and able to be transfered to Miami". "Are you sure Horatio, that's alot of stress for the baby and for Calleigh". "I know Mac but she's really hurting for my attention and I can't give it to her from Miami". "Well I guess you're right", but what about Marisol"? "The doctor recommended a specialist in Miami that is a personal friend of his, he's going to set up Marisol's treatment with him". "Look's like you have everything in order", so when are you making the arrangements"?
When I return this week-end Mac, I'll have everything ready at home by then". "Okay, have a safe trip back "H". "I will Mac, let me know if you need my help with Stella". "I will, take care "H". "You too Mac, you too". On that note Horatio, Eric and Ryan left for the Airport.
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