CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Ryan didn't snitch, it slipped out :rolleyes:. If you read it again you'll see that it was said as a comment not as I told on you. :p
That's okay, Ryan has always said things without thinking. He just needs to think *outside the box* like Eric told him in the episode Dead Air.

Mac knew he had his hands full, Stella had disappeared again and he was stuck with all the kids. All he wanted was a few minutes peace. Mac picked up the phone and called the Nanny to come sit with the kids because he had to run out. Once off the phone with the Nanny Mac did some digging into the D.A.'s background and found nothing on him. Everything about this guy was clean, just what the hell was he missing. Mac turned off the computer when the Nanny knocked on the door. "Hello Mr. Taylor". "Hi, thank-you so much for coming over on your day off, I really appriciate it". "Your welcome, where are the children"? "They're in the Den playing games, I should be back around 7:00 pm if that's okay". "That's fine, I'll see you then". "Daddy, yelled Claire, where are you going"? "Just out for a bit Claire Bear, I'll be back soon". "I love you daddy". "I love you too Claire Bear". Mac needed to get away fast, he felt like his world with Stella was spinning out of control. So many lies, he thought to himself as he pulled into the Hospital parking lot. As he sat there he thought how funny it was that he ended up where Calleigh was when he was depressed.
He often wondered if Horatio realized the gift he had in Calleigh, she was so pure and innocent just like Stella used to be until she became secretive, he missed that part of his wife. He knew he had to figure it out before he went insane. Mac walked right into the Neo- Natal unit and asked the nurse if he could hold Cody. "Sure" said the nurse with a smile. All the doctor's and nurses new about the Taylor/Caine clan and thought it was an amazing family full of love. When the nurse placed Cody in Mac's arms he thought "My God what a tiny innocent child", and he kissed his head softly and spoke to him. "Hi there little Cody, I'm your Uncle Mac, I helped mommy bring you into our world. Do you know how lucky you are to have such wonderful parents. Your mommy is the most amazing woman and she has the soul of an Angel, always protecting everyone close to her. Cody made a little motion in Mac's arm as he spoke of Calleigh making him think the baby understood that already. "Okay little one Uncle Mac will put you back now. After lifting Cody back into his little home, he went to find Calleigh.

Cheering himself up so Calleigh wouldn't realize he was upset he walked in. "There she is, how you feeling love"? "Good and how are you Mac? you look upset". "I'm fine Calleigh, don't worry". "Why is it everyone keeps telling me not to worry"? "I know more then all of you think", "your wife is running round confussed because you think she's up to something bad, Ryan has a big mouth as usual, he doesn't think before he speaks" and Horatio told me that we're going home". "I don't want to go home Mac, I need you as much as I need Horatio, you've become the second most important man in my life besides my father". "Calm down Calleigh, please don't upset yourself again, Horatio told me they had to sedate you earlier because of your nerves. "Then all of you need to stop", "Stop and think about what you are doing to each other". Mac stared at Calleigh in shock, she was right everything had gotten out of hand with his wife and his family, he knew he'd have to fix it. "I'll be back later Calleigh I have to go find Stella". "You do that Mac and listen to what she has to say". "I will love, see you later". With that said Mac took off out the door to find his wife.
Damn it Mel :mad: I'm getting there.LOL

*Mac she punched me again, handle her, damn it*

The first place Mac went was to NYPD. As he got there he realized it was quiet and no one was around. "What the hell is going on where is everyone". Walking around he headed downstairs into the breakroom, he couldn't figure where everyone had gotten too. Opening the Breakroom door, he heard "SURPRISE", shock set in followed by disbelief. "what is this, said Mac. As he looked around he seen his wife, his kids, friends, fellow officers. "This is for you Mac, said Stella, the D.A. has a special award for you. The D.A walked up and told Mac that this was done by the a higher rank, but with permission from the Chief and the Mayor they are allowing me to present it to you". "Stella informed us how you hate major dinners and having to stand up and say speeches. So on behalf of the City of New York, we are naming you with the title for Detective of the Year". Mac was speechless, never had he thought this is what was kept secret. Looking around he said , "You knew about this"? "Well this is truely an honor", thank you all for this award". Stella walked up to Mac and said "I love you Mac Taylor", "more then you'll ever know". Looking into her eyes he said, "Me too love". Once the little gathering was over Mac took his wife and kids home. The nanny informed Mac that HJr, Marisol and lil Eric were sleeping. "Thank-you, we'll see you in the morning", said Mac.

After the Nanny left Mac went to put his kids too bed. "I'm really sorry I doubted you Stella, I was really concerned something more was going on". "That's okay Mac, I would have thought the same thing". Once they got the kids settled Mac carried Stella into their room and made love to her with passion, grace and tenderness through the night. At 5am the phone rang. "Hello", said Stella. "Listen you have to bring Marisol right now, to the address I gave you the other day", and hurry".
"What? now"?, "You have got to be kidding, I just got Mac all settled and you want me to bring Marisol now"? "Do it Stella, we only need her for one hour and then you can bring her back before anyone gets up". "I don't think I can do this now", "what if it hurts her"? "It's safe Stella, it's been tested already", we don't want to hurt her, we just need her help". "Fine", I'll be there in 30 minutes". Stella got out of bed and dressed as she headed into Marisol's room. What she didn't notice is that Mac was awake and heard everything. "God Stella, what the hell kind of mess are you in now". Mac got up and changed then he waited till Stella had left with Marisol to call Flack.
"FOLLOW THEM", was all he said.
:eek:Intense isn't it?

Flack was hot on Stella's tail as she turned down an old road and up to an abandoned house. Flack knew he was going to need back-up. So he called Mac and informed him where Stella had taken Marisol. "I'll be right there Flack, "don't leave". Flack got out of the car and quietly walked over to the house, as he peeked in the window he seen Stella hand Marisol over to some guy. Looking closer into the window Flack felt a blow to the back of his head and passed out. They dragged Flack into the house and tossed him in the corner. Stella stood in shock, "this isn't what we agreed to, you were just supposed to have Marisol find the girl, you have no right to hurt one of our Detectives". "You were obviously followed Det. Taylor, that was something we didn't agree on". "I don't know why I bothered to try and help you, I should have known better". "You bothered because we threatened to hurt your family, I think it was a good trade. "You get your family and we get to borrow Marisol". "We are not out to hurt her". "Horatio will kill you when he finds out". "You may be right Stella, but he'll hate you". "How are you going to feel when he looks at you in shame for how you allowed someone to use his daughters ability without his permission". Stella knew he was right, Horatio would never forgive her. The only thing Stella could hope was that Flack had called for back-up, because she would rather feel her husbands wrath then Horatio's.

Mac arrived and seen Flacks car in the field but when he checked inside It was empty. Mac thought to himself, "Why don't they ever listen", "did I not tell him to wait". Mac very quietly walked around to the back door, he could here talking coming from inside. "No, I don't want to do this, help me Auntie Stella, don't let them hurt me". Mac could hear Marisol screaming. "I'm sorry Marisol, just help them find the girl and then I can take you home". "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDY! help me daddy", mooooooooommmmmmmmy, help me". Calleigh felt a pain through her chest, the type of pain you feel when something is wrong with a loved one. Then she heard it again, Moooooooooooommy!, "Marisol"? "Where are you love"? "scared mommy", "I'm scared". Stella knew she was tapping into her mothers mind and she also knew that if these men found out they'd kill them all. Mac knew if he didn't do something right now that he would lose his wife and his best friends child. "Who the hell is she talking to"? Stella knew he was starting to panic, she had no choice but to shake Marisol out of it. "Marisol, yelled Stella, you stop that right now"? "Now Marisol". Calleigh could no longer feel her daughters presence, picking up the phone she called Horatio. Horatio was working on a case when the phone rang. "Caine". "Horatio", I need you, help me"? "Calleigh"? "What's wrong love"? "I don't know, Marisol is in danger", "I felt her Handsome, she screamed for me to help her". "Did you call Mac and Stella"? "The nanny said Mac took off this morning as soon as she walked in the door". "I'm scared Handsome", "please come back"? "I'm on my way love, I'm on my way". Horatio gathered up Eric to go with him, he told Ryan to stay by the phone incase he needed to call him. Once they got to the Airport Horatio filled Eric in on what was happening.

Stella had gotten Marisol out of her trance and calmed down. "Well at least we know her ability is working beautifully". "Marisol you can call me Micheal". "I don't want to hurt you, I need your help to find a little girl who has important information on her". "I'm going to show you her picture and then I want you to try and find her for me", "understand"? Marisol shook her head, and looked at the picture, but as hard as she tried she couldn't get anything. "I can't see anything", "I'm sorry, please don't be mad". "I'm not Marisol, you keep holding it and maybe it will come to you, okay"?
"Now what Micheal"? "If we don't find this girl we're finished, he'll kill us". "Shut up, you think I don't know that". "That information will hang every Bookie in New York City". "We have to make that girl work faster". "Look, if they hadn't killed her father in the first place we wouldn't be in this mess right now". "How far can a 13 year old girl get without needed help"? "I don't know, her father must have told her where to go if anything happened to him". Mac waited by the door hoping one of them would leave. After two hours of drilling Marisol the one named Micheal left to get some food. Mac knew it was now or never to make his move, opening the back door slowly he quietly walked inside. He could see Marisol sitting in the corner looking tramatized, Mac felt so sad because he knew she didn't understand her gift yet and it scared her. Flack was begining to stir, Mac needed to get him to keep quiet, he took his foot and kicked Flack's shoe to get his attention. "Shhh! said Mac. Flack shook his head and pretended he was still passed out. When the guy walked over to check on him Flack kicked his knee cap out from under him (crunch) you could hear the break as the guy screamed in pain. Mac ran over to Marisol and grabbed her in his arms. "Marisol, "Marisol, snap out of it", "Marisol"? "Uncle Mac"? "Yeah sweetheart, it's Uncle Mac", "Shhhh!, it's okay now love, I got you", you're safe". "Mac", said Stella, I'm so sorry, I never meant for this to happen". "I know Stella, you are going to tell me everything from the begining, as soon as we get home". "What about Micheal"? "I've called for back-up, they will wait with Flack until he comes back". "You need to be more concerned about you Stella, because I have a feeling Horatio is on his way here". "How do you know"? "Marisol tapped in to her mother's Psych, do you think Calleigh wouldn't call Horatio"? "I know she would" said Stella. "Well then Stella let's get you home and get this figured out before they arrive".
Almost there :lol:

After they arrived home Marisol asked Uncle Mac if she could have something to eat. Mac gave her her favortie PB&J with a glass of milk. "From the begining Stella". "Last week when I told you I was working for the D.A. on your surprise, these two guys grabbed me while I was hailing my taxi to get home". "The one guy named Michael knew about us, where we lived, how many kids we had, where they went to school, he also knew about Marisol's gift" . "Infact that was all he talked about" . "He then threatened that if I didn't bring Marisol he would kill all the kids one by one until I did". "Then Calleigh got really sick and was rushed to hospital, so we had to put it off again". "Then the night of the fire, I started it", He wanted me to check Marisol's ability to communicate" and it worked". "You could have killed all of you Stella, is Messer involved in this mess? "No Mac, just myself". "I'm not understanding Stella, you had tons of opportunity to come too me without them knowing". "I wasn't willing to take that chance Mac". "Think about if I had told you you would have arrested them, but not before they put the hit out on our kids, we're talking about Bookies Mac, a group of High rolling Bookies who are looking for a 13 year old girl with information that could destroy them all". "If anything, we should be more concerned with finding this girl". "We will Stella, but you put Marisol in danger, not to mention our unborn child, what am I going to do with you Stella, this last week I've lost some of faith in you". "I know Mac, and I'm really sorry, please don't be angry". "God Stella I'm not angry, I'm upset and I'm hurt that you didn't think I could protect this family". Stella knew Mac was right in every aspect of this situation she had screwed up big time. Getting up from the table she tried to leave before Mac could see her tears, but she didn't get two steps before Mac had her in his embrace squeezing the life out of her. "Never again Stella", "never again will you lie to me". "I promise Mac", "I'm so sorry". Shh! it's okay love, don't cry, we'll find the girl". Marisol looked up at Uncle Mac and said "She's dying Uncle Mac, they hurt her bad".

Mac ran over to Marisol, "What do you see sweetheart"? "I see her Uncle Mac she is laying on her tummy with her face all covered in yucky mud, she's got blood all over hair and she keeps calling help,help me, really low". "Can you see where she is Marisol"? "It's wet, lots of water and yucky mud". "Mac said Stella, where do you think she is"? "I'm not sure love", "Yeah Flack it's Mac, I need you to have the units check all the ravine's and water areas, I'm sending a picture of the girl through now, make sure each officer gets one, we need to find her quickly, so this is priority one, she's seriously injured". "You got it Mac", I'll let you know if we find anything". At that moment Horatio and Eric came through the door. "Daddy", yelled Marisol. Marisol got up and ran into her daddies arms, "kisses daddy, lots of kisses". Horatio planted kisses all over Marisol and then passed her to Uncle Eric. "What the hell is going on Mac? Calleigh calls me that Marisol is in danger, what am I missing she looks fine too me". Mac spent the two hours explaining to Horatio what went down. When Mac was finished Horatio looked over at Stella who was softly crying in her hands. "Stella, said Horatio, look at me please". Still Stella would not look up ,she felt such shame in not trusting Mac to be able to handle it, but she felt even more shame with what she had done to Marisol. Horatio got up and walked over to Stella, he removed her hands from her face and took his fingers to raise her face to his and looking into her eyes he said "Stella, I understand". Then he pulled her up into his arms and held her while she cried.
Now you know that would never happen :lol:

Shortly after Flack called with information on the girl. "Mac we found her they are rushing her to New York General now, she has a concussion with severe head wound, prognosis is critical" "Thanks Flack we'll be right there". Mac told Horatio and Eric that they had found the girl and she was being transported to NY General. "Stella, you stay with the kids, I'm going to post officers and units around the house, you'll be safe". "I love you Mac". "I love you to sweetheart". After Mac left Stella turned on the house alarm and went to keep all the kids together in the den. Once Mac and Horatio got to the Hospital Horatio told Mac he'd catch up. As he walked down the hall he seen Calleigh coming out of the Neo-ward. "Sweetheart, hi love". "Horatio, did they find Marisol"? "Yes love she's fine". "We need to talk love, let's go back to your room". Once they got back to Calleigh's room Horatio told her everything that went down up to what was happening now. Calleigh began to panic. "Oh Horatio, maybe we should go home", "all of us leave and go back to Miami".
Stella and the kids would be safe with us in Miami". "Calleigh do you remember what happened when I had you and the kids sent here after Stewart Otis escaped"? "Yes, he followed us". "That's right love we can't allow that to happen again, we are better off staying here, that way we keep these Bookies in one place". Calleigh started to cry all she wanted to do was go home to Miami. Horatio laid down beside his wife and comforted her until she feel asleep. Once he left her room he went down to see his son Cody. "Hello my little man, how's daddies big boy". Would you like to hold him"? said the nurse. We can hold him now"? "of course, your wife comes down here 8-10 times a day and sits with him in her arms". The nurse handed Cody to Horatio, never in hs life did he ever feel anything so small, so helpless and innocent. He kissed his son and told him the story of Horatio's Bride. Of course it was all made up about Calleigh and Horatio moments, but the baby seemed to like it as he curled his little fists around his daddies heart while he rocked him in a chair.

Mac was speaking with the doctor when Horatio came back from visiting Calleigh. "Thank-you doctor", said Mac. "How's Calleigh"? asked Mac. "Very upset she wants me to send her, Stella and the kids home to Miami". "I don't think that would be a good idea". "I know that's what I told her", she seemed to calm down a little when I told her the kids had uniformed Officers around the house". "How's the girl"? asked "H". "The doctor says she critical, he doesn't think she'll pull through". "Did you find any papers on her"? "No, that's the funniest thing about this, the doctor said she fell off the embankment and hit her head against the rocks". "Well then Mac, we need to go back too were she fell". Mac, Horatio and Eric left the hospital to go explore the area and hopefully find those missing papers. As they arrived at the area where she fell Horatio noticed two different sets of prints. Mac look at this". "Two sets of prints"? "Didn't you say the girl was found up away from the water"? "Yes just up over here where those bushes are". "Then who's footprints are these"? said Eric. "Eric, go back to the car and get out my kit", said Mac. I have a special molding kit in there. We will take the prints and go back to the lab". While Eric and Mac were working on the prints horatio walked further down the area and found a backpack. Grabbing a stick he picked it up and carried it to Mac and Eric. "Eric pass me some gloves please", said Horatio. "Sure "H". After putting on the gloves Horatio opened the pack to see what was inside. He found a notebook but when he looked inside it was blank. As he dug deeper in the bag he found a picture of the girl with her father, on the back it read, "I love you baby girl, daddy". Horatio then knew that this was the girls pack. Anything "H"? asked Eric. "No, just a blank notebook and a picture". "Eric looked at the notebook, "H", hey "H" "look at this inside the book, you can see writting in it, looks like names or something". "You could be right Eric", let's get all this stuff back to the Lab".
Morning Mel :D

(The Taylor House)

Stella was becoming concerned that she hadn't heard from Mac yet. She knew she was past the kids bedtime but she just didn't feel safe about putting them upstairs. Walking to the hall closet she got down sleeping bags, comforters and laid them on the floor. "Aunt Stella are we having a Slumber Party asked "HJr". "You can call it that, so let's go guys hop on a bag and have a sleep".
The kids thought that was the coolest thing to have a sleepover on a school night. "Aunt Stella can we have popcorn". "Oh Marisol it's really late love, you need to sleep, you have your appointment in the morning to have your cast off". "Okay, I love you Aunt Stella". "I love you too". As the kids slept Stella could have sworn she heard noises coming from the kitchen, quietly she stood up and grabbed the gun from the locked drawer, walking out into the hall she could hear nothing but silence. Talking to herself she said "Good one Stella, freak yourself out". She turned around to walk back into the Den when someone grabbed her from behind. Stella screamed, waking up "HJr". "HJr" got up and wandered out into the hall where he seen Aunt Stella struggling with a man. "HJr" stood there for the briefest moment in shock, then he seen a gun slide across the floor towards him, in that second he knew he had no choice. He picked up the gun like he had seen his mother do all the time, he cocked it back took aim and shot the guy in the back, down he went in a pool of blood. Stella turned around to see who fired at the guy and she was shocked to see HJr" standing there legs braced apart looking just like his mother. Outside just getting out of the car the guys heard the shot, running in they all stopped cold in their tracks as they seen "HJr" with the gun in his hand. "My God, said Eric, "he looks like Calleigh". "HJr" son, give daddy the gun". "Bring it to me HJr". HJr" walked over to his dad and handed him the gun. Looking into his dad's eyes Horatio swore he was looking at Calleigh as his son said "I had to daddy, he was going to hurt Aunt Stella". "I know son, I know". Horatio enbraced his son in his arms while Mac checked on Stella and Eric checked on the DB. Later that night after they got all the kids settled upstairs Mac, Eric, Horatio and Stella went into the kitchen to discuss what had happened. "Okay love, from the beginging" said Mac. "Well I pulled out sleeping bags and comforters for the kids to sleep on because I didn't want them upstairs without anyone else here". "Once I got them settled, I heard noises coming from the hall, but I couldn't see anything", "I turned around to walk back into the Den and someone grabbed me from behind". I screamed and I guess HJr" must have heard it. The gun slipped out of my hand and slid across the floor, the next thing I remember after that was the sound of the gun and HJr. looking every bit like Calleigh with legs braced apart, and then you walked in. Horatio was having trouble taking it all in, he was proud of his son for saving Aunt Stella, but he was also angry that HJr had even held a gun. He knew he was capable because he loved going to the range with his mother every saturday to watch her practice. "H", you okay asked Eric. "Yeah", just a little shocked I guess, It's not everyday a seven and half year old boy fires a perfect shot into a suspect". "I guess you can thank Calleigh for that", if she wasn't taking him to the range on saturdays who knows what could have happened they all could have been killed". Deep down Horatio knew Eric was right, they all could have been killed if it wasn't for HJr's quick thinking and knowledge. "How you going to tell Calleigh"? asked Mac. I'm not sure said Horatio, very carefully I guess". "He was great though", said Eric, he's a natural just like his mom". Horatio looked at Eric with a grin on his face and said, "He was wasn't he". "that's my boy".
Once all the kids were off to school and Daycare Horatio got Marisol ready for her appointment with the specialist. "Daddy can we go see mommy and Cody when I'm done"? "Of course love, I think mommy would like that". "can we have ice cream to daddy"? "we'll see love, okay"? "Okay daddy". Stella came walking down the stairs, "Are you ready for today Marisol"? "Yes Auntie and then I get to go see Cody and mommy". "Well aren't you a lucky girl"? "yes I am, I love you Auntie". "I love you to". "Marisol run and get your coat". "K" daddy". "How's HJr. this morning"?
"Fine I guess he hasn't said much". "Do you think it's sinking in"? I'm not sure I'll have to talk to Calleigh, she'll know how to handle it". "Are you going to be okay by yourself today"? "I'll be fine "H", don't worry. "Mac said he was coming back as soon as he checked the book you guys found yesterday". "Okay, then I'll see you tonight", Horatio leaned over and gave stella a kiss. "I'll see you later love". Once Marisol and "H" were on there way Horatio started to think of a way to Calleigh that "HJr" had become her. Parking the car Marisol said "C'mon daddy let's go, I want to see Cody". "Hold on love, let's get you fixed up first". As they entered the Hospital Horario checked Marisol in at the Fracture clinic and they sat down to wait. "Marisol Caine", the doctor will see you now". "Marisol grabbed her daddy's hand as she walked in. Once they had finished the X-ray's Marisol asked daddy again when they could see mommy. "Soon love, here comes the doctor". "Lt.caine, Good news, your daughter's bones have completely healed", "but for a couple weeks she will need to wear a Air brace". "What;s that daddy"? "It's a special inflated brace that will protect your bones when you play activities or games". "OhH! can we go see mommy and Cody now"? "Sorry she's impatient to see her new brother". "Well then Marisol lets get you all wrapped up so you can go". Once they were done Horatio walked Marisol down to Calleigh's room. "MOMMY", yelled Marisol, "I miss you mommy". "Hi sweetheart, look at you, your cast is all gone". "I know mommy", "can I see Cody now"? "Sure if you can wait till Uncle Eric comes back I'll have him take you down". "Hi handsome, how are you"? "Good love, but we need to talk". "I don't like the sound of that". Just then Eric walked back in, "Hey "H", look at you Marisol, all better and no more cast". "Uncle Eric I want to see Cody". "Okay, c'mon I'll take you down". Once they left Horatio informed Calleigh on what went down las night. "Can you tell me that one again", "I don't think I heard you the first time". "Last night "HJr" shot a suspect that broke into Mac's home". Calleigh couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Listen Calleigh, Stella struggled with the guy, the gun slid across the floor, your son picked it up, to save his Aunt he had to fire the gun and kill the guy". "I can't believe this Horatio, Our 7 and a half year old saved his Aunt's life" and you don't think it affected him", I guarantee you he is very frightened inside". "I want to see him tonight, you bring him to me and then I want you to book our flight home". "No excuses, We leave tonight". "Calleigh, we can't leave". "Listen "H", either you book it or I book it, one way or another my kids and I are going home".
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